高达z图片:07-08学年上学期新目标九年级期中测试 - Mr.Bond的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 10:49:01
九年级单元测验   2008-07-15 02:57   阅读179   评论0
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I. 单项选择(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)
1. Why don’t you___________ to improve your English?
A. watch English-language TV
B. watching English-language TV
C. to watching English-language TV
D. watched English-language TV
2. If I__________ you, I__________ go there.
A. am; will                B. was; would
C. was; will               D. were; would
3. He's interested in ___________ basketball and he is_________ the school basketball team.
A. play, in                B. playing; in
C. play; on                D. playing; on
4.___________ should be allowed to drive.
A. Sixteen-year-old
B. Sixteen-year-olds
C. Sixteen-years-old
D. Sixteen-years-olds
5. --Whose backpack is this?
--It must be__________. It has her name __________ it.
A. Mary; on           B. Mary's; on
C. Tom; on            D. Tom's; on
6. --How do you study English?
--I study English___________.
A. on watch TV         B. on watching TV
C. by watch TV         D. by watching TV
7. What_________ you do if you _________a lot of money in the lottery?
A. will, wins           B. will, won
C. would; won          D. would, win
8. You____________ to have straight hair.
A. use       B. used     C. are use       D. are using
9. He should stop__________ that silly earring.
A. wear      B. wearing    C. to wear     D. wears
10. That guitar might__________ Alice. She loves________ guitar.
A. belong to, to playing               B. belong to, to play the
C. belongs to, to play the              D. belongs to; to playing
11. I often have trouble __________ my pronunciation right.
A. get      B. getting      C. got      D. to get
12. Tom__________ to visit his grandparents if he had free time on Sunday.
A. will go   B. goes       C. would go   D. went
13. My little son is terrified ________the dark. He always goes to sleep__________ his bedroom light ________.
A. of; with; on             B. of; by; on
C. to; with; on             D. to; by; on
14. I don't think students should be allowed_________ homework with friends. They talk instead of_________ homework.
A. to do; do                B. to do; doing
C. do; do                  D. do; doing
15. He is afraid of____________ homework every day.
A. too many               B. too much
C. much too               D. more many
It was an unexpected holiday.    16    April 19, our teacher told us to leave school and stay at home because of a new deadly disease called SARS.
It is not very    17   to be stuck(憋在家里), unable to    18    . Although our classes are sometimes boring, going to school is much    19     than staying at home.
I am even starting to    20  some of my teachers. It would be nice just to see their faces again. Meeting old classmates would be great too. It feels as if    21    haven't seen them for ages.
After weeks of being at    22     I asked my parents to take my cousins and me to the Great Wall. Being able to get outside made me feel    23    .
Every day I phone ten of my classmates and ask them to    24   their temperature. I also ask them if they have done their homework.. 5    I give the information to our teacher.
This is a lot of fun.
16. A. In      B. At         C. For       D. On
17. A. nice    B. lonely      C. hard       D. natural
18. A. work out             B. go out
C. take out              D. find
19. A. better                B. worse
C. good                 D. well
20. A. think        B. love      C. miss        D. know
21. A. You         B. I         C. He          D. We
22. A. school       B. hospital   C. home        D. class
23. A. amazed      B. unhappy   C. lovely       D. excited
24. A. make        B. take       C. see         D. find
25.A. Than         B. When     C. Then        D. After
The people in the United States speak the same language as the people in Britain. However, American English is different from British English in many ways. First, the sounds of American English are different from the sounds of British English. For example, most Americans pronounce the "r" in the word "car", but most of the British do not. Some spellings are different. People in Britain write "colour" and "centre", but people in the United States write "color" and "center". Finally, some words are different. People in the United States use "gasoline(汽油)"in their cars, but people in Britain use "petrol".
26.__________the Americans _________ the British speak the English language.
A. Not; but                 B. Neither; nor
C. Not only; but also         D. Both; or
27. American English and British English are different in__________.
A. spelling                 B. pronunciation
C. vocabulary               D. all of the above
28. "Gasoline" and "petrol" are _________.
A. the same thing           B. different things
C. different in color       D. different kinds of cars
29. Which of the following statements is true?
A. All the people in the US pronounce the "r" in "car".
B. Not all the people in the US pronounce the "r" in "car".
C. None of the British pronounce the "r" in "car".
D. If a man pronounces the "r' in "car", he must be an American.
30. Which of the following is the best title(题目) of this passage?
A. The English Language.
B. American English.
C. The Differences Between American English and British English.
D. The United States and Britain.
I am a college student in Anhui Teacher's University now. Three years ago, I studied in a high school. I worked very hard and did well in every subject.  And I took an active part in all kinds of activities with my classmates, such as holding sports meeting, planting trees, visiting some places, watching the  traffic with the policemen and contributing clothes, books, pencil-boxes, schoolbags and money to poor villages. But I can never forget a special activities -- a visit to a blind and deaf school.
On October 3rd, 1998, the students in our class visited the Anqing Blind and Deaf School. We had a party with some of the disable(残疾的) students there. We played games together and had a wonderful time.
I met a girl named Zhao Yang at the party.  She couldn't say a word, nor could she hear.  We  "talked" with each other by making some gestures or writing on each other's hand. Soon we became good   friends. When it was time to say  Goodbye , she wrote on my hand,  Please come here as often as   possible." I saw her words and tears rolled down my face at once.
Many people are concerned(关心) disabled people, and they give away money to assistance funds   (救助基金). But the disabled people also want more communication with ordinary people. If you know   any disabled people, please don't forget to visit them "as often as possible". They need our help.
31. Where did the writer study before she came to the college?
A. In a village.       B. In Anqing School.
C. In a high school.   D. In Anhui Teacher's University.
32. How many kinds of activities did the writer mention in this passage?
A. Five.    B. Four.   C. Eight.      D. Seven.
33. The writer visited the Anqing Blind and Deaf School __
A. four years ago        B. seven years ago
C. two years ago         D. eight years ago
34. The writer "talked" with Zhao Yang by ________.
A. only writing                B. only saying a few words
C. saying and writing on paper
D. making gestures or writing on hands
35. From the passage, we can know that the disabled people really need ______.
A. clothes and money     B. schoolbags and pencil-boxes
C. money and clothes     D. people’s help and care
My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.
One afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the man's hat in his mouth.
36. From the story, we know that Jack is ________.
A. Dick's good friend        B. a large police dog
C. a young man             D. a young man's dog
37. Where does Dick walk his dog every Saturday afternoon?
A. In his room.              B. In the street.
C. In the park.               D. In the field.
38. Jack became very worried one afternoon because _________.
A. he couldn't be taken out for a walk at the usual time
B. a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon
C. Dick walked around his room several times
D. he couldn't find the young man's hat
39. What does the underlined word "stand" mean in the passage?
A. 站立        B.理解        C.支持        D.忍受
40. Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the hat in his mouth?
A. Try to make the man laugh.
B. Like the young man very much.
C. Ask the young man to leave.
D. Want to talk with the young man.
Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. With a modern airliner you can travel to places in one day, which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.
Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages(便利). You can see the country you are traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large liners and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish—where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they are traveling on business.
41. From the passage we know the fastest way of traveling is_______.
A. by car       B. by train      C. by sea      D. by plane
42. If we travel by car, we can___________.
A. make the longest journey enjoyable
B. travel to a very far place in several minutes
C. make our own timetable
D. travel only fifty or one hundred miles a day
43. The underlined word ‘They” in the second paragraph refers to (指……而言)____________.
A. modern trains in the country
B. comfortable seats and dining –cars
C. the travelers on the modern trains
D. the slower ways of traveling
44. When people travel on business, they usually take_________.
A. a plane or a car                 B. a car or a boat
C. a boat or a train                 D. a train or a plane
45. How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage?
A. Four           B. Three.           C. Two.      D. Six.
When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale(出售).
There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say "dry clean only". Washing may ruin(损坏) this coat. If you do as the directions on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry-cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better.
Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
46. If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that________.
A. don't fit you               B. don’t last long
C. need to be dry-cleaned       D. can be washed
47. The labels inside the clothes tell you_________.
A. how to keep them looking their best
B. how to save money
C. whether they fit you or not
D. where to get them dry-cleaned
48. The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is________.
A. to look for well-made clothes
B. to see how much money you can pay
C. to know how to wash them
D. to read the labels inside them
49. We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes _______.
A. are always worse made    B. must be dry-cleaned
C. can't be washed          D. can sometimes fit you better
50. The best title(标题) for the reading should be___________.
A. Buying Less Expensive Clothes
B. Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C. Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes
IV. 补全对话。(10分)
A. Would you like some?         B. It’s very kind of you.
C. Oh, no!        D. Another cup of tea?   E. It must be delicious.
A: It's very cold this morning. Would you like a cup of hot tea?
B: Yes.    51
A; With sugar?
B:     52     I don't like sugar.
A: But you had tea with sugar last year, didn't you?
B: Yes. But the doctor has told me it's bad for me to leave it.
A: I see. Here's something cooked at home.     53
B:     54    But I had breakfast half an hour ago. I'm full now.
A:     55
B: No, thanks. That's enough.
V. 书面表达(共15分)
请以Believe myself, and I will win为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇见并战胜困难的一件小事的短文。
1.主要内容必须包括:(1)你遇到了什么困难 (2)你是如何克服困难的(3)你从此事中领悟到了什么。
2. 280词左右(切合题意,内容完整,表达清楚,书写规范)。
参考词汇:overcome v.克服,战胜。
I. 1-5 ADDBB 6-10 DCBBB 11-15 BCABB
II. 16-20 DABAC 21-25 BCDBC
III. 26-30 CDABC 31-35 CADDD 36-40 BCADC 41-45 DCBDA 46-50 DABDC
IV. 51-55 BCAED
V.                 Last night after I had my supper, I went to do my math homework. I finished all the work except the last one in half an hour, but the last one was the most difficult of all. I tried many ways, but I still couldn’t work it out. An hour later, I wanted to give up. Buy my father told me to keep on working. I worked it out with the help of my father at last. I smiled, and so did my father. From that I know nothing in the world is impossible if I set my mind to do it, and just remember “believe myself, and I will win”, then I can overcome any difficulty.
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