魔力宝贝手游染色配方:初中英语各年级语法要点 -

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:23:20





2人称代词、物主代词 my,your, his, her/he she it they….
3 指示代词 (this, that, these, those)
4.方位介词(in, on, under…
5.一般现在时 (My favorite subject is science. I want to be an actor. I’d like some noodles.)
6.一般疑问句:Do you have…? Do you like…? Do you want to…)
7 特殊疑问句What’s your telephone number? How much…? When is your birthday?...What time….Where is your penpal from? Why do you like koalas?
7情态动词canCan you play the guitar?

1.现在进行时I’m watching TV. It’s raining.
2.特殊疑问句what does he look like? How often…? What’s the matter? How do you get to school? How do you make a banana milk shake? What do you think of game shows?
3.一般过去时(How was your weekend? How was your school trip? Where did you go on vacation? When was he born?
4.祈使句 ( Don’t eat in class.)
5.比较级、最高级I’m more outgoing than my sister. What’s the best radio station?
6.一般将来时What are you doing for vacation? I’m going to be a basketball player.
7.情态动词 could表有礼貌问答(Could you please clean your room?
8.反意疑问句 (It’s a nice day, isn’t it?)


1.一般将来时Will people have robots?
2.情态动词 should would (What should I do? Where would you like to visit?)
3.过去进行时 (What were you doing when the UFO arrived?)
4.间接引语He said I was hard working.
5.条件状语从句 (If you go to the party, you will have a great time!)
6.现在完成进行时 (How long have you been collecting shells?)
7.动名词Would you mind doing… How about doing… V+by doing
8.现在完成时Have you ever been to an amusement park? Have you packed yet?
9.Used to do 结构 I used to be afraid of the dark.
10.含有情态动词的被动语态 (should be allowed Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes)
11.定语从句I like music that I can dance to.