陡峭的反义词是什么:七上unit12what's the best radio station?

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 12:39:38
Period 1Preparation before class :    Ask the students  to make a survey about our town. Get the information of the best restaurant/shop /cinema/supermarket……
Teaching steps:
T: Good morning ,boys and girls
S: Good morning ,Ms Xue.
T: Yesterday I asked you to make a survey about our town. Can you tell me what’s the best restaurant……./the worst…..in our city and  why.
S1: I think New Century restaurant is the best restaurant, because it has delicious food.
S2:I think luliang hotel is the worst because it has the worst service.
S3: I think lvliang people’s hospital is the best because it has the best doctors and medical instruments.
S4: I think Town hospital is the worst because it’s too expensive
( 其余回答省略)
T:Excellent! You did well in our survey ,and know more about our city. so today we’ll learn Unit 12  What’s the best radio station ?
1.T:OK! Everybody, Do you usually go to the movies ?
S1: Sometimes I go to the movies .
S2: I never go to the movies .because we have only one cinema in our city ,it’s small ,dirty and no new movies.
T: So what’s more important for you in a movie theater? Look at the chart and make your choice. Just say it like this ( flash card 1)
Comfortable seats  big screens   friendly service   cheap
New movies       close to home   in a fun part of town   popular
A:I think……….is /are more important for me.
B: For me ,…….is more important.
(The students talk freely and do 1a)
2.T: Who would you like to say something about your ideas?
S1:I think Comfortable seats are more important for me.
S2: For me, friendly service is more important.
S3:But I think cheap tickets are more important for me……
T: There are three cinemas in this city .They are Gold Cinema, Town Cinema, Garden Cinema  .look at these pictures and compare them.
(flash card 2 ) Let’s have arty to describe them.
S1:Garden Cinema has a big screen.
S2: Town Cinema has a bigger screen .
S3: Gold Cinema has the biggest screen.   ( help them to answer)
(flash card 3)T: How about this one?
S1:Garden Cinema is close to home.
S2: Town Cinema is closer to home.
S3: Gold Cinema is the closest to home.
(flash card4 )T:
Tom, can you describe them in the right word.
Tom:  S1 :Garden Cinema is cheap.
S2: Town Cinema is cheaper.
S3: Gold Cinema is the cheapest.
( practice the other pictures in the same way)
ⅣListening practice
1b. T: There are three cinemas in this city .They are Screen Cinema, Town Cinema, movie theater .look at these pictures and compare them. Let’s listen which one has the biggest screen/comfortable seats/friendliest service. Which one is the most popular/the cheapest/the closest to home?
( The students listen to the tape and fill in the chart .Then teacher ask some questions about the listening material)
Movie Theater
It has the biggest screens.
It’s the most popular.
It’s the closest to home.
Town Cinema
It’s the cheapest.
It has the friendliest service.
It has the most comfortable seats
2a  2b
T: A reporter is interviewing a boy about the best clothing store and radio station in their town. Let’s listen 2aWhich one is the best clothing store ? Which one is the best radio station? Circle the right answer.
Ss listen and choose the answer.
2b Listen to a reporter interview a boy. How does the boy answer the questions? Circle the correct letters below.
(Flash card5)1. What is the best clothing store?
a. Jeans and Things    b. Jason’s
c. Trendy Teens          d. Funky Fashions
2. What is the best radio station?
a. Easy Listening 97.9 FM      b. All Talk 970 AM
b. Oldies 102.1 FM                 d. Jazz 107.9 FM
T: Listen again ,choose How does the boy describe the clothing store?
SS listen again and choose the best answer check the answers.
has good quality clothes
has better quality than Trendy Teens
Jeans Corner and Trendy Teens
are good stores
are bad stores
are the best stores
Funky Fashions
has worse clothes than Jason’s
has the worst clothes in town
Ⅴ.Role play
T: after listening the conversation . let’s make a new one like this .Now one student is a repoter ,the other is a  student ,make an interview about the  best clothing store /supermarket ……..in our city . choose some pairs to act it out. Like this (Flash card6)
A: Hello. I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions?
B: Sure.
A: What’s the best clothing store in town?
B: I think Jason’s is the best.
A: Why do you think so?
B: Jason’s  has…
Summary : T: This lesson we’ve learned how to compare things  with superlatives –est  or the most …. And know our city better.
1.Write ten sentences about your classmates by using superlatives with –est  or the most.