饮料厂需要多少钱:酒店英语学习手册 0

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 21:46:32
四) Expressing Wishes And Congratulations
Usual—used Wishing Expression: 一般祝愿:
1. I wish you good health. 祝您身体健康。
2. Good luck! 祝您好运!
3. Wish you every success. 祝您一切顺利。
Festival Wishes: 节日祝愿:
1. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
2. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
Farewell Wishes: 送行祝愿:
1. I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快。
2. I hope you’ll have a good time. 祝您玩得痛快。
3. Bon Voyage! 一路顺风!
Wishes Expression To Patient: 对病人的祝愿:
1. I wish you an early recovery. 祝您早日康复。
2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. (同上)
Birthday Wishes: 祝贺生日:
Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
Congratulations: 祝贺喜事:
1. Congratulations! 祝贺您!
2. My hearty congratulations! 我衷心的祝贺您!



Accepting a reservation
W: Good morning Japanese restaurant. May I help you/What can I do for you?
G: Yes, I’d like to reserve a table for tonight.
W: Certainly sir. For how many persons?(问人数)
G: Six.
W: At what time would you like it?(问时间)
G: 7:30 tonight.
W: Yes, sir. May I have your name and telephone number?(客人名字及电话)
G: It’s Smith and my number is 123456
W: Thank you very much Mr. Smith. A table for 6 at 7:30 tonight. Is that right?(确认)
G: Yes, thank you.
W: We will hold the table for 15 minutes. And we look forward to seeing you/ Thank you for calling us.

备注:1 接电话时 问候语+餐厅名+May I help you?/What can I do for you?/Is there anything I
can do for you?
2 接受预订要问人数、预定时间、用餐形式(根据实际情况)、名字及电话。
Buffet自助餐 a la cart散点
4 注意礼貌用语
Fully booked
W: Good evening. Japanese restaurant. May I help you?
G: Yes, I’d like to reserve 2 tables at 8:00 tonight.
W: I’m sorry, sir, there aren’t any table left for 8:00 tonight. But we can book one for you at 9:00.
G: No, that’s too late
. 不好,那太晚了。
W: I’m terribly sorry, sir.
G: How about tomorrow evening?
W: We are fully booked for tomorrow evening, and I can’t guarantee anything, but we’ll try our best. I hope you’ll understand.
G: I do, but I would appreciate it if you could arrange it.
W: May I have your name and telephone number?
G: David Hale…
W: I’ll call you when there is a free table for tomorrow evening at 8:00.
G: Thank you. Bye.
W: Bye.
Seating the guest
W: Good evening , sir.
G: My name is Smith. I’ve booked a table for 2 for 8:00.
W: That’s right ,Mr. Smith, a table for 2.Would you come this way ,please? Be careful of the steps. would you like to sit here? /How about this table?
G: It’s fine, thank you.
W: You’re welcome. Please take a seat. Here is the menu, sir.

W: Good evening, madam, welcome to our restaurant.
G: Good evening. Table for four, please...
W: Do you have a reservation, madam?
G: No, we just have arrived.
W: This way, please. How about this table?
G: Could we have a table over there by the window?
W: I’m sorry, It’s already reserved. Would you like this one?
G: Ok, we will take this one.
如果餐厅满了可说 Sorry, the restaurant is full now, could you wait for a moment? 对不起,现在餐厅客满了,请稍等。或We can seat you in 10 minutes.我们会10分钟内安排您入坐。
Taking Order
W: Excuse me, sir, are you ready to order?
G: May I have a look at the menu first?
W: Sure, please take your time. I’ll be back to take your order.
G: Waiter, I’d like The Mixed Fried Rice
W: Ok, would you like anything else?
G: And Sweet a seasonal salad
W:Which dressing would you like to go with your salad? We have Italian dressing, Orange dressing and 1000 Island dressing.
W: Would you like some soup?
G: Yes, and what kind of soup do you serve?
W: We have oxtail soup, onion soup, corn soup, and seafood soup.
G: Oxtail Soup sounds good, get me one please.
W: Thank you. So you have ordered…. Would you like some drink ?
G: No, thanks.(That’s all, thank you.)
W: Thank you very much, your meal will be sent to you in 15 minutes.
G: Thank you.

1 Are you ready to order?/ May I take your order?
2 All right, and you…? (当分开点餐,一人点完,询问另外一人时)
3.Would you like some dessert?
4.What would you like to drink?
5 .So, you have order …, Is that right?(confirm)
您点了…… 对吗?
6.I’m afraid it will take some time for this dish, about 25 minutes. Do you mind waiting a little bit longer?
7. Your meal will be sent to you in 30 minutes.
8. Would you like separate bills?
9. Please enjoy your meal.
Making Recommendation

W: Excuse me, sir, are you ready to order?
G: Yes, I am. But there’re so many things on the menu that look fine. Could you recommend me something special?
W: Yes, sir. We have Goose liver and lobster combination . It’s our chef’s recommendation. It’s delicious and worth a try.
G: Ok, I’ll take it.

W:May I take your order, sir?
G: Yes, please. I’d like Tenderloin steak。好的,我要来一份菲力牛排。
W: I’m very sorry, It ’s sold out now .Would you like to try our sirloin steak? (May I suggest …)It’s also very delicious/tasty/good.
G: All right. I’ll take that.
1 …is very popular here. It’s very tasty. Would you like to try it?
2 Would you like to try our delicious dessert? It has many variety of tastes.
3 (Today) we have … 今天,我们有。。。
Today’s special is… 今天的特色菜有。。。
4.Why not try some? 为什么不尝尝呢?
5 There isn’t/aren’t any… left. 。。。售完了。
6. 记住对话中的黑体句型
7. 在客人询问特色菜或其点的菜式没有时,可适时向客人推荐。注意灵活使用。
Key Words:
Invoice发票 juice 果汁 crab 蟹 sour 酸的
Receipt收据 mustard 芥末 scallop 干贝 bitter 苦的
A la cart散点 soy sauce 酱油 oyster 蚝 hot 辣的
Buffet自助餐 chilly sauce辣椒酱 snail 田螺 fishy 腥的
Reservation预订 credit card 信用卡 trout 鳟鱼 rare 半熟的
Drink list酒水单 shrimp 虾 eel 鳗鱼 overdone 老的
Napkin餐巾 prawn 明虾 in soybean sauce 卤的
Ashtray烟灰缸 lobster 龙虾 sweet 甜的 the smell of mutton 骚味
Presenting The Bill

New Words: cash现金 bill 帐单 receipt收据 change找零,改变 credit card信用卡 sign 签名(动)
1Situation One: Pay In Cash(现金付帐)
(G: guest, W: waiter)
G: Waiter, the bill, please. 服务员,结帐。
W: Yes, sir. 好的,先生。
Here is your check/bill, sir, thank you. 这是您的帐单,先生。谢谢。
G: Here you are. 这里(现金)
W: 200 yuan. Please wait minute. I’ll be back with your changes and receipt.
Here is your changes and receipt, thank you. Good night, hope to see you again.
2Situation Two: Pay By credit card(刷卡付帐)
G: Check/take the bill, please. 结帐。
W: Here is your check, sir. 这是您的帐单,先生。
G: Well, may I use my credit card? 那我能用信用卡结帐吗?
W; Sure. What kind(of card) do you have, sir? 当然可.请问先生是什么卡呢?
G: Visa card. Here you are.维萨卡,给。
W: Thank you, I’ll return your card and receipt in a few minutes. 谢谢,请稍等,一会回。
Will you please sign on the bill, sir? 先生,请在帐单上签字。
Thank you. Bye-bye. Have a nice day. 谢谢。再见,祝您愉快。
3. Situation There: Signing The Bill(入房帐)
G: Waiter, may I get my bill? 服务员,能结帐吗?
W: Sure. How would you like to pay for it, sir? 当然,您想怎样付帐呢?
G: I’d like to put it on my hotel bill. 我想挂房帐。
W: May I have your room number? 能告诉我您的房间号码吗?
G: 1208.
W: Would you sign your name and room number on the bill, please? And could you please show me your room key?
G: Here you are.给你。
W: Could you just sign here, please? 请在这里签字。
G: Ok. 好的。
(G: guest, W: waiter)
G: Where is the restroom/ ladies room/ men’s room? 洗手间在哪里?
W: Go straight ahead, out the door and turn right. 往前直走,出门向右。
或者可以说 Let me show you the way. 我带您走过去。如不远,可说 It’s over there.

G: Where’s the telephone? 哪里有电话?
W: It’s on the cashier desk. 收银台上有。

G:What is your buffet serving hour? 请问你们自助餐时间是什么时候?
W: Our buffet serving hour is from 5:30PM----10:00PM. 时间是从5:30PM----10:00PM.
G: How much is your dinner buffet? 晚餐自助餐多少钱?
W: It’s 128 yuan with 10﹪ surcharge. 每位128元加10﹪的服务费。

G: I’ve left my jacket here a moment ago. Have you found it? 我刚才把一件甲克忘在这里了,你们有没有见到?
W: Where did you just sit now? 您刚才坐哪个位子?
G: Over there. 那边。
W: Will you please describe it? 请描述一下好吗?
G: A brown one. 是棕色的。
W: Do you have any valuable in it? 口袋里有贵重物品吗?
G: No, not at all. 没有。
W: Is this your jacket, sir? 这是您的甲克吗?先生?
G: Yes, thank you. 是的,谢谢。
如果没有找到,可以说I’m sorry it’s not found yet. But we’ll contact you at once if it’s found. May I have your telephone number? 对不起,没找到。如果找到我们立即和您联系。能告诉我您的电话号码吗?

Dialogue Study 对话学习
Dialogue Ⅰ
G: guest W: waiter

W: Good evening. Will it be a table for four? 晚上好,一张4人桌吗?
G: Yes. I’m Alan Brown. I made a book for 6 people at 7:15, and two more people are on their way. 是的,我是艾伦布朗,我订了一张7:15 的6人桌, 另外2个人还在路上。
W: I have your reservation, Mr. Brown. The table will be ready for you at t 7:15. It is just 7:00 o’ clock. Would you care to have a drink in the bar in the meantime? The bar is to your right. Shall I ask your friend to join you there? 您是有预订的,布郎先生。7:15的桌子,现在7:00。 您要不要去酒吧喝点什么等等?酒吧在您的右边。要不要转告您的朋友去那儿找您?
G: That’s fine.好的。
W: (The other couple arrive.) Good evening! Is it Mr. Brown’s party? 晚上好!是布郎先生的朋友吗?
G: Yes, we are. 是的。
W: They’re in the bar, sir. It’s to the right. 他们在酒吧里面,先生。酒吧在右边。
W: Your table is ready, Mr. Brown. Would you please come this way? 您的桌子准备好了,这边请,好吗?
G: Thank you. 谢谢。
W: Would you take your seats, please, ladies and gentlemen? (He pulls out the seats for them and they sit down ) Do you care for anything to drink before you order? 请坐,女士先生,要不要喝点什么?
G: No, thank you. I think we’ll skip the aperitif and order straight away. 不用了,谢谢。我想我们不要开胃菜,直接点菜了。
W: Ok, here are your menus. 好的,这是菜单。
G: Now let’s see… 我们看一下。
W: ( After waiting for a few minutes.) Are you ready to order now? 现在可以点菜了吗?
G: No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you could you recommend something for the main course? 还没,我们还在看菜单。也许您能推荐点什么?
W: Certainly. The T-bone Steak is very good. I would suggest you try that. 好的,带骨牛排很好,我建议您尝一尝。
G: That’s a good idea. I love beefsteaks. I’ll have the T-bone Steak. 好注意,我喜欢牛排,好的我们就要带骨牛排。
W: What kind of potatoes would you like to go with it? 您要土豆怎样做呢?
G: Baked, please. 烤的。
W: And what would you like for appetizer? 请问要什么开胃菜呢?
G: I’ll have the baked salmon. 烤三文鱼吧。
W: And would you like dessert or cheese? 请问要不要来点甜点或芝士?
G: Dessert. 甜点。
W: What can I get you for dessert? 要什么甜点呢?
G: I’ll take the ice cream. Strawberry ice cream. 草莓冰淇淋。
W: Thank you. 谢谢。

Dialogue Ⅱ:
G: Waiter! 服务员!
W: Yes, sir, is there anything else you would like to have? 先生,您还要点什么吗?
G: No, thank you. Where can I pay my bill? 不用了,谢谢,哪里可以付帐?
W: You may pay at your table, sir. Here is your bill. Would you like to check it? 在这里就可以,先生,这是您的帐单。
G: Yes. Well, it’s 75 yuan. Does it include the service charge? 75元,包括服务费了吗?
W: Yes, it does. Let me break it down for you. The steak is 38 yuan, the green bean is 10yuan and the beer is 20 yuan, which comes to 68 yuan, plus 10% service charge. So the total is 75yuan.是的,我来给您算算看,牛排38元,青豆10元,啤酒20元,一共68元,再加上10%的服务费,总共75元。
G: That’s all right. 好的。
W: Are you staying in our hotel ? 您是我们酒店的住客吗?
G: Yes, I’m Jerry Wang in room 789. 是的,我叫Jerry Wang,住789号房。
W: Ok, Mr. Wang, please sign your name here, we’ll put it onto your bills. Is that OK? 好的,王先生,请在这里签名,我们把它挂在房帐上。
G: That’s fine . Thank you. 好的,谢谢。
W: Thank you for coming. Please come again, good-bye. 谢谢光临,希望再次光临,再见。
G: Good-bye . 再见。

Daily English
Exchanging Conventional Greetings寒暄

Let me introduce myself: I’m Judy, a waitress in the restaurant. 我介绍一下自己吧,我叫JUDY,是本餐厅的服务员。
Or: May I introduce myself?
This is my colleague, Jack Wang. 这是我的同事JACK。

I’ve often heard about you. 我经常听人说起你。
Your name just doesn’t come to me. 我就是想不起你的名字来。
Your look familiar, have we met before? 你看起来好眼熟,我们以前见过面吗?
Have you met Jeff? ---No, I’m afraid not/ No, I don’t believe so./Yes, we already met.

How nice to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!
I’m so glad you could come. 你能来我真高兴。
What a pleasant surprise, I haven’t seen you for ages. 这真是一个惊喜,我好久没看到您了。

How are you doing these days? 最近怎样。
----I’m ok/I’m just great./Fine, thank you, how about you?//All right, and you?/Quite well./Pretty good. /Everything’s fine./So far so good.

Nice/Interesting talking to you. 和您谈话和高兴/有趣。
It’s been great pleasure talking to you。 和您谈话很荣幸。
----It’s also been wonderful to me.
Will you excuse me for a minute, please? 可以允许我失陪一会吗?
See you again/soon/next time.
小知识:当自己做中间人,把一方介绍给另一方的时候,应遵从如下原则,把职 位或地位低的介绍给职位或地位高的,把次要人物介绍给重要人物,把年纪小的介绍给年纪长的,把男士介绍给女士等。

Preference And Hobbies偏爱和兴趣

许多人在说自己很喜欢什么的时候,常常受汉语的影响说成:I very like…. 这种说法是错误的,应该说 I like …very much.或: I quite like…
表示喜欢、偏爱什么可用like, love, enjoy, 如:
I like it! I love it! I enjoy it!
I don’t fancy fish today. 我今天不想吃鱼。
I fancy that girl in red. She looks like my type. 我喜欢那个红衣女孩,她看起来像我喜欢的那种类型。
He is a quite rich man, he drives a fancy car and often goes to fancy restaurant. 他是一个很有钱的人,他开高级轿车还经常去高级餐厅。
I favor black and gray. 我喜欢黑色和灰色。
Will you do me a favor and lent me two hundred yuan? 你能否帮个忙借我200元。
May I ask you a favor.? 我可以请你帮个忙吗?
Be keen on:
I’m very keen on PC games. 我很爱玩电脑游戏。
I’m keen on chess. 我喜欢下棋。
Be crazy about:
I’m crazy about Beckham. 我特别喜欢贝克汉姆。
I’m crazy about food. 我特别喜欢美食。
如 What’s your hobby? 你爱好什么?
What do you do in your spare time? 你业余时间都做什么?
What are you interest in? 你对什么感兴趣?
Are you a basketball fan? 你是一个篮球迷吗?
What are your interests?你爱好什么?
--What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣?
--I’m very interested in music. 我对音乐很感兴趣。
--Are you interested in classical music? 你喜欢古典音乐吗?

--Are you a basketball fan? 你是篮球迷吗?
--Yes, I’m a super fan of Yao Ming. 是的, 我是姚明的超级球迷。

--What’s your hobby? 你有什么爱好?
--My hobby is reading. How about you? 我的爱好是阅读,你呢?
--I have a lot of hobbies, such as sports, traveling, singing and so on. 我有很多嗜好,比如运动、旅行、唱歌等。
--What do you do in your spare time? 你业余时间都做什么?
--I often surf the net. 我经常上网。