
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:30:38
作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt   时间: 2011年09月07日   来源:财富中文网
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去年iPhone 4上市之前,一名苹果员工外出就餐时丢失了一台原型机。眼下iPhone 5上市在即,又有一名苹果员工在酒吧里“丢失”了原型机。整个事情好似一出精心导演的好戏,而苹果似乎难脱炒作嫌疑。不管你信不信,反正我是信了。
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图中即为iPhone 5丢失的Cava22酒吧。照片:James Martin/CNET
去年iPhone 4原型机丢失风波正是因为具备以上这些元素才显得如此扣人心弦——这台样机在一家酒吧里遗失了,然后被卖给了科技博客Gizmodo的一名编辑。警方突击搜查了这名编辑的住所,收缴了他的电脑。
本周的iPhone 5原型机丢失案还没闹到这种地步,不过它也别有一番兴味。
这次“iPhone 5原型机丢失案我最喜欢下面几个细节:
3、苹果防盗追踪功能:看来这个功能还是管用的。苹果侦测到这台丢失的原型机藏身于旧金山市Bernal Heights区的某幢二层小楼内(来源:CNET),结果后来发现这幢建筑实际上属于Ingleside区管辖(来源:新闻资讯网站SFWeekly)。
4、 “无价之宝”:苹果公司接受旧金山警察局(the San Francisco Police Department)就这台丢失的手机的价值质询时,称它是“无价之宝”。
7、警察成摆设:搜查是由两名苹果的安全人员进行的。他们给了卡尔德隆 300美元的报酬,要他交出手机,然后针对非法移民的问题对卡尔德隆含糊其辞地恫吓了一番,最后留给他一张苹果公司的名片。而在这个过程中,四名警察反而礼貌地在门外等着,没有参与行动。(来源:SFWeekly)
9、警察的托词:旧金山警察局也不想趟这滩浑水,该局对媒体称没有收到任何关于搜索的报告,甚至没有接到关于手机失窃的报告。不过才过了几个小时,该局就改口。【《商业内幕》(Business Insider)】
The tech press is never happier than when it's in hot pursuit of the next Apple (AAPL) iPhone. Almost any clue will do -- a purloined case design, a blurry factory photo, a leaked production estimate from a sketchy Asian news source.
That's what made last year's saga of the prototype iPhone 4 -- lost in a bar and sold to a Gizmodo editor whose house was raided and his computers seized -- so irresistible.
The story of the iPhone 5 that broke this week hasn't got those kind of legs, but it's not without its charms.
My favorite details:
1.Cava22. The San Francisco tequila lounge where the device was lost serves a mean lime-marinated shrimp ceviche. (CNET)
2. The booze. The owner of the bar told CNET: "I guess I have to make my drinks a little less strong."
3. Find-My-iPhone. It worked, to a degree. Apple traced the missing device to a two-story house in San Francisco's Bernal Heights neighborhood (CNET) that turned out to be in Ingleside (SFWeekly)
4. "Priceless" That's what Apple gave the San Francisco Police Department as the value of the missing item (CNET)
5. The cops. The cash-strapped SFPD thought the incident of sufficient importance to assign four plainclothes officers to the case. (SFWeekly)
6. The search. The owner of the house -- one Sergio Calderón, 22 -- allowed his home to be thoroughly tossed without asking for a search warrant or to see some identification. (SFWeekly)
7. The potted plants. The real police waited politely outside while two Apple security guys conducted the search, offered Calderón a $300 reward, made vague threats about illegal aliens, and left a business card that could be traced back to Apple (SFWeekly)
8. The hard guy. The LinkedIn page (since removed) of Anthony "Tony" Colon -- the Apple detective who led the search -- listed his specialties as threat assessment, counter terrorism, executive protection and site security surveys. (SF Weekly)
9. The subterfuge. The SFPD was able to keep the department out of the story -- at least for a few hours -- by telling the press that it had no report any search or even of a missing device. (Business Insider)
10. Call central casting. The name of the police lieutenant who finally owned up to the SFPD's role in the matter -- admitting that at Apple's request no crime report was filed -- was Troy Dangerfield.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
And what happened to the missing iPhone? Is it still at large? Did Tony Colon manage to track it down? Apple, not surprisingly, isn't saying.
