银川九中2016高考:双语:鲸鱼是自然界“歌王” 能连续唱一天(图)

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鲸鱼是自然界“歌王” 能连续唱一天(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年04月19日 11:54   国际在线


  When Lady Gaga releases a catchy new single, it quickly goes aroundthe world. Now scientists have discovered the same thing happens withthe songs of another exotic creature – the humpback whale. The mammalsbecome fixated on new tunes just like people do, and the most popularoriginal whale songs spread globally like hit singles. Number oneartist? Humpback whales become fixated on new tunes. The most popularoriginal whale songs spread around the world like hit singles


  The discovery has stunned marine experts who say it is the firsttime such a large, ‘population wide cultural exchange’ has been seen inthe animal kingdom. Male humpback whales are famed for the loud, longand complex songs they make during the mating season. Scientists areunsure why the males sing. Some believe it is a way of advertisingthemselves to females, others that it allows migrating whales to stay incontact。


  Each song lasts for ten to 20 minutes and the males can singcontinuously for 24 hours. At any one time, all the males in apopulation sing the same song. But a study, published in the journalCurrent Biology, shows that this song changes over time and spreadsaround the oceans. Dr Ellen Garland, of Queensland University, said:‘Our findings reveal cultural change on a vast scale. Songs move likecultural ripples from one population to another, causing all males tochange their song to a new version.’

  据悉,鲸鱼们唱歌课不轻松,一首曲子至少能维持20分钟,而且雄性座头鲸常常能唱歌长达24小时。科学家发现,在任何时间,雄性座头鲸都会“演唱”同一首曲子。在一本期刊《当代生物学》发表的研究上指出,这首座头鲸唱的曲子在全世界通用,在任何海域都能听得到。可谓在鲸鱼界“不分地域”“享誉全球”的曲子。有专家Dr Ellen 说:“我们的研究目的是表明一个道理,那就是文化交流是在任何一个物种之间都存在的。”