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座标 25°41′39.2″S 54°26′15.2″W 平均流量 1,750立方米/秒 流入 伊瓜苏河 国家 巴西、阿根廷 瀑布高度 82米 瀑布宽度 4000米 瀑布边城镇 伊瓜苏市、伊瓜苏港、东方市 (巴拉圭)


(葡萄牙语:Cataratas do Igua?u,西班牙语:Cataratas del Iguazú,当地的瓜拉尼语意为“大水”)是由位于巴西巴拉那州和阿根廷边界上的伊瓜苏河从巴西高原辉绿岩悬崖上落入巴拉那峡谷形成的瀑布。现时成为联合国世界自然遗产的一部分。







由于旅游业带旺经济,由伊瓜苏瀑布地区附近的伊瓜苏河口一带幅射开去的三国边境地区:包括巴西的伊瓜苏市(Foz do Igua?u)、阿根廷的伊瓜苏港市(Puerto Iguazú)及巴拉圭的东方市(Ciudad del Este),都有受惠于日渐增长的旅客量。






  • 伊瓜苏瀑布的浩荡,引来摄影家和不少电影工作者的垂涎,有多部国际电影都有在这条瀑布拍摄取景。包括:
    • 1979年——太空城(Moonraker),是007詹姆斯·邦德电影系列的第11套电影。
    • 1986年——教会(The Mission)
    • 1997年——香港导演王家卫的同性恋电影《春光乍泄》(Happy Together)。电影里将伊瓜苏瀑布之飞瀑情况作近镜拍摄,为时长达3分钟,使部分观众慨叹这是所谓“王家卫的艺术”。
    • 1997年——(Mr.Magoo)
    • 2006年——迈阿密风云(Miami Vice)


Iguazu Falls: 15 Amazing Pictures, 10 Incredible Facts


Photograph by Martin St-Amant – Wikipedia

Whenever I come across images of places like Iguazu Falls, my urge todrop everything and travel this beautiful planet overwhelms my senses.There is so much to experience in this world, it’s a little saddening toknow how many people never get to explore the world beyond theirimmediate surroundings. Thankfully there’s pictures and the power ofhuman imagination to take us to places we may never see in real life


Photograph by Martin St-Amant – Wikipedia


Iguazu Falls aka Iguassu Falls or Igua?u Falls, arewaterfalls of the Iguazu River located on the border of the Brazilianstate of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones. The falls dividethe river into the upper and lower Iguazu.


Devil’s Throat – Photograph by Luca Galuzzi – www.galuzzi.it


The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along 2.7 kilometers (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River.


Photograph by Martin St-Amant – Wikipedia


The first European to find the falls was the SpanishConquistador álvar Nú?ez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541, after whom one of thefalls in the Argentine side is named. The falls were rediscovered byBoselli at the end of the nineteenth century, and one of the Argentinefalls is named after him.


Photograph by Claudio Elias


Some of the individual falls are up to 82 meters (269 ft) inheight, though the majority are about 64 metres (210 ft). The Devil’sThroat (Garganta del Diablo in Spanish or Garganta do Diabo inPortuguese), a U-shaped, 82-meter-high (269 ft) , 150-meter-wide and700-meter-long (490 by 2,300 feet) cataract, is the most impressive ofall, marking the border between Argentina and Brazil. Two thirds of thefalls are within Argentine territory.


Photograph by Martin St-Amant – Wikipedia


About 900 meters (0.56 miles) of the 2.7-kilometer length(1.67 miles) does not have water flowing over it. The edge of the basaltcap recedes only 3 mm (0.1 in) per year. The water of the lower Iguazucollects in a canyon that drains into the Paraná River at Argentina,shortly downstream from the Itaipu dam.


Photograph by hrs518942


Iguazu currently has the greatest average annual flow of anywaterfall in the world. The water falling over Iguazu in peak flow has asurface area of about 40 Ha (1.3 million ft2) whilst Victoria in peakflow has a surface area of over 55 ha (1.8 million ft2). By comparison,Niagara has a surface area of under 18.3 ha (600,000 ft2).


Photograph by Argentina Travel Pictures


Taller than Niagara Falls and twice as wide, Iguazu Falls arethe result of a volcanic eruption which left a large crack in theearth. During the rainy season of November – March, the rate of flow ofwater going over the falls may reach 450,000 cubic feet (12,750 cubic m)per second.


Photograph by 01argentina.com


The best times to see Iguazu Falls are in the spring andfall. Summer is intensely tropically hot and humid, and in winter thewater level is considerably lower.


Photograph by roaming-the-planet


The area is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Photograph by pics721


On her first sight of the tremendous falls, Eleanor Roosevelt exclaimed: “Poor Niagara!”


Photograph by keithhull

- Iguazu Falls – Wikipedia Entry


Photograph by vtveen


Photograph by pics721


Photograph by riclopes 2008