
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 21:27:42

1) When i see a man ill-treating a child.I see red.(发怒)2) The policemen caught the thief red-handed.(当场)3) When I menttioned it to him,he went red.(脸红,羞愧) 2.green1) He is very green.(幼稚)2) She was green with envy.(十分嫉妒)3) What's wrong with you?You're looking green.(苍白) 3.blue1)I'm in the blues today.(闷闷不乐)2) He was blue in the face with cold.(冻得发紫)3) A thing like that only happens  once in a blue moon.(难得,很少)4) The news was a great shock to me;it came absolutely out of the blue.(晴天霹雳) 4.White 1) Mary sometimes tells a white lie.(善意的谎言)2)Henry id white-livered.(胆小,懦弱)3)He boasted a lot about his courage but when danger came he showed the white feather.(表现胆怯)4) We want two white coffees.(加牛奶的咖啡)5) A motor-car would be a white elephant to me .(无用而累赘的东西) 5.black1) He gave me such a black look as I passed him.(恶狠狠的瞪一眼)2) He is a black-hearted villain.(黑心肠的)3) Her action towards her husband showed black ingratitude.(忘恩负义)4)They went into black for their father.(哀悼,举哀)5)I won' t believe it ynless I see it in black and white.(白纸黑字)6) You can never belive what he says;he will swear black is white.(把黑的说成白的7) If mary doesn't study harder,she will get in her mother's black books.(记过本,失去好评)8) George is the black aheep of the family.(败家子) 6.brown1) I left him in a brown study thinking over the question.(深思)2) Aren't you brown!(晒黑了) 最后,作为总结,我们来看这么一段话:
Mr Bronw is vey white man.He was looking rather green the other day.He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him,he was in a brown study.I hope he'll soon be in the pink again.布朗先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。那天,他脸上颇有病色,近来他感到闷闷不乐。当我看见他时,他正在极度深思之中。希望他早日恢复健康。