
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 22:49:58


On Sunday,the "Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty" exhibitionat the Metropolitan Museum of Art became theeighth-most visited show in the museum's history.

But the 658,000 or so people who sawthe attraction made up just a fraction of the Met's annualvisitors.

Last year, for example, more than 5.2million people trekked up the museum's iconic stairs and throughits galleries.

And the Met isn't even the world'smost heavily visited art museum.

The ArtNewspaper publishes lots of annual attendance statisticsfor museums and exhibitions around the world.

These are the art museums that toppedthe list in 2010.

 星期天纽约大都会艺术博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)的“亚历山大·麦昆:野性之美”(Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty)展览成为该馆历史上参观人数第八多的展览。


《艺术新闻报》(The Art Newspaper)发布了全世界博物馆和展览的参观人数统计。下面是2010年参观人数排名前十六位的艺术博物馆。

 The Louvre in Paris had 8.5 millionvisitors

卢浮宫 巴黎 参观人数:850万

 The British Museum in London had 5.84million visitors

大英博物馆 伦敦 参观人数:584万


The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NewYork City had 5.22 million visitors

大都会博物馆 纽约 参观人数:522万


The Tate Modern in London had 5.06million visitors

泰特现代博物馆 伦敦 参观人数:506万

The National Gallery in London had4.95 million visitors

英国国家美术馆 伦敦 参观人数:495万

 The Museum of Modern Art in New YorkCity had 3.13 million visitors

现代艺术博物馆 纽约 参观人数:313万

 Centre Pompidou in Paris had 3.13million visitors

蓬皮杜中心 巴黎 参观人数313万人

 The National Museum of Korea in Seoulhad 3.07 million visitors

韩国国立博物馆 首尔 参观人数:307万


Muse?e d’Orsay in Paris had 2.99million visitors

奥赛美术馆 巴黎 参观人数:299万

 Museo del Prado in Madrid had 2.73million visitors

普拉多博物馆 马德里 参观人数:273万


The Victoria and Albert Museum inLondon had 2.63 million visitors

维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 伦敦 参观人数:263万

 The State Hermitage Museum in St.Petersburg had 2.49 million visitors

国立艾尔米塔什博物馆 圣彼得堡 参观人数249万

 Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil inRio had 2.32 million visitors

巴西银行文化中心 里约热内卢 参观人数232万

Museo Reina Sofi?a in Madrid had 2.31million visitors

雷纳·索菲亚博物馆马德里 参观人数231万

 The De Young Museum in San Franciscohad 2.04 million visitors

笛洋美术馆 旧金山 参观人数:204万


The National Art Center Tokyo inTokyo had 2.03 million visitors

东京国立艺术中心 东京 参观人数:203万

