
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:01:19


      Would you enjoy watching a movie of head surgery being performedon a young girl, starting with her face pulled away from her skull? I doubt it. When the psychologist  Jonathan                      Haidt        and      his    colleagues          showed   this   movie   to undergraduates, they rated it as disturbing and disgusting, and few watched it until the end. A film of a monkey being beaten unconscious and its brain scooped out andserved on plates got the same reaction.316 

  请你看部电影吧,演的是给少女做开颅手术,第一个镜头就是把她的脸皮从头盖骨上扒下来……你会觉得好看吗?我想恐怕不至于。心理学家乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt)与他的同事曾把这部电影放给一群本科生看,学生们纷纷评价此片令人“反感”、“反胃”,且鲜有人能坚持把片子看完。他们还实验了另一部电影,演的是把一只猴子活生生打晕,然后舀出生鲜猴脑,装盘上桌……观众反馈也是大同小异。【316】

The previous chapter explored a simple theory of imaginative pleasure: Our   minds are partially indifferent to whether an experience is real. If you would be arousedwatching real sex, you can be aroused watching actors have sex; if you are  interested in love and betrayal, you would be  interesting in a novel thatdescribes love and betrayal. The pleasures of the imagination are parasiticon the pleasuresofreal life. 


This can’t be a complete theory, however.Sometimes what is terrible or boring or depressing in  reality  is intensely enjoyablein imagination. We enjoy fictions that make us cry, haunt our dreams, and gross  us out. We do things invirtual worlds that would shock us in the real one, and our daydreamsare not always pleasant ones; even happy people obsess on their worst fears. Here I try to explain why.     




Insofar as stories are surrogates for real events, the best are those where we forget they are stories.  Many  writers aspire toward this. Elmore Leonard warns story-tellers to avoid  hooptedoodle—anything  that calls  attention toward  the       writer and away from the story.317Richard Wright wrote that he wanted to “fasten the reader upon words so firmly that he would forget words and be conscious only ofhisresponse.”318 

  所有的故事都是真实事件的化身,就此而言,最棒的故事一定引人入胜,让人忘了是在听故事——这也是众多作家梦寐以求的境界。爱尔默·伦纳德(Elmore Leonard)就曾告诫人们讲故事的时候千万不要“胡贫嘚吧嘚”——就是说千万不要把听众的注意力从故事本身转移到讲故事的人身上。【317】理查德·怀特也曾写到他想要“把读者牢牢锁进字里行间,使其完全忘掉文字的存在,从而仅仅意识到自身对文字的反应。”【318】

Reading requires effort by the reader; it is easier to lose oneself in a movie. There are those who cringe in their seats during horror movies, peeking through fingers, and there is the old story of early filmgoers who screamed and dove for cover when the gun on the screen turned towards them and fired. A movie is the closest we have to virtual reality, and, as the philosopher Colin McGinn has stressed, it is experienced best on the  big screen.319  You lose the force of the experience  on a small  television  set, or, worse, in the  corner of  a computer display,nextto email and the webbrowser. 

  阅读需要读者主动努力参与;而看电影则更容易被动忘我投入。所以有人看恐怖片吓得缩成一团,只敢从指缝里偷偷看。还有一桩关于电影的老生常谈,就是传说早期电影观众看到荧幕上有人拔枪对镜头开火,竟然吓得尖叫卧倒找掩护。电影是我们这个世界最接近虚拟现实的体验,而且正如哲学家科林·麦金(Colin McGinn)所强调:大荧幕能带给人最佳体验。【319】小小的电视机屏幕缺乏体验的力度;特别是如果你在电脑上看电影,播放器只开个小窗口,边看还边上上网、写写电子邮件什么的,那就更没劲了。

Technology mightultimately bring us to the point where the only difference between reality and fiction  is going to be our explicit knowledge of which is which. Perhaps one day we can do away even with this  explicit knowledge.People might pay for a virtual experience in which, like a dream, is thought to berealwhile they are having it. Maybe this is what’s happening to you right now. René Descartes worried that all of his experiences are sham, that he was being deceived by an evil demon. Perhaps we are brains in a vat, or living in the Matrix. The  philosopher  Robert Nozick turns  this worry  into a pleasure technology, imagining a virtual-reality machine t
