青竹湖湘一外国语学校:Refused to makeup a good color waterproof makeup is king bea

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 18:27:22
Emphasis on waterproof makeup before you understand the new trends in beach! Heavy eye makeup, eyelashes, people feel too artificial, as learning foreign stars, reducing a color, enhance the skin gloss, set off by the sun have more natural color.

 Waterproof makeup 3 "less", do not faint drip-looking building

 POINT 1: less oil

 Reduce maintenance program, "their oil" is the natural latex

 Too many skin care products stacked but will Tuozhuang, just before the end on a moisturizing essence, because the skin secretion of oil is a natural latex.

 POINT2: less powder

 "Cream cream products" easy to fit perfectly in the skin, not broken up by water

 Powder to ward off a case of sweat can not automatically fall, or pasta with a powder Cream the most secure, increase the use of components of the solidified wax is not easy with the water slide.

 POINT 3: less makeup

 Tuozhuang more embarrassing than no makeup! Thin brush blush or brighten the eyes, a sense of performance of the outlet by the light color, using the sun and the waves of light reflection, even if the makeup is not sparkling and moving.

 Wheat muscle beach beauty makeup

 Wheat Color: gold cream eye shadow powder Cream

 Do not think that wheat did not make muscle becomes dull, choose champagne cream eye shadow, eye worm or smear in the top of the cheekbones, with a powder Cream leap Ze light perception, together with the skin to enhance the brightness of the sunlight, creating the Brazilian supermodel sexy black gold good skin.

 1 parallel dampened powder Cream

 Cream powder on the sponge to the right and left shaking picks, so Creme evenly distributed.

 2 pores at the point of pressure with

 Powder with the push so stretched, nose on both sides with coarse pores at the sponge side of the point pressure.

 3 palm degree temperature raise obedient

 After the finish on the bottom with the palm coated cheeks, to enhance the foundation temperature will be more fitting skin.

 4 gold brighten the eyes

 Pulp stick eye shadow applied on the eye at the snail, blink your eyes flashed between the gloss.

 5. Cheekbones also decorate the big C

 Above the cheekbone to the temple of the large cast gold C range, highlight the three-dimensional cheeks.

 6 more sexy shiny petty bone

 Protruding bone at the chain reaction can also be painted, showing fine Gugan Mei. 原文引自:http://www.sy92.com/Makeup_tips/Refused_to_makeup_a_good_color_waterproof_makeup_is_king_bea.html 喜欢学英语的朋友欢迎分享!