
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 10:00:39


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月05日 14:40   国际在线


  Owners of Apple's iPhone were given an extra hour in bed thismorning after a glitch in the gadget failed to set the alarm clock offon time. Apple suffered the latest in a series of problems with itsiPhone after the alarm failed to readjust to allow for the clocks goingback over the weekend。


  Twitter was quickly inundated with thousands of messages frompeople complaining about the gaffe. The glitch is just the latestproblem to hit Apple after the company came under fire over receptionproblems with the release of the iPhone 4 in the summer 。

  人们将对苹果公司iphone的这个“闹铃漏洞”各种抱怨写在微薄上“解恨”,据悉, 这是iPhone 4在这个夏天问世遭遇“电波接收故障”后产生的新问题。

  Users of Twitter were also quick to make jokes at Apple's expensetoday. And Jamiei said: 'A whole hour of peace and quiet in the officethis morning without any iPhone users courtesy of Apple.'


  Technology expert for gadget website CNET Rich Trenholm said:'Apple has been having a lot of problems recently and this is just thelatest in a line of gaffes.'Mobile phones have had alarm clocks foryears so when a smart phone can't even handle that it is a majorembarrassment。

  技术专家Rich Trenholm 说:“苹果公司确实最近遇到了太多故障,只是普通手机都可以做到的‘闹铃功能’,但智能手机却不能做到,是有一点滑稽。”

  'Particularly as Apple markets its products as a premium brand,they certainly have egg on their faces.'Making sure you wake up at theright time is very important to people and a quick search online showshow angry they are. 'The issue was first reported in Australia a coupleof weeks back when their clocks changed but Apple have failed to doanything about it since。

  技术专家Rich Trenholm还说到:“苹果公司在想要用该产品创主打品牌时,出这样的纰漏,实在挂不住脸。”也许,这回苹果的客户是真怒了,然而这种怒气还是可以理解,因为“按时起床”对哪一个不重要呢?也难怪网上铺天盖地都是对该产品漏洞的抱怨声了。据悉,闹铃漏洞最开始被澳大利亚的用户发现。