魔兽飞天魔像采药:VOA慢速英语:Greek Protests Intensify, But So Is P...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 23:43:57

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

Violent protests in Greece have added to tensions over the debt crisis affecting Europe.

(SOUND: Protests)

Tens of thousands of people marched in Athens Wednesday to protest the government’s latest proposals for budget cuts. The deep spending cuts have been demanded by the nation’s creditors.

Many government workers and union activists oppose the measures, which include plans to cut thirty thousand government jobs.  Greece also wants to cut wages for government workers and increase taxes.

Socialist Prime Minister George Papandreou has struggled to win support from his own party to pass the unpopular legislation.  And public anger has been widespread.  The two largest labor unions in Greece have called for another strike on October nineteenth.

This week, the Greek government announced that it would not meet the deficit reduction targets it had promised its lenders.  This increased doubts that Greece will be able to pay its creditors.  And it has European bankers worried. Many European banks hold Greek debt securities.

Finance Ministers from countries using the euro met in Luxembourg early this week to discuss issues including the Greek debt crisis.  European Union Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said it is important to examine the measures that Greece has in place.
本周初,欧元国家财长在卢森堡举行会议,讨论包括希腊债务危机等问题。 欧盟货币事务专员Olli Rehn称,重要的是审查希腊的措施已经到位。

OLLI REHN: “"It seems that Greece is likely to miss the target this year, next year and concrete measures agreed to so far are going a long way to meet all the fiscal targets.  As I said, it is essential now that we will assess the measures, we will review the figures."
OLLI REHN:“希腊看起来似乎无法完成今年的目标。明年和迄今通过的具体措施要满足所有财政目标还有很长的路要走。正如我所说,现在我们将评估各种措施,重审数据是必不可少的。”

Olli Rehn says it is too early to tell if Greece will be able to meet its deficit reduction targets.  European finance ministers put off a decision on whether to provide an eleven billion dollar loan to Greece that is part of a rescue plan agreed to last year.
Olli Rehn称,现在讨论希腊是否能够完成其削减赤字的目标尚还为时过早。欧洲各国财长们推辞决定是否提供作为去年达成的救助计划一部分的110亿美元贷款。

The Greek debt crisis has already severely hurt the French-Belgian bank Dexia.  The bank has lost more than four hundred million dollars because of Greek debt.  But those losses could increase if Greece fails to pay on its debts in the coming months.

Dexia is one of Belgium’s biggest lenders.  Now French and Belgian officials are discussing how to split the bank up and create a so called “bad bank” that would hold its worst assets.

Dexia is not alone.  Two big banks in France, BNP Paribas and Societe Generale, have reported losses of more than one billion dollars.

On Thursday, the European Central Bank said it would offer new emergency loans to Europe’s banks to help them deal with losses from Greek debt.

 From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/voaenglish/voaspecialenglish/2011-10-07/156648_4.html