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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年10月11日 13:49   国际在线

  Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello is reporting that Starz isgoing to recast the title role of its hit gladiator drama, 'Spartacus.' Arepresentative for the Starz network had no comment on the EW report。

  据报道,Starz 电视台将要为他的热播剧《斯巴达克斯》重选主角。

  It was heartbreaking to learn that 'Spartacus' star AndyWhitfield's cancer, which he'd battled earlier in the year, had recentlyreturned, forcing him to drop out of production on the second season ofthe show。

  男主角Andy Whitfiel患癌症的消息实在让人痛心,他今年早些时候曾和病魔搏斗,最近又复发了,所以不得不退出了斯巴达克斯第二季。

  According to Ausiello's story, producers are searching for an actorto play the "smart, intense, passionate" lead role on the drama. Given achoice between shutting down the show permanently and recasting thelead role, the powers that be apparently went with the latter option。


  Whitfield will still appear in two episodes of 'Spartacus: Gods ofthe Arena,' a prequel series that will air on Starz in early 2011.

  Whitfield 仍会在《斯巴达克斯:神之竞技场》的前两集中出现。此剧是《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》的前传,将于2011初开播。

  Whitfield brought a quiet and effective intensity to the role ofthe slave turned gladiator. I join Whitfield's fans in devoutly hopingthat he recovers fully and can display his skills in many future roles.And there's no doubt that the actor stepping into Whitfield's role willhave big shoes (or rather, sandals) to fill。

  将剧中人物从奴隶到角斗士的转变处理得自然且有强度,张力十足。在此我们衷心希望Whitfield 能完全康复,再度发挥自己的出色演技。