预产期计算生男生女:【用美国人的一天学英语】去公园 02

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 23:09:55


Conversation 会话

It's a beautiful day! Let's play on those rides in the park. 天气真好!我们去公园玩那些游乐设施吧。 Sounds like a good idea. I love to play on the jungle gym. 听起来不错。我想玩铁方格。


Me too. I love to play on the swing as well. Swing is my favorite. 我也是。我还想玩荡秋千。荡秋千是我的最爱。 That's great. Then we won't fight for taking the same ride. 那太好了。那么我们不会抢同一个游乐设施玩了。


Look at the flowers over there. What are they? 看看那边那些花。那些是什么花呢? They are morning glories. They are cute, aren't they? 那是牵牛花。他们很可爱,不是吗?


They are. We can find many different kinds of flowers and insects in the park. 是啊!我们可以在公园里找到不同种类的花和昆虫。 I think so. Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond. 我想也是。上一次我在池塘附近看到蒲公英和瓢虫。


If you come to the park in the morning, you can find squirrels running on the lawn. 如果你早上来公园,你还可以看到松鼠在草地上跑来跑去。 It's really healthy to do some exercise there. The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover. 在那里运动真的很健康。空气很清新,而且在这里和心爱的人一起看夕阳也很浪漫。


Well, off we go. I am sure we can have a great time. 好啦,我们可以走了。我相信我们可以玩得很愉快。