
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 21:24:02


Name:__________                     Class:_____________

I. Words(    )& expression_r_rs(    )

i .Synonyms

1. picture ------- photo       2. shop ------- store

3. call ----- phone ------ telephone

4. dad ------ father            mom ------- mother     

 parents ----- father and mother        grandparents------- _______

grandfather ------grandpa         grandmother------ grandma

5. last name ------- family name      first name ------- given name

6. too ------ also         7. usually ----- often 

7.                 many

     a lot of     much                8. a lot ------ very much

9. when ----- what time        10. about ----- around

11. only -----just              12. interesting ------ fun 

13. hi ------- hello              14. meet ------ see

15. have ------ eat               16. have a look ----- look

                                 have a swim ----- _______

17. begin ---- start              18. draw ------- paint

19. need ------- want ------- would like

20. be in ------ be at home       21. thanks ------ thank you

22. That’s OK. ------- That’s all right. --------- You’re welcome.

23. half past six ------ six thirty       

a quarter to seven -------- six forty-five

24. What time is it? ------- What’s the time?


1.boy ------- girl      man ------- woman      father ----- mother

2. short------ long       3. first ------ last       4. white ------ black

5. little ------ much      6. big ------small       7. lost ------- found

8. interesting ------ boring                     9. sad ------- happy

10. come -------go       11. buy ------- sell      12. ask ------ answer

13. go to bed ------ get up                     14. here ------ there

15. this ------ that        these ------- _______   16. on -----under

17. yes ----- ________

iii. Phrases

Starters Units 1---3

1. in English               2. Thanks.

3. Good morning!           Good afternoon!     Good evening!

4. AD 公元          BC 公元前

5. BBC 英国广播公司       CBA 中国篮球协会

 NBA 美国篮球协会               MBA 工商管理硕士

  CCTV 中国中央电视台           FIFA 足球协会国际联合会

  CD __________      ID _________     OK______   TV______

UK 英国       PRC  中国      UN 联合国        USA______

VIP贵宾;重要人物         WC  公厕           SARS 非典 

  WHO世界卫生组织         UFO 空中不明飞行物

HB 硬黑        HK 香港       S / M / L 小号/中号/ 大号

etc. 等等          kg  公斤,千克

Unit I  My name’s Gina

1. first name                2. last name/ family name

3. phone number / telephone number

4. ID card

Unit 2             Is this your pencil?

5. pencil case                6. computer game

7. last and found             8. at school 

9. Excuse me.               10. a set of

Unit 3      This is my sister

11. pen friend                           12. two cousins  

13. a photo of my family   我家的一张全家照

14. these girls          those friends

15. his uncle           my friends          her daughter

16. family photo         family tree家谱

17. thanks for…. ……. 而感谢

Unit 4         Where’s my backback?

18.alarm clock           19. some CDs          20 . a math book

21. video tape           22. in the drawer         23. on the floor

24. under the bed                25. between my parents

26. I don’t know.                 27. take… to…

28. Here’s …..     这是…….

Unit 5        Do you have a soccer ball?

29. soccer ball                 ping-pong ball

30. tennis racket             ping-pong bat

31. play basketball                play sports         

play computer games

32. watch TV                       33. sounds good.

34. every day         every Saturday

35. Let’s do sth. 让我们做某事。     36. sports collection

Unit 6          Do you like bananas?

37. French fries            38. two runners         running star

39. ice cream                40. healthy food

41. many strawberries            42. lots of

43. have breakfast           eat lunch 

44. have salad for dinner

45. For lunch, I like carrots. 对午餐来说,我喜欢胡萝卜。

Unit 7        How much are these pants?

46. how much            47. ten dollars

48. on sale             49. sell sth.at/for $30 30元的价格卖某物

50. a pair of pants               two pairs of shorts

51. come to …..                 52. You’re welcome.

53. Here you are!               54. what color 

55. clothes store           56. at a very good price以一个非常好的价格

 57. look at               have a look

Unit 8         When is your birthday?

58. how old                             59. ….years old   

60. one’s birthday                             61. speech contest

62. Art Festival                           63. Chinese contest

64. volleyball game                 basketball game

 65. have a tennis game              have a party

66. birthday party              English party

67. Happy Birthday!          68. school day   

69. school trip                   70. music festival

Unit 9        Do you want to go to a movie?

71. action movie                 72. Beijing Opera

73. go to a movie                 74. my favorite actor

75. Chinese history                76. on weekends

77. see an action movie/thrillers/ documentaries

78. with her parents  和她父母在一起

Unit 10          Can you play the guitar?

79. play the guitar                   80. play sports

81. play basketball/soccer/chess

82.  play with sb.                      83. do Chinese kung fu

84. join the club               join us

85. help sb. with sth.      帮助某人做某事

86. speak English            87. learn about…. 学习……¨方面的知识                                 

88. call sb. at …     ……..(号码)拨打某人

89. rock band                      90. e-mail address

91.music club               swimming club

92. school show                      TV show

Unit 11      What time do you go to school?

93. go to school                   94. go to work

95. go to bed                     96. go home

97. get home到家                 98. get to

99. do homework                 100. watch TV

101. take a bus                   102. listen to

103. know about                  tell sb. about sth.

104. in the evening                105. at night          at noon

106. on Saturday morning                   on weekends

107. get up                      108. take a shower

109. eat breakfast/lunch/supper

110. at six thirty                at around eight o’clock

111. after class                  on February 14th

112. have art                   113. run around 到处跑

II. Grammar Focus & Key Patterns

1.     名词  不可数名词

        可数名词 salad  food  broccoli, 无复数,前面不可以直接跟数词和a/an

名词的复数   规则变化 tooth→teeth, Chinese→Chinese, man→men


名词所有格:“/’s”  如:Lucy’s , the teachers’

Jim and Tom’s father     Jim’s and Tom’s pants

2.  代词:指示代词人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、疑问代词、不定代词等。

指示代词: this------- that









































不定代词:some 用于肯定句和客气请求的疑问句

            any 用于否定句和疑问句

类似的有anybody, anything  等等。

3.     数词:基数词和序数词



第八省t,第九无e; ve 要用f替;逢十(-ty),y 要变ie;



1)        Monday is the _______ day of a week.(two)

2)         There are __________ months in a year.(twelfth)

3)         My birthday is on May the ________. (three)

4)         Jim is his _________ name. (one)

4.  动词

1) 动词的第三人称单数形式:规则变化:-s/.-es/ies

                         不规则变化: be-→is    have→has

2) 动词不定式:to+动词原形(常跟在want后面)

3)    情态动词:can后面接动词原形,无人称、数的变化。

5.  词类变化(由一词类变成另一词类,构词法知识)

1) China-→Chinese       Japan-→Japanese

2) good -→best       3) relax-→relaxing      interest→

4)tire-→tired            5)thank-→thanks  

6)birth-→birthday           7) music-→musician

8)teach-→teacher         run-→runner      run-→running

9) health-→healthy                      swim -→ swimming

Exx: a) ________ for your help. (thank)

      b) I think P.E. is ______________. (relax)

      c) I want to be a ______________. (music)

   d) Sandra is a ______________. (run)

Key Patterns:

1. ---What’s your name?   ---- My name’s Gina.

2. ---What’s this in English?  ---- It’s a pencil.

3. ----How do you spell it?   ---- P-E-N-C-I-L.

4. -----Where are my pants?  ---- They are on your bed.

------ Where’s Lucy?      ---- She’s at home.

5. ----Do you have a soccer ball?   ---- Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

6. ----- Does he like apples?      ----- Yes, he does. (No, he______.)

7. -----How much is your sweater?  ----- It’s $30.

8. ----- What color is his t-shirt?    ------ It’s red.

 ----- What color do you want?    ------ Yellow.

9. ----Do you want to go to a movie?   ---- ____________.

10. ----- What kind of movies do you like?   ---- Action movies.

11. ----- When is your birthday?     ---- My birthday is June 23rd.

12. ---- How old are you?          ----- I’m thirteen (years old).

13.---- Can you dance?           ----- Yes, I can. (No, I _____.)

14.------ What club do you want to join?

  ------- I want to join the swimming club.

15. ----- What can you do?       ------ I can play the guitar.

16. -----What time do you usually go to school?

  ------ I get up at six o’clock.

17. ------What time is it?            ------- It’s a quarter to six.

18. ------What’s your favorite subject?

   ------- My favorite subject is science.

19. ------ Why do you like P.E?     ----- Because it’s fun.

20. ----- Who is your math teacher?   ------ Mrs Black. 




  Tom likes fish very much.汤姆非常喜欢鱼。

  Mr Wang is a good teacher.We all like him. 王老师是个好老师,我们都喜欢他。

 2.like to do sth. 意为"(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事"。例如:

  I like to swim with you today.今天我喜欢和你一起去游泳。

  3.like doing sth. 意为"(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事"。例如:

  He likes singing.他喜欢唱歌。

  4.like sb. to do sth.意为"喜欢某人做某事"。例如:

  She likes them to ask questions like this. 她喜欢他们像这样问问题。

  5.would like to do sth. (=want to do sth.)意为" 想要做某事"。例如:

  I'd like to go shopping with you.我想要和你一起去买东西。


用所给词的适当形式填空并作答。(can 、like)

1.      Do you like______(play) basketball? Yes,I do.

2.      Can you _____(sing)the song”we can sing and dance”?

3.      Can they_____(make) a model plane? No, they_____.

4.      Can he ______(put) the apple under in the basket?

5.      Do you like_____ (swim)? No, I ______.

6.      Do you like_____ (rabbit)? Yes, I ______.

7.      What do you like? I like_____(panda).

8.      Liu Ming and Wang Bing can_______(play) the guitar.

9.      I like_______(listen) to music,but my parents_______.(not)

10.  My father likes______(read) books every morning.

11.  David likes_____(tiger) and______(lion).

12.  She can’t _______(play) computer games.



1、 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.   He________ TV every evening. (watch)

2.   We always ________ to school on foot. (go)

3.   Tom, with his classmates, often ______ football after school. (play)

4.   Your shoes _______ under the bed. (be)

5.   ______ here and ______ by me. (come, stand)

6.   His uncle usually _________ to work by bus. (go)

7.   I always ______ up at six in the morning.(get)

8.   John ________ like his father. (look)

9.   She ______(do) homework by herself.

10.  Jack ______(go) home by bike.

11.  Her mum ______(run) to the goose.

12. He______(do not)like apple.

13. Sam______(put) it under his arm.

14. Kitty______(watch)TV everyday.

15. When ______(do)he get up?

16. Grandma Wang___(live) in Pudong.

17. The girls___(give) the key to Grandpa.

18. She ______(say) “I like these puppets”.

19.He doesn’t______(know)her name.

20. John can’t_______(find) his watch.



want sb to do sth


want to do sth


want to be ...


want sth..


1、I want to buy some books?

2、He wants to go to a movie.

3、I want some water

4、I want to join the art club.
时间表达法: (两种)
         1:00  one o’clock                           1:05  one - o - five / five past one 
         1:15  one fifteen / a quarter past one                 1:30  one thirty / half past one
         1:40  one forty/  twenty to two                 1:45  one forty-five/  a quarter to two