
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 04:06:23


A year ago, I woke to a phone call from a friend, a high school teacher in her early 40s, complaining that the night before, the man she was seeing had wanted to watch movies and cuddle, while she wanted sex. When she told him if they weren't going to have sex she'd rather sleep at home, his feelings were hurt. She said the emotional part of the relationship (he was talking marriage) was draining her and that without nightly hot sex, she wasn't sure it was worth the effort.


Her discontent sounded familiar. I'd been hearing and experiencing echoes of this for more than a year. My friend Andrea, a 37-year-old mother of two, was frustrated with the guy she was dating. He was a big talker about his "musical career" but spent more time talking about the gigs he was going to book than actually booking them. She overpowered him professionally and sexually. "It's a rare man who can keep up with me."


Susanne, a married corporate lawyer and mother of two in her mid 30s told me, "I for sure have the higher sex drive. For sure! My husband is more, 'the kids are across the hall' when I suggest we duck into the guest room."


My own sex drive spiked dramatically in my mid 40s as I sent my children out into the world, left an unhappy marriage, and came into my own personally, professionally, and sexually. So much so, there were days when I felt like a sex-obsessed adolescent boy. But the first man I dated after separating from my husband while initially thrilled that I wanted sex as much if not more than he did, wanted less as the relationship progressed. Soon my daily drive outpaced his, and I found myself with my own 'he wants to cuddle and I want to have sex' scenario.


I hadn't expected any of this. Growing up, I rarely heard of men wanting sex less than women. It all ran totally counter to traditional societal expectations about men and women and desire. And it's still not all that common today.


Fortunately, the stock character of the sexually disinterested and inhibited midlife woman seems to be disappearing from pop culture, but you rarely see media coverage of powerful women in their 40s and 50s who want to have sex every day. The only role model women like me have from the last fifteen years or twenty is the cougar -- who showed up on TV (Samantha in "Sex in the City", Gabrielle in "Desperate Housewives," Courtney Cox in "Cougar Town"), movies ("Notes on a Scandal"), pop songs ("Stacey's Mom") and in slang ("MILF"). And thanks to characters like "Cougar Town's" Jules Cobb, that sexually "empowered" woman is often characterized as emotionally desperate and sought after for her money. Neither I nor the women I knew were specifically interested in younger men, and it wasn't emotional connection we were desperate for since we were getting a lot of that from each other and our kids. We wanted low liability, low maintenance men who were good in bed.

幸运的是,在当今的流行文化中,那些古板的、性冷淡的中年妇女形象已经不复存在了,但即便如此,也很少能在流行媒体中看到“迈入中年而愈发性趣盎然”的妇女形象。对于我们这类女性,最近十几年流行的形容词是“熟女”,就像《欲望都市》里的萨曼莎、《绝望主妇》里的Gabrielle,《熟女当道》里的Jules Cobb(译者注:即《老友记》中Monica的扮演者)一样。电影《丑闻笔记》和一首名为《史戴茜的妈妈》的歌里也有涉及。甚至还有个俚语“MILF”-(Moms I'd Like to F**k),意为“让人按耐不住冲动的妈妈级人物”。说到这里,顺便还得“感谢”一下《熟女当道》里的Jules Cobb大姐,哼,这角色“成功”地塑造了一些性欲旺盛的老女人,她们一边承受着感情的失意,一边又因荷包太鼓而被人不怀好意地追求。而事实上,以我和我身边的女人们为例:我们从来不会被年轻男孩迷得灵魂出窍,也从来不苛求什么情感上的慰藉——毕竟从闺蜜和孩子们身上得到的抚慰已经足够了。我们的要求很简单:一个不被债务缠身、不大手大脚花钱的男人。哦,当然,这人必须床上功夫足够好。

And yet, the media headlines bombard us with stories of high-profile men insatiably seeking sex (Tiger Woods, Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner and Dominique Strauss-Kahn to name a few), feeding deep-seated cultural notions about male virility and the underlying implication that, for men, power is the great aphrodisiac.

然而,媒体的头条总是喜欢爆高层男士外出寻欢的消息,比方说老虎伍兹啦、纽约州长Eliot Spitzer嫖妓啦、前国会议员Anthony Weiner自贴裸照啦之类的。这类新闻显示出文化观念里一种根深蒂固的对男性生殖力的崇拜,暗示着:对于男人来讲,权利,才是最管用的伟哥。

Consequently, women whose libidos rev up after 40 often feel like they are abnormal. Hilda Hutcherson, professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University and co-director of New York Center for Women's Sexual Health told me, "Women come to me [in private practice] and say, 'There's something wrong with me. I want it all the time.' And I say, 'There's nothing wrong ... That inner vixen that's been suppressed is coming out and saying HELLO.'"
因此,当一个年过四旬的女人自觉充满了无处发泄的性欲时,她往往以为自己不正常了。Hilda Hutcherson是哥伦比亚大学的临床妇产科教授及纽约女性健康中心的合伙人。她告诉我:“女人们来到我的私人诊所,跟我倾诉‘最近我有点问题——我整天都在想那事儿’。然后我就告诉她们:‘你一点问题都没有...只不过是体内那只被压抑多年的小妖精跑出来了,和你打招呼呢’。”
It makes sense that some women feel their most sexual in their forties, when many are also at the top of their careers (though, contrary to popular belief, it is not a given that women's libido is strongest at any particular age).


"This is a time for women," Michelle Pearson, a clinical psychologist in Winnipeg, told me. "[They] are becoming very successful in all areas of their lives. Successful work seems to rev up women's ... libido" as well as their self-esteem, she says.

”这是个属于女人的时代,“Michelle Pearson,一位心理医生说道,”她们在各个领域都取得了空前的成功。事业的上升似乎带动了欲望的上升……性欲,同时还有自尊心。“

But as great as it is to hear a professional acknowledge that, I can't ignore what is problematic about this new -- or, more likely, newly recognized -- development: At the same time I was marveling at how many women I knew were reaching their sexual peak in their 40s and 50s, I seemed to be hearing more and more stories from friends and friends of friends and colleagues across the country of male performance anxiety and sex avoidance.
Leah Klungness, Ph.D., a practicing psychologist in New York, suggested that men are taking on the "honey I have a headache" role for a reason, the same reason some women do -- and it doesn't necessarily have to do with not wanting sex.
Leah Klungness博士是纽约的一位心理医生。她说,男人们如今会以“亲爱的,我头有点儿痛”作为理由来推脱,和女人们惯用的借口一样。然而,头痛和做不做爱其实根本没关系。  
"The 'not tonight, honey' is the only power some women hold in relationships," said Klungness. "This applies to 'trophy wives' and wives of big earners/public figures/powerful men who basically control everything else." And it may well apply to men dating or married to successful women saying they just want to cuddle. Perhaps, said Klungness, that behavior is "a power grab by men who feel powerless."

“这个‘亲爱的,今晚不行’的借口,是某些女性在男女关系中唯一的武器。”Klungness说,“这类女性往往嫁的都是些有钱人、公众人物、和那些几乎能掌控一切的男人。” 这个理论放在那些和成功女性约会或结婚的男人们身上也同样适合,他们往往会说“哦,可人家只想抱一抱嘛。” “也许“,她说,”这正是‘让感觉无助的男人获得一些掌控感’的方法。”  

It's easy to see how some men today could feel less powerful than previous generations of males. Birth control, sperm donorship, and in vitro fertilization have liberated sex from its reproductive origins. With more women breadwinners, some single parents by choice, a male provider often isn't necessary. In fact, as Hanna Rosin noted in her Atlantic Monthly article "The End of Men," women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history in 2010. Most managers are now women, too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same."

当今的男人与过去相比,更容易感觉到无助。原因很简单——计划生育、精子捐献、体外受精,这些都使性从其本身的生殖使命中独立出来。随着女性赚钱能力的提高、单亲妈妈的增多,依靠男性来养家糊口似乎已成了历史。事实上,正如Hanna Rosin在《亚特兰大月刊》上发表的《男性的终结》一文所述:2010年,美国的女性有史以来第一次成为了国内主要的劳动力人群。许多公司的总裁是女人;每两个男人拿到大学学位的同时,就有三个女人做到了同样的事。  

There are no studies -- yet -- that indicate a link between the empowerment of women in and outside of the bedroom and declining male libido levels, but given what I've heard from the women I know, I wouldn't be surprised. And frankly, the possibility worries me a little. It's exciting that women are finally admitting they sometimes want sex more than men do is exciting, but I wonder: If we desire and initiate more -- and often get turned down -- will women be perpetually frustrated?


The stakes are high for men, too. I am not the first to suggest that men who cling to the old outmoded model are at risk of being left behind, culturally and professionally -- see Rosin again -- but they may also have more trouble finding women willing to either play into the old scenario of male sexual dominance or put up with a guy whose sex drive doesn't match her own because he feels overpowered.
I think it's a time for the sexual liberation of men as well -- liberation from any vestiges of a traditionally macho perspective. Much richer, more exciting relationships await men who embrace the fluidity and current evolution of male/female roles, in and out of the bedroom. If more men open themselves to that, perhaps we can finally arrive at that place Simone de Beauvoir looked forward to in The Second Sex, when the so-called " 'division' of humanity" into male and female "will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form."
