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http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月01日 16:57   新浪教育


◎ By Andy Simmons 译 / Norman Xin



A classic joke goes like this: A nurse rushes into an exam room andsays, “Doctor, doctor, there’s an invisible man in the waiting room.”The doctor says, “Tell him I can’t see him.”

Pretty simple, right?

Here’s how I tell it: “A nurse—her name is Joyce—feels a presence inthe waiting room. She looks around but sees nothing. She jumps up fromher desk, carefully replaces her chair, and runs down the lavender-huedhallway to the doctor’s office. She knocks on the door. No response.He’s not there. Where can he be? She continues down the hall, admiring alithograph of an 18th-century Mississippi paddleboat along the way.” Bythis time, my audience has left, but I soldier on4). “She bursts intothe exam room and says, 'Doctor, doctor!’ The doctor, I should mention,is a urologist with a degree from Ohio State, which is where my nephew…”

You get the idea. I’m an embellisher. I can’t leave a simple gag alone.

I’m not the only joke-challenged member of the family. My sister’sworse than I am. Her problem: She can’t remember them. “'A nurse rushesinto an exam room and says…’ Uh, let me start all over again. 'A nurserushes into a waiting…’ No, it’s not the waiting room. She just camefrom the waiting room. Let me start all over again. 'A doctor rushesinto…’ No, wait…”

My uncle’s different. He’s guilty of taking a perfectly fine joke andselling it as the second coming of Oscar Wilde: “Okay, this is a goodone. Ready? No, really, ready? Okay, fasten your seat belts. Ready? 'Anurse…’ Got it? A nurse? Okay, ready? 'A nurse rushes into an exam roomand says, “Doctor, doctor, there’s an invisible man in the waitingroom.”’ Now, this is where it gets funny. Ready?”

No one is ever ready, so they leave before he gets to the punch line.

My father’s on Wall Street, so he hears all the jokes before they hitthe Web. And he lets you know he knows them all by telling you all ofthem. He also knows that most people don’t like jokes. So he slips themin under the radar: “I was chatting with Ben Bernanke the other day. Youknow Ben, don’t you? The Fed chief? Anyway, we were reviewing the Fed’spolicy on long-term interest rates, and he told me it had evolved intoits current iteration only after a nurse rushed into an exam room andsaid, 'Doctor, doctor, there’s…’ Hey, where are you going?”

My brother Mark understands that the secret to good joke telling isto know your audience. When he entertained my grandmother’s mah-jonggclub one evening, he made it a point to adapt the joke to them: “Astacked nurse rushes into an exam room…”

No one in my family has ever finished this joke.

But as bad as it is not to be able to tell a joke, there’s somethingworse: not being able to listen to one. Take my cousin Mitch.

“Why couldn’t the doctor see him?” he asked.

“Because he’s invisible,” I said.

“Now, I didn’t get that. I thought the doctor couldn’t see him because he was with a patient.”

“Well, yeah, okay, but the fact that the guy was invisible…”

“Could the nurse see him?”

“No. She’s the one who said he was invisible…”

“How’d she know he was there?”

“Because he…”

“When you say he was invisible, does that mean his clothes were invisible too?” Here’s where I tried to walk away.

“Because if his clothes weren’t invisible,” Mitch said, steppingbetween me and the exit, “then the doctor could see him, right?”

“Yeah, but …”

“At least his clothes.”

“I guess…”

“Unless he was naked.”

“Okay, he was naked!”

“Why would he go to his doctor naked?”

Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke, do yourself a favor: Make yourself invisible.



























