
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 18:39:10


http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月28日 10:53   中国日报网英语点津  外星生命可能就在我们身边

  For the past 50 years, scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet, hoping for somesign of extraterrestrial life. But one physicist says there's no reasonalien life couldn't already be lurking among us - or maybe even in us。

  PaulDavies, an award-winning Arizona State University physicist known for his popular science writing said Tuesday that life may have developedon Earth not once but several times。

  Davies said the variant life forms - most likely tiny microbes - could still be hanging around "right under our noses - or even in our noses."

  "Howdo we know all life on earth descended from a single origin?" he told aconference at London's prestigious Royal Society, which serves as Britain's academy of sciences. "We've just scratched the surface of the microbial world."

  The idea that alien micro-organisms could be hiding out here on earth has been discussed for a while, according to Jill Tarter, the director ofthe US SETI project, which listens for signals from civilizations based around distant stars。

  She said several of the scientists involved in the project were interestedin pursuing the notion, which Davies earlier laid out in a 2007 articlepublished in Scientific American in which he asked: "Are aliens amongus?"

  So far, there's no answer. And ever finding one would be fraught with difficulties, as Davies himself acknowledged。

  Unusualorganisms abound - including chemical-eating bacteria which hide outdeep in the ocean and organisms that thrive in boiling-hot springs -but that doesn't mean they're different life forms entirely。

  "How weird do they have to be suggest a second genesis as opposed to just an obscure branch of the family tree?" he said.Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't "life aswe know it" was if it were built using exotic elements which no otherform of life had。

  Such organisms have yet to be found. Davies also noted that less than 1percent of all the world's bacteria had been comprehensively studied -leaving plenty of time to find unusual organisms。












  scour: to search a place or thing thoroughly inorder to find somebody/ something (彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找(The police scoured thecity for the robbers. 警察搜遍全城寻找抢窃犯。)

  lurk: to exist unobserved or unsuspected 潜在(Danger lurks in that quiet river. 那条平静的河里潜在着危险。)

  microbe: an extremely small living thing that you can only see under a microscope and that may cause disease 微生物

  scratch the surface of :浅尝辄止

  fraught with: filled with something unpleasant 充满(不愉快事物)的

  genesis: the beginning or origin of something 开端;创始;起源