
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 05:10:27


(总分:150分  答题时间:120分钟)



I. Responses (句子应答)(每小题1分,计5分)

  Listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one. Each sentence will be read only once. (请听下面五个句子,选出最能恰当应答所听句子的选项。每个句子只读一遍。)

(   )1. A. You will like this city. 

B. No, I don’t think it will rain.

      C. It sounds like a nice place.    

D. It is  nice to have a holiday.

(   )2. A. I play the drums.       B. I bought a new house.

      C. What do you usually have for breakfast?       

D. Six o’clock! What do your neighbors think?

(   )3. A. Yes, I love going to parties.

B. Yes, it’s on the desk.

  C. No, I can’t stand it.     D. No, it’s under the tree.

(   )4. A. Six yuan a kilo.     B. About ten minutes’ walk.

      C. Five apples.       D. It’s Sunday.

(   )5. A. I play basketball with my friends.

B. My name is Harry.

  C. I’m Jim’s friend.        D. I live in London.


II. Dialogues(对话理解)(每小题1分,计15分)

A)     Listen to the following five mini-dialogues and choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue will be read twice. (请听五组小对话,根据你所听到的内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话读两边。)

(   )6. What time will the dinner start?



(   )7. Where are the speakers?

A. In a shop.       B. In a classroom.     

C. At home.        D. At an airport.

(   )8. What’s in the drawer?



(   )9. Who liked the film?

   A. Jim       B. Jack        C. Tom      D. Mary

(   )10. How much is the bigger guide book?

A. 5.29 pounds           B. 5.09 pounds      

C.. 4.19 pounds          D. 4.09 pounds

B)     Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice. (请听下面一段对话,根据你所听到的内容,选出能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。)

(   )11. How many bicycles are there in the world?

   A. About one billion        B. About two billion    

C. About one thousand.    D. About two thousand.

(   )12. When was the first bicycle invented?

   A. In 1539     B. In 1659    C. In 1749   D. In 1839

(   )13. Who first drew a picture of a bicycle?

   A. Kirkpatrick Macmillan.   B. Rechard.    

C. Da Vinci               D. Lucy.

(   )14. What does the man think about the land-speed record for a bicycle?

   A. He does not believe it.    B. He agrees with it.    

C. He is happy with it.     D. He is excited about it.

(   )15. Where did the woman read the information about the bicycle?

   A. In a book             B. In a newspaper        

C. On the Internet.        D. In a magazine.

C) Listen to the following dialogue and match the free-time activities on the right with the people on the left. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,讲右栏的业余活动与左栏的任务进行匹配。对话读两遍。)

(   )16. Henry           A. Playing baskerball

(   )17. Sarah            B. Listening to classical music

(   )18. Michelle         C. Going fishing

(   )19. Tony            D. Going to parties

(   )20. Mike            E. Seeing films


III. Passages(短文理解)(每小题1分,计10分)

A)     Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.(请听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍)

(   )21. What does the passage say is a very popular pastime for people?

   A. Playing computer games.     B. Listening to music.

   C. Playing sports.            D. Watching TV.

(   )22. What is Nancy’s favourite programme?

   A. Everyday Music.          B. English Studies.  

C. Sports World.             D. Music City

(   )23. How long does Tom watch TV every day?

   A. One hour                B. Two hours       

C. Half an hour              D. An hour and a half.

(   )24. When does Sam watch TV?

   A. In the morning.      B. After supper.     

C. After school.         D. At noon.

(   )25. Who spends the most time watching TV?

   A. Nancy      B. Sam       C. Tom     D. Jack


B)     Listen to the passage and fill in each blank with only one word. The passage will be read twice.(请听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容填空。 每空只限一词。短文读两遍)

Monday 15th Octiber

9:00—(26) ____________: General Studies

11:20—12:20: (27) __________period—revise for a test

12:20—1:20: (28) ____________

1:20—2:20: PE

2:30—3:30: (29) __________test

3:40—4:40: Art class

4:45—6:00: Play (30) __________with Prter



I.        Multiple-choice(选择填空)(每小题1分,计15分)

A)     Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(从A,B,C,D四个选项中选择出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(   )31. The day after tomorrow is ______ Father’s Day, so I’m going to make ______ delicious cake for my father.

   A.a; the      B. /; a       C. /; the      D. a; a

(   )32. Students often exchange gifts with _____ when they leave school.

   A. both     B. the others   C. others   D. one another

(   )33. --- Remember, class, the more _____ you are, the ______ mistakes you’ll make in your test.

   --- We know, Mr. Green.

   A. carefully; little     B. carefully; less   

C. careful; fewer    D. careful; few

(   )34. John began to learn French last month.  _______.

   A. His sister did so    B. So did his sister  

C. So his sister did   D. His sister so did

(   )35. The bridge ______ this photo was taken was built last year.

   A. which       B. how       C. who     D. where

(   )36. --- I telephoned you this morning, but you _____ in.

   --- Sorry, I _______ to the bookshop.

   A. won’t be; was        B. aren’t ; went   

C. weren’t; had gone     D. haven’t been; had been

(   )37. ________ of the students in the class _____ girls.

   A. Two thirds; are       B. Two third; is    

C. Two three; is        D. Two there; are

(   )38. ---Excuse me. Could you tell me ___ some stamps?

      --- Yes. There is a post office on Xinhua Road.

   A. where can I buy      B. where I can buy  

C. that can I buy       D. that I can buy

(   )39.The girl was seen ______ computer games in the Internet bar.

   A. plays   B. playing    C. be playing    D. played

(   )40. Don’t put off today’s work till tomorrow. This means today’s work _____ today.

   A. must be done           B. must do    

C. must to do             D. must to be done

(   )41.--- Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?


   A. See you!              B. I agree with you.   

C. Hold on, please.        D. I’d love to.

(   )42.--- I lost my new watch on the bus yesterday morning.

       --- ___________

   A. I’m afraid not.          B. You’re welcome   

C. I’m sorry to hear that     D. Make yourself at home.

B)     Read the following short passage and choose the answer that best completes each sentence. (下面3道小题可以组成一片小短文,请根据上下文选出各题的最佳选项。)

(   )43. While _____, they talk about the music, weather and traffic. DJs also play music at clubs, dances, restaurants, and weddings.

   A. in the air   B. on the air   C. off the air   D. by air

(   )44. DJs need ______ voices, with good timing and pronunciation, and a strong grasp of correct grammar.

   A. please    B. pleasure    C. pleasant    D. pleased

(   )45. DJs should have formal training in broadcasting from a college or technical school. Courses in English, public speaking, drama, and computer science are useful. Hobbies ______ sports and music are also helpful.

   A. such as   B. for example   C. and so on    D. as


II. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解) (共20题;选择题5小题,每小题1分;非选择题15题,每小题2分,计35分)

A) Read the following passage which is followed by five questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B,C,D. Choose the one that fits best according to the passage. (阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。)

Dear Joy,

Thank you for agreeing to water our plants for us while we are away. Here is what you need to do.

     1. The vegetable in the garden need to be watered every day unless it rains. There is a large area of bare soil, but this needs to be watered, too. Betty planted some corn there. Please pick any vegetables that are ripe and use them. It’s a shame for them to go to waste.

     2. The garden at the front of the house only needs to be watered every two or three days. The plants there are quite strong and will survive a few days without water. The roses are starting to bloom. If you look after them, they should be all right for a week or more. They will last a bit longer if you put a little sugar in the water. That’s some advice my grandmother gave me a long time ago.

     3. There are a few plants in the pots on the porch, and these need to be watered well every day. I’ve left a couple of pots out in the sun, and these also need lots of water. You can pick any strawberries that are ripe and eat them. You’ll find they are delicious.

     4. You don’t need to do anything for the lemon tree. If you see any ripe lemons, just pick them and take them home. You can use them in cooking for to make lemonade(柠檬汁)

     Thanks again for helping out. We’ll see you in two weeks. You’ve got our telephone number, so please call us if there are any problems or if you need to ask any questions. We’ll send you a post-card.

(   )46. Lee wrote these instructions to Joy because Lee_______.

  A. would not grow plants well    B. gave Joy the garden

  C. sold the house to Joy        D. was going on holiday

(   )47. What does NOT need watering every day?

  A. The room             B. The lemon tree   

C. The strawberries        D. The vegetables

(   )48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Joy will send Lee a postcard.  

B. Lee will come home in three weeks.

 C. Lee likes to grow his own vegetables.  

D. Lee’s house is not very big.

(   )49.How should Joy deal with the lemon tree?

  A. Cut it down            

B. Water it every two days 

C. Pick ripe lemons, and take them home.  

D. Take good care of it.

(   )50. What does “ripe fruit” mean?

  A. The fruit is ready to eat. B. The fruit is hard and bitter.

  C. The fruit is rotten.     D. The fruit is starting to grow.


B) Read the following there passages and follow the instructions for each section. (阅读下面的三篇短文, 然后按短文后的要求完成所给出的题目。)


A few years ago in Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park, three people stood around holding signs that said “ Free Hugs”. This was quite a sight and stopped more than a few tourists in their tracks. People discovered it was part of the Free Hugs campaign(运动)。

     The Free Hugs campaign tries to make people’s lives brighter by giving away free hugs. It was started by Juan Manne on June 30, 2004. Man had been sad and lonely, when one day, a stranger, someone she didn’t know, hugged him. This free hug made him feel great. He decided to give free hugs to make other people feel great, too. He started offering free hugs on a street in Sydney, Australia. In the following months, many people joined him in offering free hugs, and more and more people accepted the free hugs.

     Not long after Mann began his campaign, he became friends with Shimon Moore, the lead singer of the music group Sick Puppies. In late 2004, Moore recorded a video film of Mann and other huggers. The film was forgotten, but the Free Hugs campaign continued through 2005 and 2006.

     Then, in mid-2006, Mann’s grandmother died. As a gift to Mann, Moore made a music video called All The Same using the film from 2004. The video was put on YouTube and became very popular. Since then, the Free Hugs campaign has spread. People are giving away free hugs in countries all over the world. Have you given a free hug to someone lately?

Questions 51-55: Fill in the blanks using suitable words according to the passage above. Use one or two words for each blank.

The Free Hugs campaign was started by Juan Mann to make people’s lives brighter by giving away (51) ______ Mann was once hugged by a (52) ________ which made him feel great. He started the campaign and many people joined him in the following (53) _________ Shimon Moore, the (54) ________ of the music group Sick Puppies, once recorded a video film of Mann and other huggers. The music video was put on YouTube where it became very (55) ________ and, because of this, the Free Hugs campaign has spread.


Let’s take a look at some new restaurants in town

A.  Chopsticks

   12 Grape Lane

   Chopsticks is a Chinese restaurant.

   It’s great value and you can get a starter, a main course and a drink for £10!Book early because it gets busy!

   Wednesday: Children under 7 half price.

   TEL: 664-8329

B. Ocean

   25 Dean Street

   The talented chefs at Ocean make great fish and meat dishes. Don’t go there for a cheap meal, though. It’s expensive! Go on a special occasion(场合)。

TEL: 329-4485

C. Uncle Sam’s

   Central Park

   Visit Uncle Sam’s for a taste of America! Order a juicy hamburger with chips and try the delicious apple pie and ice cream for dessert! Don’t expect quick service, though. The waiters are friendly, but very slow.

   TEL: 347-7195

D. Green

   4 Harriet Road

   Green is a great place for a healthy lunch or snack. It serves salads, sandwiches and soups. You also get a free carton of fruit juice with your meal. All the food is fresh and they use food from tins. They also deliver food to your home.

   TEL: 837-4491

Questions 56-60: Complete the statements according to the information above. Use no more than two words for each blank.

56. Mrs. Smith wants to have Chinese food with her nine-year-old son and six-year-old daughter on Wednesday. They each have a starter, a main course and a drink. They have to pay __________.

57. If you like American food and ice cream, you should go to _________.

58. You can get a free drink with your meal in __________.

59. If you want to invite an important friend who likes eating fish to dinner, you can call _______ to book a table.

60. _______________( restaurant) will deliver food to your house.


Scientists have been studying the relationship between music and learning since the 1930’s. A book named An Introduction to the Music Revolution describes a lot of ways that music helps learning. Do you feel stressed- out while you are studying? Listening to music reduces stress. Some music produces endorphins(多肽), chemicals that calm you down and help you learn faster. Does studying ever make you tired? Music makes sleepy students feel more awake and increases the oxygen flow to the brain. The brain needs a lot of oxygen to function(起作用) at its best.

     Music makes you aware of your emotions (情绪). Emotions stay in the memory for a long time. Feeling emotions while studying helps you to remember what you are studying for a longer period of time. (61) Just like an emotion stays firmly in your mind, what you are studying stays there, too. Some kinds of music even help the brain solve maths problems better!

     Studies show that classical music is the best music for learning. The rhythm in classical music affects both sides of the brain. Having both sides of your brain working at the same time helps you remember information easily. (62) Singing also makes the brain better at remembering and learning. So next time you get a song stuck in your head, make sure it is an English one!


Questions 61-62: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.

61. ______________________________________________


62. ______________________________________________


Questions 63-65: Answer the following questions according to the passage.

63. What’s the relationship between music and learning?


64.What is the effect of music to sleepy students?


65. Why does classical music help people learn?



III. Cloze (完形填空) (每小题1分,计10分)

Read the passage below, and fill in the blanks with suitable forms of 10 out of the 12 words or phrases given according to the context. (阅读下面的短文,根据其内容从所给的12个单词或短语中选择10个,并用其适当的形式填空。)

in , without,  late ,  friend,   when ,  come true, for,  climb, so,  over, made of, even

   Mark Inglis is from New Zealand. He has just (66)_________ Mount Everest. Lots of people try to climb Everest but it isn’t easy: every year, climbers die. For Mark, it was (67)___________ more difficult. Why? Because Mark hasn’t got any legs. Mark hasn’t always been disabled. (68)___________ he was young he loved sports and he was always active, but in 1982 he lost his legs (69) __________ a climbing accident. He couldn’t walk and he certainly couldn’t climb. He thought his life was (70)________, but he dad always dreamed of climbing Everest, the world’s highest mountain, he started climbing again, using legs (71)__________ metal and plastic. Last month, Mark’s dream (72)_________. He started climbing with three (73)_______. The weather on Everest was terrible. It was icy and windy. The temperature was -30℃. But six days (74)________ they arrived at the top of the mountain. Mark was very, very tired, but very happy. He has become the first person (75)______ any legs to climb Everest.


IV. Sentence pattern transformation (句式转换) (共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Transform the following sentences as required. (按要求转换下列各句)

76. The passage is to difficult that Andy can’t understand it. (改为同义句)


77. Could you tell me how I can get to the bookshop? (改为简单句)


78. They have never been to Beijing. (改为反义疑问句)


79. I’d like to go to London on holiday. (对划线部分提问)


80. We shouldn’t allow students to stay up until midnight. (改写为被动句)



V. Translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets. (根据所给提示词语,将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。)

81. 当你遇见生词时,请查词典。 (look up)


82. 在5点之前你必须把作业做完。 (get)


83. 他宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。(would rather … than)


84. 我过去经常早晨6点就去上学了,可是现在我7点半才起床。(used to do)


85. 你不应该灰心,我确信给你能独自解决那道难题。 (lose heart)




VI. Error correction(短文改错)(每题1分,计5分)

Read the following passage. Write “ √” if the underlined part is right, or correct it if it is wrong.(阅读下面的短文,如果划线部分正确写“√”;如果有错误,请在右侧的横线上改正。)

Life in the year 2200 will be very different from life as it was today. There won’t be any                 eg: ___is_______

classrooms or teachers because children will learn at hoe with computers.  Space                      86.____________

travel will be cheap, so people will use spaceships to visit other planet. People will live                  87.____________

in even taller buildings. Also, they won’t use petrol or gas, so there won’t be many                      88.____________

pollution. What is more, people will be much healthy because there will be cures for                    89.____________

all diseases. Finally, robots will do all the bored jobs, such as cooking and cleaning,                     90.____________

so people will have more free time.


VII. Dialogue completion (补全对话)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Read the following dialogue. Complete it by filling in the blanks with five out of the seven sentences given according to the context. (阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容从所给的7个句子中选出5个,补全对话。)

Sally: Hi, Jane. How was your party?

Jane: The party was great!  (91)__________

Sally: I’m sorry. I really wanted to, but I had the flu last weekend.

Jane: Poor you. Are you OK now?

Sally: Yes, thanks. (92)______________

Jane: Well, we had lots of food --- chicken, pizza, salads…

Sally: Did you have a birthday cake?

Jane: (93)_____________

Sally: What about music?

Jane: It was excellent. Dan’s brother works as a DJ, so he brought lots of CDs with him. (94)_____ We had a great time.

Sally: Well, it sounds as if you had a good time.

Jane: Yes. I like having parties because I think they’re fun.


A.     We danced till 2 o’clock in the morning.

B.      It’s raining today.

C.      At half past two.

D.     Why didn’t you come?

E.      Yes, a big chocolate one.

F.      What time did they get up?

G.     What did I miss at the party, anyway?


VIII. IQ(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Answer the following questions.(回答下列问题)

96. Find a letter which can end the first word and start the second word.

   Example     peac ( h ) ome

   1) pain  (     ) rip      2) cak  (      ) ven

97. Fill in the crosswords so that all the given words are included. You have been given one letter as a clue in the crosswords.


heat, pony, rain, ship


















99. A and B wear blue jeans. C and B wear red shirts. D and A wear green shirts. C and D wear black jeans. Who wears black jeans and green shirt?


100. Five friends all work in the same shop at different times of the week. Mike does Wednesday and Saturday. He sometimes does Monday as well. Sally does Monday and Thursday. She never helps on Saturday. Annie does Monday and Wednesday. She sometimes helps on Thursday. Kim does Thursday and Saturday. She sometimes helps on Wednesday. Who works on Tuesday but not Monday?


IX. Writing(写作)(共2小题;A小题满分10分;B题满分15分,计25分)

   要求:1. 根据所提供的内容,适当拓展想象空间,灵活的将提供的信息体现在文章中;2.条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;3.不得少于规定的次数。

A)     Suppose you’re Li Lei and you want to go on holiday to London this winter holiday. You have seen an advertisement in an international travel magazine for a hotel in London, and you are interested in staying there. Before you make your final decision, you would like to have some more information. Look at the advertisement below, and write a letter to the hotel manager. (50—70 words)



















B)     September 10th is Teachers’ Day. Suppose you’re Li Hua and you want to send a card to your English teacher. Think what you want to write on it. Please write this card in English.(70—90 words)


2010年全国中学生英语能力初三年级组初赛试题 2011年数学解题能力展示活动(迎春杯)四年级组初赛真题 2011年数学解题能力展示活动(迎春杯)三年级组初赛真题 人大附中初三英语期中试题卷 初三语文能力训练试题及答案(555) 初三语文能力训练试题及答案(7套) 03-04年小学《育苗杯》初赛和复赛试题及答案 初中初三九年级英语下册归纳总结试题大全 2011年数学解题能力展示活动(迎春杯)六年级初赛真题(?附答案) 小学生爱国知识竞赛试题(中年级组) 小学生爱国知识竞赛试题(高年级组) 初中初三九年试题习题大全 初三语文能力训练试题及答案(6-10套) 初三语文能力训练试题及答案(1-5套) 2011年数学解题能力展示活动(迎春杯)六年级初赛1真题(?附答案) 2011年数学解题能力展示活动(迎春杯)五年级初赛真题(附答案) 评高考2011英语:试题灵活 注重考察考生能力 2010年基本能力高考试题(山东卷) 初三第一次月考试题 小学生爱国知识竞赛试题1(高年级组) 初三九年级英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结,期末测试试题习题大全 初三英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结,期末测试试题习题大全1 初中初三九年级英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结,期末测试试题习 初中初三九年级英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结,期末测试试题习题大全