隔世离空的红颜简谱:Mystery Files 2 历史神秘档案2

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 23:12:03
·Mystery Files 2 历史神秘档案2
·Building your vocabulary
·Phrases for Learning
·Extra Words

Everyone in Taiwan is familiar with the legend of Hua Mulan. Experts know that this young Chinese woman disguised herself as a man in order to take her father's place in the emperor's1 army. Mulan fought bravely and was given a horse for her services. However, the experts don't agree on every detail of her life. Some believe her last name was Zhu, while others think it was Wei. They also disagree on where and when she lived.
These questions about Mulan's past seem pretty easy to solve when they are compared to other legends from around the world. Take Lawrence of Arabia for example. Thomas Edward Lawrence was a real British officer. He wrote a book about his own role in leading the Great Arab Revolt2 during World War I. The film "Lawrence of Arabia" was based on the book and made Lawrence's story even more popular. Even so, historians3 still question the truth of his story. One side regards him as a great military mind4, while the other thinks he is a great liar. This month, National Geographic Channel's "Mystery5 Files 2" tries to put an end to this debate.

 所有的台湾人都对花木兰的传说耳熟能详。专家们知道这位年轻的中国女子为了代父从军而将自己乔装成男人。木兰在战场上英勇无畏,并因战功彪炳而获赏一匹骏马。不过专家们对於她生平的细节却看法不一。有些专家认为她本姓『朱』,有的则认为她姓『魏』。他们对於她的居住地及生长的朝代也有所争论。

familiara. 熟悉的(常与介词 with 并用)
Steve is familiar with the area because he has lived in this neighborhood for 20 years.
史蒂夫对这一带很熟,因为他住在这个街坊已经有二十年了。 disguisevt. 伪装
The prince disguised himself as a servant and snuck out of the castle.
王子把自己乔装成仆人,偷偷溜出城堡。 regardvt. 认为,看作
President Obama is regarded as one of the most influential leaders in the world.
美国总统欧巴马被视为是全球最具影响力的领袖之一。 debaten. 争论,辩论,讨论
There has been a lot of debate over whether same-sex marriages should be made legal.

agree/disagree on...对┅┅意见一致 不一致
The couple doesn't always agree on how to raise their children.
那对夫妻对於养育孩子的看法并非总是一致。 compare A to/with B把 A 与 B 相比
It doesn't do you any good to compare yourself with others.
拿自己和别人相比对你一点好处都没有。 be based on...以┅┅为根据 基础
The movie was based on real events of the 20th century.
这部电影是根据二十世纪所发生的真实事件拍摄而成的。 put an end to...结束 完结┅┅
Rick's knee injury put an end to his tennis career.

1. emperorn. 皇帝
 empiren. 帝国
2. revoltn. 起义,造反
3. historiann. 历史学家
 historicala. 历史上的
4. mindn.(某领域里)有才智的人
5. mysteryn. 神秘的事物(本文中亦作形容词用)

One side regards him as a...
与介词 as 并用,本句即为此例。
regard/think of/look upon/see A as B
变成被动语态时,也仍须保留介词 as。
Ruby was thought of as the best chef in her cooking class.
(露比被认为是她烹饪班里最棒的厨师。) 不与介词 as 并用,第二天文章中的 consider 即为此例。
consider/think A (to be) B(前者较为常用)
The boss considers Jamie (to be) the most hard-working employee.