
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 20:32:22


1.   We know nothing about the newcomer____he is abroad for more than 5 years.

A.besides  b. except   c. except that  d. except for

2.     Please take a photo____ stands atower.

a.   in which  b. in the place  c. at the place that

d. where

3.     In the dark street, there wasn’t asingle person ___ she could turn for help.

A . that    B. who  C. from whom   D. to whom

4.     --- Shall we go outing this weekend?

--- Oh, withall this work ____. I don’t know if I will have time to go out.

A. to do   B. doing  C. done   D. do

5.     Her grandfather looks much_____ aftera good night’s rest.

A. live     B. living  C. alive   D. lively

6.     --- They are hard working and theywill become engineers in the future.


A. So arewe   B. It is the same with us C.So will we  D. We will, too

7.     How we wish to invent _____ machine.

A.time-saving   b.time-saved   c. saving-time   d. saved-time

8.     The disease will cause blindnessif____ untreated.

a. leave    b. leaving  c. to leave   d. left

9.     Although he sometimes gets angryeasily, his students like him___ for it.

a. not somuch   B. no so little   c. no more  d. no less

10. I don’t think you are an actor,______

a. doyou   b. are you   C. don’t you    d. aren’t you

11. The professor knows three foreignlanguages,____ English, French and Japanese.

a. forexample   b. such as   c.that is   d. which is

12. Theaccident ___ in a village ___ a hot afternoon.

a.happened;  on    b. took place ; on   c. was happened ; in

d.broke out; during

12. can you imagine a little boy ____ astranger ___ into the house and ___a box away?

a. notice,enter, steal    b. watching, come,taking 

c. found,steal, carry     d. seeing, steal,carry  

13. I don’t think the curtains( 窗帘)______ the carpet(地毯)in your house.

a. go     b. suit   c. fit   d. match

14. The price for this pen is too _____

a.expensive   b. cheap   C. high   d. dear

15. --- He shouldn’t have been socareless.

--- The onlyfault ____ him his job.

a. cost   b. took  c. spent   d. lost

16. Don’t get off the bus until it ______

a. hasstopped   b. stopped   c. will stop   d. shall stop

17. Who did the teacher have ___ how __the computer?

A. to show ;to use    b. showed, use 

c. shown  using       d. show   to use

18. Father was happy ____ the sight ofthe car after we cleaned it.

a. in    b. with   c. at    d. for

19. There is my friend. Would you makeyourself ___ hom?

a. toknow    b. know    c. known by   d. known to

20. In order to learn English well,_______

a.   it is necessary to practise a lot

b.   a lot of practice is needed.

c.   To practise a lot is necessary

d.   We need to practice a lot

21. Not the teacher but the students ____excited.

A is   b.are   c. remains  d. being

22. Be careful when you cross this verybusy street. If not, you may____ run over by a car.

a. have     b. get   c. become   d. turn

23. Tom ought not to ___ me your secret.But he meant no harm.

a. have told    b. tell c. be telling    d. having told

24. What he said ___ us much to thinkabout.

a. kept    b. remained  c. left   d. made

25. No matter what you say, I’ll _____ myown opinion.

a. carryout   b. keep up   c. insist on  d. stick to