
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:27:42
 【Weather May 14】
Wuhan: cloudy 19~28℃
Yichang: cloudy 20~27℃
Shiyan: cloudy 19~26℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.17 CNY
100 GBP = 1057.92 CNY
100 EUR = 924.57 CNY
100 HKD = 83.65 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0372 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2871.03 +26.95 +0.95%
HangSeng Stock
23276.27 +202.51 +0.88%【Highlights】
>New social insurance policy
>Markets blamed for price hike
>Price hike needs reason
>CQ: red culture in prisons
>How Facebook targets Google
>Yao sues for infringements
>Kerr tells of 27hr labor
超模晒布鲁姆陪产糗事 【Cover Story】
>Bank explosion injures 39
At least 39 people were injured, of them 6 seriously wounded, when a blast went off Friday morning at a rural bank in Gansu, Xinhua reported. The local government identified the accident as a case of "arson" in a press release issued at 11:30 am. Blast went off at the Rural Credit Cooperatives in Tianzhu Tibetan autonomous county at around 8:30 am, when all the bank employees were having a meeting. A witness who declined to be named said someone ignited a homemade "gasoline bomb".
The suspected arsonist has been identified as Yang Xianwen, a bank cashier at the credit cooperatives who was fired for "embezzling bank money," said a local official. So the explosion may have been a kind of retaliatory action.
据当地官员介绍,纵火嫌疑人杨显文原系信用社财务室出纳,曾因挪用公款被该信用社开除,纵火可能属于报复行为。 【Top News】
>Markets blamed for price hike
High fees for the admittance of commodities to supermarkets, the money producers pay for listing their products in the supermarket, are blamed for driving up commodity prices in China, CCTV reported Thursday. The fees are charged for more than 10 reasons, including opening an account for a brand, celebrating festivals, starting a new supermarket chain store, renovating one of the old chain stores, putting up posters for sale. Some supermarkets charge 40-45% higher than the price before an item enters the supermarkets, according to estimates by industry professionals.
The factory price of a bag of crispy guoba (rice) is RMB1.2, but it sells for RMB3 in supermarkets, of which RMB1.2 is earned by the supermarkets.
The fee for the admittance of commodities to shopping malls is even higher than that for supermarkets. Some shirts cost dozens of yuan, but they sell more than RMB1,000 by retailers in malls, said Chen Liping, professor in marketing at the Capital University of Economics and Business.
The public and journalists have called for some laws and regulations to put in check the skyrocketing fees for an admittance of commodities to supermarkets.
公众、媒体呼吁,需有相关法律法规出台对其进行遏制。 >Price hike needs reason
Major beverage producers launched a unanimous move to change packaging as the summer comes — a traditional drink sales season. Consumers are left with smaller bottles of Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Master Kong, while they have to pay the same as before. The 3 companies, however, continue to anger consumers by failing to give a proper answer when questioned about the undercover price hike.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi both slimmed their bottles from 600ml to 500ml. Coca-Cola played it safe, saying that it's a global move and that increasing cost is one of the things to blame. Pepsi, by contrast, is apparently well prepared - the package change is made to feed your favor for smaller bottles, dear consumers, which our 18-month market study suggests.
Many people said the Pepsi's explanations are unacceptable, and insult consumers' intelligence. Someone in the world said: "We can deduce from Pepsi's words that consumers get what they want. Then why don't you offer drinks all free as we want the most?"
不少人表示,百事给出的理由"实在很雷人",是在嘲笑消费者的智商。有人直言:"如果按照百事的逻辑,消费者最喜欢免费的可乐,百事怎么不免费送可乐啊?" >CQ: red culture in prisons
A Chongqing official Wednesday inspected the activities spreading "red culture" in local prisons, and said in a following meeting that how well an inmate spreads "red culture" should be a factor in evaluating the inmate's performance and deciding if his sentence can be shortened, the Chongqing Daily reported. The evaluation of an inmate's performance should also follow legal and standard protocols. The official also pointed out that prisoners' reeducation used to be realized mainly through hard labor, but now it needs to go beyond that and focus more on psychological reconfiguration. "Red culture" plays an important role in transforming prisoners into people who act morally, obey the law, and contribute to society. Spreading "red culture" in prisons has its historical significance and an impact on the present, the official said.
据《重庆日报》报道,重庆市官员11日调研了红色文化在监狱的开展情况,并在随后的会议中表示,在押人员参与红色文化传播活动的情况,应依法按照程序纳入考核评价体系,作为立功受奖减刑假释的一个重要依据。该官员还指出,过去传统的劳动改造主要是肢体改造,当前对在押人员的改造需要全方位的改造,其中思想改造尤为重要。把在押人员转化成为健全人、守法人、对社会有用的人,红色文化进监所工作具有重要的历史意义和现实作用。>How Facebook targets Google
Facebook Inc used controversial tactics to try to shift the online privacy spotlight away from itself - and onto rival Google Inc, the Wall Street Journal reported. The social networking company secretly hired WPP Group PLC's Burson-Marsteller, a public-relations firm to push stories critical of Google's privacy practices. But the strategy backfired when bloggers and journalists disclosed Facebook's behind-the-scenes role, forcing the company to explain its tactics. Reuters said Facebook admitted its tactics on Thursday but denied it had intended a smear campaign against Google. Burson-Marstellar contacted several journalists and privacy experts without revealing the identity of its client.
The revelation highlights the growing rivalry between Google, the world's leading Web search business, and Facebook, the largest social networking site. Facebook has over a half a billion users globally, said Reuters.
路透社评论称,Google贵为全球领先的搜索服务提供商,而Facebook已经成长为全球最大的社交网络,手握5亿用户,这次冲突只能证明二者之间的竞争已日趋白热化。 >Social media enter classroom
A growing cadre of educators in the US are trying to exploit social media to enhance classroom discussion, the New York Times reported. With Twitter and other microblogging platforms, teachers from elementary schools to universities are setting up what is known as a "backchannel" in their classes. The real-time digital streams allow students to comment, pose questions (answered either other students or the teacher) and shed inhibitions about voicing opinions. Perhaps most important, if they are texting on task, they are less likely to be texting about something else. Skeptics - and at this stage they far outnumber the enthusiasts - fear introducing backchannels into classrooms will distract students and teachers, and lead to off-topic, inappropriate or even bullying remarks.
据《纽约时报》报道,现在越来越多的美国教育人士正在积极探索用社交网络来改善课堂讨论。从小学到大学阶段,老师都可以通过推特或其它微博平台在课堂上建立起名为"backchannel"的交流渠道。通过实时电子数据传输,能减少学生的顾虑,让他们能自由发表评论或者提出问题。在这个后台交流渠道中,学生问题可以由老师,也可以由其他学生来回答。对于施教者来说,最重要的也许是,假如学生把社交媒介用作学习的途径,那他们也许就没有时间用它来干别的了。但在现阶段,对这种创新教学,质疑还是超过了肯定。有人认为,"backchannel"进入课堂将分散老师和学生的注意力,导致讨论偏题,滋生不良言论,甚至导致欺凌弱小的情况。 【In Brief】
>Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Thursday started soliciting public opinions on the draft of the Social Insurance Law, which will take effect on July 1. The draft stipulates the bank balance of a pension account can be inherited.
>The American Depositary Shares of Phoenix New Media Ltd rose to $14.75, or 34.09% above their $11 IPO price on Thursday, their first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Reuters reported.
>AIA Group Ltd and Hengan International Group are set to become constituents of Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index, as constituents of the index with Foxconn International are set to be removed, the index reviewer said Thursday, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,恒生指数公司12日表示,友邦与恒安国际双双成为恒指新贵,富士康则被剔出。【Quotable Quote】
11日,2011戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)在法国开幕,此次电影节上一部特别的影片引起了广泛的关注。该影片是一部关于法国总统萨科齐的传记电影,有人称它将让萨科齐沦为国际笑柄。萨科齐本人表示为了保持理智,不会去看这部电影,并说道:
Narcissism is never a good thing, and too much narcissism will drive you mad.
自恋从来不是件好事,过于自恋会让人疯狂。 【Celebrity】
>Yao sues for infringements
Star basketball player Yao Ming has filed a lawsuit against a local sportswear producer for name and portrait infringements, the Yao Team announced on Thursday. Yao sued Wuhan Yunhe Dashayu Sportswear Co Ltd for using Yao Mingyidai, or "Yao Ming Era" in English, without Yao's authorization as a brand name. Lu Hao, member of the Yao Team, said the company also used Yao's signatures and portraits on their products and in their promotion activities around the country. None of the products and activities were authorized by Yao, who has a sportswear contract with Reebok, Lu said.
"姚之队"12日宣布,姚明已经向法院提起诉讼,状告一家地方体育用品制造商侵犯其姓名及肖像权。姚明的此次起诉,主要是针对武汉云鹤大鲨鱼体育用品有限公司在没有任何合法授权的情况下,在其经营活动中不正当使用"姚明"、"姚明一代"作为商业标识。"姚之队"负责人之一陆浩表示,该公司还在全国其产品和商业宣传中使用姚明签名和肖像,对姚明构成侵权。据介绍,姚明现和锐步签有合约,并未对武汉这家公司的产品或活动授权。>Kerr tells of 27hr labor
Miranda Kerr has revealed that she refused to let Orlando Bloom leave her side when she gave birth - forcing the actor to pee in a bottle. Talking to US talk show host Conan O'Brien in Los Angeles Wednesday night, the Australian supermodel revealed that the Lord Of The Rings star was with her the whole time as she gave birth to 4.42kg son Flynn on January 6. Describing the labor that lasted 27 hours, Miranda, 28, laughed: "He is a wonderful father and I am really blessed."
澳洲超模米兰达·可儿11日在脱口秀节目中透露,自己在1月分娩时,要求丈夫奥兰多·布鲁姆寸步不离,以致布鲁姆尿急也不能上厕所,只能临时拿水瓶"接水"解决。28岁的可儿在美国洛杉矶接受柯南·奥布莱恩晚间脱口秀访谈时说,1月6日通过自然分娩为"精灵王子"布鲁姆生下一子,4.42公斤,取名弗林。整个生产过程长达27小时,布鲁姆时刻陪伴左右。她称赞布鲁姆是个好父亲,嫁给他十分幸运。 【Kaleidoscope】
>The Safe House
The Safe House, built on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland, is about as secure as any above-ground home will ever be - at the touch of a selection of buttons the house closes into an impregnable concrete cube, the Daily Mail of London reported. Doors and windows are sealed from the outside world using powerful concrete panels, and the only way to get in or out once the place has been shut up is via a second-floor entrance protected by a rising drawbridge. The fortress effect is achieved by a series of moving walls and shutters. In "open" mode, concrete slabs either swing or slide out to reveal windows and doorways that let in a remarkable amount of light.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,波兰建筑师在首都华沙郊区建造出一栋"安全屋"别墅,安全性堪比地球上任何一个地上建筑,灾难来临时,只需轻按几个按钮,别墅瞬间变成一个坚不可摧的水泥方块。门窗将被水泥板封锁,唯一出入口是位于二楼的一座吊桥。这一别墅变"堡垒"的过程,是通过一系列墙体和百叶窗的移动实现的。当"安全屋"处于开启模式,门窗上覆盖的水泥板自动移开,灿灿阳光照进屋内。 【China Daily Radio】
目标:通过名人原声演讲来学习英语今天为大家推荐的是希拉里在本·拉登被击毙之后发表的电视演说,这段演讲难度较大,是不是在听之前要预习一下个别词汇呢?heroism: 英雄主义
humanity: 人道主义
devastated: 毁灭性的
pull through: 振作起来
prevail: 获胜,占优势的
vigilance: 警觉,警惕性好了,准备好了么? 我们开始! I am reminded especially today of the heroism and humanity that marked the difficult days after 9/11.
今天尤其让我回想到"9.11"之后那些充满英雄主义与人道精神的艰难日子。In New York, where I was a senator, our community was devastated; but we pulled through. Ten years later, that American spirit remains as powerful as ever, and it will continue to prevail.
当时,我还是纽约州参议员,我们的家园虽身历浩劫,但大家却振作不息。10年后,那种强大的美国精神依然如故,而且将继续所向无敌。So this is a day, not only for Americans, but also for people all over the world who look to a more peaceful and secure future – yes, with continued vigilance, but more so with growing hope and renewed faith in what is possible.
因此,这一天不仅属于美国人,而且属于全世界向往更加和平安全未来的人们——是的,需要继续保持警觉,然而更多地是有着更大的希望和重新激起的对未来的信心。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。)