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美国的农村生活1852078 次点击6557 个回复0 次转到微评 金不日 于 2009/4/5 0:22:21 发布在 凯迪社区 > 猫眼看人俺从05年来到美国德州的一农村,在此生活居住已经四年了,不长不短,也勉强有资格谈谈典型的美国农村的生活。总体来说,感觉和城市里没什么实质的区别,如果有,我只能说,一般农户有更大的土地,上百亩上千亩随处可见,而在城市里只能住在相对小得多的如中国别墅一般大小的房里,(太小了,我反正已不习惯了,虽然曾经在中国也是住在一大城市里,而且是住的公寓!)




最有特点的是septic tank system,或许汉语可叫粪池处理系统,一般人看起来和城市里的厕所一样,上完厕所后用水一冲粪便就没了,也没有中国农村那种粪坑。这是因为在tank里养了一种特殊的细菌,消化吸收粪便。每年有人来检查细菌是否合格,是否需要更新。当然这里的卫生纸也是和中国不同的,要能使细菌可以消化。




[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-24 12:32:29编辑过]

送分 分享到:      | 转发到微评 | 回复 | 引用 回帖人:德伯家的苔丝    影响力指数:3 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:32:57    沙发 凯迪深圳城市子版开通 幸福啊 回复 | 引用 回帖人:德伯家的苔丝    影响力指数:3 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:34:13    第 3 楼 最有特点的是septic tank system,或许汉语可叫粪池处理系统,一般人看起来和城市里的厕所一样,上完厕所后用水一冲粪便就没了,也没有中国农村那种粪坑。这是因为在tank 里养了一种特殊的细菌,消化吸收粪便。每年有人来检查细菌是否合格,是否需要更新。当然这里的卫生纸也是和中国不同的,要能使细菌可以消化。


乡下和小县城F都乱排 回复 | 引用 回帖人:民主顶个球    影响力指数:7 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:37:09    第 4 楼 美国的农民是怎么种地的,苦吗?
或者相对于上班族,他们羡慕吗? 回复 | 引用 回帖人:aberration    影响力指数:0 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:37:27    第 5 楼 人间天堂美利坚合众国 回复 | 引用 回帖人:金不日    影响力指数:22 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:38:06    第 6 楼 文章提交者:德伯家的苔丝 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net

最有特点的是septic tank system,或许汉语可叫粪池处理系统,一般人看起来和城市里的厕所一样,上完厕所后用水一冲粪便就没了,也没有中国农村那种粪坑。这是因为在tank 里养了一种特殊的细菌,消化吸收粪便。每年有人来检查细菌是否合格,是否需要更新。当然这里的卫生纸也是和中国不同的,要能使细菌可以消化。


这也是我想问的,这个东西本身很简单的。投入不多,又环保。 回复 | 引用 回帖人:金不日    影响力指数:22 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:40:52    第 7 楼 儿子放学回家

回复 | 引用 回帖人:德伯家的苔丝    影响力指数:3 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:40:55    第 8 楼 地是租的还是买的.自己种养些来玩,要交税不?还是也能领到补助? 回复 | 引用 回帖人:parkside    影响力指数:1 | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 不看此人 | 2009/4/5 0:42:59    第 9 楼 我也感觉到septic tank是最值得在中国推广的东西,可以使生活质量有质的上升,价钱到了中国一定不会太贵。每次回中国就感觉到中国是太脏了,很多事情并不是因为缺钱(时髦话是‘差钱’),是根本理念不一样。


介绍一下septic system,没有公共下水系统的偏远独居户房屋的化粪池装置系统:


This is a standard gravity-fed Septic System.  

The treatment process starts in the Septic Tank where the “solids” (particles, fibers, etc.) start decomposing and are given an opportunity to “settle out” if the water is flowing through the Septic Tank at the Septic System Design water flow rate.  Laundry lint fibers are non-biodegradable and need to be captured before they get to your Septic System, see "FAQs" (click here).

The water treatment is completed in and around the Septic System Drainfield.  Studies have shown that with a properly designed and functioning Septic System, the water will have been “treated” to an acceptable level by the time the water has traveled a few feet through the soils.  Water that has been treated by the Septic System Drainfield moves in 3 directions:  Some of it is absorbed by the soils beneath the Drainfield, some is utilized by the vegetation covering the Drainfield, and a large portion is returned to the atmosphere though evaporation.

The Septic System Design described above is for the ideal system location: well draining soils, no high water tables or nearby bodies of water.  Other Septic System Designs are variations or improvements to this concept.  The modifications that are incorporated into these alternative designs are intended to work with the “less than ideal” location of the System.  As a practical matter, there are very few “ideal” Septic System Locations as described above.

Tips for Effective Septic System Care & Maintenance…..

- Home Septic Systems are SEALED UP and DESTROYED by Laundry Lint.   Use a Septic Protector Filtrol 160™ Laundry Lint Filter to catch the clothes lint fibers in your Laundry Water.  Most of these fibers are non-biodegradable or degrade very slowly.  Over time they will SEAL UP the Septic System Drainfield, leading to premature Septic System Failure.  For more information, see "Septic Protector" (click here)
- Manage (control) the water flow into your Septic System where possible.  For example, wash one load of clothes in the morning & one in the evening instead of all of the clothes for the week on one day.

- Pump & Inspect the Septic Tank every 1 to 3 years.  Your Septic Tank Pumping Service can give you a recommendation on the frequency of pumping for your household, the issue is managing the amount of solids that build up in your Septic Tank.

- Install a “Riser” on the Septic Tank (under the access cover).  This brings the cover closer to the surface so it can be easily accessed for periodic pumping.

- Reduce Septic System Problems by flushing only easily biodegradable materials into the Septic System:

No diapers, feminine hygiene products, condoms, etc.
Limit use of a Kitchen Garbage Disposal, restrict use to easily biodegradable materials,
Avoid pouring Kitchen grease, oil, lard, etc. down the drain, these materials are very hard for the Septic System to process.
- Avoid driving over your Septic System with anything heavier than a Lawn Mower (not even a 4-wheeler).  Compaction interferes with water evaporation from the Septic System Drainfield.

- Avoid planting trees, bushes, or flowers near or over the System.  Roots can cause problems, lawn grasses (mowed) are the best type of vegetative cover.

- Restrict the use of harsh cleaning chemicals, they could inhibit bacterial action in the Septic System.

- Avoid the use of Septic System “helper” products, most of them do more harm than good.  Check out the on-line published research for them.

- Browse the Internet to learn more about your Septic System.  There is a wealth of information published by Universities & Government Agencies.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-5 1:57:39编辑过]

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