魔法王座圣兽7 8阶段:新目标九年级英语7--9重点及练习

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 06:19:16


1.go on vacation 去度假
2.trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林
3.some day /one day有朝一日
4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一
5.be supposed to do sth. 应该干。
6.pack light clothes 穿薄衣服
7.take a trip 去旅行
8.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb为某人提供某物
9.be away 离开,远离
10.the answer to the question 问题的答案
11.according to 根据。按照。
12.work as tour guides 做导游的工作
13.dream of 梦想,想到
14.less realistic dreams 不现实的梦想
15.be willing to do sth. 愿意干。
16.achieve one’sdreams 实现梦想   比较one’s dream comes true
17.sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋
18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)
19.take it easy 从容 轻松 不紧张
20.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布
21.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔
22.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院
23.this time of year 一年中的这个时候
24.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言

1.Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle.
2.I like places where the weather is always warm.
3.I like to go somewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方
4.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 你下次度假为什么不考虑去巴黎?
5.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱
6.So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who cantranslate things for you. 因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。
7. We’d like to be away for three weeks.我们大约要去三个星期.
8.The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation. 度假中这个人有很多钱可以花.
9.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacationsthat your firm can offer
10.Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?
11.You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there. 你如果去那里,需要带一些暖和的衣服。  


IV. 单项选择

1. ---Did you enjoy your trip toQufu?   ---Sure. It is ________educational journey.

 A. very an     B. quite a      C. quite an     D. a quite

2. --- How are you going to spendyour weekend?   ---I’d like to go_______.

 A. somewhere relaxed B. somewhere relaxing C. relaxed somewhere D.relaxing somewhere

3. ---What do you think of Ningbo?

---Itis a modern and exciting city _______ the weather is always warm.

A.where     B. that     C. when    D. which

4. ---Where ________you like to goon vocation?  ---I hope _______ Hainan.

A.will, visit       B. will, to visit      C. would, visit      D. would, to visit

5. Hawaii is a place ________ is visited by_______of people from across the world every day.

 A. where, thousands     B. where,thousand     C. that, thousands     D. that, thousand

6. The only thing ______ is notexpensive in Shanghaiis traveling by underground.

 A. which        B. that       C. /       D. it

7. Ningbohas many fantastic sights, _______ Tianfen Tower and Tianyi AtticLibrary, one of the oldest libraries in the world.

A.except       B. includes      C. including      D. and

8. ---Isn’t it supposed to be verycold in Xi’anthis time of year?

---_______.I will only pack light clothes.

A.Yes, it is     B. No, it isn’t      C. Yes, it isn’t     D. No, it is

9. The hospital is tryingeverything to _______ the patients with the best services.

A.offer     B. give     C. show   D. provide

10. We don’t ______ whether Tomwill come or not. We can ask Jim to take his place.

A.matter    B. think    C. believe    D. mind

11. --- How long are we going to_______?    --- About one week.

A.leave    B. go away    C. be away    D. go out

12. ---Would you please ______ makeso much noise?   --- Sorry. I won’t.

A.don’t       B. not to       C. not        D. didn’t

13. ---What do you hope to do after________ school?

 --- My dream is _______to Beijing University.

A. finishing,go   B. you finish, to go   C. you’ll finish, to go  D. you’ll finish, go

14. Bournemouthis a small town _______ I stayed for a month last year.

A.which      B. where      C. that      D. in that

15. Bournemouthis a small town _______ I visited last year. 

A.what      B. where      C. that      D. in that

16. After trekking ________ thejungle, they swam ________ the river to the other side.

    A. through,through       B. across,across        C. across, through      D. through,across

17---Why not consider ______ Birmingham during Christmasseasons?

---ButI suggest _______ to somewhere warm.

A. tovisit, to go    B. visiting,going     C. visiting, to go    D. tovisit, going

18. Do tell me the ways you thinkof ________ the problem as soon as possible.

A. tosolve      B. solving      C. solve     D. solved

19. Nick is looking for another jobbecause he feels that nothing he does ______ his boss.

A.  toplease     B. pleases    C. pleasing    D. andpleases

20---How long ___­­­­_____ you ________in Hong Kong?

  ---Forjust the weekend. I’ll be back next Monday morning.

A. have;stayed            B. are; staying           C. did; stay        D. do; stay




Eat breakfast every day and eatlunch and dinner at fixed(固定的) times and limit snacks.

Eat foods low in oil, salt andsugar and high fiber.

Drink six to eight51__________(glass) of water every day.

Eat food that’s 52__________ forthe brain(大脑): darkgreen leafy vegetables, deep ocean fish, grape juice or wine, whole wheat foodsand brown rice, nuts, garlic, blackberries and bananas.

Drink no coffee or heavy tea beforegoing to bed.

Eat a low-fat dinner and finish53__________(eat) at least two hours before going to sleep.

Keep your sleeping environment aquiet and comfortable place.

Try to go to bed at the same timeevery night. When 54_________(stay) up late, drink enough water; eat nuts,fruit and whole wheat bread or biscuits for snacks.

Take a hot bath (shower) and drinka cup of hot milk before going to bed; turn off the TV two hours before goingto sleep; take several deep breaths; listen to light, soft 55_________; and tryto forget about worries.   (From ChinaDaily)


1. Don’t be nervous. Take ite________.

2. It is hot in Australia at this time of year. Sojust pack some l________ clothes.

3. Could you please t_________ theEnglish instructions (说明书) into Chinese for us?

4. Though Joe isn’t rich enough, heis w________to give some of his savings away to charity.

5. The d_________ of flying to themoon has been now realized.

6. Ningbo lies in the __________ (东方的) part of China. 

7. Notre Dame Cathedral is one ofthe most famous __________ (教堂) in the world.

8. Typhoon Wipha was so strong thatit made __________(千) of people homeless.

9. Shanghai is becoming one of the_________(充满活力的)cities in the world.

10. To trek through the jungle is__________(累人的)and dangerous but fascinating.


1.    My hope is to sail _______ the Pacific Ocean one day.

2.    _______ general, Hong Kong is livelier than Shanghai. However, both are too crowded.

3.    The room is not big enough ______ so many people.

4.    ---Could I speak to Mr. Smith?  ---Sorry. He’s gone to France_______ vocation.

5.    He dreams _______ things that he hopes to achieve in the future.

6.    According _______ the survey, most teenagers hope to volunteerat local old people’s home.

7.    I dream of becoming a volunteer at Beijing Olympics, working________ a translator.

8.    I went to the station to find _______ when the early trainleaves.

9.    Could you give us the answer _______ this question?

10. Hold on ________your dreams, and they will come true some day.


1. I’ve decided to leave Ningbo_______ _______ ________ ________(我生活过) for eight years.

2. I like places _______ _______________ _______ _______(天气暖和) all the year around.

3. The question ______ _______________(他问的)was so hard that none of us could answer it.

4. The only thing ______ ____________ ______ (我能做的)for you is to lend you some money.

5. I’ll try to finish my job_______ _______ _______ ________(尽快).

6. Everyone _______ ______________(应该) beat the gate before eight o’clock.


1.clean up 清扫
2.give out 分发,发放
3.cheer up=make…happier
4.after school study program 课外学习班
5.come up with=think up 提出,想出
6.put off 推迟  7.write down 写下,记下
8.put up 张贴
9.hand out 分发,发放
10.call up 打电话
11.set up=establish 建立
12.be home to sb 是某人的家园
13.volunteer one’s time to do sth
14.put…touse… 把...投入使用
15.elementary school 小学
16.plan to do sth 计划干...打算干
17.coach a football team for kids
18.start a Chinese History club
19.run out of 用完,耗尽
20.take after 在性格或长相方面与父母相象
21.fix up 修理
22.give away 捐赠
23.be similar to 与...相似
24.ask for 索要
25.a call-in center for parents 家长热线
26.hang out 闲荡
27.put up signs asking for singing jobs
28.run out of money for singing lessons
29.disabled people 残疾人
30.for sure 确实如此,毫无疑问
31.fill…with... 用...填充...
be filled with= be full of 装满了...
33.a specially trained dog 一只经过特殊训练的狗
34.train sb to do sth 训练某人干...
35.fetch my book 把我的书拿来
36.part of speech 词性

1.Wecan’tput off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.
2.Sheputs this love to good use by working in the after-school care centre at herlocal elementary school. 她在当地的一所小学的课后辅导中心工作,使这个爱好得到较好的利用
3.Not only do I feel good about helping others, but I get to spend time doingwhat I love to do.
4.Thethree students plan to set up a student volunteer project at heir school.
5.He alsoput up some sign asking for old bikes. 他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的广告。
6.The strategiesthat he came up with worked out fine. 几米想出的这个办法很有效。
7.Hedid a radio interview. 他接受了电台的采访。
8.Weneed to come up with a plan. 我们需要指定一个计划。
9.Youcould help clean up the city parks. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。
10.Henow has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes.


IV. 单项选择

1. I had to _______ the appointmentwith Tom till next week because of my illness.

 A. put off        B. put up        C. put out        D. put on

2. My mother _________ her savingsto better use by buying another house.

 A. gave      B. set       C. made       D.put

3. He looks sad. Let’s go and dosomething _______.

 A. cheer up him    B. cheer him up    C. to cheer him up     D. to cheer up him

4. I told Tom not to spend too muchtime _______ on computers, but he didn’t listen to me.

 A. working       B. to work        C. works       D. worked

5. ---Look at those three kids._______ of them wears a T-shirt.

 ---Wow! They look the same. Lovely kids!

 A. Every       B. Each         C. All        D. Both

6. The hospital ______in the neighborhoodlast year makes it more continent for us to see doctors.

 A. set up        B. got up        C. used up      D. made up

7. ---Would you like to dosomething to help homeless people?

 --- Yes, I’d live to, _______ I am not surewhat to do.

 A. so       B. and          C. but        D. or 

8. Not only _______ the money, but Iwas also in danger of being killed.

 A. did I lose      B. do I lose      C. I lost      D. I lose

9.---Couldyou lend me some money?  ---Sorry. I________ out of it.

 A. run      B. have run       C. ran       D. am running

10.----Lily ______ her father.   ----Yes. Shehas curl hair too.

 A. looks after       B. takes after         C. like       D. is similar   

11. ---Have you ________ the washing machine yet?

  ---Sorry. I can’t do it.I’ll get it repaired this afternoon.

 A. fixed up      B. put up      C. cleaned up      D. repair

12. ---What kind of volunteer work do you think _________?

 --- You could start anEnglish club and coach those who need to improve their language.

 A. could I do      B. I could do      C. do     C. to do

13. ---What is ‘Animal Helpers’?

--- It is an organization _________to help disabled people.

 A. set up       B. was set up      C. setting up      D. is set up

14. I sold my old car to a friend of _______ for only 40,000yuan.

 A. my     B. mine    C. me      D. I

15. Why not open the window? The room is _______ heavy smoke!

 A. full with       B. filling with       C. filled with      D. filled

16. ---What did she say? ---She asked me ________.

A. if it will be possible for me todo some volunteer work on weekends

B. when was the organization set up

C. if I could help hand out the advertisements

D. that she would continue hereducation after finishing middle school

17. If the ideas he comes up with ________out fine, more moneyand more time will be saved.

 A. works       B. work      C. to work      D. will work

18. Living in Britainwithout knowing the language they speak is something _______ you cannotimagine.

 A. that         B. which        C. who        D. what

19. The chair is not strong enough to _______ four people!

 A. support       B. carry        C. sit       D. stand

20. The teacher didn’t give _______the papers to the studentsuntil the second bell rang.

 A. in       B. up        C out        D. away


 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文的连贯性的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 46-50的相应位置上。

We are always using body languagein our daily communication. When we talk with each other, we may use bodylanguage. For example, in the USA,people point to their heads when they think someone 46__________(be) clever.However, human beings are not the 47________ ones who use body language.Animals also use body language and facial expressions(面部表情) to tell each 48________ how theyfeel and what they think.

When a dog is 49__________, itsears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open. When it is angry, it willlook straight at you. If an elephant spreads its ears, it meant “Watch out!” To show friendship,elephants will touch(触摸) each other with their trunks (象牙). Dolphins live in groups and liketo show each other their feelings. An angry dolphin will play with its friends,making small jumps into the air. Not only humans but also animals can use bodylanguage to communicate, but the ways they “say” to each other are50__________(difference).


1. I volunteered in an after-schoolstudy program to c_______ those who are poor in English.

2. The old man cannot see anything.He is b_______ in both eyes.

3. “S_______ up! I don’t want tolisten to any of your excuses.” said the teacher angrily.

4. They had no food to eat on thelonely island. They all died of h_______.

5. ---What does the s_______mean?      --- It means ‘No Smoking.’

6. Can you ________(想像) what the world will be like inthe future?

7. _______ (聋的) people are unable to hearanything.

8. Something is wrong with thecamera. I will have it _______(修理).

9. His childhood was full of_________(快乐).

10. These dogs are trained ________(专门地)fordisabled people.


1. Whenever I came acrossdifficulties, Tom was always there and helped me_______.

2. ---He takes _______ his brother,doesn’t he?    --- Yes. They are similar______ each other.

3. If you don’t know how to do it,better go and ask your teacher _______advice.

4. ‘Set ______ ’ means ‘establish.’

5. Take down the old pictures andput ______ the new ones.

6. The sports meet was put _______till next week because of the rain.

7. What a mess the room is! Why notclean it _______?

8. I am writing to thank you_______ your kind donation.



 I want ______ _______ a professional singer.

2. 他说他将更好的利用周末时间。

 He said he would ______ his weekends ______better _______.

3. 他们捐来的钱将被用于帮助那些付不起学费的学生。

 The money they have _______ will be well_______ to help the students______ cannot afford their schoolings.

4. 我们把自行车修好,然后赠送给需要的人。

We_______ up the bikes and gave them away to the people _______ needed.


1.be usedfor            用来做

2.lightbulb             电灯泡

3.microwaveoven       微波炉

4.bymistake            错误的

5.byaccident          偶然意外

6.fallinto               落入

7.in thisway           这样

8.knockinto sb         撞上某人

9.inventsth         发明某物

be(was/were) invented by sb  被sb发明

most helpful invention  最有用的发明

10.be used for doing=be used to do sth  用来做某事

used to            过去常常

be usedto doing sth 习惯做某事

useup             用光

the useof sth       ..的用途

11.scoopice cream       舀冰淇淋

   heated ice cream scoop 舀冰淇淋的勺子

12.shoes with adjustable heels 带有可调整后跟的鞋  

shoeswith high heels   高跟鞋



operate on给某人做手术

operation         手术

14.do sthby mistake  错误的/巧合的做某事

  make mistakes in sth 在某方面犯错误

15.sprinklesalt on sth    把盐撒在...上面

16.an ancient Chinese legend  一个古老的中国传说

  ancient culture            古文化

17.boildrinking water        煮开水

18.producesth              制造某物

   be produced              被制造

19.pieplate                 馅饼盘子

  flying disk               飞碟

20.throwflying disk         扔飞碟

  throw sth                扔某物

  throw sth away           某物扔掉

  throw sth about            到处乱扔

  throw sth to sb            扔给某人

  throw sth at the dog        朝...扔

21.onehundred years=one century


  early in the 21st century    在21世纪初

22.includingsth             包括某事

23.createsth                创造某物

24.bemade from           由...制成<不>

   be made of            由...制成<能>

25.on a hard wooden floor 在一个坚硬的木制地板上

26.knockinto sb           撞上某人

   knock at the door        敲门

27.dividesth into         把...分成...部分

28.theaim of sth           ...的目标

29.get/throwa ball into the basket 把球投入篮筐

   a basket of apples      一篮苹果

30.ametal hoop           一个金属环

31.beshot                 被射死

32.tourguide              导游

33.move/runtowards     朝...方向移动/跑

34.adevelopping country  一个发展中国家

  a developped country   一个发达国家

35.thepopularity of          ...的流行

36.riseworldwide   引起全世界广泛传播

37.NBA=NationalBasketball Association


38.equipsth with sth      用...来装备

39.in1891          在1891年

   in the 1891s       在19世纪90年代

40.have ahistory class    上一节历史课

41.afriend of mine       我的一个朋友

  some partners of mine   我的一些伙伴

42.hand--heldcalculators     手提计算器

43.playindoors            在户内玩

44.createa game       发明一种游戏

45.thesafety of            ..的安全

46.falldown            跌倒

47.It'sbelieved that      人们相信

   It's heard that     人们听说

   It's said that        据说

   It's thought that    人们认为

48.travelaround China  游览中国                   

49.sincethen     自从那以后


51.thenumber of       ...的数量 

  a number of sth = many   许多    

52.dreamabout /of doing sth  梦想做某事

53.much-loved and active sport 深受人们喜爱的运动 

54.adoctor called/named… 一个叫...的医生

55.beborn in /on       出生于

56.thefirst basketball game in history


57.takepark in     参加

58.in thedark       在黑暗中  

59.changethe style of sth    改变...的风格 

60.fromcasual to dressy    从休闲到正式    

61.in abad mood =be moody    心情糟糕

62.not...until          直到...才

63.be discovered     被发现   

64.overan open fire  在篝火上的炉


IV. 单项选择

1. ---Can the American studentunderstand what the letter says?

 ---Sure. It _______in easy Chinese.

A.writes     B. is written    C. is writing     D. wrote

2. ---Who was paperinvented_______?   ---A Chinese man namedCai Lun long ago.

 A. by         B. /         C. for         D. as

3. --- Do you mind _____ here?

---It doesn’t matter to me. But the sign says, “ Smoking isn’t _____ here.”

  A.smoking, allowed   B. smoking, allowing  C. to smoke, allowed  D. to smoke, allowing

4. A microwave oven is used _______ heating cold food.

 A. by     B. to      C. for      D. as

5. ---Can you fix this kind ofmachine here?

---I’mafraid not. Maybe it ______ in that shop on the other side of the street.

 A. can be repaired      B. repairs     C. can repair    D. can fix

6. Something in China _______to stop the populationfrom increasing in the past 20 years.

A.has been done       B. has done      C. does     D. is doing

7. --- Do you know when _______?

 --- On August 8,2008. In about two hundred days.

A.  will Beijing Olympic Games be held   B. Beijing Olympic Games will be held      

C.  will Beijing Olympic Games hold     D. will Beijing Olympic Games hold

8. Your homework must ________before you leave school.

 A. hand in      B. finish       C.do       D. be handed in

9. ______the way, would you pleasetell me whether we can work out the problem_____ this way?

  A. On,in        B. By,by        C. By,in        D. In, on

10. --- Which coat do you want tobuy, the blue one or the green one?

  --- ______ of them. One for the son and the other for the daughter.

 A. Both       B. Every      C. Neither      D. Any

11. ---Do you know when _________?  ---Over a century ago.

A. was the telephone discovered           B. the telephone was discovered     

C. was the telephone invented             D. the telephone was invented

12. ---How long have you_______this watch?

 ---More or less ten years, but it still works well.

A. bought        B.got        C. had      D. borrowed

13. Chang'e-1 was _______ at 6:05 pm on Oct. 24 from Xichang insouthwestern Sichuan

 A. sent up       B. sending up      C. send up      D. to send up

14. The number of the people who catch cancer _______ increasingin the area. A number of them ______ died.

A. are, have    B. is, has     C. are, has    D. is, have

15. Tom _______ to stay at home until his homework _______.

 A. asked, wasfinished  B. was asked, was finished  C. asked, finished  D. was asked, finished

16.She _______from the chair, ________ her voice and went onspeaking.

 A. rose, raised   B. raised, rose    C. rose, rose     D. raised, raised

17.This is a ________ machine and it didn’t take the farmersmuch time to finish the farm work.

 A. helpless      B. useless      C. help      D. helpful

18. ______is believed that China will be able to send man tothe moon someday in the near future.

 A. That         B. It         C. He        D. This

19. After the war, only a few buildings ________ in the town.

 A. left        B. remained        C. were remained        D. stand

20. My grandfather left his hometown in 1949. Ever since then,he ______ home.

 A. has neverreturned      B. never returned      C never returns     D. will never return


阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文的连贯性的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 49-54的相应位置上。

Make yourself an "S" plan!

Sleep better

Sleepingis very important in our daily life. Good sleep means a good 49__________(begin)of next day. That's why sleeping is considered as the first step among all"S" steps. To get the aim, you'd better give up bad living habitslike smoking and overdrinking, and do more exercise.

Become slim(瘦)
    How to become slim has always been ahot topic among office ladies. We all know that obesity (肥胖症) brings many illnesses, while toobony causes health problems as well. So, do some exercise to become slim andkeep yourself 50 __________(health).

Have a sunny heart

Psychological(心理) health problem has appeared. Manypeople want to know how to get rid of the gloomy mood(心情) and have a sunny heart. There arelots of 51__________, such as going out with friends, taking a short trip,having a get-together with your family. Sometimes, 52___________ a small thing,such as a flower can light you up!

Smart (clever) adds your beauty

Itis said that girls who are praised(赞美) are beautiful because they are cleverand intelligent. As time goes by, this concept(概念) has been 53___________(receive)by more and more people. No matter you're a boy or a woman, learn as much asyou can, have as many skills as you can. Knowledge makes you more beautiful andattractive.   (From ChinaDaily)


1. The food is cold. Why noth________ it before you eat it.

2. There are 100 years in ac__________.

3. The temperature remainsb________ zero. It is still cold.

4. The sun r________ in the eastand sets in the west.

5.The computer is a modern i__________with whose help we can do things better and faster.

6. Binoculars are used for_________(看)farther and clearly.

7. Many different characters are__________(创造,塑造) inthe young writer’s novels.

8. Ningbo is _________(发展) into a modern and exciting worldwideseaport city

9. The _________(古代的) people never thought that manwould travel to the moon.

10. Over10,000 cars were _________(生产,制造) in the factory last year.

11. Edisonwas a great _______. He _______ more than a thousand ________.(发明)


1. Keys are used _________ openingand closing the doors.

2. If you knock ________someone byaccident, you should say sorry to him or her.

3. He took my book ________mistake.

4. At one time ________ history,the island belonged to India

5. The Beijing Olympics will be opened ________ August8, 2008.

6. Shen Nong discovered tea when hewas boiling drinking water _______ an open fire..


1. People enjoy basketballthroughout the world.

Basketball _______ ________________ people throughout the world.

2. A farmer discovered coffee whilehe was looking after sheep in the ancient times.

 Coffee _______ ________ ________ a farmerwhile looking after sheep in the ancient times.

3. We appreciate your help greatly.

 Your help _______ greatly ________.

4. We have thrown away the meat.

 The meat ________ ________ _________ away.

5. The teacher divided the classinto four groups to discuss where to go on vocation.

 The class ________ _________ into four groups to discuss where to go onvocation.

6. The children used the money theyraised to buy a big present for the teacher.

 The money they raised ________ _________ to buy a big present for theteacher.

7. They carry the apples to allparts of the country by truck or train.

 The apples ________ ________ to all parts ofthe country by truck or train.

8. They established the sports clubtwo years ago.

 The sports club ________ ________ two yearsago.

9. The Chinese invented the abacusin the sixth century.

 The abacus _________ _________ in the sixthcentury _______ the Chinese.

10. We must finish the task by theend of this month.

 The task _______ ________ _________ by the endof this month.