铁路电气化工程:双语:萨科奇夫妇为保爱情急求子 情愿收养

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 09:35:26

萨科奇夫妇为保爱情急求子 情愿收养

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月04日 09:53   国际在线

  French First Lady Carla Bruni is reportedly desperate to become amother again at age of 43. The former supermodel and her husband,President Nicolas Sarkozy, 55, hope to have a child in 2012, just aheadof the next French presidential election, it was claimed. And if MissBruni is unable to conceive naturally, they would consider adopting ababy boy, glossy French weekly magazine Gala said. The speculation comesjust a month after Miss Bruni told a religious cleric during a statevisit to India that she was 'praying for a son'。


  And she told Vanity Fair magazine in 2008: ‘I would love to havechildren with Nicolas. I hope to, if I am young enough. It would be adream.’ Miss Bruni already has a nine-year-old son Aurelian from aprevious relationship while Sarkozy has three children from two previousmarriages, and is also a grandfather. Now Gala magazine has revealed:‘Carla wants to offer Nicolas a male child in 2012, but if she is tooold to conceive, she would adopt。


  ‘The child would also be a way of silencing everything that hasbeen said and written about their relationship in the French media.’ Themedia mockery of the First Lady also comes in the week she was votedFrance's most irritating celebrity in a nationwide poll of 2010's mostannoying people. Her husband was fourth in the same survey of France'smost irritating politicians。
