
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 12:45:48


大家好,我是Robert Tauxe博士,疾控中心的内科医师和传染病学家。今天很高兴借疾控中心专家录像访谈系列,和大家谈谈关于生奶和生奶制品危险性的谣言和误解。
Milk is an important and nutritious natural food, but the recurrent outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk and milk products require that we work together to put out accurate and consistent messages about the serious illnesses that can be caused by consuming raw milk.


First, let's dispel some common myths about raw milk.
Myth #1. Raw milk is healthier and more nutritious than pasteurized milk.
谣言1. 生奶比巴氏灭菌奶更健康更有营养
Not so! All of the nutritional benefits of drinking milk are available from pasteurized milk without the risk for disease that comes with drinking raw milk.


Myth #2. Drinking raw milk can prevent or cure diseases such as asthma, allergies, heart disease, or cancer.

谣言2. 饮用生奶可防止或治愈哮喘、心脏病或癌症等疾病

No. There are no health benefits from drinking raw milk that cannot be obtained from drinking pasteurized milk that is free of disease-causing bacteria.


Myth #3. Milk is safe as long as it is labeled "organic."

谣言3. 只要是“有机”的乳品就是安全的

Again, this is not true. Even raw organic milk is not safe. Only organic milk that has been pasteurized is safe to drink.


Myth #4. Milk and raw milk products like soft cheeses and yogurts are safe if they come from healthy animals.

谣言4. 产自健康动物的乳品和生奶制品如软奶酪和酸奶是安全的

No, even the healthiest of animals can carry pathogens, such as Escherichia coli O157, Campylobacter, and Salmonella that can contaminate milk.


Myth #5. If animals are raised in sanitary conditions on humane farms, this ensures that their milk is safe.

谣言5. 如果动物在干净的农场中饲养,就能保证其乳品是安全的

It may surprise many to know that the dairy farm environment, even when every precaution is taken, is a reservoir for illness-causing germs. Even if the farm's raw milk tests come back negative, it is no guarantee that the milk, or the products made from the milk, are always free of those pathogens.


Myth #6. Drinking raw milk may not be safe, but no harm will come from eating products (cheeses, yogurts) made from raw milk.

谣言6. 饮用生奶可能不安全,但是食用生奶制品(奶酪、酸奶)没关系

Unfortunately, this too is quite false. In fact, both people who died in outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk between 1999 and 2008 died of infections caused by fresh Mexican-style cheese made from raw milk. These unfortunate cases show how raw milk made into fresh cheese can cause dangerous infections.
Now that we've put to rest the myths about raw milk, let's discuss the recent facts about the illnesses caused by consuming raw milk and raw milk products. In the 10 years from 1999 to 2008, 86 outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk were reported to CDC, leading to 1676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths.


That is about 8 outbreaks per year. Most of them were due to either E. coli O157, Campylobacter, or Salmonella. Especially concerning was that, of the 86 outbreaks reported to CDC, 79% involved at least 1 person under the age of 20. Some of the most severe illnesses can occur in young children, like kidney failure due to E. coli O157. And remember, E. coli O157 can spread from one young child to another in a day care or nursery school.


Some states permit sale of raw milk and, not surprisingly, about 80% of these outbreaks occurred in states that permit the sale of raw milk. Finally, because not all foodborne outbreaks are investigated or reported to CDC, the actual number of outbreaks that occur is likely to be greater than the number reported.


Our recommendations are simple and straightforward.


* Pasteurization of milk is a fundamentally important food safety measure;

* 乳品巴氏灭菌从根本上是重要的保证食品安全措施

* CDC strongly supports measures to promote pasteurization and restrict the sale of raw milk; and

* 疾控中心强烈支持改进巴氏灭菌工艺,并严格限制销售生奶;1

* Specifically for clinicians, we urge you to educate your patients about the dangers of consuming raw milk or raw milk products.

* 特别是对临床医生,我们迫切请求你们告诉患者食用生奶和生奶制品的危险性。

Thank you!
