钩花的精美图案:双语: 英科学家揭谜底:先有鸡后有蛋

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:08:32


http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月15日 15:47   中国日报网-英语点津英科学家揭谜底:先有鸡后有蛋

  What came first, the chicken or the egg? Scientists in Britainthink it was probably the chicken, after using new computer technologyto try and crack the age-old riddle。

  Researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick, innorthern and central England, say the secret lies in the eggshell --specifically the vital role played by a chicken protein in forming it。

  Scientists already knew that the protein, ovocledidin-17 (OC-17),plays a part in eggshell formation, but the new technology allowed theteam to demonstrate exactly how the protein makes it happen。

  In a computer simulation, the OC-17 protein acted as a catalyst tokickstart the formation of crystals that make up an eggshell by clampingitself on to calcium carbonate particles。

  The OC-17 protein then dropped off when the crystal nucleus waslarge enough to grow on its own, freeing up the protein to start theprocess again。

  Eggshells are created when this happens many times over within a short period of time。

  "Understanding how chickens make eggshells is fascinating in itselfbut can also give clues towards designing new materials and processes,"said Professor John Harding from Sheffield University, one of theauthors of the research。

  "Nature has found innovative solutions that work for all kinds ofproblems in materials science and technology -- we can learn a lot fromthem," he added。







