
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:44:07


One crucial element in finding our balance in life is to first listen to our body.

Two years ago, I started to suffer from severe migraines, not a little headache that would go away with some sleep, but jackhammer pounding migraines. I was completely debilitated, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t watch TV, and I couldn’t focus during meetings at work. So many times I’ve had to force myself to ignore the pain whilst discussing a contract with a client, and yet to excuse myself suddenly so I could run off to the bathroom and throw up. 



Panadol and paracetamol (Tylenol) stopped working on me, and the doctor kept prescribing stronger painkillers. I had X-rays and MRI scans done but all seemed normal, and yet the migraines kept coming. I would get dizzy spells and feel nauseous; locking myself up in a dark, eerie quiet room didn’t do much to help. The only relief I found was banging my head on the floor so that the pain of impact could crowd out the throbbing of the migraines. 


Eventually, the doctor forced me to take medical leave from work for my own sanity. They said my migraines were caused by stress. 

As I sat at home every day, with no energy to even pick up my glass of water from the coffee table, I tried to work out when, and how this all started, for it seemed so sudden since I’ve never had a migraine before that fateful day. 



Yet, was it really so sudden? In fact, there had been so many forewarnings in even just the previous year, which I systematically ignored. Career was my first priority then and I was on the way up the corporate ladder, so I chose – perhaps unconsciously – to shove away the symptoms that my body had reached boiling point and that it could not handle another late night. 


In the course of pursuing our goals, many of us tend to get distracted from taking care of ourselves.

These were simple tell tale signs, and yet so easy to overlook and dismiss. 



I used to get stomach aches everyday in the afternoon for a few months continuously, just a slight cramp but enough to make me wince in pain. What did I do? I went on filling in the excel spreadsheets – we had a deadline of 12pm, after all. The economy was crumbling down. I was responsible and I needed to do my job, and do it well.

连续几个月,我每天下午都会感觉胃痛,虽然只是轻微的痉挛,但足以让我痛苦。当时我做了什么? 我继续填写这Excel表格,因为中午12点是截止时间。当时,经济正在崩塌。我有责任,我需要做好我的工作。

At one point, I averaged a cold or minor viral flu every 3-4 weeks, my GP probably didn’t even need to see me to know what to prescribe each time I slouched in, tired and exhausted, but just eager to grab my medicine from the counter and go back to the office. 


Unbeknownst to me, these were all warning signals from my body that I was stressed, and I needed rest – not the spa trips or gym work outs that I believed were part of coping with stress, but a complete step back from what I was doing for I had too much on my plate. 

当时的我并不知道,这些都是我的身体发出的警告:我压力过大,需要休息 —— 并不是过去我所认为的通过泡温泉或是去健身房来应对压力,而是从工作中全然地退出,因为我的压力太大了。

Even as my assistant once whispered in my ear, ” maybe you should put some make up on before seeing the client, you look very tired and pale…” I still stubbornly insisted I was invincible. It paid off – I got good performance ratings at the end of the year – but that was about it. The little “1” on my scorecard was not very helpful when I was rushed to ER from fainting yet again due to dehydration from vomiting too much as a result of the excruciating migraines.

My immune system was breaking down as a result of stress, and eventually I collapsed, physically and mentally. 

即使我的助手曾在我耳边说过,“也许你应该在见客户前化个妆,你的脸色看起来很疲倦、苍白......”而我依然固执地坚持我是无敌的。我得到了回报—— 在年底获得了良好的业绩评级——但仅此而已。当我因为难以忍受的偏头痛呕吐到脱水而晕倒被送进急诊室时,这些回报对我并没有帮助。


We are all trying to find some sort of balance that works for us in our life, in our time and space. But sometimes we can get so caught up in achieving the goal of “balance”, that we actually forget to take care of our most basic self – the body and its health. 


So before you get to my juncture, take a few minutes for introspection. Is your body trying to tell you something?


Here are a few steps I suggest you take: 


1. Review your physical health for the past year

In a notebook (or OK, on an excel spreadsheet if you must), record all the times you were ill, even a little sneeze, or pain in your thumb (oh blackberry addicts!), and try to document the time, the severity, the duration, and what you did about it. Leave it for a day or two and come back to it and try to write more down as your memory is jolted.



It will surprise you how much you actually remember if you put your conscious thought into it, and perhaps it would surprise you also, that you had more days of back pains than you remember. 


2. Review your physical condition everyday

In the same notebook but in a new section, start reviewing your physical condition everyday. You can start reviewing weekly then gradually more frequently. 



Create a system for yourself to record your energy level and also your moods:


- Were you tired that day, more than usual? Why? 

- Were you generally happy? Sad? Frustrated? Why? 

Also take note if you recognize pain in any part of your body, and document fatigue or trouble areas – the neck, the spine, lower waist, feet etc? Do you get headaches around the same time every day? 

After two weeks, see if you start noticing trends. Compare it with your record from the previous year. Has anything changed? Do you notice patterns? 

- 你疲惫吗,比平时疲惫? 为什么?
- 你快乐吗? 悲伤吗? 沮丧吗? 为什么? 


3. Stop if you need to


Once you notice physical patterns, ask yourself, what do you think caused them? Were there any particular activities that could lead to this kind of pain? Identify these actions and stop the behavior. 



If your eyes are tired from staring at the computer screen for too many hours a day, stop reading this blog post right now and come back later. 


Every little discomfort counts, and must be stopped. 


4. Change habits


This is when the prioritization and time management skills you have read about on this blog come into handy. Plan your ideal situation and think about how you can eliminate this pain – are you exercising enough? Are you working too many hours? Is sleep your problem? Make plans to change undesirable behavior using the skills you’ve already learned.


你在这个博客上阅读到的关于优先次序和时间管理技巧正好可以派上用场了。 做一个理想中的情景计划,思考一下如何能消除这种疼痛——你是否运动得当?你是否工作过量呢?你的睡眠有问题吗?用这些你已经学会的技巧来制定计划去改变这些讨厌的行为。

Unless you identify the issues, there would not be solutions or improvements. So listen to what your body is telling you, every little pain or wince matters and is a message to which you should pay attention.


Today, I review my body condition every evening before going to bed. I have a log of when my migraines occur and when I feel more bubbly and energetic. My log also consists of how my body reacted after I started practicing meditation through Chinese calligraphy and taichi martial arts.


Baby step improvements and adjustments, and every week I take a look at my own physical condition to see what needs to be tweaked.



Everyone has to find the optimum way and balance for themselves. I urge you to listen to your body in the process. 


Are there warning signals you have been snoozing too?

