
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 20:29:14

1.  The funnel is a casing used for exhaust pipes from the engines.烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机。


2. The satellite antenna is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.



3. The galley is where delicious food is cooked.厨房是制作美味食物的地方.


4. The messroom(军舰或海军基地的)食堂 is where the crew eat their meals.食堂是全体船员用餐的地方.


5. The anchor is used to moor停泊, 系泊(船只) 使停泊;使固定 the ship to the seabed海底,海床 to keep it stationary不动的; 静止的,固定的;不可移动的.锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.


6. The bulbous bow is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction摩擦; 摩擦力with water so that the ship moves more easily.船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动.


7. The bow thruster is placed in the front of the ship under the water,which eases berthing (船舶的)停泊位或锚位or manoeuvering sideways斜着, 斜向一边at slow speed.

船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。


8. The man in charge of a ship is Master. He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew.

 船上负全责的人是船长. 他对整艘船负责, 以及对船上的货物和全体船员的安全负责.


9. The chief officer is the head of the deck department.大副是甲板部的首领。


10. This is the sign (Fig. 1) for muster station. 召集站, 集合地点



11. You should always wear helmet when working on deck. 在甲板上工作时应保持佩戴头盔.   


12. Length overall is the length of ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft重心前后限



13. Amidships在船中部,在船腹 is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular. 垂直的;成直角的2. 直立的 



14. Extreme breath最大宽measured at the midship section and taken from outside of the ship’s side shell plating船壳边板, 舷侧外板on one side to the outside of ship’s side shell plating on the other side.

最大宽测量是在船中间和船外部的船壳边板, 从一边到另一边.


15. Molded breath measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship’s shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell on the other side.

型宽的测量是在船中部, 从船的内壳一边到另一边.


16. Extreme draft is taken from the lower most point最低点of the keel (船的)龙骨to the summer loadline夏季载重水线.



17. Molded draft型吃水is measured from the baseline基线;底线to the summer loadline at the midship section.

   型吃水是在船中部测量, 从基线到夏季载重线.  


18. Extreme depth最大深度is the depth of the vessel船, 舰at ship's side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel.

最大深度是船只的深度, 从船舷从上层甲板到龙骨的最低点.


19. Molded depth from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ship’s side amidships.

   型深是在船腹侧面, 从基线到上层甲板宽.


20. Right at the top is the deck line. It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.

正顶部是甲板线, 300mm长25mm宽, 上沿与最高的不漏水的无缝舱面成直线。


21. Vertically垂直地;直立地below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is 300 mm. It is called the Plimsoll disc载重线标圈.

    甲板线下面垂直的是一个圈, 圈的直径为300mm. 叫作载重线标圈.


22. A horizontal line 450-mm long and 25 mm wide cuts through the loadline disc载重线标圈. It is called the Plimsoll line.

   一条水平线450mm长和25mm宽横切过载重线标圈, 叫作载重线标志.


23. When a ship is in tropical zone热带载重线区and in seawater of density水密度 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked T.

当船在热带载重线区, 且海水密度在1025, 她不能承载多于船的上沿线, 标有记号”T”处.


24. When a ship is in summer zone and in the seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked S.

当船只在夏季载重线区, 且海水密度在1025时, 她不能承载多于上沿线标有”S”处.


25. When a ship is in winter zone冬季区带 and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked W.

    当船只在冬季区带, 且海水密度在1025时, 她不能承载多于上沿线标有”W”处.


26. When the density of the water is 1000, i.e. in fresh water and in summer zone a ship may load up to the upper edge of the line marked F.

    当水密度在1000, 例如: 在淡水区及夏季区, 一艘船可能承载上至上沿线标有”F”处.


27. The foremost最重要的; 最好的; 主要的;最前的part of the upper deck is called the forecastle前甲板,船头的船楼,前甲板下面的水手舱.

   最重要的部分是上层甲板, 叫作前甲板.


28. The tweendeck甲板间,双层甲板is the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel.

   甲板间是中间甲板, 在船的上层及内底部之间.


29. Access to a hold can be obtained through hatches仓口.

   进入货仓, 可能会经过仓口.


30. The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the peak tanks 后尖舱.



31. The double bottom provides strength and storage space for fuel, lubricating oil润滑油, fresh water, salt (ballast (保持船身稳定的)压舱物) water and potable water. 饮用水

   双层底舱提供力量和储存空间, 用于燃料, 润滑油, 淡水, 盐水(压舱物)及饮用水.


32. Longitudinal  经度的,纵向的,纵的2. 纵观的and transverse横向的;横断的;横切的2. <数>横截的separations between the tanks 罐油柜, which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other, are called cofferdams空隔舱.

   储油罐之间的纵向及横向分隔间, 用于防止液体从双层底部一面漏向另一面, 叫作隔离仓.


33. The navigating bridge 航行桥contains the wheelhouse舵手室with the control station, the chartroom海图室where charts, pilot books and publications are kept, and the radio room.

    航海桥包括舵手室, 里面有控制室, 以及存放图纸, 舵手日志,及出版物的海图室, 还有无线电室.


34. Which of the following equipment is for face and eye protection? 下列哪些设施是防护脸部和眼部的?

    Goggles护目镜and spectacles眼镜


35. Which of the following equipment is for respiratory呼吸的,呼吸用的protection? 下列哪些设施是防护呼吸的?

    Breathing apparatus氧气呼吸器


36. Which of the following equipment is for hand and foot protection? 下列哪些设施是防护手和脚的?

Gloves手套 and safety boots安全靴


37. Which of the following is for body protection? 下列哪些设施是防护身体的?

Safety suits 安全服


38. Which of the following equipment is for protection against drowning? 下列哪些设施是防止溺亡的?

    Buoyancy aids个人浮力支援


39. Which of the following equipment is for protection against hypothermia? 下列哪些设施是防止体温下降的?

Immersion suits 浸水保温服


40. Long hair should always be covered by a helmet when working with or near moving machinery.



41. Leather gloves should generally be used when handling rough or sharp objects.



42. Rubber gloves are generally best for handling acids, alkalis碱金属, various types of oils, solvents溶剂and chemicals in general.



43. Personnel working aloft(about 2 meters) 在空中,在头顶上2. <海>在桅顶(或帆索高处) should wear a safety harness  马具, 挽具2. (防止坠落或摔倒的)背带,保护带  给(马等)装上挽具2. 治理, 利用 with lifeline救生索;生命线or other arresting device止动装置,掣子;卡子爪,棘轮;制动齿轮at all times一直.



44. Before work is commenced着手near the radar scanner, the officer responsible should ensure that power is shut off and warning notices posted on the bridge and in the machinery spaces.

雷达扫描仪附近着手工作前, 官员有责任确保电源是关着的, 警示标签应贴在桥上和机械的空白处.


45. Before work is commenced on the funnel, the officer responsible should inform the duty engineer to ensure that steps are taken to reduce as far as practicable the emission of steam, harmful gases and fumes. (烟、煤气、新的油漆等发出的)难闻的气味

在烟囱上着手工作前, 官员有责任知会当班工程师, 保证工作步骤是能尽量有效地减少蒸气, 有害气体和怪味的排放.


46. Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct? 关于货物, 下列哪种表述是正确的?

A. Cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of ships. 任何货物均能在任何船只上运载.


47. The profit from the carriage运输;运费of cargo, which is often called freight, keeps the merchant ship running.

来自航运货物运费的利润,通常被称作”运费”, 能保持商运船只的运作.


48. The carriers船公司should be responsible for loading, handling处理, stowing充填,积载,储物, 堆装, carrying, keeping, caring for and discharging卸料the goods carried according to the normal practice.

船公司应有责任根据正常实际情况来装载, 处理, 堆装, 运输, 保管, 照顾货物及卸货.


49. Which of the following statements about general cargoes is not correct? 关于普通货物, 下列陈述哪一种是非正确的?

B. General cargoes are packaged hazardous cargoes. 普通货物被包装成有害货物.


50. Raw materials belong to non-hazardous cargo. 原材料属于无害货物.


51. When loading or unloading baled cargo包装货物on board, the straps打包带抓握辅助带吊带are usually used to lift or drag the bales.

   当在船上装载或卸载包装好的货物时, 辅助带常用来提升或拉拽已包装货物。


52. Tools and instruments belong to finished metallic products. 工具与乐器属于电镀成品


53. Boilers锅炉and cylinders汽缸are manufactured goods制成品,产成品of large size.



54. Fragile or expensive cargoes are liable to易于be stolen, pilfered被盗or may be damaged due to improper handling or stowage  堆装物.



55. Details about the packing, marking and stowing积载 of hazardous cargoes are given in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. 国际海运危险品编码



56.A ship is said to be pitching纵摇前后波动when the bow and stern船首和船尾 rise and fall with the oncoming waves.



57.A ship is said to be swaying摇动 when the whole ship moves bodily 整个地to port船、飞机等的)左舷and then to starboard (船舶、飞机的)右舷,右侧.

一艘船在被认为有横向摇动, 是当整艘船从左舷到右舷移动时.


58. 1 nautical mile海里(合1.852公里) is the length of an arc弧线’of a great circle which subtends对角 an angle of 1 minute at the centre of the Earth.

1海里是指一个大圆圈的弧度, 一分钟绕地球中心对应处.


59. At sea, speed is measured in knots结, 节, 海里/小时. 1 knot equals 1 nautical mile per hour.

在海上, 速度是以节/小时测量, 一节等于每小时一海里.


60. Meet her means check the swing of the vessel’s head in a turn. 压舵是指制止船首在转向中偏移.


61. Midships means rudder舵 to be held in the force and aft position. 正舵是指舵在首尾线位置被控制.


62. The marine sextant航海六分仪is used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.



63. The chronometer精密计时器;航行表is the navigational  航行的,航海的timekeeper计时器of the vessel.



64. The echo sounder回音测探器sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea-bed, from which it is reflected反射的.



65. The radar is an equipment used to detect the presence of ships, buoys, coast and many other targets and to obtain range获取距离 and bearing;(用罗盘测定的)方位of these targets.

雷达是一个设施, 用来检测船只, 救生圈, 海岸及许多其他目标的出现, 并获取距离及以罗盘测出这些目标的方位.


66. The direction finder探向器,方位仪is a radio receiver with ability to sense direction of the incoming radio waves.

    方位仪是无线电接收器, 具有感觉前来的电波方位的能力.


67. The course recorder航向记录器provids a paper trace描图纸of course steered course to steer 操舵航向by the vessel against time争分夺秒地,尽快地.



68. Digital selective calling数字选择呼叫is used for calling and replying, and for transmitting acknowledging and relaying继电保护distress alerts呼叫遇险警报.

数字选择呼叫是用来呼叫和回应, 及传送通知对方已收到信息及选择呼叫遇险警报.


69. Search and Rescue Transponder搜救雷达应答器搜救应答器is used for providing homing signals导航信号 from survival craft  救生载具for detection发觉; 侦查;探测;察觉;发现by 9 GHz gigahertz 千兆赫[兹],吉赫radar.

   搜救雷达应答器是用来从救生船上提供导航信号, 以9千兆赫雷达来探测.


70. NAVETEX receiver is used for receiving maritime safety information海上安全信息which is automatically printed by the receiver.


71. Channel 6 may be used ship-to-ship for SAR operations海上搜救.



72. Channel 13 is used for safety of navigation ship-to-ship. 13频道用于船到船航行的安全.


73. Channel 16 is used for distress危险, 困难, 危难and urgency traffic紧急通信, and may be used by aircraft for safety purpose.

16频道用于危难及紧急通信, 并可能用于飞机的安全目的.


74. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air.



75. Precipitation (雨等)降落;某地区降雨等的量is formed when the droplets雨滴 or ice crystals冰珠冰晶in clouds have become sufficiently large to fall to the ground. 降雨是由云中的雨滴或冰晶变得足够大降落到地面.


76. Rising clouds腾云 is an indication that the weather is about to clear.



77. “Alto” stands for high. “Alto”代表.


78. “Nimbus” means rain. “Nimbus”意思是下雨.


79. The presence of cirrus clouds卷云may be a warning for an approaching storm.



80. The low-hanging低处的 stratus clouds层云 indicates unstable不稳固的反复无常weather.



81. Falling barometric pressure generally indicates that a gale大风or storm is approaching.



82. The most notorious臭名昭著的, 声名狼藉的tropical cyclones热带旋风, with wind speeds of 64 knots and over, are the Hurricane飓风in the North Atlantic and Eastern Pacific, the Typhoon in the Western North Pacific, The cyclone旋风in the South Pacific and the Willy-Willy沙漠旋风in the Australian Area.

最臭名昭著的热带旋风, 以风速64节甚至更甚者, 是南大西洋和东太平洋的飓风, 西北太平洋的台风, 南太平洋的旋风及澳洲地区的沙漠旋风.


83. Tides are mainly caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.



84. Medium clouds中云are clouds having their base between sea level and 2 km and 6 km height.

   中云是云层有基底, 在海平面与2公里及6公里高之间.


85. Cirrus is a silver cloud in the form of feathers or fibres seen high up against a blue sky.

    卷云是银色的云, 以羽毛或布匹的形状出现在高高在蓝天上。

86. Cirrocumulus卷积云is a high layer of cloud in the form of small flakes flakes or cauliflower花椰菜, 菜花, white in colour with no dark shadows in between.



87. Stratus层云is a low, even layer of dark grey cloud, with light and dark patches小块.


88. Altostratus 高层云belong to medium clouds.


89. Cirrocumulus [?sir?u?kju:mjul?s] belongs to High clouds. 卷积云属于高云。


90. A distress alert遇险警报... indicates that there is serious and immediate . 立即的, 即刻的; 紧迫的2. 目前的, 当前的3. 直接的4. 最接近danger for vessel, crew and passengers.



91. An urgency message紧急通报紧急电文indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passengers.



92. A safety message安全情报indicates that there is imminent risk紧迫的风险for navigation.



93. In Sea Area  海域A1 within radiotelephone-coverage无线电话覆盖范围of at least one VHF very high frequency<术>(无线电的)甚高频-coast station, continuous alerting连续的, 没有中断的2. 延伸的;遍布的 3. 反复的;频繁的channel 70 and radiotelephone service are available.

在海域A1, 无线电话覆盖范围至少在甚高频海岸电台,可作连续的警报在频道70和提供无线电话服务。


94. In Sea Area A2 within radiotelephone-coverage of at least one MF mcditlm frequency中频-coast station海岸电台, continuous alerting 2187.5 kHz and radiotelephone services are available.

在海域A2, 无线电话覆盖至少中频-海岸电台可作持续警报2187.5赫兹,及提供无线电话服务。


95. In Sea Area A3 within coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary与地球的相对位置不变的satellite International Maritime Satellite 国际海事卫星, continuous alerting is available.

   在海域A3, 由国际海事卫星覆盖,与地球相对位置不变的卫星,可持续报警。


96. The terrestrial system地面系统of GMDSS全球海上遇险安全系统consists of radio-telephony, DSC Defense and Space Center 国防与航天中心, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex航行警告[电传] 系统and SART Search and Rescue Radar Transponder 搜救雷达应答器.



97. The satellite systems of GMDSS comprise  包含, 包括, 由…组成2. 组成, 构成Inmarsat International Maritime Satellite 国际海事卫星, COSPAS科斯帕斯前苏联事故搜索卫星/SARSAT search and rescue satellite 搜索与救援卫星, EPIRBsEmergency Position Indicator Radio Beacon 紧急位置指示器,无线电信标 and Status Recording-system监控录像系统现状...监控录像系统现状.



98. Which of the following statements is true about VHF? 下列哪些是对于甚高频真实的陈述?

A. The VHF is used to bridge short distances. 甚高频是用于连接短距离。



安全情报是以宣告:“Securite – securite – securite-所有电台/船只-所电台/船只-所有电台/船只,这里是MV…呼叫信号….(3次)


100.The word over will indicate tht the transmitting party wishes to change from speaking to listening.



101. The word out indicates that the message transmission is ending.



102. Which of the following cases is the situation when most panic恐慌 occurs?下列哪些情况是最恐慌时发生的?

C. Abandoning ship 弃船


103. What should be done in all emergencies? Please choose TWO answers from the following. 遇到各种紧急状态时应该如何做?请选下列两个答案

A. To alert all members on board 警报通知所有船上成员  C. To ensure duties to be performed确保已履行职责

104. Which of the following actions should you do when you hear a fire alarm?当你听到火警声时你应做出下列哪些措施?

B. To get the assigned equipment指定的设施for use. 取指定的设施来使用。


105. What should you do when you hear the emergency alarm? 当你听到紧急警报声时你应做出下列哪些措施?

A. To proceed朝特定方向(前进) to the muster station 走向召集站


106. When you are on deck and see a man fall overboard越过船边坠入水中, 在船外, what should you do? 当你正在甲板上,你看见一个男子坠海,你该怎么做?

A. To shout “Man overboard” and throw a lifebuoy to the man in water.



107. What should you do in case of steering failure? 假如掌舵失灵,你该如何做?

    A. Inform Master and engine room轮机舱, sound emergency alarm, and exhibit appropriate signals.



108. Choose the correct procedure in case of electrical power. 万一失去电力,选择下列正确的步骤,

A. switch on NUC Naval Undersea Center 国家海下中心lights – inform ships in vicinity附近, 邻近by VHF – change over to hand steering – switch off equipment – switch on communication systems.



109. Which of the following is the correct procedural actions when you receive a distress or urgency message as a watch keeping officer?  当你作为一名值班工作人员, 收到危险和紧急信号, 下列哪种是正确的步骤措施?

C. Inform Master- Plot the position- ascertain the actions needed – maintain radio watch

    通知船长 – 精确描绘位置 – 查明需要的措施 – 保持无线电监测


110. When you find a suspiciously manoeuvred策划 vessel in vicinity附近,邻近,接近,密切, what should you do?

    当你发现附近有可疑船只时, 你该怎么办?

B. Inform Master and put on all deck lights. 通知舰长及打开甲板上所有的灯.


111. The purpose of Musters and Drills is to be well prepared for dangerous situations.



112. The muster arrangements should change every time a drill is carried out.



113. An abandon ship drill and a fire drill must be held within 24 hours of leaving port if more than 25% of the crew have not taken part in drills on board the ship in the previous month.

    在前一个月当中, 有超过25%的船员没有参加过船上演习的话, 在船只离开港口前24小时内必须要做一次弃船演习和一次防火演习.


114. Engine room personnel 机舱人员should start the fire pumps消防泵in machinery spaces and see that full pressure is put on fire mains fire water mains 消防主水管.

    机舱人员应在机械仓打开消防泵, 应看到消防主水管上的全压已经打开.


115. All the officers and engineers should know how to start and operate the emergency pump.



116. Fire drills should be carried out at different locations in different conditions and with different types of fire.

    必须执行防火演习, 要在不同地点, 演习不同的情况, 以不同类型的火来演习.


117. A vessel can be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.



118. A stand-on vessel . 直航船in a crossing横渡 situation is allowed to take action when it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action.



119. A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway航道.



120. A vessel engaged in replenishment补给 or transferring运输 persons , provisions供给物品 or cargo while under way can be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.



121.        A vessel is in sight of another vessel when she can be observed visually from the other vessel.



122.        A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules.



123.        According to the Rules, a vessel’s length is her length overall.



124.        All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT a vessel trolling拖钓作业 trolling.



125.        All of the following are practice of good seamanship EXCEPT when meeting, altering course变更航向 to the left to increase增大 sea rooom海中船舶可调转方向的宽广水域.



126.        Any alteration of course and / or speed to avoid collision碰撞 shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be large enough to be readily apparent表面上 to another vessel observing visually or by radar.



127.        Any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way避开of the vessel overtaken被超越船.



128.        Every vessel should at all times一直proceed前进 at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined定义 as that speed where you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision.



129.        If it becomes necessary for a stand-on直航vessel to take action to avoid collision, she shall NOT, if possible, turn to port for a vessel on her own port side.



130.        If there is sufficient sea room海中船舶可调转方向的宽广水域, alteration of course alone may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.   close quarters 近距离



131.        In determining决定 a safe speed the safe working load工作负荷 of the cranes both on board and ashore shall not be among those taken into account.  taken into account 考虑



132.        In determining safe speed, the Rules list all of the following as factors which must be taken into account被考虑的EXCEPT the maximum horsepower of your vessel.

在确定的安全速度下, 下列规则列单必须考虑在内, 除了船只最大马力.


133.        In order for便于a stand-on vessel to take action in a situation, she must determine that the other vessel is not taking appropriate action.

为便于同一方向行驶的船在一情况下采取措施, 她必须确定另一艘船是在没有采取正确措施的情况下.

134.        Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven机动的 vessels except when they are the overtaking 追赶的vessel. 航行中的船只是同一方向超马力的船只, 除了当他们是追赶的船只的情况下.


135.        The Navigation Rules define a “vessel not under command” as a vessel which through some exceptional例外 circumstance is unable to maneuver机动 as required by the Rules.

      航行规则规定, 一船只在指挥下,当作是一船只在例外的情况下不能够按照规则上的要求开动.


136.        The term restricted visibility, when used in the Rules, refers to any condition where visibility is restricted.

术语受限能见度, 用于规则, 指任何情况下可视度受限.


137.        Officer on Watch must stay at his place of duty until formally relieved.

值班员必须留在值班岗位, 直到正式解除.


138.        Which of the following things should off-going off-going watch 下班队伍OOW do? OOW officer of the watch 值班驾驶员

B. to inform the incoming OOW about the bridge equipment. bridge equipment 驾驶室设备

以下哪些应该是值班员下班该做的? 知会下一班值班员关于驾驶室设备的情况.


139.        Which of the following things should the incoming OOW do?下列哪些事情是到刚到岗的值班员该做的?

A.     to ensure the he understands the information handed to him.



140.        Whenever vessels are in sight of one another, a good method of early detection of risk of collision is by taking compass bearing罗经方位of the approaching vessel.

在任何情况下船只在另一船只视线范围内, 及早发现碰撞危险的好办法是取得趋前来船只的罗盘方位.


141.        When approaching a fog bank雾堤or rain squall暴风骤雨, radar should always be switched on.

当雾堤或暴雨临近, 必须把雷达常开.


142.        Which of the following activities should the OOW NOT do in restricted visibility?


A.     To cancel lookouts. 取消观察


143.        Which of the following is NOT the advantage of radar over eyes在眼里? 以下哪些不是雷达眼的优势?

C. No possibility of making errors没有出错的可能性


144.        Which of the following statements is true regarding position fixing?关于固定位置, 以下哪些表述是真实的?

C. at each of the position fixed, it is a must to ascertain the course made good.

   在每一固定位置, 必需弄清航向是正确的.


145.        Which of the following statements is true regarding the navigational watch航行值班?

关于航行值班, 以下哪些表述这真实的?

B. In coastal waters, the navigator should be prepared to use the engines if necessary, to ensure adequate sea room海上活动域.在沿海水域, 领航员必须准备好在必要时候使用发动机, 确保有适度的海上活动域.


146.        Deck log is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.航海日志是在航行的船只的完整航海记录, 由值班海员在值班最后时刻记录.


147.        In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an entry输入数据. What is the proper means of correcting this error?在当班结束时写航海日志, 输入数据有一个错误, 哪种方式才是合适的来更改这个错误?
A. Cross out the error with a single line, and write the correct entry, then initial it.

把错处用单线交叉划出来, 并写下正确的数据, 再签名.


148.        The official logbook is to be subjected to the ship’s owner or charterer to enable them to verify the ship’s condition and state during the operation.

正式的航海日志是由船主掌控或租船者, 能够核实船只的情况并且在动作时能表述.


149.        In the logbook, ab’m stands for “abeam”. (正横)



150.        In the logbook, a/c stands for “altered course”.



151.        In the logbook, AP stands for anchor position.



152.        In the logbook, F.W. stands for fresh water.



153.        In the logbook, s/c stands for set course.



154.        An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are in meter or fathom.

一个要点要记录, 当你在打开航海图时要注意, 深度是否是米还是英寻.


155.        On the Metric chart, 公制海图 the statement “Depths in meters” can be found below the title of the chart.

在公制海图上, 表述 “以米计深度”可以在图表的标题下面找到.


156.        Chart identification numbers can be found on the right bottom of the chart.



157.        New edition indicates the date when this chart was partly or completely revised and published.

当图表部分或全部更改并公布, 新版应显示日期.


158.        Small corrections indicates the date when this chart was partly or completely revised and published.

当图表有部分或完全修改及公布, 小范围的改错要显示日期.


159.        Left and right inner graduated标有刻度的 borderlines分界线 of the chart are scales of latitude纬度刻度.



160.        Top and bottom inner graduated borderlines of the chart are scales of longitudes.



161.        Small-scale charts cover large areas of ocean and are also called coastal charts.

小规模图表覆盖海洋区域, 也称作沿海图表.


162.        Medium scale charts normally have a scale of around 1:30,000 and are normally coastal charts.



163.        Large scale charts are also called harbour charts and are used when approaching the harbours and jetties.

大型图表也被称为海港图, 并且当靠近海港和码头时使用.


164.        Navigation details including soundings, nature of the bottom, navigational marks etc. are shown in large-scale charts.

航海细节包括水深, 底部的种类, 航海记号等, 全部列在大比例图表中.


165.        The information regarding ports such as buoyed channels, fairway, location and number of terminals, river channels, details of navigational marks, location of overhead bridges, underground cables etc. are shown in large-scale charts.

信息包括港口,比如救生频道, 航道, 位置及终点的号码, 江河的频道, 航海记号的细节, 架空桥的位置, 地下缆绳等, 都展示在大型图表上.


166.        Maintenance of charts and nautical publications up to date is a statutory requirement under the SOLAS Convention.



167.        The Second Officer is normally resposible for maintaining records of corrections to navigational charts and nautical publications.


168.        On having completed entering the notice in the correction folio纸 , mark CORRECTED in the margin against that notice.在已完成输入的通知在更正纸上, 要写上已更正在通知的边缘.



169.        On completion of corrections of all notices from a NM, mark COMPLETED on the front cover page of the NM (nautical mile 海里) with the same.

所有的通知在完成更正后, 要同样的注明完成在封面的正面页.


170.        The International Load Certificate is issued under the International Convention on Load lines.



171.        The Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate is issued under the SOLAS Convention.



172.        “The ship is exempted from compliance with the following provisions of the Code” means The ship need not comply with the provisions.



173.        The blank following “Issued at” in the certificate form should be filled with a place.

下列空白处 “发布于”在证书格式上应填上地点.


174.        The blank following “Issued on” in the certificate form should be filled with a date.

下列空白处 “发布于”在证书格式上应该填上 “日期”.


175.        Which of the following certificates is attached with a record of equipment?下列哪些证书是附有设施的记录?

A.     Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate货船安全设备证书


176.        Validity有效的 of this Deratting Exemption Certificate免予除鼠证书is hereby extended until 4th Oct. 1988 as the vessel is laden with cargo.

由于该船负载, 免予除鼠证书的有效性因此延至1988104.


177.        My Deratization Exemption Certificate will become due 到期,期满by the end of this month.



178.        Please arrange the renewal续期 of my Deratting Exemption Certificate.



179.        The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in all ports of the issuing country.



180.        The Quarantine officer检疫员told the master that the Certificate of Pratique shall become ineffective无效的 if the ship calls at other foreign ports.

检疫员告知船长, 若该船停留在外国的港口, 入港许可证已无效.


181.        Port of Registry船籍港refers to the port where the ship has been registered.

     船籍港是指, 该港口是该船已在此注册的.


182.        The government of PR China certifies证明 that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations.



183.        The phrase When built in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means When was your vessel built?

这句话: 何时建造, 在船只国藉证明上的确切意思是 “贵船是何时建造的?”


184.        The Tonnage Certificate gives the measurements of a vessel which is classified into gross tonnage and net tonnage.

吨位证明提供船的测量结果, 是以毛吨位和纯吨位分类的.


185.        Pratique signifies that vessel has passed quarantine inspection and may enter port. 

入港许可意味着该船已经通过检疫, 并且可以进入港口.


186.        The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating positions of the various load lines of the vessel.



187.        If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must apply for renewal or extension at any port. 如果有证件到期或即将到期, 该船长必须申请续期或延期.


188.        The certificate will remain in force till July 1st, 1990.



189.        The Safety Radio Certificate for the cargo Ship is issued under the Provisions of the SOLAS Convention.



190.        The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate(消除) variation as far as possible.

调整指南针最重要的目的, 是尽可能地消除变化.


191.        Sailing Directions are Kept up to date by supplements.



192.        Sailing Directions 航路指南amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.

航路指南放大了图表的细节, 包括航行安全所需要的信息.


193.        Place names used should be those on the chart or Sailing Directions in use.



194.        A buoy, being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing, shows that it is left-side buoy.

浮标, 圆柱体的形状, 有红色组灯闪烁, 显示它是左边的浮标.


195.        Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that, while their vessel are calling at this port, all discharge outlets are opened.要求船长必须确认, 当他们的船只停靠港口, 所有的卸船出口必须打开.


196.        A Mercator chart is a cylindrical projection. 柱面圆柱投影



197.        Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the Chart Correction Card.



198.        All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) gnomonic projection.球心投影.



199.        Chart legends图例集合which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in capital letters.

图例集合显示显眼的记号, 以大写字母打印.


200.        Depths of {Wk.} are to be inserted in the chart.

B. wreck沉船



201.        In revised editions of charts the larger scales are corrected.

在图表更新版, 较大尺度被更正.


202.        In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?


B. Catalog of Charts海图目录


203.        Isogonic lines等高线are lines on a chart indicating points of equal variation.

等高线是图表上的线, 表示等磁差曲线图的点.


204.        The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is on a regional basis.



205.        Charts are subject to frequent correction according to Notices to Mariners.



206.        Contour elevations等深高 on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean sea level.

等深高在此表中表示以上是以码来测量的高度, 指海平面.


207.        Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart 渐长海图by using the latitude scale near the middle of the track line. 航迹线...



208.        You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other traffic. You must heave up your anchor.

你已抛锚在错误的地方, 阻碍交通. 你必须拖起你的锚.


209.        Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate fish trap areas诱捕鱼区.



210.        Notices to Mariners are published every week.



211.        Navigational warnings are published according to the designated area. 指定区域



212.        The phrases VESSEL IN BALLAST 压载usually means the ship loaded with water.

词组”VESSEL IN BALLAST” 有压载的船通常是指该船装载有水.


213.          The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called port of embarkation.装载港

       在该港口船员和乘客上船的, 该船叫作登船港.


214.        THE VESSEL CLEARED THE PORT means the vessel left the port properly.

船只(办妥出港手续,结关后)离港, 是指船只正常离开港口.


215.        ETA/PILOT REVERTING 回复means: A pilot station will be given afterwards.

     Estimate Time arrive 预计到达时间

ETA预计到达时间/ PILOT REVERTING舵手归位, 意思是: 舵手位置将在之后到岗.


216.        AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means after the pilot leaving the ship.

投下舵手之后, 意思是在舵手离开船只之后.


217.        Which item should not be recorded in oil record book part B?A. ballasting of oil fuel tanks.

哪一项目不应被记录在油箱记录本B部分? 燃油罐的压舱物.


218.        Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with the port of registry and name of the ship.

每一个救生圈都应该以罗马字母加粗大写的作记号, 写上登记的港口及船只的名称.


219.        The master should take necessary precautions to prevent accidents or damage.



220.        Whose duty is it examine and verify the vessel’s classification and technical state and condition?

B.Marine surveyor’s




221.        The Present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is the port of destination.

我船本航次从上海港口出发, 装载8000吨货物在船上之后, 最后到香港港口卸货, 香港为终点港口.


222.        The time worked beyond regular hours is expressed in term of overtime.



223.        Carbon dioxide or dry chemical, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.

二氧化碳或干燥化学物, 如化学灭火器, 应该用于电动引起的火灾.


224.        When the ship causes oil ship’s personnel to the port, she will be fined.

当该船促使油船的人员到港口, 她将会受罚.


225.        It is requested that the ship’s personnel are to comply with the port regulations.



226.        The fire and boat drills for a cargo ship should be carried out once a month under normal conditions.

在正常情况下, 货船的防火及救生演习应每月执行一次.


227.        To discharge sanitary water from any vessel, an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.

从船上排出卫生用水, 应填写申请表给海港当局批准.


228.        The second officer will take over the watch soon.



229.        A fireman’s outfit carried onboard cargo vessels, must have a self-contained breathing apparatus.

放在货船上的消防员装备, 必须有一个配套齐全的呼吸器.


230.        The line-throwing appliance provided on board ship is for the saving of life.



231.        Vessel towing with the current shall at no time tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.



232.        A ship is said to drag if the anchor will not hold her in position.

若锚将不固定位置时, 我们说船要拖动.


233.        ANCHOR IS ACROSS means that Anchor is foul.



234.        Weigh both anchors.



235.        The expression drop anchor means let go anchor.



236.        We shall change course to starboard.



237.        Let go port anchor, one shackle in water.

放开港口的锚, 一头定在水里.


238.        Navigational Warnings will be broadcast every one hour on VHF Channel 6.



239.        Take tug’s towing line to capstan绞盘.



240.        The giving-way vessel has a same meaning of burdened vessel.



241.        In case of your steering gear failed, not under command should be exhibited in shapes or lights.

万一你的方向盘失去作用, 无法控制, 应该在各种形状或灯光下展示出来.

242.        If the ship is alongside the wharf, what kind of ladder is used?如果船在码头的边上, 使用哪种梯子?

D. accommodation ladder有踏板的梯


243.        The ship’s draught forward is as same as her draught aft. This condition is named as even keel.

船首吃水跟船尾吃水一样. 这种情况叫做平吃水.


244.        I hereby declare that MV Ameber has a summer deadweight tonnage of cargo of 12 453 metric tons or a bale capacity of 18987 cu. Meters. This is a sentence from Declaration of DWTC. (Dead weight tonnage of cargo)

我以此方式宣布, Ameber船有夏季载重货物12453公吨或一捆体积为18987立方米的货物.这个句子是来自宣载通知书上的宣言.


245.        In practice, it is usual for the ship to be loaded a little deeper aft to improve the vessel’s movement through the water.

实际上, 通常船只带负载船尾要稍深一点, 用于促进船有水上的行动.


246.        Mariners must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as not to affect the vessel’s stability.



247.        The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means fumigation.

在船上不同的隔间通过释放消毒剂来消毒, 可以杀死携带病菌的老鼠和所有害虫, 这叫作薰舱消毒.      

248.        The hydraulic crab水力蟹 is not suitable for bagged cargo袋装货物.



249.        A bad separation makes the cargo more difficult to discharge at its destination.



250.        A charter party is an agreement reached for the hiring of a ship.



251.        A charter party is an agreement between the Shipowner and the Charterer.



252.        By the time charter, a Shipowner agrees to place his vessel at the disposal of a Charterer for a period.

包租期间, 船主同意将他的船放置在租船者安排的地方一段周期.


253.        From Dead weight scale the information concerning the tons per inch or centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.  

船只相关的信息, 该船每英尺的吨数或每公分吃水吨数通常可以通过载重表尺找到.


254.        Which is the winter load waterline on the load waterline mark? 哪一项是冬季载重流水线的水载重记号?

D. The line between the summer and the winter North Atlantic load waterline.

D. 该线位于夏季及冬季北大西洋载重线.


255.        Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?

C. Cargo Surveyor’s


C. 货物勘测员


256.        Fish meal 渔粉is the most liable to spontaneous combustion.



257.        As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to rough handling.

实际上, 绞盘的损坏是由于粗暴的操作.


258.        As to the torn bags, I’ll tell the Shipper to resew them up.

至于破包, 我将告知承运商缝合好.


259.        Bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to heavy cargoes.



260.        Broken stowage includes the space between irregular containers.



261.        Dry cargoes are those commodities that never leak but may be spoiled by leakage.



262.        Inflammable cargo shall never be stowed in the holds adjacent to the engine room.

易燃物品, 不应放置在与工程室毗连的地方.


263.        Strong smelling cargo should be stowed away from the cargo absorbing foreign smell.



264.        The Bill Lading is described as clean if the shipowners agree that the cargo were received on board in good condition.

若船主同意该船货物已在船上以良好状况收取, 运货车的提货单上应写上 “正常”.


265.        The damaged cargo is not allowed to export without being repaired or replaced.



266.        The most important principle in the cargo stowage is to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.



267.        The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by various types of cargoes.



268.        Freight rates are mostly charged by the weight (tons) of cargo.



269.        The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by IMDG code.           危险货物运输的包装由IMDG码证明. 

270.        This sum may be deducted from Hire according to Clause 14 of the Charter.

根据纲领条款第14条, 总额可在雇佣金中扣除.


271.        IN BALLAST means that the ship is not carrying cargo.

 装有压舱物, 是指此艘船没有装载货物.


272.        Ballast water is the water in the hold to keep the ship’s stability.



273.        Tally fees will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.

劳工的酬金, 将在劳工做了工作之后, 由船主付给劳工.


274.        During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel sustained heavy damages to the deck fittings.

从大连往新加坡的航船, 我船的甲板配件有持续的严重损坏.


275.        During the voyage from Singapore to Shanghai my vessel encountered No. 9904 tropical storm.



276.        Monsoons are characterized by steady winds that reverse direction semiannually.



277.        Visibility will not be reduced by cloud.



278.        When a wind blows round clockwise, it is Veering.

当风按顺时针方向吹时, 是顺转.


279.        The weather is often fine in a high-pressure area.

在高压区域, 天气常常是晴朗的.


280.        When visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is poor.

当能见度降到约5英里, 我们说可见度.


281.        Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of Beaufort Force 8-9 are expected.



282.        When winds of force reach 10-11 in Beaufort Scale, usually we call such winds as Storm.

当风力达到蒲氏10-11级, 我们通常称这种风作暴风.


283.        Ship’s steering gear refers to course controlling system.



284.        Masts and derricks of cargo ships are made of steel.



285.        Point out which one of the following items is not in the charge of Chief Officer in repairing operation the maintenance of boiler.

指出下列哪些项目不是由大副负责的, 在锅炉的维修操作中


286.        Midships refers to rudder to be held in position fore and aft.



287.        Forecastle deck is located in the ship’s bow stem.



288.        A deck crane is used for lifting cargo.



289.        Roll-on / roll-off ships are equipped with ramps.



290.        My propeller was hit by a steel barge lying astern.



291.        On board container carriages, below-deck containers are stowed装进 in fixed cell guides.

在船上的集装箱车箱, 甲板以下的集装箱是装进合适的集装箱导轨内.


292.        Which refers to the living place for seafarers? C. Accommodation

哪一种是船员的住处? C. 住宿舱


293.        Compared to manila line, size for size, nylon line has less strength than manila line.

对比马尼拉绳, 按尺寸大小, 尼龙绳比马尼拉绳的力更小.


294.        IMO stand for international maritime organization.



295.        “How do you read?” “I read you with signal strength good”.

“你显示的是什么?” “我显示给你的是信号强度”.


296.        ADVISE YOU MAKE COURSE 036 means that you should change your course to 036.



297.        EASE THE STRAIN ON THE STERN LINE means send out the stern line.



298.        MAYDAY is to be used to announce a distress message.



299.        What does the abbreviation VHF stand for? D. Very High Frequency.

VHF的缩写意思是什么? D. 甚高频


300.        When the changing of a VHF channel / frequency is accepted, say changing to VHF channel

当转到甚高频/频率被允许, 说 “转到甚高频”…              

301.        When it is accepted to remain on the frequency indicated, you should say standing by on VHF frequency

当被允许保持在显示的波段, 你应说在甚高频待命.


302.        Smoke signal is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime. 在白天, 大海中的救生艇发出的信号, 烟幕信号是最可见的危难信号.