香港购买钻戒攻略:Ulterior motives lie behind 'Asia

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 00:47:32

Ulterior motives lie behind 'Asia-minus-one' concept

By Wang Yusheng (Beijing Daily)

16:22, September 27, 2011

Edited and Translated by People's Daily Online

Some international media agencies are playing up the concept of "Asia-minus-one," claiming that an "invisible alliance" involving the United States is coming into being around China to prevent "invasions" from China. 

Two concepts of "Asia-minus-one" and "invisible alliance" are seemingly new, yet they are only "variants" of the stereotyped "Asian NATO" concept in a new situation. 

However, the emergence of the two concepts is not accidental. Each party concerned has its own "intentions."

In terms of the United States, first, it aims to create a "macro scenario" that "the United States cannot leave," showing its strategy of "not being the second largest power in Asia". Second, it attempts to strengthen its control over its allies, such as Japan and the Republic of Korea, and stop them from deviating from the alliance. Third, the United States wants to keep the ASEAN from establishing too close ties with China, while marginalizing it. Fourth, it has indirectly provided small countries around China with moderate support or tacit consent to compete for rights and interests or clash with China. 

The United States has adopted various means to play up the "China threat theory" and stir up the trouble. For instance, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged India during her recent visit to the country to not only "look east," but also make more efforts to develop its leadership in the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan is not willing to see that China exceeds it in terms of GDP and is also worried about the co-dominance of China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, Japan's right wing continues to advocate the Cold War ideology, tries to create a certain "peace and prosperity sphere" to counter China and even preach Japan's cooperation with ASEAN to contain the China's alleged "maritime invasion." Therefore, Japan coordinates with the United States for forming a "covert alliance" in order to advance its status and weaken China. 

Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries also want to become stronger with the help of the United Stated in order to contain China and get more leverage to bargain with China. 

Such thinking of these countries is understandable, but basically, this is only their own wishful thinking and not practical. 

Although the United States is powerful, it understands that it is no longer the super power as before and that it cannot persist in its old ways and do anything it wants. 

The United States adopts a "two-way" strategy to China because it also needs China's cooperation and support. With Chinese president Hu Jintao's visit to the United States, the new orientation of the bilateral relationship (mutual respect, cooperation and win-win partnership) and the establishment of an Asia-Pacific affairs consultation mechanism, the United States should adjust and control its policies and behaviors if it can realize the reality and wants to keep its promises. The United States should make more efforts on the positive side, not inversely. 

More importantly, China follows a path of peaceful development, adheres to an independent diplomatic policy and seeks friendly relations with neighboring countries. Chinese leaders have made great achievements in creating a harmonious neighborhood in recent years thanks to the country's rising comprehensive national strength. 

China, which takes a firm stand on the protection of its rights and interests, has been rather self-restrained and pragmatic in this respect and has been hoping to resolve disputes with certain countries through friendly talks and other peaceful means. 

If relevant countries consider it to be China's weakness or perceive it as fear of the United State, and hope to take on China by joining the "invisible alliance," they would be misreading the situation and misjudging China's position and policies. Their risky actions would not only damage the peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region but also harm their own fundamental interests. 


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Leave your comment3 comments

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Edmad at 2011-09-27218.186.8.*
Let all these anti-China nations busy themselves trying to counter China rise. The chinese should just concentrate on its economic objectives, and try to match or better still surpass them in science and technology. Once that level is achieved, China can drastically affect their economic well-being and concerns. This is the position that China must aim for.
wende at 2011-09-2771.251.47.*
Sometimes friendly persuasions are not heeded. In which case a spanking is necessary.
PD User at 2011-09-27203.97.220.*
It is very clear that US does not have the money it had in the past. Now they can only talk and agree just about anything that seem to go against China but in reality China’s assertiveness could cause panicky to US and those so called allies. US just can’t afford to offer these countries a free ride and Japan is also near broke. US will very soon get to scale down its military world wide and concentrate on building its economy otherwise its people will have to start eating grass.

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