
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:03:19


(2011-09-25 19:40:53)

     I knew that British food had a somewhat dubious reputation abroadbut always thought it was a bit of a joke. Then I mentioned tosomeone that my favorite food is boiled bacon, meaning a gammonjoint, and they refused to believe that we really do boil meat.Nothing beats a few slices of boiled bacon, served with Englishmustard, in a warm buttered roll. So in defense of Britain’s food,here is a list, in no particular order, of some British disheswhich are definitely worth a try if you ever come acrossthem.


1.  BakewellTart   贝克韦蛋挞

     The Bakewell tart is a shortcrust pastry filled with jam and almondsponge (frangipane). The result is the perfect accompaniment to acup of tea. The tart originates from the town of Bakewell. Locallegend has it that the Bakewell tart (or pudding, as it is known inBakewell) was created when a cook misunderstood her mistress’instructions and layered frangipane on a simple jam tart. Whateverthe truth the tart has been popular since at least the early 19thcentury. 


2.  Porkpie   猪肉馅饼

     Like the Bakewell tart, the pork pie comes in a variety of forms.Cheap ones are perfect for lunch boxes, more expensive ones canalmost be a meal in themselves. The pork pie likely originated as asnack for hunting parties. It is usually small, round, a crust ofbrittle brown pastry and a filling of choppedpork. 


3.Kedgeree   鸡蛋葱豆饭

     The fry-up may be a more famous British breakfast but nothing beatsa good kedgeree. Kedgeree is a dish of curried rice, flaked fish,parsley and boiled eggs. Kedgeree is one of those dishes broughtback from India in the days of the Raj, and was wildly popular withthe Victorians. It is not as popular as it once was.
       在英国所有的炒饭中,也许没有什么比鸡蛋葱豆饭更出名的。鸡蛋葱豆饭是一碟咖喱米饭,里面有鱼片,欧芹,煮鸡蛋。 鸡蛋葱豆饭是从印度流传过来,那天正好是印度的拉吉日,此后在维多利亚时代的十分流行。它没有以前那么受欢迎了。


4. Custardtart   奶油蛋挞

     The custard tart does have international variants but none tocompare with the Egg Custard Tart. Custard tarts must be an ancientinvention, given the wide spread of variations across the world.Like all the best foods, the custard tart is simplicity itself. Allyou need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and asprinkling of nutmeg. The custard tart can be eaten hot from theoven, but eaten at room temperature improves itimmensely.



5. Yorkshirepudding   约克郡布丁

     Yorkshire pudding is not a pudding. Yorkshire puddings are anaccompaniment to Sunday roasts; some would say the best part of themeal. Miniature Yorkshire puddings with a morsel of beef and horseradish make a great canapé. Made well, Yorkshire puddings are lightand crisp; made badly, they can resemble pucks. Whether or not yourYorkshire puddings rise is the true test of your cookingability.


6. Reestitmutton   茹斯蒂羊肉

     Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland. The mutton is prepared bysoaking it in a saturated salt solution for three weeks, and thentaken out and dried. If kept dry, the meat will be good foryears.



7.Kippers   腌鱼

     Kippers are one of those quintessentially English foods that leaveus open for mockery. A kipper is a herring, sliced in half beforebeing salted and smoked. It was once a common breakfast food,especially for the lower classes in the cities where fresh fishwould be rare and expensive. Kippers can be enjoyed at any timethough, and make a great item to throw on a barbecue.



8. Fish andChips   炸鱼和薯条

     Chips were apparently first made in the UK in the 1860s. TheEnglish chip is much larger than French fries, and so it has a muchdifferent texture. 


9. Mincepies   肉馅饼

     It is not Christmas without mince pies. The history of the mincepie may have contributed to its unusual reputation. It seems therecipe of the original mince pies was brought back by the crusadersand has been evolving ever since. They were banned by puritans aspart of the celebration of Christmas; defying puritans only adds totheir flavor. The mince pie used to contain meat, hence the fillingbeing called mincemeat, but now is a mixture of dried fruits,spices, fat and brandy. Mince pies are best made fresh and eatenhot from the oven, but a cold pie is never unwelcome. Pair with adollop of clotted cream.

      这不是圣诞节上吃的无肉馅饼。这种肉馅饼的历史可能让其有着不同寻常的声誉。原来,原始的肉馅饼的配方是由十字军带回,并演变至今。当时十字军被清教徒禁止参加圣诞节的庆祝活动; 他们也藐视清教徒只会增加清教徒的口味。以前这种肉馅饼里面只含肉,但是现在的口味不同,里面还加有干果,香料,奶油和白兰地。这种肉馅饼最好吃现做的,冷了就不好吃。吃上刚刚从烤箱中加热的肉馅饼,配上香滑的奶油,那味道是无与伦比的好吃。


10.Haggis   羊杂

       Even though haggis didn’t originate in Scotland, it is certainlywhere it is most enjoyed these days. Scotland’s adopted nationaldish has a fearsome reputation, but it is undeserved. Haggis ismade from the less popular parts of a sheep – that’s true, but thetaste makes you forget your preconceptions.
