马来大叔怒斥:Time to Tie the Knot 是结婚的时候了! - 5

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:47:40
 At the wedding 在婚礼上

Sara: Hey, Carol. You look amazing. Are you ready to get up there and support Jamie?
Carol: Yep, let’s go. We’ll leave the boys to talk. By the way, what’s up with your date? George? Seriously?
Sara: I’m just 1)exploring my 2)options. Don’t judge. Please. Now let’s go. We’ve got a wedding to be a part of.
Carol: OK. But you sure know how to throw a curve ball.
Sara: I know, I know. But George might be just what I need at this point.
Carol: I guess you gotta trust your 3)gut, then. OK, time for the main event!
 
莎拉∶ 嘿,卡萝。奶好漂亮。奶要过去帮洁咪了吗?
卡萝∶ 好,走吧。就让男伴们留在这里聊天吧。对了,奶的男伴是怎麽一回事?乔治?奶是认真的吗?
莎拉∶ 我只是在探索我现有的选择。不要批判我,拜托。现在赶快走吧,我们还有一个婚礼要忙呢。
卡萝∶ 好啦,但奶可真会制造惊奇耶。
莎拉∶ 我知道,我知道。但是乔治或许正是我现在需要的。
卡萝∶ 那麽我想奶应该要相信自己的直觉棉。好吧,重头戏要登场啦!

throw sb. a curve (ball) 做出令人意想不到的事

在棒球中,curve ball 指的是曲球。这种球会让打者无法预测球进垒的路线及位置,因而无法掌握击球点。所以 throw a curve ball 即用来引申为某事或某人变幻莫测,让人摸不著头绪。
A: I thought the boss was going to fire me, but he ended up giving me a promotion.
B: Wow. He really threw you a curve ball.

Vocabulary 

1) explore (v.) 探索,了解,探究
The mayor is exploring the possibility of running for president.
2) option (n.) 选项,可选择的东西
You should explore your options before you choose a major.
3) gut  (n.) 直觉,内心
He knew in his gut that she was lying.