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http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月08日 16:41   沪江英语


  Fans, artists and designers have found creative ways to pay tribute to Apple co-founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, who has died at the age of 56 after a long and highly public battle with cancer. This digital mosaic, made out of Apple gadgets, was created by Greek designer Charis Tsevis。

  各地果粉、艺术家和设计师用各种创造性的方式来纪念苹果的创始人,前首席执行官乔布斯(微博)。乔帮主长期与癌症抗争,于北京时间10月6日辞世,享年56岁。希腊设计师Charis Tsevis用苹果公司的各种配件创作出一幅乔布斯的数字马赛克肖像画,以此来纪念这位传奇人物。


  Nineteen-year-old Jonathan Mak, a student at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University School of Design, came up with the idea of incorporating Steve Jobs' silhouette into the bite of the Apple logo, symbolising both Jobs' departure and lingering presence at the core of the company。

  19岁的香港理工大学设计学院的学生Jonathan Mak把乔布斯的剪影和苹果公司的标志结合在一起,象征着乔布斯的辞世和他对苹果公司的影响。


  Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook Pro, issued by web design company Mint Digital. They say: "It seemed fitting to create a tribute to him using the spare components of the old Mac book pro. Every component has been broken down to its most basic form and reassembled into a portrait of Steve Jobs."



  Tom Gaffney, 21, carved a portrait of Steve Jobs into an apple, before laying his tribute outside the Apple store in Birmingham. He said: "I'm a big fan of his work. He's a genius and an influence to so many people."

  21岁的Tom Gaffney把乔布斯的肖像刻在了一个苹果上,并把它放在了伯明翰的一家苹果专卖店的门口。他说,“我是一个超级果粉。乔布斯是一个天才,他影响了那么多人。”


  A restaurant worker shows off an apple-shaped pizza as a tribute to Steve Jobs in Naples。



  A man displays a paper cut portrait of Steve Jobs in Jinan, Shandong province, China。
