
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 23:46:31
十万火急in hot haste:I am writing in hot haste to let you know that I will be there on time.


了无瓜葛have nothing to do with:That politician claimed that he had nothing to do with that scandal.


力不从心my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak:A:Can you do me a favor? B:Sorry, my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.


力挽狂澜try to stem the tide:He tried to stem the tide, but in vain.


入境随俗Do in Rome as the Romans do.


入木三分It actually gave a vivid picture of cut the quick. (leave an indelible impression)


七上八下to be sixes and sevens:Don't talk to me now because I am all at sixes and sevens. (with one's heart going pitapat)


七窍生烟He was in a great fury (fuming with anger; in a great rage; terribly furious) and swore to get even with the opposite(跟对方报复).


七零八落After the quake, the buildings went to rock and ruin.


八面玲珑smooth and able to win favour on all sides