阴茎硬化淋巴管炎治疗:China’s aircraft carrier sets sail for sea tr...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:39:53

China’s aircraft carrier sets sail for sea trial

By Wen Sheng (People's Daily Online)

08:13, August 10, 2011

Beijing (People's Daily Online)--China's first aircraft carrier, rebuilt from the imported steel platform "Varyag" from Ukraine, is scheduled to make its maiden voyage for a series of sea trial today.

The official Xinhua news agency sent a flash early today that the huge carrier sets sail for a testing voyage on Wednesday. 

Recent pictures on a few Chinese websites show the Varyag, which has been refitted at a shipyard in northeastern China's Dalian port, has removed scaffolding used for construction. 

Late last month, a spokesperson from China’s defense ministry said that the aircraft carrier would be used for "scientific research and training". The brief information tells the huge vessel is on its way to the blue sea. 

Earlier this month, more than 200 naval soldiers were seen forming ranks on the warship. 

The Chinese Navy Command has appointed 50-year-old Li Xiaoyan, a senior colonel in the Chinese Navy, to command the ship, according to Chinese press reports. Three Navy officials were appointed deputy captains.

Li, from northeast China's Jilin Province, was a member of the country's first warship academy class in 1987 mainly for aircraft carrier commanders and among the country's first group of commanders who could both pilot aircraft and sail warships.

Cao Weidong, a researcher with the PLA Navy's Academic Research Institute, said the Varyag was a conventionally powered medium-sized carrier that would be equipped with Chinese engines, aircraft, radar and other hardware.


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