香港武打男演员花名册:I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash 空中惊魂

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 08:45:59
Friday the 13th in October of 1972 was a dark day for an amateurrugby1 team from Uruguay. The team had paid for a plane to fly them,their families, and their friends to a match in Santiago, Chile. Whatwas supposed to be a routine flight from Montevideo,Uruguay turned into a fight for their lives. The plane with its fivecrew2 members and 40 passengers was starting to descend3 when it crashedin the Andes Mountains.
Twelve people were killed instantly. After 10 days, search efforts were called off, which left the survivors with little hope of rescue. The 27 survivors4 found a way to make it through the harsh weather conditions, starvation5, and extreme cold.Even worse, an avalanche6 buried the crashed plane in snow and killedeight more people. In the end, two of the survivors went in search ofhelp and succeeded in crossing over 60 kilometers and reachingcivilization7. Finally, on December 23, 1972, all 16 of the remainingsurvivors were rescued. To find out how they beat death for 72 days,don't miss History Channel's "I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash" this month.

amateura. 业馀的,非职业的
Joshua is an amateur tennis player, but he hopes to turn professional one day.
routinea. 例行的,一般的
Did you have your routine health checkup this year?
instantlyadv. 立即,马上
Karen raised her hand instantly when the professor asked the class a question.
rescuen. & vt. 救援,拯救
The lifeguard jumped into the pool and rescued the drowning boy.
harsha. 严酷的,恶劣的
No matter how harsh life gets, I never give up hope.
extremea. 极度的,极端的
The extreme heat of the noon sun was unbearable, so the construction workers took a break in the shade.
正午的太阳极为炙热难耐,因此建筑工人们在阴凉处稍作休息。 off...取消 撤销……
The couple called off their wedding after a big fight.
make it through...渡过 熬过……(难关)
Al made it through the worst of the cancer treatment and is starting to feel better.

1. rugbyn.(英式)橄榄球(本文中作形容词用)
2. crewn. 全体机组人员(本文中作形容词用)
3. descendvi. 下降
4. survivorn. 幸存者,生还者
5. starvationn. 饥饿,挨饿
6. avalanchen. 雪崩
7. civilizationn. 现代文明盲

What was supposed to be a routine flight from Montevideo, Uruguay turned into a fight for their lives.
疑问词(what, when, where, why, how 等)可以引导名词子句,在主要子句中作主词、受词或置於 be 动词後作主词补语。本句中,what 所引导的名词子句"What was supposed to be a routine flight from Montevideo, Uruguay"即作主词用。
I want to know when you're coming over.
how 在引导的名词子句中修饰形容词或副词时,须将该形容词或副词置於 how 之後,使 how 直接修饰该形容词或副词。
Just go outside and you'll see how cold it is today.