
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/08 15:22:24


(2011-08-25 17:33:42)

Apple boss Steve Jobs to be replaced by Tim Cook

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has resigned as chiefexecutive of the technology giant and will be replaced by chiefoperating officer Tim Cook.



Mr Jobs, who underwent a liver transplant followingpancreatic cancer, said he could no longer meet his chiefexecutive's duties and expectations.


The Silicon Valley legend will become chairman of thefirm.


The 56-year-old has been on medical leave for anundisclosed condition since 17 January.


In a short letter to the board ofApple, Mr Jobs wrote: "I have always said if there evercame a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectationsas Apple's chief executive, I would be the first to let youknow.


"Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign aschief executive of Apple.


"I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative daysare ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing toits success in a new role.


"I have made some of the best friends of my life atApple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to workalongside you."


Apple board member Art Levinson paid tribute to MrJob's contribution to the company: "Steve's extraordinary visionand leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as theworld's most innovative and valuable technologycompany."

苹果董事会的成员,Art Levinson 为致辞赞扬乔布斯对公司的贡献:“史蒂夫杰出的远见和领导力拯救了苹果并带领苹果成为世界上最富有创新力和最有价值的科技公司。”

'Hugely successful'


Analysts said the move was not unexpected, and wouldhave little impact on the day-to-day running of thecompany.


"Steve is [still] going to be able to provide theinput he would do as a chief executive," said Colin Gillis at BGCFinancial.

BGC Financial 的Colin Gills说到:“史蒂夫仍然可以做出他做总裁时的贡献。”

"But Tim has been de facto chief executive for sometime and the company has been hugely successful. The vision and theroadmap is intact."


Nor will customers see any real difference, analystssaid.


"At the end of the day, consumers don't buy productsfrom Apple because they're from Steve Jobs, they buy them becausethey meet their needs and they're good products, and they'llcontinue to do that," Michael Gartenberg from Gartner told theBBC.

“毕竟,消费者不是因为乔布斯而买苹果的产品。他们购买是因为这些产品满足了他们的需要而且很好。所以,他们会继续购买的”。Gartner 公司的Michael Gartenberg告诉BBC记者。

However, Apple shares slid more than 5% in after-hourstrading, suggesting that some investors were less confident of thecompany's prospects without Mr Jobs at the helm.


At the same time, shares in two of Apple's main Asianrivals gained. Taiwan-based phone maker HTC rose 4.1%, while SouthKorea's Samsung Electronics gained 3.2%.


The firms compete with Apple in the smartphone andtablet-PC sector, and have been involved in legal battles withApple over patent rights. Analysts said that Mr Jobs' departure maymake life easier for rivals.


"Maybe this will make the playing field a bit morelevel," Bryan Ma of IDC Asia-Pacific told the BBC's Asia BusinessReport.

“也许这会让竞争更加平衡,” IDC Asia-Pacific公司的Bryan Ma对BBX亚洲商业报道的记者说。

Revolutionary products


Mr Jobs is widely seen as the creative force that hasdriven Apple to become one of the world's biggestcompanies.


Thanks to innovative and hugely popular products suchas the iPod, the iPhone and more recently the iPad, Apple hasbecome one of the most sought after brands in the world.

多亏了创新十足又广受欢迎的产品,如iPod, iPhone和最近推出的iPad,苹果成为了世界上最吃香的品牌之一。

In the three months to the end of June, the companymade a profit of $7.3bn on revenues of $28.6bn. It sold more than20 million iPhones in the period and 9.25 million iPads.


The company recently became the most valuable US firmafter its market capitalisation overtook that of oil company ExxonMobil.


Mr Jobs co-founded Apple in the 1970s with SteveWozniak and its Macintosh computers became hugely popular in the1980s.

乔布斯与20世纪70年代和Steve Wozniak共同创建了苹果公司。他们的产品Macintosh电脑在80年代非常流行。

In 1985, Mr Jobs left the company after falling outwith colleagues, only to return in 1997 and begin Apple'stransformation by launching the colourful iMac computer.


The iPod, which revolutionised the personalmusic-player market and spawned myriad copycat devices, waslaunched in 2002 and lay the foundations for the company's successover the past decade.


Next came the iPhone, which similarly revolutionisedthe smartphone market, while the iPad confounded some initialscepticism to prove hugely popular.


Many versions of these products have been launchedwhile Mr Jobs has been on medical leave, and new versions that havebeen planned for months will not be affected by his departure,analysts said.


"In the near term, at least the next two three years,Apple will continue to have a fantastic run because it's got itsentire roadmap in place which will continue to work seamlessly,"Manoj Menon at Frost and Sullivan told the BBC.

“在近期一段时间,至少是接下来两三年,苹果都会继续成为一个非常成功的公司,因为它有它的规划,这些规划会完美地进行下去。”Frost and Sullivan公司的Manoj Menon告诉BBC。

