阿桑歌曲打包下载:肖申克的救赎 (中英文)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 03:36:52


  1 INT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) 内景--小屋--夜晚

  A dark, empty room. 一所黑黑的、空洞的房子

  The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together.


  He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. He's got more urgent things to do, like getting her blouse open and his hands on her breasts. She arches, moaning, fumbling with his fly. He slams her against the wall, ripping her skirt. We hear fabric tear.


  He enters her right then and there, roughly, up against the wall. She cries out, hitting her head against the wall but not caring, grinding against him, clawing his back, shivering with the sensations running through her. He carries her across the room with her legs wrapped around him. They fall onto the bed.


  CAMERA PULLS BACK, exiting through the window, traveling smoothly outside...


  2 EXT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) 2 外景--小屋--夜晚

  ...to reveal the bungalow, remote in a wooded area, the lovers' cries spilling into the night...


  ...and we drift down a wooded path, the sounds of rutting passion growing fainter, mingling now with the night sounds of crickets and hoot owls...


  ...and we begin to hear FAINT MUSIC in the woods, tinny and incongruous, and still we keep PULLING BACK until...


  ...a car is revealed. A 1946 Plymouth. Parked in a clearing.


  3 INT -- PLYMOUTH -- NIGHT (1946) 3 内景--普利茅斯--夜晚

  ANDY DUFRESNE, mid-20's, wire rim glasses, three-piece suit. Under normal circumstances a respectable, solid citizen; hardly dangerous, perhaps even meek. But these circumstances are far from normal. He is disheveled, unshaven, and very drunk. A cigarette smolders in his mouth. His eyes, flinty and hard, are riveted to the bungalow up the path.


  He can hear them fucking from here. 他听得到他们在做爱。

  He raises a bottle of bourbon and knocks it back. The radio plays softly, painfully romantic, taunting him:


  You stepped out of a dream... You are too wonderful... To be what you seem...


  He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag. He lays it in his lap and unwraps it carefully --

  他打开仪表板那儿的杂物柜,拉出一件破布包着的东西。他把它放在腿上,小心的打开 --

  -- revealing a .38 revolver. Oily, black, evil. 一支点38左轮,油油的,黑色,不祥之兆。

  He grabs a box of bullets. Spills them everywhere, all over the seats and floor. Clumsy. He picks bullets off his lap, loading them into the gun, one by one, methodical and grim. Six in the chamber. His gaze goes back to the bungalow.


  He shuts off the radio. Abrupt silence, except for the distant lovers' moans. He takes another shot of bourbon courage, then opens the door and steps from the car.


  4 EXT -- PLYMOUTH -- NIGHT (1946) 4外景--普利茅斯--夜晚

  His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel. Loose bullets scatter to the ground. The bourbon bottle drops and shatters.


  He starts up the path, unsteady on his feet. The closer he gets, the louder the lovemaking becomes. Louder and more frenzied. The lovers are reaching a climax, their sounds of passion degenerating into rhythmic gasps and grunts.


  WOMAN (O.S.) 女人

  Oh god...oh god...oh god... “哦,上帝。哦,上帝…”

  Andy lurches to a stop, listening. The woman cries out in orgasm. The sound slams into Andy's brain like an icepick. He shuts his eyes tightly, wishing the sound would stop.


  It finally does, dying away like a siren until all that's left is the shallow gasping and panting of post-coitus. We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction.


  WOMAN (O.S.) 女人

  Oh god...that's sooo good...you're the best...the best I ever had...


  Andy just stands and listens, devastated. He doesn't look like much of a killer now; he's just a sad little man on a dirt path in the woods, tears streaming down his face, a loaded gun held loosely at his side. A pathetic figure, really.


  FADE TO BLACK: 1ST TITLE UP 屏幕渐黑,第一次字幕升起

  5 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 5 内景--法庭--白天

  THE JURY listens like a gallery of mannequins on display, pale-faced and stupefied.


  D.A. (O.S.) 律师

  Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.


  ANDY DUFRESNE is on the witness stand, hands folded, suit and tie pressed, hair meticulously combed. He speaks in soft, measured tones:


  ANDY 安迪

  It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno.

  “很激烈。她说她很高兴我知道了一切,她讨厌总是偷偷摸摸,她还说她想在雷诺离婚。”(译者注:雷诺,美国有名的“离婚城市”, 在内华达州西部, 凡欲离婚者, 只须在该市住满三个月, 即可离婚)

  D.A. 律师

  What was your response? “你怎么回应?”

  ANDY 安迪

  I told her I would not grant one. “我告诉她我不会同意。”

  D.A. 律师

  (refers to his notes) "I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.


  ANDY 安迪

  If they say so. I really don't remember. I was upset.


  FADE TO BLACK: 2ND TITLE UP 屏幕渐黑,第二次字幕升起

  D.A. 律师

  What happened after you argued with your wife? “你们吵完之后呢?”

  ANDY 安迪

  She packed a bag, she packed a bag and go and stay with Mr. Quentin.


  D.A. 律师

  Glenn Quentin. The golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club. The man you had recently discovered was you wife’s lover.


  (Andy nods) (安迪点点头)

  Did you follow her? “你跟踪她了吗?”

  ANDY 安迪

  I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his’s house to confront them. They weren't home...so I parked in the turnout...and waited.


  D.A. 律师

  With what intention? “出于什么目的?”

  ANDY 安迪

  I'm not sure. I was confused. Drunk. I think mostly I wanted to scare them.


  FADE TO BLACK: 3RD TITLE UP屏幕渐黑,第三次字幕升起

  D.A. 律师

  When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them?


  ANDY 安迪

  No. I was sobering up. I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point.


  D.A. 律师

  Where I get hazy, is where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover, riddled with .38 caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr.Dufresne, or is it just me?


  ANDY 安迪

  (softly) Yes. It does.(轻轻地说)“是的,是巧合。”

  FADE TO BLACK! 4TH TITLE UP 屏幕渐黑,第四次字幕升起

  D.A. 律师

  You still maintain you threw your gun into the River before the murders took place. That's very convenient.


  ANDY 安迪

  It's the truth. “这是事实。”

  D.A. 律师

  The police dragged that river for three days and nary a gun was found. So there could be no comparison made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. And that also is very convenient, isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?


  ANDY 安迪

  (faint, bitter smile) Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient the gun was never found.


  FADE TO BLACK: 5TH TITLE UP屏幕渐黑,第五次字幕升起

  6 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 6内景--法庭--白天

  The D.A. holds the jury spellbound with his closing summation:


  D.A. 律师

  Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence, you know all the facts. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have foot prints. Tire tracks. Bullets scattered on the ground which bear his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. Most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence?


  He gestures to Andy sitting quietly with his ATTORNEY.


  D.A. 律师

  And while you think about that, think about this...


  He picks up a revolver, spins the cylinder before their eyes like a carnival barker spinning a wheel of fortune.


  D.A. 律师

  A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned. No, this was revenge of a much more brutal and cold-blooded nature. Consider! Four bullets per victim! Not six shots fired, but eight! That means he fired the gun empty...and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! An extra bullet per lover...right in the head. “左轮装六颗子弹不是八颗。我提出这一点,是说明这不是一时之怒的冲动而犯下的罪行,如果是一时冲动的话,即使不能被宽恕,至少也可以被理解。不,这是极端残忍和冷血的复仇。考虑一下!每个受害者身中四颗子弹。不是开了六枪,而是八枪!这意味着他把子弹打空后,又装上子弹以再次射杀!一人一枪补射在头部。”

  (a few JURORS shiver)(几个陪审员忍不住一懔。)

  FADE TO BLACK: 6TH TITLE UP屏幕渐黑,第六次字幕升起

  INT -- JURY ROOM -- DAY (1946) 7 内景--陪审团室--白天

  CAMERA TRACKS down a long table, moving from one JUROR to the next. These decent, God-fearing Christians are chowing down on a nice fried chicken dinner provided them by the county, smacking greasy lips and gnawing cobbettes of corn.


  VOICE (O.S.) 人声

  Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty... “有罪,有罪,有罪,有罪……”

  We find the FOREMAN at the head of the table, sorting votes.


  FADE TO BLACK: 7TH TITLE UP屏幕渐黑,第七次字幕升起

  8 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 8 内景--法庭--白天

  Andy stands before the dais. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall.


  JUDGE 法官

  You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it.


  He raps his gavel as we. 他敲下了木槌。



  slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room waits beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit side by side at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are now in:


  INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1947) 内景 -- 听讯室 -- 白天

  RED enters, removes his cap and waits by the chair.


  MAN #1男1


  Red sits, tries not to slouch. The chair is uncomfortable.


  MAN #2男2

  We see by your file you've served twenty years of a life sentence.



  Yes,sir. “是的,先生。”

  MAN #3男3

  You feel you've been rehabilitated? “你觉得你已经悔过了吗?”


  Oh, yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. I mean I learned my lesson. I can honestly say that I'm a changed man. I’m no longer a danger to society. That's the God's honest truth.


  The men just stare at him. One stifles a yawn. 那些人只是看着他,一个人抑制住打呵欠。

  CLOSEUP -- PAROLE FORM 镜头推近--假释表

  A big rubber stamp slams down: "REJECTED" in red ink. 图章猛地盖下,红色的章印“驳回”。



  High stone walls topped with snaky concertina wire, set off at intervals by looming guard towers. Over a hundred CONS are in the yard. Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals. Exercise period.


  RED emerges into fading daylight, slouches low-key through the activity, worn cap on his head, exchanging hellos and doing minor business. He's an important man here.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  There's a con like me in every prison in America, I guess. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if you're partial, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. Damn near anything, within reason.


  He slips somebody a pack of smokes, smooth sleight-of-hand.


  RED (V.O.)::瑞德(旁白)

  Yes sir, I'm a regular Sears & Roebuck..“是的,先生,我就是希尔斯/罗巴克(邮购公司)。”

  TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS issue from the main tower, drawing everybody's attention to the loading dock. The outer gate swings open...revealing a gray prison bus outside.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. And it was’t.


  CON 某犯人

  Fresh fish! Fresh fish today! “菜鸟!今天的菜鸟!”

  Red is joined by HEYWOOD, SKEET, FLOYD, JIGGER, ERNIE, SNOOZE. Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk and jeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably.



  11 INT -- PRISON BUS -- DUSK (1947) 11 内景--囚车--黄昏

  Andy sits in back, wearing steel collar and chains. 安迪坐在车尾,戴着项圈和锁链。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was bangin'.


  The bus lurches forward, RUMBLES through the gates. Andy gazes around, swallowed by prison walls.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  On the outside, he'd been vice-president of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was.


  12 INT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DUSK (1947) 外景--肖申克监狱--黄昏


  All clear! “解除警报!”

  GUARDS approach the bus with carbines. The door jerks open. The new fish disembark, chained together single-file, blinking sourly at their surroundings. Andy stumbles against the MAN in front of him, almost drags him down.


  BYRON HADLEY, captain of the guard, slams his baton into Andy's back. Andy goes to his knees, gasping in pain. JEERS and SHOUTS from the spectators.



  On your feet before I fuck you up so bad you never walk again.


  13 ON THE BLEACHERS 13 看台上

  RED 瑞德

  There they are, boys. The Human(q2) Charm Bracelet. “他们来了,孩子们,幸运的手链。”


  Never seen such a sorry-lookin' heap of maggot shit in my life.


  JIGGER 齐格尔

  Comin' from you, Heywood, you being so pretty and all...


  FLOYD 弗洛伊德

  Takin' bets today, Red? “打赌吧,瑞德?”

  RED 瑞德

  (pulls notepad and pencil) Bear Catholic? Pope shit in the woods? Smokes or coin, bettor's choice.


  FLOYD 弗洛伊德

  Smokes. Put me down for two. “烟,我押两根。”


  High roller. Who's your horse? “大买家!你押那匹马(戏指新犯为赌马)?

  FLOYD 弗洛伊德

  That gangly sack of shit, third from the front. He'll be the first.



  Oh, bullshit. I'll take that action.“哦,狗屁!我跟你赌!”

  ERNIE 厄尼

  Me too. “好,我也赌。”

  Other hands go up. Red jots the names. 其它人也跟了进来,瑞德匆匆记下名字。


  You're out some smokes, son. Take my word. “你等着输烟吧,孩子,记着我的话。”

  FLOYD 弗洛伊德

  You're so smart, you call it. “既然你这么聪明,你押呀!”


  I say that chubby fat-ass...let's see...fifth from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck.


  RED 瑞德

  That's five cigarettes on Fat-Ass. Any takers? “五根赌胖屁股,有跟进的么?”

  More hands go up. Andy and the others are paraded along, forced by their chains to take tiny baby steps, flinching under the barrage of jeers and shouts. The old-timers are shaking the fence, trying to make the newcomers shit their pants. Some of the new fish shout back, but mostly they look terrified. Especially Andy.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I must admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. He might'a been important on the outside, but in here he was just a little turd in prison gays. Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man.


  SKEET 斯基特

  What say, Red? “你赌谁,瑞德?”

  RED 瑞德

  Little fella on the end. Definitely. I stake half a pack. Any takers?



  That’s a rich bet. “那可是个大赌注!”

  RED 瑞德

  C’mon boys, who's gonna prove me wrong? (hands go up) Floyd, Jigger, Skeet, Heywood.. Four brave souls, ten smokes apiece. That's it, gentlemen, this window's closed.


  Red pockets his notepad. A VOICE comes over the P.A. speakers:


  VOICE (amplified) 人声(经过扬声器的)

  Return to your cellblocks for evening count. “返回牢房,例行点名。”

  14 INT -- ADMITTING AREA -- DUSK (1947) 14内景--通道—傍晚

  The new fish are marched in. Guards unlock the shackles. The chains drop away, rattling to the stone floor.



  Eyes front. “向前看!”

  WARDEN SAMUEL NORTON strolls forth, a colorless man in a gray suit and a church pin in his lapel. He looks like he could piss ice water. He appraises the newcomers with flinty eyes.



  This is Mr. Hadley, captain of the guard. I am Mr. Norton, the warden. You are sinners and scum, that's why they sent you to me. Rule number one: no blaspheming. I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. The other rules you'll figure out as you go along. Any questions?



  When do we eat? “我们什么时候吃饭?”

  Cued by Norton's glance, Hadley steps up to the con and screams right in his face:





  Hadley rams the tip of his club into the con's belly. The man falls to his knees, gasping and clutching himself. Hadley takes his place at Norton's side again. Softly:



  Any another qutions?(there are none)I believe in two things. Discipline and the Bible. Here, you'll receive both. (holds up a Bible) Put your faith in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.



  Off with them clothes! And I didn't say take all day doing it, did I?


  The men shed their clothes. Within seconds, all stand naked.


  Hadley 哈雷

  First man into the shower! “第一个人进去沐浴!”

  Hadley shoves the FIRST CON into a steel cage open at the front. TWO GUARDS open up with a fire hose. The con is slammed against the back of the cage, sputtering and hollering. Seconds later, the water is cut and the con yanked out.



  Delouse that piece of shit! Next man in! “给这个混蛋消毒,下一个人!”

  The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown all over him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes. he gets shoved to a trustee's cage. The TRUSTEE slides a short

  stack of items through the slot -- prison clothes and a Bible. All the men are processed quickly -- a blast of water, powder, clothes and a Bible...

  一大勺白色去虱粉洒在犯人身上,犯人咳嗽着、喘着,揉着眼中的粉未。接着被推搡到领物处,保管人员把一叠东西扔到递口处 -- 犯人的衣服和一本圣经。每个人都被处理的很快 -- 喷水、扑粉、衣服和圣经。

  15 INT -- INFIRMARY -- NIGHT (1947) 15 内景--医务所--夜晚

  A naked CON steps before a DOCTOR and gets a cursory exam. A penlight is shined in his eyes, ears, nose, and throat.



  Bend over. “弯腰。”

  The con does. A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods. Andy is next up. He gets the same treatment.


  16 INT -- PRISON CHAPEL -- NIGHT (1947) 16 内景--监狱教堂--夜晚

  CAMERA TRACKS the naked newcomers shivering on hard wooden chairs, clothes on their laps, Bibles open.



  ...maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul...


  17 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 17内景--五号囚楼--夜晚

  Three tiers to a side, concrete and steel, gray and imposing. Andy and the others are marched in, still naked, carrying their clothes and Bibles. The CONS in their cells greet them with TAUNTS, JEERS, and LAUGHTER. One by one, the new men are shown to their cells and locked in with a CLANG OF STEEL.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  The first night's the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you in naked as the day you're born, fresh from a Bible reading, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you...


  Red watches from his cell, arms slung over the crossbars, cigarette dangling from his fingers.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  ...and when they put you in that cell, those bars slam home, that's when you know it's for real. Old life blown away in the blink of an eye..... a long cold season in hell stretching out ahead....nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.


  Red listens to the CLANGING below. He watches Andy and a few others being brought up to the 2nd tier. 瑞德听着下面的咣啷声,注视着安迪和其它几个人被带到二层。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody always breaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is, who's it gonna be?


  Andy is led past and given a cell at the end of the tier. 安迪被领过去分到了这层最头的一间。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne...


  18 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 18内景--安迪的号房--夜晚

  The bars slam home. Andy is alone in his cell, clutching his clothes. He gazes around at his new surroundings, taking it in. He slowly begins to dress himself...


  19 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- NIGHT (1947) 19 外景--肖申克监狱--夜晚

  A malignant stone growth on the Maine landscape. The moon hangs low and baleful in a dead sky. The headlight of a PASSING TRAIN cuts through the night.


  20 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 20内景--瑞德的号房--夜晚

  Red lies on his bunk below us, tossing his baseball toward the ceiling and catching it again. He pauses, listening. FOOTSTEPS approach below, unhurried, echoing hollowly on stone.



  21 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 21内景--五号囚楼--夜晚

  LOW ANGLE. A CELLBLOCK GUARD strolls into frame.



  That's lights out! Good night, ladies. “熄灯!晚安,女士们!”

  The lights bump off in sequence. The guard exits, footsteps echoing away. Darkness now. Silence. CAMERA CRANES UP the tiers toward Red's cell.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I remember my first night. Seems like a long time ago .


  Red looms from the darkness, leans on the bars. Listens. Waits. From somewhere below comes faint, ghastly tittering. VOICES drift through the cellblock, taunting:



  Fishee fishee fisheeee...You're gonna like it here, new fish. A whooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies...You takin' this down, new fish? Gonna be a quiz later. (somebody LAUGHS) Sshhh. Keep it down. The screws'll hear...Fishee fishee fisheeee...


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  The boys always go fishin' with first-timers...and they don't quit till they reel someone in.


  The VOICES keep on, sly and creepy in the dark... 声音继续,在黑暗中显得阴森、恐怖。

  22 INT -- VARIOUS CELLS -- NIGHT (1947) 22 内景–各个牢房– 夜晚

  thru thru 25 26 ...while the new cons go quietly crazy in their cells. One man paces like a caged animal...another sits gnawing his cuticles bloody...a third is weeping silently...a fourth is dry-heaving into the toilet...


  26 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 26 内景– 瑞德的号房–夜晚

  Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy's cell. Nothing. Not a peep.


  HEYWOOD (O.S.) 海沃德

  Fat-Ass...Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're in there. I can hear you breathin'. Now don't you listen to these nitwits, here?


  27 INT -- FAT-ASS' CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 27 内景–胖子的号房–夜晚

  Fat-Ass is crying, trying not to hyperventilate. 胖子正在哭,他试图抑止住抽泣。

  HEYWOOD (O.S.) 海沃德

  This place ain't so bad. Tell you what…I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers just love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours...


  And that's it. Fat-Ass lets out a LOUD WAIL of despair:



  GOD! I DON'T BELONG HERE! I WANNA GO HOME! “上帝!我不属于这儿!我要回家!”

  28 INT -- HEYWOOD'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 28 内景--海沃德的号房--夜晚


  AND IT'S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.' “胖屁股抢先一步!”

  29 INT -- CELLBLOCK -- NIGHT (1947) 29内景--囚楼--夜晚

  The place goes nuts. Fat-Ass throws himself screaming against the bars. The entire block starts CHANTING:



  Fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish... “菜鸟……菜鸟……菜鸟……”


  I WANNA GO HOME! I WANT MY MOTHER.“我要回家,我想找我妈妈!”

  VOICE (O.S.) 人声

  I had your mother! She wasn't that great! “我找过你妈妈,她不怎么样!”

  The lights bump on. GUARDS pour in, led by Hadley himself.



  What the Christ is this happy shit? “这帮天杀的瞎叫什么呢!”

  VOICE (O.S.) 人声

  He took the Lord's name in vain! I'm tellin' the warden! “他对神不敬,我要告诉狱长!”


  (to the unseen wit) (冲着黑暗中的犯人)You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass!


  Hadley arrives at Fat-Ass' cell, bellowing through the bars:



  What's your malfunction you fat fuckin' barrel of monkey-spunk?


  FAT-ASS 胖子




  I ain't gonna count to three! Not even to one! Now shut the fuck up before I sing you a lullaby!


  Fat-Ass keeps blubbering and wailing. Total freak-out. Hadley draws his baton, gestures to his men. Open it.


  A GUARD unlocks the cell. Hadley pulls Fat-Ass out and starts beating him with the baton, and cursing ‘son of a bitch’ from his mouth, brutally raining blows. Fat-Ass falls, tries to crawl.


  The place goes dead silent. All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton. Fat-ass passes out. Hadley gets in a few more licks and finally stops.



  (peers around) Get this tub of shit down to the infirmary. If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherfucker here.


  The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off. FOOTSTEPS echo away. Lights off. Darkness again. Silence.


  30 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 30 内景--瑞德的号房--夜晚

  Red stares through the bars at the main floor below, eyes riveted to the small puddle of blood where Fat-Ass went down.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound...



  31 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1947) 31内景--五号囚楼--早晨

  LOUD BUZZER. The master locks are thrown -- KA-THUMP! The cons step from their cells, lining the tiers. The GUARDS holler their head-counts to the HEAD BULL, who jots on a clipboard. Red peers at Andy, checking him out. Andy stands in line, collar buttoned, hair combed.


  32 INT -- MESS HALL -- MORNING (1947) 32 内景--食堂--早晨

  Andy goes through the breakfast line, gets a scoop of glop on his tray. WE PAN ANDY through the noise and confusion...and discover BOGS DIAMOND and ROOSTER MacBRIDE watching Andy go by. Bogs sizes Andy up with a salacious gleam in his eye, mutters something to Rooster. Rooster laughs.


  Andy finds a table occupied by Red and his regulars, chooses a spot at the end where nobody is sitting. Ignoring their stares, he picks up his spoon -- and pauses, seeing something in his food. He carefully fishes it out with his fingers. 安迪找到了一张瑞德和他的那伙人占着的桌子,他走到桌一头,选了个没人的地儿坐下,毫不在意他们的目光,拿起了勺子--他停了下来,看着食物里的东西,小心的用手指把它捏出。

  It's a squirming maggot. Andy grimaces, unsure what to do with it. BROOKS HATLEN is sitting closest to Andy. At age 65, he's a senior citizen, a long-standing resident.一条蠕动着的蛆虫!安迪一脸苦相,不知该怎么办。布鲁克斯.海特伦离安迪最近,他65岁,一个老年人,长期服役者。


  You gonna eat that? “你要吃么?”


  Hadn't planned on it. “没这打算。”

  BROOKS 布鲁克斯

  You mind? “能给我吗?”

  Andy passes the maggot to Brooks. Brooks examines it, rolling it between his fingertips like a man checking out a fine cigar. Andy is riveted with apprehension.安迪把虫子递给布鲁克斯。布鲁克斯用手指头拔弄着虫子,好像某人在审视手中的上等雪茄。安迪即疑惑又担心的紧盯着。


  Mmm. Nice and ripe. “呵呵,又肥又大。”

  Andy can't bear to watch. Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket. Andy breathes a sigh of relief.安迪有些看不下去。布鲁克斯掀开毛衣,把虫子喂给了依偎在内兜里的一只幼小的乌鸦。安迪终于松了一口气。


  Jake says thanks. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'm gonna look after him till he's big enough to fly.


  Andy nods, proceeds to eat. Carefully. Heywood approaches.


  JIGGER 齐格尔

  Oh, Chirst, here he comes. “哦,天呢,他来了!”


  Mornin', boys. It’s a fine mornin'. You know why it's fine?


  Heywood plops his tray down, sits. The men start pulling out cigarettes and handing them down.



  That’s right, send 'em all down. I wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line.


  An impressive pile forms. Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma. Rapture.


  FLOYD 佛洛伊德

  Smell my ass... “闻我的屁股吧……”


  Gee, Red. That’s a terrible shame about your horse comin' in last and all. Hell, I sure do love that horse of mine. I believe I owe that boy a great big sloppy kiss when I see him.



  Give him some of your cigarettes instead, cheap bastard. “还是把你的烟给他吧,贱骨头。”


  Hey Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. How's that horse of mine doing anyway?



  Dead. (the men fall silent) Hadley busted his head pretty good. Doc’d already gone home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. By then…


  He shakes his head, turns back to his food. The silence mounts. Heywood glances around. Men resume eating.


  ANDY Softly: 安迪轻轻地问:

  What was his name? “他叫什么名字?”


  What the fuck do you care, new fish? (resumes eating) Doesn't fucking matter what his name was. He's dead.


  33 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 33 内景--监狱洗衣房--白天

  A DEAFENING NOISE of industrial washers and presses. Andy works the laundry line. A nightmarish job. He's new at it. BOB, the con foreman, elbows him aside and shows him how it's done.


  34 INT -- SHOWERS -- DAY (1947) 34内景--淋浴间--白天

  Andy showers with a dozen or more men. No modesty here. At least the water is good and hot, soothing his tortured muscles. Bogs looms from the billowing steam, smiling, checking Andy up and down. Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters.


  BOGS 伯格斯

  You're some sweet punk. You been broke in yet?


  Andy tries to step past them. He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. Jackals sizing up prey. Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing.


  BOGS 伯格斯

  Hard to get. I like that. 难上手,我喜欢。

  35 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 35 内景--安迪的号房--夜晚

  Andy lies staring at the darkness, unable to sleep. 安迪躺在床上,盯着黑暗,不能入睡。

  36 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1947) 36外景--操场--白天

  Exercise period. Red plays catch with Heywood and Jigger, lazily tossing a baseball around. Red notices Andy off to the side. Nods hello. Andy takes this as a cue to amble over. Heywood and Jigger pause, watching.


  ANDY 安迪

  (offers his hand) I'm Andy Dufresne.(伸出手)“我是安迪.杜弗兰。”

  Red glances at the hand, ignores it. The game continues. 瑞德看看他的手,没有理会,继续游戏。


  The wife-killin' banker. “杀妻银行家?”


  How do you know that? “你怎么知道?”


  I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it? “我关注任何风吹草动,为什么杀她?”

  ANDY 安迪

  I didn't, since you ask. “既然你问了我就告诉你,我没杀她。”


  Ha, you’re going fit right in. (off Andy's look) Everybody in here’s innocent, don't you know that? Heywood! What you are in for? “哈!你适应的很快。(扭过脸问海沃德)这里每个人都是无辜的,你不知道么?海沃德!你为何入狱?


  Didn’t do it. Lawyer fucked me! “我没罪,律师坑了我!”

  Red gives Andy a look. See? 瑞德给了安迪一个表情,看到了吗?


  What else have you heard? “还听说什么了?”


  People say it you're a cold fish. Thay say you think your shit smells sweeter than most. That right?



  What do you think? “那你认为呢?”

  RED 瑞德

  Havn't made up my mind. “我还没看出来。”

  Heywood nudges Jigger. Watch this. He winds up and throws the ball hard -- right at Andy's head. Andy sees it coming out of the corner of his eye, whirls and catches it. Beat. He sends the ball right back, zinging it into Heywood's hands. Heywood drops the ball and grimaces, wringing his stung hands.


  ANDY 安迪

  I understand you're a man who knows how to get things. “我知道你是个能弄到东西的人。”

  RED 瑞德

  I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. They seem to fall into my hands. Maybe it's 'cause I'm Irish.


  ANDY 安迪

  I wonder if you might get me a rock-hammer? “你能弄把石锤吗?”

  RED 瑞德

  What is it and why? “什么石锤?做什么用?”

  ANDY 安迪

  You make your customers' motives a part of your business?


  RED 瑞德

  If you wanted a toothbrush, I would not ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see, is a non-lethal object.


  ANDY 安迪

  Fair enough. A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe, with a small sharp pick on one end, and a blunt hammerhead on the other. It's for rocks.


  RED 瑞德

  Rocks. “岩石?”

  Andy squats, motions Red to join him. Andy grabs a handful of dirt and sifts it through his hands. He finds a pebble and rubs it clean. It has a nice milky glow. He tosses it to Red.


  RED 瑞德

  Quartz? “石英?”


  Quartz, sure. And look. Mica. Shale. Silted granite. There's some graded limestone, from when they cut this place(q5) out of the hill.



  So? “做什么?”

  ANDY 安迪

  So I'm a rock hound. At least I was, in my old life. I'd like to be again, on a limited basis.


  RED 瑞德

  Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.



  No, sir. I have no enemies here. “不,先生,我这里没有仇敌。”

  RED 瑞德

  No? Wait a while. “没有?等一下。”

  Red flicks his gaze past Andy. Bogs is watching them.


  RED 瑞德

  Word gets around. The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. Especially Bogs.



  Don't suppose it would help if I explained them I'm not homosexual.



  Neither are they. They have to be human first. They don't qualify. Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand. If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.



  Thanks for the advice. “谢谢提醒。”

  RED 瑞德

  That’s free. You understand my concern. “这是免费的。你知道我担心什么。”


  If there's any trouble, I won't use the rock-hammer. OK?



  Then I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe? (Andy laughs politely) I miss something of you. What's the funny?



  You'll understand when you see the rock-hammer. “你见到石锤时,就会明白了。”


  What's an item like this usually go for? “这种东西通常多少钱?”


  Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop. “在玉石店卖七美元。”


  My normal mark-up's twenty percent, but this is a specialty item. Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 1 0 bucks. “通常我加20%,但这是个特殊的东西。风险大,价格高。公道价,十美元。”


  Ten it is. “十元就十元。”


  (rises, slapping dust)(站起来,拍拍手中的土)

  Waste of money, if you ask me. “如果你问我,我就会告诉你,那是白花钱。”


  Why's that? “为什么?”


  Folks around this joint love surprise inspections. They'll find it, you're going to lose it. If they do catch you with it, you don't know me. You mention my name, we'll never do business again. Up for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that?


  ANDY 安迪

  I understand. Thank you, Mr...? “我明白。谢谢你……”


  Red. Name's Red. “瑞德,我叫瑞德。”


  Red. I’m Andy. Pleasure doing business with you. “瑞德,我叫安迪。很高兴与你合作。”

  They shake. Andy strolls off. Red watches him go.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled like a man in a park without a care or worry in the world. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. (resumes playing catch) Yeah, I think it would be fair to say I liked Andy from the start.


  37 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1947) 37 内景--食堂--白天

  Red gets his breakfast and heads for a table. Andy falls in step, slips him a tightly-folded square of paper.


  38 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 38内景--瑞德的号房--夜晚

  Lying on his bunk, Red unfolds the square. A ten dollar bill. 


  39 EXT -- LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1947) 39 外景--装卸处--白天

  Under watchful supervision, CONS are off-loading bags of dirty laundry from an "Eliot Nursing Home" truck.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Years later, I found out he'd brought in quite a bit more than just ten dollars...


  A certain bag hits the ground. The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a look at a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shoot the shit. Leonard loads the bag onto a cart...


  40 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 40 内景--监狱洗衣房--白天

  Bags are being unloaded. We find Leonard working the line. 袋子被卸下来,兰纳德正在工作。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  When they check you into this hotel, one of the bellhops bends you over and looks up your works, just to make sure you're not carrying anything. But a truly determined man can get an object quite a ways up there.


  Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting...



  4l INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY EXCHANGE -- DAY 内景--洗衣房换领处--白天

  Red deposits his dirty bundle and moves down the line to where the clean sheets are being handed out. Leonard catches Red's eye, turns and grabs a specific stack of clean sheets. He hands it across to Red --瑞德放下他的脏包袱,走入领干净床单的队伍。兰纳德对瑞德使了个眼色,转身抓起一叠干净的床单,递给瑞德。


  -- and more than clean laundry changes hands. Two packs of cigarettes slide out of Red's hand into Leonard's.


  42 INT -- RED'S CELL -- DAY (1947) 42 内景--瑞德的号房--白天

  Red slips the package out of his sheets, carefully checks to make sure nobody's coming, then rips it open. He pulls out the rock-hammer. It's just as Andy described. Red laughs softly.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Andy was right. I finally got the joke. It would take a man about six hundred years to tunnel under the wall with one of these.


  43 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT 内景--五号囚楼2层--夜晚

  Brooks Hatlen pushes a cart of books from cell to cell. The rolling library. He finds Red waiting for him. Red slips the rock-hammer, wrapped in a towel, through the bars and onto the cart. Next comes six cigarettes to pay for postage.



  Dufresne. “杜弗兰。”

  Brooks nods, never missing a beat. He rolls his cart to Andy's cell, mutters through the bars:


  BROOKS 布鲁克斯

  Middle shelf, wrapped in a towel. “中间那层,毛巾裹着的。”

  Andy's hand snakes through the bars and makes the object disappear. The hand comes back and deposits a small slip of folded paper along with more cigarettes. Brooks turns his cart around and goes back. He pauses, sorting his books long enough for Red to snag the slip of paper. Brooks continues on, scooping the cigarettes off the cart and into his pocket.


  44 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 44内景--瑞德的号房--夜晚

  Red unfolds the slip of paper. Penciled neatly on it is a single word: "Thanks."


  45 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 45内景--洗衣房--白天

  We are assaulted by the deafening noise of the laundry line. Andy is doing his job, getting good at it. 巨大的噪音响起来,安迪在洗衣房干着活,他已逐渐适应他的工作。

  BOB 鲍伯


  Andy nods. He leaves the line, weaving his way through the laundry room and into --


  46 INT -- BACK ROOMS/STOCK AREA -- DAY (1947) 46 内景--后屋--储藏区

  -- a dark, tangled maze of rooms and corridors, boilers and furnaces, sump pumps, old washing machines, pallets of cleaning supplies and detergents, you name it. Andy hefts a cardboard drum of Hexlite off the stack, turns around --


  -- and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat. Andy slams the Hexlite to the floor, rips off the top, and scoops out a double handful. 



  You get this in your eyes, it blinds you. “眼睛里要是进了它,会瞎的。”


  Honey, hush. “安静,亲爱的。”

  Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze. The Sisters keep coming, tense and guarded, eyes riveted and gauging his every move, trying to outflank him. Andy trips on some old gaint sugglies. That's all it takes. They're on him in an instant, kicking and stomping.


  Andy gets yanked to his feet. Bogs applies a chokehold from behind. They propel him across the room and slam him against an old four-pocket machine, bending him over it. Rooster jams a rag into Andy's mouth and secures it with a steel pipe, like a horse bit. Andy kicks and struggles, but Rooster and Pete have his arms firmly pinned. Bogs whispers in Andy's ear:



  That's it, fight. Better that way. “对极了,反抗吧。这样最好!”

  Andy starts screaming, muffled by the rag. CAMERA PULLS BACK, SLOWLY WIDENING. The big Washex blocks our view. All we see is Andy's screaming face and the men holding him down...


  ...and CAMERA DRIFTS FROM THE ROOM, leaving the dark place and the dingy act behind...MOVING up empty corridors, past concrete walls and steel pipes...


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world. “我真想说安迪反抗的很成功,三姐妹们也拿他无可奈何。我真想这样说,但监狱可不是个童话世界。”

  WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel "mangler" is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  He never said who did it...but we all knew. “他从未说过是谁干的,可我们都知道。”

  PRISON MONTAGE: (1947 through 1949) 监狱的蒙太奇镜头(1947年到1949年)

  47 Andy plods through his days. Working. Eating. Chipping and shaping his rocks after lights-out... 47


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. “日子一时就这样继续着,监狱的生活由一系列常规的事情组成,并会越来越常规。”

  48 Andy walks the yard, face swollen and bruised. 48安迪在院里走动,鼻青脸肿。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. “经常可以看到,安迪带着新伤出现。”

  49 Andy eats breakfast. A few tables over, Bogs blows him a kiss. 49


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off... sometimes not.


  50 Andy backs into a corner in some dingy part of the prison, wildly swinging a rake at his tormentors.50


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  He always fought, that's what I remember. He fought because he knew if he didn't fight, it would make it that much easier not to fight the next time.


  The rake connects, snapping off over somebody's skull. They beat the hell out of him. 耙子击中一个人的头顶,猛地折断。他们拼命的揍他。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Half the time it landed him in the infirmary... “这种情况多半都会让他住进医务所。”