
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:15:01




Proponents of the "hygiene hypothesis" believe that reduced exposure to bacteria, viruses and parasites have impaired the immune system's ability to properly respond to environmental challenges.


Researchers have identified the hygiene hypothesis as a possible cause or exacerbating factor in a number of illnesses and medical problems, said Dr. Graham A.W. Rook, a professor in the department of infection at the Centre for Clinical Microbiology at the University College London. These include:




Severe allergic reactions. 


Gastrointestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease. 


Autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.


"The evidence for all this is very, very powerful," Rook said. "It's very easy to show if you live on a farm or keep a dog, you're less likely to have these disorders. If you are the youngest child in a big family, you're less likely to have these disorders."






The hygiene hypothesis has its roots in the theory of evolution, he said.


"The bottom line is organisms that were present in mud, untreated water and feces were with us right from the start of humanity," Rook explained. Proponents of the hygiene hypothesis believe that the human body adapted to these organisms and began using them as a means of training the immune system.


"What has happened over the course of evolution is, because these bugs had to be tolerated, they came to activate the tolerance of the immune system," Rook said. "They are the police force that keeps the immune system from becoming trigger-happy. Basically, the immune system is now attacking things it shouldn't be attacking."




“在进化过程中,因为人体必须承受这些微生物,以此激活人体免疫系统的承受能力,”Rook说。 “他们是警察部队,抑制免疫系统的快乐扳击。基本上,免疫系统现在反常攻击的对象,它不应该攻击。”

Dr. Mitchell H. Grayson, an associate professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, said that the hygiene hypothesis is most strongly linked to an increase in allergic diseases and asthma.


"It's thought to have something to do with the way your immune system develops and is programmed," Grayson said. Bacteria in the environment teach an immune response to allergens that is more moderate and less severe. "In the absence of these bacteria, the immune system is thought to become more prone to allergic disease," he said.



“现在认为卫生假说与我们的免疫系统的发生和完善有关,”格雷森说,环境中的细菌诱导免疫系统对过敏原产生较为温和的和不太严重的反应。 “如果没有这些细菌存在,免疫系统变得更容易出现过敏性疾病,”他说。

Rook said that other researchers have used the hygiene hypothesis to show that parasitic infections can aid in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.



Argentinean researchers, for instance, have shown that the presence of intestinal parasites can moderate the progression of multiple sclerosis. Follow-up studies indicated that, when people were treated for their parasitic infection, they had a relapse of MS.


A research team at the University of Iowa found similar results related to Crohn's disease, showing that intestinal parasites helped regulate the autoimmune reaction that causes the intestinal disorder.




On the flip side, such revelations carry risks. Doctors are concerned that some might use the hygiene hypothesis as an excuse to abandon good hygiene, causing a surge in diseases such as dysentery and cholera.


"Public health and sanitation has been the single greatest improvement in our life expectancy," Grayson said. "I would not recommend living less cleanly."


On the other hand, tolerance of a little dirt here and there won't hurt.



“公共卫生与健康一直是增加我们预期寿命最大的促进因素,”格雷森说。 “我不会推荐生活可以不那么干净。”


"If your kids come back from the garden with a little mud on their hands, it's not a bad thing," Rook said. "They don't necessarily have to wash their hands before picking up a sandwich."


“如果你的孩子从花园回来时,手上有点儿泥土,那不是一件坏事,”Rook说。 “他们并非必须洗手后才可拿三明治。”

In general, though, it's wise to maintain good overall hygiene, he said, and wait for the scientists to figure all this out. Larger studies are underway to determine the exact mechanism by which bacteria and parasites are causing the immune system to moderate its response, Rook said.


"We need to figure out how to replace what is good from the microbiological environment while maintaining the advances of good hygiene so we can get the best of both worlds," Rook said.


