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英文电影台词㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》

    1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.

  2.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》
 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


  3.Miracles happen every day.


  9. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.


  11. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.

㈢《The Lion King狮子王》
1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.


  4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


  5. It's like you are back from the dead.


  7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。

  8. This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?


  9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.

㈣《Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人》
1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.

  土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。

  3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.


  7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.


  8.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman.


  10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.


  12.Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.


  8.I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。

  9.To make each day count.


  13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.

㈥《Sleepless in Seattle西雅图不眠夜》 

  2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.


  3.Destiny takes a hand.命中注定.

  4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.


  5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.


  9.When you're attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they're a perfect match.

本文来自派派小说论坛 :http://www.paipaitxt.com/r5626360_u6619651/