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 UNIT 1 Will people have robots?


Opinions 观点,意见


Make predictions 预告,预言


Future with will 用will 表示将来时态

yes/no questions with short answers 一般疑问句及其简单问答

Quantities with more, less, fewer用 more , less和 fewer表达的数量


What do you think life will be like in 100 years?

Every home will have a robot.

Will kids go to school? No, they won’t. They’ll study at home.

There will be fewer trees.


Robot机器人 paper money纸币 credit card信用卡 free time空闲时间 pollution 污染astronaut宇航员 apartment公寓 rocket火箭 space station空间站 moon月亮 Mars火星


Do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?

There be 句型

There will be 是there be 句型的一般将来时,表示“将会有……”,其疑问句是将will提到there前面,否定句是在will后加not,可以缩写为won’t。如:

There will be snow in the night.夜间将下雪。

There won’t be any problems.不会有任何问题。

—Will there is be many tourists in our city this year?今年我市将会有很多游客吗?

—Yes, there will.是的。

—Will there be an exhibition this month?这个有会有展会吗?

—No, there won’t.不会有。

There will be / is going to be a concert tonight.今晚将有一场音乐会。


There be 句式的时态。

一般现在时:There is / are。 一般过去时:There was / were。

一般将来时:There will be / There is / are gonging be。

现在完成时:There has / have been。


There _______ a football match on TV this afternoon.

A.is gonging to have B. will be

C.is going to play D. will play

(2)There is going to _______a concert at the People’s Theatre this evening,

A. has B. have C. be     D. Hold


一般将来时will do 的句式






I/we will do…

I/we won’t do…

Shall I/we do…?


You will do…

You won’t do…

Willl you do …?



They will do…


won’t do...

Will he/she/it/

they do…

(3) The radio says the clouds________(leave) later on.

(4) I____(not leave) until he comes back.

Will there be any paper money in 100 years?一百年以后将会有纸币吗?


In 100 years “一百年之后”,指以现在为起点将过一百年。



如:(1)I think he’ll be back in a week.

(2)he left for Beijing on March 10th.He came back after a week.

There will be more people.人口将会更多。


(1)此处more 是many 的比较级,用来修饰可数名词的复数,表示“更多……”,此时more的反义词是fewer。

More 还可以表示much的比较级,用来修饰不可数名词,此时more的反义词为less。


There will be more cars.小汽车将会更多。I have more books than be.

There will be more pollution.污染将会更严重。

I spent more time solving the problem than he.解答这道题,我比他花的时间更多。


More 位于数词any ,some, no, a few, a little, many, much等后面,名词的前面,表示“超过,额外的,再,还”等意思。如:

I have one more request.我还有一个请求。

Do you have any more question?你还有问题吗?

It will take a few more minutes.还要再花几分钟。


The ________exercise you take, the healthier you will be.

A. much       B. more  C. little       D. less

This work is much harder. I think it will need ______ people and _____money.

A. many, much     B. much, many C. fewer, less    D. more, more

There will be less pollution.污染将会更少。


(1)less 此处是little 的比较级,用来修饰不可数名词,表示“更少的……”。

(2)另外“less + adj./adv.”可构成比较级,表示“不及……,不如……”。如:

We have less snow this year than usual.今年雪比往年少。

I have less money than you.我的钱比你的少。

This coat is less expensive than that one.这件外衣不及那件贵。

This book is less interesting than that one.这本书不及那本书有趣。


Little的比较级为less ,最高级为least。


(1)I have less money than he. He _______  ________ money than me.

(2)There is less rain this year than last year.

There _______  _______ rain last year than this year.


If you pay _________ attention, you’ll make ________ mistakes.

A. more, more B. more, fewer C. fewer, fewer  D. less, less

The ______ cars, the _______ pollution.

A. more, less B. fewer, more C. fewer, less D. less, fewer

I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去上海,而且很喜欢那里。

fall in love with

Fell 是 fall的过去式。

Fall in love with sb.突然爱上某人。Be in love with sb.热恋着某人。

Be in love with sh.喜爱某事物。

如:(1)I fell in love with her at first sight.我对她一见钟情。

(2)They’re very much in love with each other.他们彼此在热恋中。

(3)We’re in love with our city.我们热爱自己的城市。


The young man met her at party and fell ____ love _____ her.

A. in, in  B. with, with C. in, with D. into, with

How long ______ you both ______ love?

A. are, with  B. do, fall in  C. in, with D. are, fall in

Besides, our apartment is too small.加之我们的公寓太小了。


Besides 此处是副词,“而且,还有”之意。


(1)I have’t time to see the film. Besides, it is too bad.

(2)It’s too late to go out now. Besides,it’s beginning to rain.

(3)We went to the park besides Tom.除了汤姆之外,我们也去了公园。

(4)No one writes to me besides / except you.除了你之外,没有人给我写信。


Nancy went to the movie with her parents.

Nancy went to the movie _______ her parents.

The teacher knows that and each student knows, too.

Each student knows that _______ the teacher.

Besides geography, I like history.

I like _______ history _______ geography.

I might even keep a pet parrot!我甚至有可能喂养一只宠物鹦鹉。



Keep 此处是及物动词,“养护”之意,还可表示“保留,拥有”,“照顾”等意思。如:

He has a large family to keep.他要养活一大家的人。

My uncle keeps chickens in the county.我叔叔在乡下养鸡。

Can I keep this book?我可以保留这本书吗?

Will you please keep these keys while I am away?



Keep doing sth. 继续/坚持做某事。Keep sb dong sth.让某人继续/不断地做某事

Keep sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事  Keep up with 赶上,不落后


(1)We should ________ the teacher’s words in mind.

    A. change  B. make C. keep D. take

(2)It’s great fun to _______ a pet dog at home.

    A. keep B. take C. look for D. find

(3)How long may I _______ this book?

    A. borrow  B. keep C. bring D. buy

【解析】例题考查了动词keep的用法。(1)题keep....in mind 表示“保留在脑海中,记住”。(2)keep a pet dog “喂养一条宠物狗”。(3)keep 表示“保留,拥有”。

Predicting the future can be difficult as well as embarrassing.预言未来不仅使人尴尬,而且很困难。

As well (as sb./sh.)

表示“(除某人/物外)也,还,而且”。当as well as 连接主语时,谓语动词的数随最前面的主语而变化。如:

He speaks Spanish as well as English and French.

He send me a letter and some money as well.他寄给我封信,外加一些钱。

Tom as well as his teacher is waiting at the gate of the museum.

He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花。

Are they coming as well?他们也来吗?


注意 as well as 可表示同等级比较。如:I can speak English as well as my elder brother.我的英语讲得和哥哥一样好。


The child is clever. And he is polite, too.

The child is clever _______ ________ ________polite.

All my friends will come to the party. And my parents will come, too.

All my friends will come to the party. And my parents will come ______ ________.

Jane and her mother like the color of the dress.

Jane _______ ________ as her mother _______ the color of the dress.

答案:(1)as, well, as(2)as, well;(3)as, well, likes.


Keep ________, and your desire _________ __________ ___________.

【解析】keep后可接-ing分词,表示“继续,坚持”,因此“继续努力”为keep trying。“终将实现”是将来时,will come true。



一. 短语互译:
1. 纸币_______   2. 信用卡_______     3. 太空站_______  

4. 住在一幢公寓里_______    5. 喜爱上…_______  6. 看上去时髦_______
7. keep a pet parrot_______       8. have leisure time_______
9. wear crazy clothes_______     10. go to Hong Kong on vacation_______
11. personal computer_______     12. the head of the company_______
13. turn against_______  14. 第一次_______  15. 奥运会
16. 远离_______    17. 超过,多于
18. 至少,最少_______ 19. 整顿、清理_______    20. 为某事打赌
二. 根据汉语意思,完成句子。一空一词。

1. 书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。
  Books _____ only _____ on computers, not _____ paper. 
 There will _____ _____ trees and _____ pollution in the city in future. 
五年前萨莉还在上大学。Sally was _____ college five years _____. 
4. 你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?

_____ do you think your friend will _____ _____ ten years? 
They _____ go camping. They _____ come to our party, I’m sure. 
三. 单项选择:
1. Which is _____, German, maths or science? 
A. more interesting  B. the most interesting
C. very interesting  D. the interestingest
2. Young people like the music player because it looks ______ and can play a lot of songs. 
A. nice  B. nicely C. well  D. expensive
3. ______ students like picking corn very much. 
A. Most of   B. Most  C. Mostly    D. Almost
4. ______ dinosaurs became smaller and smaller. Most of them had died. 
A. A number of  B. Many  C. The number of  D. The amount of
5. Nobody knows what dinosaurs ______. 
A. looked after  B. looked for  C. looked at  D. looked like
6. People go out to ______ the parades at Thanksgiving. 
A. like  B. enjoy C. play  D. work
7. Why not ______ to thank your teachers? 
A. making cards  B. to make cards C. make cards   D. made cards
8. The first traffic light has two parts: one says ?Go?and ______ says ?Stop?.  A. another  B. the other C. others   D. other
9. Mary wants ______ TV tonight. 
A. to watch  B. watch C. watching  D. watches
10. Young people should ______ to stay healthy. 
A. do more exercise  B. go shopping C. eat a lot of food  D. play computer games
11. Why not ______ wafers to make the cups? 
A. use B. to use C. using  D. used
12. No one _______ everything about every subject. 
A. know  B. knows      C. knowing  D. knew
13. You ______ better if you ______ harder. 
A. learn, work  B. are learning, are working
C. will learn, work  D. learn, will work
4. I like model cars, ______ I can keep working on them. 
A. when  B. if    C. because D. until
15. Today is the final race ______ my friend and I. 
    A. among  B. between    C. both  D. either
四. 阅读理解
    Dannii Minogue, the Australian singer and actress, is a vegan. She doesn’t eat any meat, fish or dairy products. “When I was thirteen I began to find meat too fatty. I felt very sick when I ate it. So I stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian. ”Four years later, Dannii stopped eating eggs, milk, and cheese because they were bad for her voice. She gave up fish too, and became a vegan. Then she started reading about factory farming-how we keep and kill animals in bad conditions. She was disgusted by what she read?Factory farming is awful because the animals suffer so much. ?She knew that her decision to become a vegan was right for the animals as well as herself. 

Brian Harvey, a singer with the group East 17, enjoys eating meat and junk food?When I?m hungry I want a big burger, not a wet salad. I love my burgers and fried chicken takeaways. And Chinese food-if it has got meat in it. What is vegetarian food anyway? Tomatoes, crispy lettuce, green peppers, onions. No, thanks! ”Brian likes animals but feels that it is natural for people to eat meat. 
  1. vegan 纯素主义者  2. dairy乳制品的

  3. fatty多脂肪的  4. vegetarian素食者
  5. condition环境;条件  6. disgust令人厌恶
  7. supper遭受  8. as well as  除…以外;还
  9. burger = hamburger 汉堡包  10. crispy脆的
  11. lettuce莴苣  12. natural自然的
  1. Dannii became a vegan when she was thirteen. 
  2. Dannii didn’t eat fish any longer when she was seventeen. 
  3. Brian Harvey doesn’t want to be a vegan. 
  4. A vegetarian don’t eat eggs or milk. 
  5. Dannii thinks it’s wrong to eat meat. 
    Television is good. You’d like to watch it all day and all night. But too much TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found that kids who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to read. They can’t focus (集中)on their work. 
    Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others. If they spend too much time watching TV, they?ll have less time for those things. 
    Watching too much TV is bad for people?s health. People don?t move much while watching TV. What?s more, they may eat a lot of food while watching. This can make them fat. We call these people?couch potatoes?. 
    Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids. Young people are good at following. Scientists have found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely to fight. 
  6. Scientists say if kids watch too much TV, they will ______. 
    A. learn language skills more easily  B. be healthier 
    C. find it hard to learn to read  D. eat less food 
  7. Kids learn language skills best by ______. 
    A. reading B. talking C. playing with others D. all of the above 
  8. While watching TV, what DON?T people do? 
    A. Eat a lot of food. B. Have less time for reading. 
    C. Hardly move. D. Focus on their work. 
  9. Which of the following is true? 
    A. An American child will watch 12,000 fighting acts on TV a year. 
    B. It’s good for kids to learn from fighting acts on TV. 
    C. Too much TV is good for people’s health. 
    D. It’s easy for kids who watch a lot of fighting shows to love others. 
  10.  Couch potatoesare people who watch too much TV and become ______. 
    A. thin B. fit C. fat D. strong

    A new study shows that scientist Stephen Hawking is second among British young people’s icons (偶像). Hawking wrote “A Brief History of Time”(《时间简史》). David Beckham, the footballer, came after Hawking. British children think Hawking is not as good looking as Beckham, but is very clever and knows a lot. 
  11. Who wrote a book in this story? 

 A. David B. Hawking C. Hawking’s friend D. British young people
  12. Hawking is more popular than David because _______. 
    A. he is rich B. he is good-looking
    C. he is smart D. he is hard-working
  13. It seems that British young people prefer people who ______. 
    A. have lots of money  B. are knowledgeable (知识渊博的)

    C. are good-looking D. have good health

Dear John, 
    Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that you enjoyed your holiday with me. We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will both be able to come again next year. Perhaps you’ll be able to stay longer next time you come. A week is not really long enough, is it? If your school has five weeks holiday next year, perhaps 
(或许)you’ll be able to stay with us for two or three weeks. 
    We have been long back at school three weeks now. It feels like three months! I expect (期待)
that you are both working very hard now that you are in Grade One. I shall have to work hard next year when I am in Grade One. Tom and Ann won’t be in Grade One until 2005. 
    They went for a picnic yesterday but I didn’t go with them because I cut my foot and I couldn’t walk very well. They went to an island and enjoyed themselves. Do you still remember the island? That’s where all five of us spent the last day of our holiday. 
    Tom, Ann and I send our best wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon. 
Yours sincerely, 

  14. _______ stayed with Michael for a holiday. 
    A. Only John B. Only Tom and Ann
    C. John and his sister  D. Only Tom
  15. Their holiday lasted for _______. 
    A. one week B. two weeks C. three weeks D. five weeks
  16. From the words of “It feels like three months! ”we know that _______. 
    A. Michael’s teacher is very strict with the students
    B. Michael is pleased with his school report 
    C. Michael has no interest in learning 
    D. Michael works very hard at his studies 
  17. _____ in Grade One now. 
    A. John and his sister are both  B. John is 
    C. John’s sister is  D. Michael is 
  18. Why didn’t Michael go to the island for picnic? 
    A. He had to go to school. 
    B. He didn’t like the island. 
    C. Something was wrong with his foot. 
    D. The weather was bad that day. 
五. 完形填空:
    Do you think it would be fun to remember just what you did an a certain day a few days ago? One way to (1)_______ each day is to write about it in a (2)_______. Many people write their diaries every day. They write about what they did, what they ate, what they saw, (3)_______they did something and how they felt during that day. Most people don’t want anyone else to read their diaries. 
    Some Chinese students try to keep diaries in (4)_______. They keep the diaries not only to help (5)
_______remember something, but also to practise English. 
    Long ago, many people wrote diaries, too. Some of those (6)_______diaries have been found since the writers died. Some diaries are famous (7)_______we can learn about the life long ago, or we can get to know something important. something interesting or something we want to know. 

There are many famous diaries in the world. Most people in (8)_______and many people in other countries know the “Diary of Lei Feng”. Lei Feng was a Chinese (9)_______. In his short life he did (10)_______good things. He was always ready to give but not to receive. He kept a diary. From the diary, people know what a man he was. 
  1. A. tell  B. say  C. remember  D. think
  2. A. book  B. diary  C. radio   D. computer
  3. A. how  B. who  C. whom   D. what
  4. A. Chinese  B. English  C. French  D. Japanese
  5. A. ourselves  B. himself  C. themselves  D. yourselves
  6. A. new   B. young   C. small   D. old
  7. A. when   B. because  C. after   D. but
  8. A. China   B. Canada  C. England  D. America
  9. A. student  B. scientist  C. soldier   D. teacher
  10. A. a few   B. lot of   C. a little   D. lots of

    It was autumn again. The leaves had turned yellow and begun to fall. On a lovely autumn day, my friends and I went back to our old school. Standing at the gate, I looked around the campus (校园). The school looked   11   the same as before. The classrooms were still big and bright. The playground was still full of basketball players. Yet deep in my heart. I knew   12   was different. On our way to our old classroom. we met some of our former classmates. We   13   up to the group and tried to join their talk. But I was sorry to   14   that we were no longer interested in the same things. They   15   about a campus football match. We were more worried about the mid-term examination.   16   the talk. I realized we had all changed. We no longer had things in common. I remembered when we were in the same class we shared jokes and   17  . But those days had gone and would never return. Before I walked out of the school gate. I   18   and looked around. The sun shone brightly over the school’s orange trees. Suddenly I saw a big yellow orange   19   a lot of green ones. I knew it was getting ripe (成熟). Yes,   20   is not always bad. Sometimes it brings hopes. 
  11. A. still   B. just   C. even   D. almost
  12. A. everything  B. anything  C. something  D. nothing
  13. A. returned  B. called   C. went   D. came
  14. A. find   B. know   C. see   D. hear
  15. A. talked  B. were talking C. had talked  D. would talk
  16. A. After   B. Through  C. With   D. During
  17. A. troubles  B. worries  C. problems  D. matters
  18. A. waited  B. stayed   C. stopped  D. rested
  19. A. between  B. among   C. behind   D. under
  20. A. change  B. going   C. changing  D. leaving


. 1. paper money 2. credit card 3. space station
 4. live in an apartment 5. fall in love with…
 6. look smart 7. 养一只宠物鹦鹉8. 有闲暇时间 9. 穿古怪的衣服

 10. 去香港度假 11. 个人电脑 12. 公司的领导 13. 反对
 14. for the first time 15. Olympic Games 16. far away 17. more than
 18. at least 19. clean up 20. bet on 
. 1. will, be, on 2. be, more, less 3. in, ago
 4. What, be, in  5. Won’t, Will
三. 单项选择:

四. 阅读理解
五. 完形填空




 UNIT 2 What should I do?


Advice 提建议


Talk about problems谈论问题 Give advice 提出建议


Modals could, should情态动词

could ,should的用法

Why don’t you…?问句


My brother plays his stereo too loud.

What should I do?

Why don’t you talk to him about it?


Loud大声地 argue争论 original新颖的 out of style过时的 tutor家庭教师 upset心烦的 adult成人


What should I do? 我该怎么办?

What should do? 是用来征求意见,寻找办法的日常拥护。

should, shouldn’t


You should come earlier.你应该早点儿来。

We should give him some help.我们应给他一些帮助。

---I can’t find my watch. What should I do?

---You should ask your classmates.你应当问一问你的同班同学。

You shouldn’t shout in class.你不应当在课堂上叫喊。


有时为了时态一致而使用shall的过去式should。如:I asked her if I should see her the following Sunday.我问她下个星期天是否能和他见面。

【例】 用 should , shouldn’t 填空。

If you want friends, you _______be friendlier.

You ______ be so careless to do your homework.

You ______ watch so much TV if you want better grades.

If you need money , you _____get a part-time job.

I think you ______ always come late to work. You _____say sorry to your boss for being late.


I argued with my best friend.我与我最好的朋友发生争吵。

Argue “争论,争吵”,不及物动词

Argument 是名词,have an argument 发生争吵 Argue about sth.争论某事


(1)The couple next door are always arguing 邻居的夫妇总吵架。

(2)Don’t argue with your mother 不要和母亲争辩。

(3)We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal . 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱


(1)(选择题)Do as you are told. Don’t argue _____me.

    A. about      B. with       C. against    D. into

(2)  (同义词转换)Li Pin argued with me yesterday.

    Li Pin ________  _____  _______ with me yesterday.

答案(1)B;(2)had an argument.

My clothes are out of style.我的衣服过时了。

out of/in style

Style 名词,此处表示“(衣服的)款式,流行样式”。

Out of style “不再流行的,过时的”。In style  “流行的”。如:

She has the latest style in hairdo.他的发型是最新流行的。

I think this dress is in style. 我认为这件衣服很流行。

Few people like clothes out of style. 几乎没有人喜欢过失的衣服。

【例】 根据汉语完成句子。


This cap is _________  __________ ___________. You should buy one __________ _____________.

【解析】主要考察了style 的用法。 答案: out of style in style .

What’s wrong/the matter


(1)(同义句转换)What ‘s wrong with her ?

    What ‘s ________ __________ with her ?

 (2)  (同义句转换) Something is wrong with the machine.

    _________  __________  something wrong with the machine.

 (3) (完成句子)我的眼睛怎么了?我看不清楚东西。

    __________  __________ with my eyes? I can’t see clearly

答案:(1)the matter;(2)There is; What ‘s wrong.

I don’t want to surprise him 我不想使他惊讶。



用法类似于 surprise à surprising à surprised 的词有:

Interest à interesting à interested

            Excite à exciting à excited

Amaze à amazing à amazed

Frighten à frightening àfrightened

【例】 单项选择。

(1)The result _________ us greatly and we were joyful.

    A. surprise   B. surprises      C. surprised D. surprising

 (2) To my ________ , they have made a _______ decision.

    A. surprise; surprise  B. surprised; surprised

    C. surprising; surprising D. surprise; surprising

 (3) Why are you looking at me __________?

    A. to surprise    B. surprised  C. in surprise    D. surprising

 (4) I’m ________ to see you here.

    A. surprise   B. surprised C. surprising     D. surprisingly

答案:(1)C;(2) D ;(3) C; (4) B;

I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. 我需要弄一些钱来支付夏令营的费用。


(1)pay 此处为动词,“付钱,赔钱”的意思。

Pay for sth. 付某东西的钱Pay sb 付钱给某人

Pay sb. Money for doing sth. 因做某事付给某人钱

如:You must pay for the lost book. 你必须给丢失的书赔钱。

He paid me fifty yuan for the work. 做那件事,他付给我50元。

How much did you pay for fixing the TV set? 修理电视机你付了多少钱?

(2)spend … on sth .

Spend … doing sth.


如:I spent all my savings on a new car .我将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。

My child spends about an hour doing his homework every day.

She spend too much money on her dresses.她花太多的钱在穿衣上。

(3)cost sb . some money 花费某人金钱。

如:The computer cost me 6000 Yuan. 这台电脑花了我6000元。

How much does the car cost you? 这辆车花了你多少钱?


(1) How much did you ___________ for the new shoes?

    A. pay        B. spend   C. cost       D. take

(2) She paid six dollars _________ the shirt.

    A. on      B. for        C. with       D. at

(3)Will you __________ the book you lost.

    A. pay        B. pay for    C. pay off    D. pay back

(4)I _________ ten Yuan on the dictionary.

    A. pay        B. spend   C. cost       D. take

(5)The woolen sweaters ______ much more than the cotton ones.

    A. pay        B. spend      C. cost    D. take   




(1)No one is away from school today _________John.

A. only       B. with       C. and        D. except

(2)They are all wrong except_______.

A. me         B. I       C. he         D. his    

(3)There are two chairs__________ a table in the room .

A. but        B. except     C. besides        D. beside

【解析】 主要考察except 和besides的用法,(1)中John 不包含在内,用except。(2)except 是介词,后面代词要用宾格 me 。(3)a table 和 two chairs 都在房子里,a table 包括在内,用besides.

get on

【例】 按要求答题


They ___________  ___________  __________ with one another.


 I ‘ m not _________  _________  very ___________ with this job.

【解析】主要考察了 get on 的用法

答案:(1)don’t get ,on ; (2)getting , on fast


【例】 完成句子。


    No one knows what they _________________.


    Will you ________   _________  your classmates again?

【解析】 主要考查了fight 的用法。答案:(1)fought, about;(2)fight, with

Could you please give me some advice? 请你给我提出一些建议,好吗?

Advice “意见、建议”,是不可数名词。

Give sb. some advice 给某人提建议Advice on sth. 关于某事的建议

如:My advice to you would be to wait 我劝你等着。

If you take my advice, you’ll see a doctor .如果你听我的话,就去看病。

I think you should ask him for some more advice


(1)He gave me a few ________.

    A. advices B. pieces of advices

    C. pieces of advice. D. piece of advice

(2)I asked the teacher for advice __________ how to learn English.

       A. on      B. of      C. for        D. in

(3)His friends ______ him advice, but he didn’t _______it .

    A. gave; take B. tool ; give  C. gave ; hear D. took ; follow

【解析】主要考察了advice 的用法。(1) a few 修饰可数名词复数,a few pieces of advice。(2)“关于……的意见”介词为on。(3)give sb. Advice 给某人提意见,take advice 接受意见。


Unit 2单元练习



1.We can do the work better with fewer people and l       money.

2.The temperature will f       below zero in the night.

3.This is a s       problem.We must solve it.

4.There are at l       three thousand students in our school.

5.My skirt is out of s      .I’ d better go to buy a new one.


1.Students must answer the teacher’ s question ______(loud) in the class.

2.People can’ t live ______(with) water.

3.My father told me to go to change my ______(hair).

4.These clothes in the shop are original and ______(color).

5.I don’ t like wearing the same clothes as others’ .I should get a ______(difference) one.


1.Are you going to ______ any classes on Saturday?

A.be    B.listen    C.study       D.have

2.There were ______ friends of mine in the room.So I left.

A.less      B.little     C.few     D.a few

3.The weather in New York is colder than ______ in Shanghai in winter.

A.it      B./        C.that       D.weather

4.Farmers don’ t use animals to do farm work ______.

A.no more       B.much more     C.any more      D.no longer

5.Nari had an ______ with his best friend.He didn’ t know what to do.

A.argument     B.argue     C.argued      D.arguing

6.My clothes are not fashionable.That makes me not ______.

A.cold      B.cool       C.original      D.surprise

7.Can you tell me ______?Perhaps I can help you.

A.what’ s the matter         B.what’ s the wrong

C.what the matter is          D.what about you

8.The “Teen Talk” has a lot of ______.

A.kids        B.players      C.listeners     D.workers

9.Your Putonghua is too bad.You ______ a tutor to teach you.

A.get     B.must get      C.should get    D.getting

10.You didn’ t feel well.You ______ stay in bed and have a rest.

A.should      B.will    C.would       D.shall

11. Mary, please show ______ your picture.

A.my    B.mine     C.I      D.me

12. Some girls of our class enjoy ______ music.

A.listen to     B.listens to    C.listening to  D.listened to

13. My clothes are not in style.That makes me ______.

A.happy    B.unhappy    C.look cool    D.feel cold

14.—What’ s wrong?

—I argued with my mother this morning. —______

A.That’ s nothing!    B.Great!

C. Say sorry to her tonight.   D.Let’ s play soccer.

15.—Let’ s join the summer camp.

—Okay idea.It sounds ______.

A.OK    B.interesting     C.boring   D.bad


1.Which one do you like?        A.I’ m looking for my son.

2.You look worried.What’ s the matter?    B.You’ re welcome.

3.What should I do?             C.On September 2nd.

4.Thank you very much.          D.Three.

5.How many classes do you have in the morning? E.You should write an e-mail to him.

6.What does he do?           F.The yellow one.

7.What’ s the weather like today?       G.Very nice.

8.It’ s heavy.Can you come to help me?    H.Yes,I’ d love to.

9.How do you think of your new teacher?    I.A worker, I think.

10.When will Mr Yang come to Beihai?      J.A sunny day.


One of Paul’ s feet is bigger than the   1  .He can’ t find the right shoes   2  his feet.His friend Nick told   3  ,“Why do you   4   to a shoemaker?A good   5   can make you the right shoes.”So Paul goes to the shoemaker near his   6  .Very soon the shoemaker   7   him a pair of shoes.Paul   8   the shoes and he is not happy.He says to the shoemaker,“You are not a

   9   shoemaker!I want you to make one shoe   10   than the other.”

1.A.other     B.hand            C.friend             D.back

2.A.on        B.in              C.for                 D.at

3.A.he        B.himself         C.his                 D.him

4.A.ask       B.talk            C.find               D.go

5.A.shoemaker  B.shoe seller    C.man               D.salesman

6.A.friend     B.parents        C.home             D.school

7.A.make       B.makes          C.made              D.does

8.A.puts away  B.looks at       C.gets out          D.takes off

9.A.good      B.careful        C.busy              D.free

10.A.louder   B.nicer         C.bigger             D.shouter


Soccer is the world’ s favourite game.In America people call it football.Thirty-two national teams play in the World Cup every four years.The E.A. Cup is a very old English competition(比赛).Teams from 600 football clubs play in it.Big teams in this competition are Mancheste United,Liverpool,and Arsenal.They have fan clubs all over the world.Manchester United even has TV station called MUTV!

Football is an old game in Europe and South America.Countries like Brazil,Argentina,Italy and Germany are very good at it.In Asia,football is a new game but millions of people love it.Many exciting Asian football players are leaving home and playing for clubs in Europe.At the same time,many Europeans are playing in Asia.


1.Football is the world’ s favourite game.

2.The World Cup is a very big cup in the world.

3.There are 600 football clubs playing in the E.A. Cup.

4.The football fans are all over the world.

5.Football is an old game in Asia.


1.Soccer is called ______.

A.volleyball     B.basketball        C.tennis     D.football

2.______ national teams play in the World Cup.

A.32            B.22                  C.12           D.42

3.The E.A.Cup is a very old ______ competition.

A.American            B.England          C.Asian     D.English

4.MUTV is a TV station of ______.

A.a big team          B.Manchester United

C.Liverpool           D.Arsenal

5.There are many exciting Asian football players in ______.

A.Manchester United  B.America   C.the World Cup  D.Europe






1. less 2. fall 3. serious 4. least 5. style


1. loud 2. without  3. haircut  4. colorful 5. different


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. 答案:C 7. 答案:C 8. 答案:C 9. 答案:C

10. 答案:A 11. 答案:D 12. 答案:C 13. 答案:B 14. 答案:C 15. 答案:B


1. 答案:F 2. 答案:A 3. 答案:E 4. 答案:B 5. 答案:D 6. 答案:I

7. 答案:J 8.答案:H 9. 答案:G 10. 答案:C


1.答案:A 2. 答案:C 3. 答案:D 4. 答案:D 5. 答案:A 6. 答案:C

7. 答案:B 8. 答案:B 9. 答案:A 10. 答案:C



1. 答案:T 2. 答案:F 3. 答案:T 4. 答案:T 5. 答案:F


1. 答案:D 2. 答案:A 3. 答案:D 4. 答案:B 5. 答案:D


This term I should study harder.I am good at math,physics and science lessons.My English is not good.I think I should learn from my friend Nari.His English is good.Perhaps he would like to help me.Teacher said,my compositions were not good.So I should read more useful books after class.I believe I will do well in English.On the other way,I should do more exercise,this will make me strong.I like playing ball games.After class I should make more friends,because the more we are together,the happier we are.

 UNIT 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?


Interesting events 有趣的事情


Talk about past events 谈论过去的事情


Adverbial clauses with when, while用 when和 while引导的状语从句

Questions and statements with past progressive过去进行时态的疑问句及陈述句 Pass tense过去时态


What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

I was sitting in the barber’s chair.

The barber was cutting my hair.

While he was buying souvenirs, a girl called the police.


Bathroom浴室 bedroom寝食 kitchen厨房 UFO飞碟 alien外星人 barber’s chair理发师的椅子 cutting hair理发 climbing爬  jumping跳 land着陆 get out of从….里出来 take off脱下 in front of在….前面 scared害怕的


What were you doing when the UFO arrived?当不明飞行物到来时,你在干什么?


 引导时间状语从句,当从句中为短暂性动词时,when 相当于at the time …;当从句中延续性动词时,when相当于during the time that…。

It was raining when we arrived. 我们到的时候正在下大雨。

When we were visiting London , I liked to travel by bus.

The twins were drawing when the teacher came in.

Was your mother cooking when you got home?你回家时,你的妈妈在做饭吗?

[例] 用所给动词正确形式填空。

She_________ (make)her dress the whole afternoon.

The boy _________(learn)English on the radio when I ________(open)his door.


the whole afternoon 表示过去一段时间,也应用过去进行时was making。

when 引导的时间状语从句为一般过去时opened,主语为过去进行时was learning。

I was standing in front of the library. 我(那时)正站在图书馆前面。

In (the) front of

In front of“在 …… 的前面”,介绍短语。指整体外部的前面。其反义词为behind.

In the front of “在……的前部”,介词短语。指在整体的前面。其反义词为in/at the back of 。

(1)There is a big tree in front of our classroom.

(2)A UFO landed in front of the library .一个飞碟在图书馆前着陆。

(3)A bus driver sits in the front of the bus .

(4)Who’s that man in the front of the meeting room ? 在会议室前面的那个人是谁?

[例]用适当的 in front of 或 in the front of 填空。

    (1)The desk for the teacher is _________ the classroom .

    (2)The bus stops right _________ our house.

    (3)The car _________ me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.

    (4)I put the photos on the desk ___________ me .

    (5)I prefer to travel _______ the car, next to the driver.

[解析](1)(5)两题均表示在该范围内的前面,用in the front of 。(2)、(3)、(4)表示在所有人或事物,用 in front of 。

I was getting out of the shower 。我正沐浴出来。

get out of等

Get out of 此处表示“从 …… 里出来”。

Get out of 还可表示“逃避,放弃,停止”的意思。

Get … out of  “从…… 获得 ……”。如:

(1)Get out of here ! 滚出来!

(2)He helped me get a car out of the garage .他帮我把车从车库开出来。

(3)I wish I could get out of the meeting 。但愿我能够不参加那个会议。

(4)Smoking is a habit he can’t get out of 。 他吸烟成瘾。


    Get to 抵达,到达Get up 起床,起来 Get down 下来Get on 下车

    Get off 下来 Get on well with sb.与某人相处得好


(1)I get on well ___________ my neighbors.

(2)We just got back ____ our holidays.

(3)I ‘ ll have to get _________ early tomorrow morning.

(4)The dog got out _________ the box and ran away.

(5)When will the bus get _____________ the stop ?

[解析]主要考察了get 的动词短语的含义。

(1)get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽。(2)get back from 从… 返回。

(3)get up 起床。(4)get out of 从… 出来。(5)get to 到达。

When 和 while

When 和 while 用来引导时间状语从句。When引导的时间状语从句可表一段时间,也可表时刻。从句子中谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是短暂性的。


(1)when they heard the good news, they jumped with joy 。

(2)When / while she as having lunch , the door bell rang . = When the door bell rang , she was having lunch .当她正在吃午饭时,门铃响了。

(3)Could you look after my baby while/when I am away.



While he was singing , I was dancing .他唱歌时,我跳舞。

Mum was reading while Dad was washing his car. 爸爸在洗车时,妈妈在看书。

[例]根据句意用when 或while填写。

(1)_________ you knocked , I was doing my homework.

(2)A bear came at them ______ they were walking through the forest.

(3)I was watching TV _________ my mother was cooking.

(4)I entered the room __________  Miss Gao was talking with my parents.

(5)_________ my father was looking through the evening paper , he suddenly heard out a cry of surprise.




(3)应用while,因为句意含有将watching TV 或 cooking两个动作进行对照。

At around ten o’clock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. 大约在上午十点钟,我正在街上行走,这时一个不明飞行物正好落在我的前面。



I ‘ ll be there around 3 o’ clock.我大约3点到哪里。

There is a fence around the garden. 庭院四周有一道篱笆。

The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕太阳运行。



如:A bus is waiting right here. 一辆公共汽车正好在这里停着。

    The wind was right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。


(1)They arrived at around six o’clock

    A. near    B. about   C. over       D. here and there

(2)Your glasses are right on your nose.

    A. just       B. not wrong      C. true       D. still

[解析](1)考察了around 作介词,表示“大约”的用法,答案为 B 。

考察了right的用法,此处right是副词,表示“正好、恰好”,相当于just,因此答案为 A。

I followed it to see where it was going , and was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop.我随着看它去那里,当它走进一家纪念品商店时,我感到十分惊讶。


Surprised 形容词,“惊愕的,惊奇的,吃惊的”

Surprising 形容词,“使人惊奇的,让人吃惊的”。如:

(1)Why are you surprised at the result?你为什么对这个结果感到惊奇呢?

(2)This is a surprising discovery 这是一个使人惊奇的发现。

(3)I can hardly believe the surprising news.

(4)They were surprised that he got injured in the traffic accident.

[例]选用 surprising 或 surprised 完成句子。

(1)It’s ________ that they lost the game .

(2)In a _______ result , our team won the first prize.

(3)She was _________ at my reply.

(4)I’m very __________ to meet you here .

(5)We were greatly___________ that he didn’t come.



Isn’t that amazing !那是多么令人惊奇啊!



Don’t you know it! 你应该知道这件事的。

Isn’t it interesting! 它多么有趣啊!

amaze /amazed /amazing

amazing 形容词,“让人大为惊讶的”amazed 形容词“惊奇的”

amaze 动词, “使……大为惊讶”,较surprise更具有意外性。如:

The news amazed us. 那消息使我们大吃一惊。

I was amazed at his great progress. 我对他的巨大进步感到惊讶。

The result is amazing. 结果让人惊喜。


Amazed 的常见搭配

Be amazed at sth. Be amazed to do sth. Be amazed + that 引导的从句


(1)His wonderful speech ___________ me .

A. wondered       B. amazed     C. frightened     D. enjoyed

(2)You ‘ll ________ colorful leaves when you go to Beijing in autumn.

A. amaze      B. amazed at      C. be amazed      D. be amazed at

(3)I ‘ m amazed _________ all kinds of fish.

A. See            B. to see         C. seeing     D. saw

What happened while Linda was on the telephone?当琳达打电话时,发生了什么事情?

Happen 不及物动词,“发生”的意思,短暂性的动词。

Something happen to sb. 某人发生了某事。如:

An accident happened when I was walking past.

——What happened to him yesterday? 昨天他怎么了?

He fell from a tree and broke one of his legs.


Happen 表示 “发生”,使短暂性动词。

Take place 表示“发生”,是有延续性的短语动词。



A terrible earthquake __________ here a few years ago.

(2)然后发生了什么呢? _______ _________ next?


If anything ___________ __________ ,let me know.

[解析]主要考察happen 的用法。

答案:(1)happened;(2)What , happened;(3)happens ; to ; him

in (the) hospital

In hospital 不用冠词,表示“生病住院”,in the hospital 只表示“在医院里”,类似用法有: 

At table 进餐,吃饭At the table 在桌子旁边

In class 上课      In the class 在上班

At / in school 在学校学习 At / in the school 在学校里

In bed 躺在床上    On the bed 在床上

In prison 坐牢     In the prison 在监狱里



[例] 冠词填空,不需要冠词的地方画上“/”

(1)His mother is ill in ___________ bed.

(2)My uncle came to _____ hospital in 2002 .

(3)There is __________ “x” in _________word “six”.

(4)I prefer playing __________ piano to playing _________ basketball.

(5)go to _____________ school by _______________ bike every day .


Unit 3单元练习

一. 翻译下列短语或词组 20%

1. 爬树 ___________________                        

2. 在理发店 ___________________                    

3. 从……出去 ___________________                  

4. 一次不寻常的经历 ___________________             

5. 打电话给警察 ________________                  _  

6. sleep late   ___________________                 

7. in hospital ___________________                  

8. at the doctor’s _________________               _

9. talk on the phone ________________               

10. take off ___________________                      

二. 选择填空 20%


(   )1.What ______ you ______ when your mother came back?

         A. are; doing   B. were; doing   C. did; do   D. was; doing

(   )2.There are a lot of trees ______ the house.

A. in front of    B. in the front   C. at front of    D. at the front of

(   )3.When I got to the station , I saw Mike _______ bus.

      A. get on    B. getting on    C. got on    D. get into

  (   )4.______ the barber’s, I had my hair cut.

         A. In        B. At            C. On        D. For

  (   )5.When I saw a stranger riding on my bike, I ______ the police.

         A. call       B. ask            C. called     D. asked

  (   )6.I had ______ unusually experience on Sunday.

         A. a         B. an            C. the       D.\

  (   )7._______ ten o’clock in the morning, I was shopping.

         A. Around    B. About         C. On        D. At around

  (   )8.I went to the shop ______ some souvenirs.

         A. to buy    B. buy           C. buying    D. bought

  (   )9.The foreigners ______ the small village.

         A. arrived    B. arrived in     C. reached   D. arrived at

  (   )10.The teacher asked the students ______ him ______ the experiment.

  A. to follow; do   B. follow; do   C. to follow; to do   D. follow; to do

 (   )11.Look, the birds are singing ______ the tree and there are so many apples ______ the tree.A. in; in    B. on; on    C. in; on    D. on; in

  (   )12.The shop is so ______ that Mike can’t find his friends anywhere.

         A. many     B. much      C. crowd     D. crowded

  (   )13.What ______ you ______ at this time yesterday?

         A. did; do   B. have; done  C. were; doing   D. are; doing

  (   )14.A friend of ______ called ______ name, but he didn’t hear.

         A. me; Davy’s  B. mine; Davy’s  C. mine; Davy    D. me; Davy

  (   )15.I went out to see what the cat was doing, and was very ______ to see it was climbing up a tree.

         A. surprised   B. surprise    C. surprising    D. to surprise

  (   )16.He came to see me ______ my holiday.

          A. during     B. when     C. while    D. as

  (   )17.The hungry dog went out ______ food.

          A. look for    B. to look for    C. find     D. to find

  (   )18.---- When will the plane _________?

          ---- I think it will leave in an hour.

          A. take away     B. take over   C. take down    D. take off

  (   )19.________ is on June 1st.

          A. Children’ Day          B. Children’s Day

          C. The Children’ Day      D. The Children’s Day

  (   )20.He didn’t go there. I didn’t go there ______

          A. too      B. also     C. either    D. neither

三. 用when,while填空 5%

1. __________ the alien was in the museum , I called the police .

2. The boy was walking down the street __________ a UFO landed .

3. __________ the alien was visiting the museum, the boy called the TV station .

4. I was cleaning my room __________ the fire broke out.

5. __________ Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping with a dog.

四. 用适当的词填空。21%

I had a very ________ experience ________ Sunday. At ________ ten o’clock in the morning, I was _________ down the street ________ a UFO landed ________ in front of me. You can _______ how ______ it was! An alien ______  ______  and ________  ________ Center Street. I followed it to see ________ it was going, and I was very ________ when it went into a souvenir shop. _________ it was ________ at the souvenirs, the shop _________ called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then ________ the Museum of Flight. _______ the alien was _______ the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that ___________!

五.用动词的正确形式填空 10%

1. He __________________ (draw) at eight yesterday evening.

2. The girl __________________(shop) when her friend ______________ (see) her.

3. While he ___________________ (cook) dinner, his friend ______________ (get) out of the shower.

4. He saw the UFO while he ____________________ (walk) down the street.

5. While we _____________________ (have) dinner, the telephone rang.

6. What ______________ you ________________ (do) when your mother came back?

7. You are always __________________ (kid). If you do the same thing again, I’ll be angry.

六.写出下列动词的现在分词 8%

1.wear _____________  2.listen __________  3 do __________ 

4. have _____________ 5.make ____________  6. swim _________

7. lie ______________ 8.begin ____________



要求: 1、请使用以下短语。2、请使用过去进行时。3、每件事用一句话表达。4、可以补充其它词或短语。

1.go to school with Peter(7:00)2. study  English (8:00—9:00)

3.have lunch (at school)(12:00)4. buy a dictionary (1:15)

5.go to the library(2:40)      6. cut his hair(4:30)

7.take a shower (6:45)           8. take a walk (7:10)


 UNIT 4 He said I was hard-working.



Telling a story 讲故事


Report what someone said复述某人的话


Reported speech间接引语

Simple past tense一般过去时态

Can for ability  can表能力的用法


What did your math teacher say?

He said I was hard-working.

I can speak three languages.

What did she say? She said she could speak three languages.


Hard-working 努力工作的 ever 永远mad狂热 anymore再,还 message消息 surprise party惊奇聚会 report card 成绩报告单first of all首先




(1)Li Lei said , “ I like playing football very much . ”

    Li Lei said (that )_________ ___________ playing football very much .

(2)She told me , “ My father is mending my bike. ”

    She told me __________ father ________ mending _________bike.

(3)Tom said to me , “ You look like my brother. ”

    Tom told me ________ ________ like _______ brother.

(4)My mother said , “ This soap opera isn’t interesting. ”

    My mother said this soap opera ____________ interesting.

答案:(1)he , liked (2)her ,was , her ; (3)I , Looked , his;(4)wasn’t

Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore,拉娜说她不再对玛西娅生气了。

Be mad at/with sb. 对某人非常愤怒、恼火

Be mad at/about (going)sth. 对某事生气、怒火

Be mad about 还可表示“沉迷于……,热衷于……”



Be angry with / at sb.  Be angry about sth.

Be mad at sb.

Get annoyed with sb.    Get annoyed at / for sth.


(2)The teacher wanted to teach Tom no more .

    The teacher ________ want to teach Tom __________.

(3)You ‘ re not a child any longer.

You’re _________ a child ________ .

(4)I can wait no longer.

    I ___________ wait ______ longer.

答案:(2)didn’t , anymore;(3)not , any , more; (4) can’t , any

You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return jackets.你们应当今天早上在公共汽车站见面并归还夹克衫。

Suppose 动词,表示“假定,认为,料想,期望”的意思。

Be supposed to do “理应…… ,应当……”。与否定词连用,表示委婉的禁止,“不可……,不许……”如:

John supposed that she was a teacher. 约翰认为她是个老师。

He is supposed to be there on time. 按理他应准时到那儿。

We are supposed to help each other. 我们理应彼此帮助。

You are not supposed to smoke in the room. 你不可以在这间房里抽烟。


Think , believe, suppose 等动词后接宾语从句时,如果从句要表示否定含义,应将否定形式转移到祝语的动词上。如:

I don’t suppose that he will come. 我想他不会来。

[例] 单选

(1) I ________ that I shall come back until tomorrow morning .

       A. didn’t suppose B. don’t suppose

       C. never supposed D. wasn’t supposed

(2)They ________ to be here an hour ago .

    A. suppose B. supposed   C. were supposed     D. are supposed

[解析]主要考查suppose 的用法。(1)从句中为一般将来时,并且suppose后的从句如表示否定含义,则suppose 用否定形式,因此答案为 B。(2)有明显的过去时间,表示“应该”用be supposed , 故C 正确。

… but luckily I did OK this time ,……但是幸运的是这次我的表现很好。


Luckily 副词,“新运的”,其反义词为unluckily.

Lucky 形容词,“幸运的、有好运的”,其反义词为unlucky。

Luck 名词 ,“运气,机遇,命运”。如:

Luckily I could get two tickets to the show.

I was lucky enough to get this job. 我能幸运得到这份工作。

Good luck to you. 祝你好运。

Unluckily the weather on that day was not as good as today.

[例]选用luck , lucky ,luckily 填空。

(1)________ it doesn’t rain today .

(2)You are _____ to be alive after that accident.

(3)We Chinese think the ______ number is eight.

(4)Wish you good _________ in the exam .


Another disappointing result was in history .另一个使人失望的结果是在历史课上。

disappoint, disappointing, disappointed

Disappointing 形容词,“使人失望的”

Disappointed 形容词 ,“失望的,沮丧的”

Disappoint 动词 ,“使(某人)失望”。如:

How disappointing the news is! 这消息多扫兴啊!

He was disappointed at the result.他对那个结果感到失望。

His behavior disappointed me. 他的行为令我失望。

How disappointed Jenny was! 多么失望啊!

[例] 选用disappointing 或 disappointed 填空。

    (1)How _______ the weather this summer is !

    (2)Most of us think it is a __________ novel.

    (3)I ‘m __________ to hear they were not coming

    (4)My parents will be _________ if I fail in the exam .


It all started when she asked me if she could copy my home work 。事情起源于她问我她是否能够抄袭我的作业。


If 连词,“是否”的意思。如果直接引用是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用If 作引导词,从句除时态外,语序要变为陈述句语序。如:

He asked me if I was good at math , 他问我我的数学是否学得好。

He asked if there would be a meeting this evening. 他问今晚是否开会。

They asked if I needed some more water. 他们问我是否还需要水。

I asked him if be could solve the problem. 我问他是否能解答这道题。

She asked her parents if she could go there. 她问她的父母她是否能够去那里。


If 作“是否”时,引导宾语从句。此时,如果主要谓语动词时一般现在时,从句谓语动作用所需要的时态;如果主要谓语动词时一般过去时,从举谓语动词主要相应的某种过去时。



He asked me, “Are you from the USA?”

He asked me _________ __________ from the USA.

My father asked my sister “Do you enjoy working in the library?”

My farther asked my sister ___________ ______ working in the library.

Lin Tao asked me,” will you go hiking this weekend? ”

Lin Tao asked me ___________ ____________ go hiking this weekend.

答案:(1)if I was (2)if she enjoyed ;(3)if I would

I asked her why she wanted to do that .我问她为什么像这样做。


此间接引语中用why 引导从句。如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,在变为间接引语时,用疑问词作引导词,语序用陈述语序,而且时态要变为相应的某种过去时。如:

asked him why he came here.我问她为什么来到这里。

They asked me what I wanted to buy. 他们问我想买什么东西。

They asked me when we would start. 他们问我们是么时候能够出发。



当直接引语是陈述句时,变为间接引语用that 连接从句。

当直接引语是一般疑问句时,变为间接引语用if / whether 连接从句。



    (1)He asked me ___________ (火车将在什么时候到达)

    (2)The teacher asked her _________ (她的父亲在那儿上班)

    (3)She asked me _________.(我们正在谈论什么)

    (4)His fried asked him ____________ (他为什么这样着急)

答案(1)when the train would arrive;(2)where her father worked;(3)what we were talking about ; (4)why he was so worried.

… and she said that she had forgotten to do her homework ; …… 她说她忘记做她的家庭作业。


Had forgotten 是完成时,表示动作发生在said动作之前。


(1)he said that he had never seen such a beautiful bird before.他说他以前从未看到过这么好看的鸟。

(2)He asked if I had read the book .他问我是否看到这本书。

(3)I thought that he had got the news.我想她已经得到了这个消息。

(4)I had written five compositions by last Friday .直到上个星期五,我已写了五篇作文。

(5)He asked what had happened the day before.他问前天发生了什么事。



He said that he ____ never _______ (hear) such wonderful music before.

My father asked me if I __________ (see) his watch anywhere.

Before we reached the station, the train ________(leave).

By the time they got there, it __________ (finish);

I realized that I _______ (make) a mistake in the math test.

答案:(1)had … heard ; (2) had seen;(3)had left; (4)had finished;(5)had made

I said it would start a bad habit , and that she should do her own work 。我说这会形成坏的习惯,并说她应该自己做作业。

Own 此处事形容词,“自己的”前面常用形容词性的物主代词。

Own 还可作动词,“拥有”,相当于have ,如:

It is my own idea. 这是我自己的主意。

They go to work in their own cars. 他们开自己的车上班。

I wanted to own a new car 。我想拥有一辆新汽车。

He saw it happen with his own eyes.她亲眼目睹事情的发生。


Owner 是名词,表示“物主、所有者”。如,who is the owner of this house?谁是这房子的主人呢?


(1)This is _________ own bike .

    A. an      B. the        C. my         D . mine

(2)Tell me about _________ story , please! .

    A. your own   B. yourself   C. your own’s  D. the own

(3)Do you know who _________ this house? I want to find out he owner.

    A. own        B. owns       C. have           D. keeps


Unit 4单元练习

Ⅰ.Complete the sentences with correct words.

  1.I’m ________ ________ (做得好) reading than listening this term.

  2.She broke my favourite gift from my mom. I’m ________ (恼怒) at her.

  3.Backham is a ________ ________ (众所周知的) football player in China.

  4.The little girl is always shy. She will be very ________ (紧张的) when she makes a speech in public.

  5.History is the ________ (最差的)of all his subjects.

  Ⅱ.Rewrite the sentences.

  1.“What are you doing, Tom? ”

  I asked Tom what ________ ________ ________ ________.

  2.“Do you often come to school by bus? ”

  My classmate wanted to know if ________ ________ ________ ________.

  3.“Why can you finish it so soon, children? ”

  Mom asked the children why ________ ________ ________ ________.

  4.“Li Xin is better at English than maths, ” said the teacher.

  The teacher said that ________ ________ ________ ________.

  5.“My father has been to Hong Kong twice. ” he said.

  He said that ________ ________ ________ ________.

  Ⅲ.Complete the dialogue.

  Mary and Liz are getting ready for a large medical conference(会议).

  M: What a lot of invitations to send out!

  L: Yes. (1) ________ Oh, can you ring up the bus company? We shall need two buses to meet people at the station.

  M: No problem. (2) ________

  L: 6 p. m. on the 26th.

  M: OK. I’ll do that. (tries to ring up the bus company) (3) ________ I’ll try again later. By the way, (4) ________ (shows her a list of names) (5) ________

  L: It must be a “D”.

  A. The line is busy now.

  B. Is this a “D” or “P”?

  C. What time?

  D. When are you going to send out the invitations?

  E. I don’t know what this means.

  F. Can you have a look at this?

  G. There must be over two hundred here.

  Ⅵ. Read the passage and complete the sentences.

  Do you know why schools first started? Well, it was like this. From the earliest days man lived in groups. Each group had its own customs and traditions. The people of the group wanted their children to live in the same way and to follow the same customs and traditions. At first the older members of the group taught the younger members everything they knew. This was a kind of “education” which happened long before schools existed.

  But then they invented letters and learned how to write. After that schools became necessary because it isn’t easy to teach children how to write. It is a specialized job.So schools started with specialized teachers to work in them.

  Nobody knows when the first schools appeared.But we do know that there were schools in Egypt and perhaps in China (and maybe in other countries) about five or six thousand years ago.

  Schools like the schools we have today started in the eighteenth century. And it was only a little more than a hundred years ago that people realized that a good education was the right of every child.That’s why all children go to school today!

  1.At the beginning, how did the younger ones to learn?

  The older people of the group ________ ________ ________ ________.

  2.When did schools become necessary?

  Schools became necessary when man ________ ________ ________ ________.

  3.What’s the job of teaching like?

  Teaching children how to write isn’t easy. It is a ________ ________ ________ ________.

  4.Where were the first schools?

  They were in ________ ________ ________ ________.

  5.At last what did people realize?

  People believed that a good education was ________ ________ ________ ________.


  Ⅰ.1.better at 2.mad 3.well known 4.nervous 5.worst

  Ⅱ.1.he was doing

  2.I often came to school by bus

  3.they could finish it so soon

  4.Li Xin was better at English than maths

  5.his father had been to Hong Kong twice


  Ⅳ.1.taught the younger members everything they knew

  2.invented letters and learned how to write

  3.specialized job

  4.Egypt and perhaps in China about 5 or 6 thousand years ago

  5.the right of every child


1. He often says “ I shall tell you about them.”

He often tells me that _____ will tell _____ about ______.

A. I…you…them     B. he…me…them   C. he…you…us    D. I…me…you

2. You must say to her, “ I depend on you and him .”

You must tell her that _____ depend on ____ and _____.

A. I…you…him     B. she…you…me    C. you…her…him    D. you…me…him

3. I shall tell him, “ I have written to you and her twice.”

I shall tell him that _____ have written to _____ and ______ twice.

A. I…him…her    B. you…him…her    C. I …you…me    D. you…me…her

4. Jack said to me,” You look worried today.”

Jack told me that _____ worried _____.

A. he looks…today   B. you look…today  C. we looked…that day  D. I looked…that day

5. We said to her,” They’re walking through the street now.”

We told her that _____ through the street ______.

A. we were walking…then     B. you are walking…now

C .they were walking…then   D. they walking…now

6. Mr Black said, “I have walked a long way this week.”

Mr Black said that ______ a long way _____.

A. I had walked…last week     B. he had walked…that week

C. I walked…last week         D. he has walked…this week

7. Mrs Johnson said,” I drew the picture last week.”

Mrs Johnson said that _____ the picture _____.

A. she drew…the week before           B. I had drawn …that week

C. she had drawn …the week before       D. I drew …the last week

8. You said to me,” I had thought it over before you asked.”

You told me that you ______it over before _____.

A. had thought…I asked       B. had thought…you had asked

C. had had thought…I asked    D. thought…you had asked

9. The man thought,” I shall take it back tomorrow.”

The man thought that ____ take it back _____.

A. I shall…tomorrow       B. I shall…the next day

C. he should…tomorrow      D. he would …the next day

10. They said to us, “ Are you afraid to leave this house ?”

They asked us ____ afraid to leave _____ house.

A. that were we…this  B. that we were…that  C. if were we …this D. if we were…that

11. “Do you know English ?” he asked.

He asked if _______English.

A. I knew    B. you know   C. he knew    D. I know

12.He said, “Do I have anything to do with her ?”

He asked ____ anything to do with _____>

A. if did he have …me  B. if he had…me C. whether he had…her D. whether he had…her

13.I said to Jenny, “Are you getting on well with him now ?”

I asked Jenny _____ getting on well with him ____.

A. whether was she …then      B. if she was …then

C. how was I …now           D. how I was …now

14. The teacher asked, “ Has she read enough this week ?”

The teacher asked ____ read enough ____ week.

A. if she had…that  B. whether she has …this

C. if had she…that  D. whether has she …this

15. Jane said, “ What did he hear about a week ago ?”

Jane asked ____ about _____.

A. that he heard…a week ago       B. if he heard…the week ago

C. what he had herd… a week ago   D. what he had heard…the week before

16. People said, “ Who had they taken away when it got dark?”

People asked who______ taken away when it _____dark.

A. had they …got B. they had…got  C. had they had…had got   D. they had had…had got

17. She asked,” Whose house will he break into next time ?”

She asked whose house ____ break into _____.

A. will he…next time  B. would he…the next time

C. he will…next time  D. he would…the next time

18. Jack said to her ,”Where do you spend your holidays ?”

Jack asked her where ____ holidays.

A. she spend her    B. you spend your   C. she spent her    D. you spent your

19.Black asked me, “ Why haven’t you left here yet ?”

Black asked me why ____ yet.

A. I hadn’t left there   B. I haven’t left here  C. hadn’t I left there D. haven’t I left here

20.The teacher asked her, “|Does the sun rise in the east ?”

The teacher asked her ____ the sun ____ in the east.

A. if…rise    B. if…rises       C. whether…rose       D. whether did …rise

21. The man said to me, “Please send for a doctor now !”

The man ____ me _____ for a doctor.

A. ordered…to send…then B. told …send…now

C. asked…to send…then D. asked…send…now

22. The mother said, “Be friendly to others , son.”

The mother ______ friendly to others.

A. asked her son be   B. ordered her son to be  C. told her son be  D. told her son to be

23. I said to my daughter, ”Don’t make any mistakes in it .”

I _____ my daughter +_____ any mistakes in it.

A. asked…don’t make  B. ordered…didn’t make

C. told…not to make  D. told…to not make

24. He said,  “Mr Black , introduce yourself to them, please.”

He ______ Mr Black ____ to them.

A. asked…to introduce yourself    B. asked…to introduce himself

C. told…introduce yourself        D. ordered…introduce himself

25. The teacher said to the boys ,”Pay attention to this.”

The teacher _____ the boys _____ attention to ______.

A. asked…pay…this  B. ordered…to pay…this  C. told…pay…that  D. told…to pay…that

26. The man shouted,” You don’t make so much noise.”

The man ____ too much noise.

A. ordered them not to make    B. told you not to make

C. asked them to not make     D. shouted you to not make

27. The captain said,” Take hold of this end, man !”

The captain ____ the soldier ____ hold of +_____ end.

A. asked…to take…that B. asked…take…this

C. ordered…to take…that D. ordered…take…this

28. The mother said,” Doctor, please save my son.”

The mother _____ son.

A. asked doctor save my  B. asked the doctor to save her

C. told doctor save my  D. told the doctor to save her

29. He said to the soldiers,” Put down your guns at once.”

He _____ the soldiers ____ down ____ guns at once.

A. ordered…to put…their   B. told…to put…their

C. ordered…put…your   D. told…put…your

30. She said that she ____ there for a long time.

A. has lived   B. had lived    C. lived    D. was living

31. Tom told me that he _____.

A. will help me with my geography    B. will help me for my geography

C. would help me with my geography   D. would help me for my geography

32. She told me that her mother ____ for several days.

A. has been ill     B. had been ill     C. is ill       D. was ill

33. Please tell me ____ these books you like best.

A. what     B. what of     C. which     D. which of

34. He asked me _____ my home was.

A. what   B. where     C. which     D. when

35. “_____?” she asked her son.

A. Where you have been      B. Where you went

C. Where had you been     D. Where have you been

36. The boy said,” I don’t like dancing.”

The boy said ____ like dancing.

A. I don’t      B. he doesn’t     C. I didn’t      D. that he didn’t

37. She said to me, “ I’m living in a small village now “

A. She said to me she is living in a small village now

B. She said to me that I am living in a small village now

C. She told me that she was living in a small village then

D. She told me that she lived in a small village then.

38. The children said,” We had a football match today.”

The children said____ a football match _____.

A. they had…today   B. they had had…that day

C. we had…today  D. we had had…that day

39. The students said,” We have finished cleaning our classroom.”

The students said _____ cleaning _____ classroom.

A. they had finished…their    B. they finished…their

C. they have finished…their  D. we had finished…our

40 “If you aren’t here on time tomorrow.” Mr Black said to Jenny, “ I’ll write your parents about this .”Mr Black told Jenny that _______.

A. he will write to her parents about this if she isn’t here on time tomorrow.

B.he would write to her parents about this if she wasn’t her on time the next day.

C. he would write to her parents about that if she wasn’t there on time the next day.

D. he was going to write to her parents about that if she wasn’t there on time the next day.

41.The boy often says, “ I’m going to be a player when I grow up.”

The boy often says ____ be a player when _____.

A. he was going to…he grew up     B. he is going to…he grows up

C. he would…he grew up           D. I was going to…I grew up

42. The teacher said to us,   “Light travels much faster than sound.”

The teacher said to us that light ____ much faster than sound.

A. will travel     B. traveled      C. travels       D. was traveling

43. “My brother joined the army in 1978.” Said Wei Fang.

Wei Fang said that her brother ____ the army in 1978.

A. joined       B. had joined    C. would join     D. joins

44.My friend said,” You needn’t go”

A. My friend said that I needn’t go     B. My friend told me not to go

C. My friend told you not to go  D. My friend said that I didn’t have to go

45. “Are you going to your home town this summer ?” he said.

A.     He told me that I was going to my home town this summer.

B.      He said that if I was going to my home town that summe

C.     He asked me whether was I going to his home town this summer

D.     He asked me if I was going to my home town that summer.

46. “ Would you like coffee or tea ?” asked Mother.

Mother asked us ______.

A. if I would like coffee and tea      B. if would I like coffee or tea

C. whether I would like coffee or tea D. whether would I like coffer or tea

47.He didn’t tell me _____ or go home.

A. whether to wait B. if to wait  C. to wait   D. if that she shout to wait

48 “Why didn’t you call me an hour ago ?” he said.

A.     He asked me why I didn’t call him an hour ago

B.      He said why I hadn’t called him an hour before

C.     He asked why hadn’t I called him an hour before?

D.     He asked why I hadn’t called him an hour before

49. Mother asked,” What has happened to you, Xiao Li?”

A.     Mother asked, Xiao Li, what has happened to you

B.      Mother asked what had happened to Xiao Li

C.     Mother asked Xiao Li what had happened to him

D.     Mother asked Xiao Li what ha happened to you

50. He said to his son “Put on more clothes>”

A.     He told his son to put on more clothes

B.      He asked his son put on more clothes

C.     He said to his son that he would put on more clothes

D.     He told his son that he should put on more clothes



 UNIT 5 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!



Decision making 作决定


Talk about consequences谈论结果


First conditional if + will 含if 的条件句,主句用will Present progressive as future现在进行时表将来

Modal should情态动词 should的用法


I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

Are you going to the party?

Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.


Jeans牛仔裤 organize 组织cousin兄弟表妹 agent代理人 chance机会 charity慈善团体 dream梦injured受伤的 take away拿走 make a living谋生


I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.

Be going to +v.

是将来时态的一种形式,表示“打算(做某事)”,这是我们所熟悉的句式。如:I’m going to do some shopping with my mother.

 He is going to take part in an English class.(=He is going to an English class)

注意:be going to后可以接表示地点的名词,表示“要去某地”。若接表示地点的副词,则去掉to.

I’m going to my teacher’s office.

I’m going there, too.

辨析:be going to, will与shall

 一般说来,will, shall表示纯粹的将来,没有任何感情色彩,而be going to或其他用动词的进行时表示的是将要发生的动作或情况,带有较重的感情色彩,如表示即将发生的事情、计划之中安排要做的事情等。It will rain要下雨了。(动作将要发生)

It is going to rain, Hurry up, please.

I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.

辨析:wear, put on, have on与dress

1.put on是“穿上”“戴着”的意思,表示动作,是非延续行的动词。如:

He put on his coat and went out.

Put on more clothes. It’s very cold outside.


He often wears a blue jacket. She is wearing a red skirt.

3.have on是“穿着”“戴着”的意思,表示状态,也可以和wear互换。如:

She always has her red shoes on.=She always wears her red shoes.


Wake up the children and dress them.

She is dressed in beautiful clothes today.

dress作不及物动词。dress up“化装,打扮,穿上盛装”。

He dresses well. She dressed up for the gathering.

I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.

take a/ride on a/catch a/by bus

take the bus “乘公共汽车”,take等于 ride,是及物动词,在句中作谓语。by bus是介词短语,在句中作状语,该句可用下面的句子来表示:

I think I’m going to go to the party by bus.


含实意动词take, catch等的句子与“by+交通工具”的句子可以互换。

I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.反意疑问句应为:

I think I’m going to take the bus to the party, am not I?


否定句应为:I don’t think I’m going to take the bus to the party.

当主语为第一人称(I, we),谓语动词为think, suppose, believe等时,后接宾语从句,那么它的反意疑问句应该根据从句来变化;且否定句中否定前移。如:

I think he is right, isn’t he?

I don’t believe he has left, has he?

What will happen if they have the party today?

辨析:happen与take place


1.  happen常带有偶然发生的意思。如:

 ----What happened to him yesterday?

-----An accident happened to him yesterday.

I happened to be out when he called.

It happened that……表示“可能”“碰巧”的意思,如:

It happened that I was not at home yesterday.

2.  take place表示“发生”时,是不及物动词短语,没有“偶然”的意思,指事件发生,还常表示预期“举行”的意思。如:

Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1984.

The sports meet will take place in our school next week.

OK, when is a good time to have the party?


动词不定式to have the party在句中作定语,修饰 time。如:

He was the last one to come.

Do you have anything to say?

The little girl has a wish to see the world.


We haven’t decided which hotel to stay at

I’m hungry, give me something to eat.

If you do, the teachers will call your parents.


call sb.给某人打电话

I called him this morning. Did you call them last week?


1.call sb.’s name喊某人的名字

The boy calls his brother’s name.

2.call on sb.拜访某人(拜访的对象是人)

I called on him yesterday.

3. call at拜访(拜访的对象是家)

  They called at her house last week.

I’m going to the school party.


这是一个用现在进行时表将来时的句子。这类动词常见的有:go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, spend, sail, meet, fly

My aunt is coming to see me, She will be here soon.

He is flying to Beijing tomorrow.

She is spending her holiday in China.

The train will leaving at 8: 50.


这是I’m going to the school party, too.省略句,这是口语中常见的形式。如:

----I’m hungry. ----Me, too.

----I want to go shopping, too.

If you go to that one, I’ll bring them some flowers.

some 不定代词,“一些”。some apples 一些苹果some people一些人


1.      some一般用于肯定句, any用于否定句、疑问句和条件句,如:

 He wants some English books.

 I haven’t any money. Have you any money?

2. 在表示请求、建议或邀请的疑问句中,须用some而不用any。如:

  Could you lend me some money?

make a lot of money赚许多钱


make money


make paper   make a road   make noise  make up one’s mind    make friends   make tea     make fire      make a living  

a lot of许多,很多

辨析:a lot of, a lot与lots of

1.      三者都有“许多,很多“的意思。a lot of, lots of一般用于肯定句,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。它们完全可以互相换用,如:

A lot of/Lots of students went swimming yesterday.

He has lots of/a lot of work to do this week.

2.      a lot 可作名词,相当于 a lot of things,它也作副词,修饰动词或形容词、副词比较级。如:

We have learnt a lot from Lei Feng.

Mary is a lot older than Alice.

You’ll be famous.你会出名的。

famous adj.“著名的,出名的”。famous的近义词是famed。famous专指好人好事,大名鼎鼎的,famed比famous正式;常用于场所、地方;well-know[口]为大家所熟知

辨析:be famous for与be famous as

1.sb.+be famous for某人以某种知识、技能或特征出名

sb+be famous as 某人以某种身份出名

be famous as 后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。

Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.

Einstein was famous as a great scientist.

2.sp+be famous for 以某种特产而出名

sp+be famous as 以什么样的产地或地方而出名

The area is famous for its green tea.

The area is famous as a green tea producing place.

You’ll travel around the world.你将要周游世界

travel vi.&vt.&n.

1.vi 旅行,游历

 He traveled across a desert last year.


He is fond of travel.

辨析:travel, journey, tour, trip与voyage


 He came home after five years of travel abroad.


He made a long journey from Beijing to Shanghai.


We went on a pleasant trip to the nearest seaside during our holiday.


They made a tour in China including stops at Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi’an and Beijing.


They are ready to go on a voyage.

For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.

seem v.“似乎”常用于下列句型:

1.  seem+(to be) n./adj./prep.(作表语)

He seems (to be ) happy. They seem to be soldiers.

2          seem+to be

She seems to be sleeping.

He seems to understand the meaning of the world.

3          It seems +that从句

It seems that he is happy.=He seems (to be) happy.

However, professional athletes can also have many problems.



She felt ill. She went to work, however, and stayed up late.

He said that it was so, he was wrong, however.


however conj. “无论以何种方式,不管怎样”,引导让步状语从句。如:

He will never succeed however hard he tries.

You can travel however you like.

However did you get here without a car?

In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy.


vi. “抱怨;叫屈,诉苦”,通常和of/about连用.如:

She complained of his carelessness.


She complained that he did not work hard.

I have decided that I will/won’t join the Lions.


1.      decided vt. 决定”,可与名词或代词连用。如:

We decided the question by experiment.

They can decide it now.

2.      decide+不定式,即decide to do sth。

The girl decided not to be a nurse.

3.      decide+从句。

We decided that we didn’t take part in the football match.

4.      decide作不及物动词时,常于介词连用。如:

It’s difficult to decide between the two.

sometimes adv有时

辨析:sometimes, sometime, some time与some times

1.      sometimes是一个表示时间频率的副词,意为“有时候”,其语法特点相当于often ,always。

He sometimes sends an e-mail to me.

2.  Sometime可与过去或将来时连用,表示(过去或将来)某个时候,指的是时间点。

This call box was built sometime last year.

Let’s have a meeting sometime next week.

3.some time是个名词短语,是指“一些时间,一些时候,相当于长的时间”,指的是时间段。

I will stay here for some time.

4.some times意为“几次”,times作“次数”讲,是可数名词。

Repeat it some times, or you’ll forget it.

If I don’t get enough exercise…如果我没有进行足够的锻炼。。。



Do you have enough time? Six bottles of wine will be enough.

enough n..足够,充分。如:

Enough has been said on this subject.I’ve got enough to do at the moment.

enough adv. “充分地,足够地”,用于动词、形容词和副词之后。如:

The box is light enough for me to carry.

She stayed there long enough. Have you played enough?

…enough(for sb.) to do sth.。。。足够(某人)做。。。

It was cold enough to wear a fur coat.



一. 词组互译:
1. 允许进入,允许参加__________   2. 挣钱,赚钱__________
3. 一直,总是__________   4. 全世界__________ 5. 谋生__________    

6. 上大学__________  7. take away __________   8. get injured__________
9. have a good time__________  10. ask sb. to leave__________
二. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。

  1. ______(watch)TV too much is bad for your eyes. 
  2. Could you tell us the ______(different)
between these two styles of music? 
  3. They are much ______(friend)
than I thought. 
  4. The teacher ______(take)
away my mobile phone because I used it in class. 
  5. It rained very hard. And it made a few drivers ______(injure)
in the race. 
三. 单项选择。

(    )1. We’ll go to the Summer Palace _____ it doesn’t rain this Saturday. 
    A. when  B. if  C. until  D. because
(    )
2. Don’t ________ jeans to the party. 
    A. put on  B. wear  C. wearing  D. dress
(    )
3. I’m going to ______ time with my grandparents this vacation. 
    A. take  B. have  C. spend  D. go
(    )
4. This book isn’t useful. Please _______. 
    A. take part in  B. take it away
    C. take away it  D. take it out 
(    )
5. Jim asked me _______ him with his math. 
    A. help  B. helping  C. helped  D. to help
(    )
6. What ____ you ______ at eight yesterday evening? 
    A. have, done  B. did, do  C. were, doing  D. will, do
(    )
7. They found ______ they are famous for only a short time. 
    A. it  B. this  C. that  D. them
(    )
8. Could you please _________ me the way to the hospital. 
    A. showing  B. showed  C. show  D. shown
(    )9. -
I like flying all over the world. 
I think being a ________ is just for you. 
    A. teacher  B. tour guide  C. policeman  D. doctor
(    )10. -
What are you going to do tomorrow? 
    A. Nothing much   B. Much nothing C. Not anything   D. No thing
四. 完形填空:

    The school party will   1   on Sept. 30th. Many students like to go to the   2  . But before the party, the school principal has made many   3   for it: the students cannot   4   jeans to the party; the students cannot bring friends from   5   schools; the students cannot run or shout at the   6  . What will   7   if they do? They will be asked to leave or they will not be let   8  . And the students must bring their   9  cards.   10   they don’t, they can’t go to the party. 

五. 阅读理解:
    Dreams may be more important than sleep. Some people don’t need much sleep. But we all need to dream, scientists say. 
    Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer. 
    Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They could have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams. 
    Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t remember the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory. 
    Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at working when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired. 
  1. It may be less important to sleep than to _______. 
    A. think  B. dream  C. work  D. study
  2. Dreams and films are usually ______. 
    A. very long  B. in color  C. about work  D. very sad 
  3. The people often dream about their work because _______. 
    A. they are tired in the daytime
    B. they are not interested in their work
    C. they may be thinking about their work at all
    D. they have too much work to do 
  4. The main idea of the story is that _______. 
    A. people need to dream B. people like to sleep
    C. dreams are like films D. we always remember dreams
  5. The title for the story could be ______. 
    A. Terrible dreams B. The longest sleep
    C. Memory D. Dreams


 let in, make money, all the time, all over the world, 
 make a living, go to college, 拿去,受伤,玩得开心,让某人离开

. 1. Watching 2. difference 3. friendlier 4. took 5. injured
. 1. begin/start 2. party 3. rules 4. wear 5. other 6. party 7. happen
 8. in 9. ID 10. If





People will have robots in the near future.


There will be robots working in factories.



Robots will be working in factories.在意义不表示“将会有”的意思。


There will be more birds singing in the trees in ten years.

There will be less pollution in the river after fewer factories.

There will be more free time.


A -----I will be an engineer in ten years.    Be here means become

B-----There will be an engineer in my family in ten years.  Be here means exist

C----These(robots)will be in every home.  Be here means “come true”


There will be more birds singing in the trees in ten years.


______  ______ be more birds singing in the trees in ten years?

作肯定回答 Yes,______  _______.

否定回答  No,_____  ______.

There will be less pollution in the river after fewer factories.


_____  ______ be less pollution in the river after fewer factories?

There will be more free time.

改为否定句  There ______  be more free time



can, may, might, could, would and should等。

Might ,could ,would, should 四个情态动词既是may, can, will, shall的过去时,又不表示过去时,而是情态动词,要同实意动词连用,常用的还有must ,needn’t, can’t.  might 表示小于50%的可能性,could  表示一种客气的请求, would 表示有礼貌的邀请,should  表示应当/该。


He can speak several languages.

He is able to swim across the river, though it is flooded.

-------Could you tell me where Center Street _______(is  was)?

-------Sorry, I ________(couldn’t  can’t).

I would like you to come to my house.

(Should  Would) you mind my invitation? 邀请的,委婉的说法


Why not ______( come  to come) to my house?

Should  常用于提出建议

You _________(should  would) say you’re sorry.

Maybe you ______(could  should) give him a ticket to a ball game. could 用于劝说更委婉(潜在的意思是“这不就和解了。”)(refer to page11   课文句子改写)

You ______(should  would)be ashamed of yourself. 语气坚决,应该

You ________(wouldn’t  shouldn’t) tell lies.含有责备,不应当

It ___(should  might) be easy.表示期待某事发生或对某事进行推断Might only means not sure



前面有Look, -------. Listen,---------. 我们知道后面的句子要用“现在正在进行时”

Look, mom is driving her new car.

Listen, something strange is happening outside.

当心后面的时间词 at that time, at 8 o’clock yesterday   when引导过去时间的动作,(有时也可以引导过去进行时。) 


page19 2b改写句子

1 The boy was walking down the street when suddenly a UFO landed.

When 引导的动作突然插入到前面正在进行的动作之中,

3 While the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.


P20 4

A:  What were you doing at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?

B:  I was sleeping at that time.

4. The girl was shopping when the alien got out.
While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.
I was reading while my brother was drawing. (含有对比而非转折)

e.g. I am out-going while my sister is quiet and shy.




I was doing my homework at eight o’clock last night. 昨晚八点我正在做作业。


They were building a house last winter. 去年冬天他们在建一座房子。


Little Tom was always asking many questions. 小汤姆总是会问许多的问题。

4.动词come, go, leave, start, arrive等表示位置转移的动词用过去进行时表示过去将要发生的动作。

如:They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai. 他们想知道我们什么时候去上海。



Lily wrote a letter to her aunt last night. 莉莉昨晚给她阿姨写了封信。(信已写完了。)

Lily was writing a letter to her aunt last night. 莉莉昨晚一直在给她阿姨写信。(强调写的动作一直在进行,信不一定写完。)



本单元重点解决陈述句的间接引语。(预备知识:  1 陈述句 2 疑问句  3 祈使句。对于初上讲台的教师,要懂得铺垫这些知识的重要性。)





参见课文例句page 27
“I am not  mad at Marcia anymore.” Lana told us.

 “我不再对Marcia生气了。” Lana说。

→Lana told us that she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore.

Marcia said to everyone, “I am not going to have  the surprise party.”


→Marcia told everyone that she wasn’t going to have the surprise party. 



If 的用法


What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?


If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to-------


当if 引导条件状语从句时,表示“如果”时,必需要用现在时态替代将来时,类似还有连词as long as  unless  before  while  when  if  once  the moment  as soon as

I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow, if it rains tomorrow, I won’t go camping with you.前面的if表示是否,用将来时态,后面的 if 才表示条件。


 1   如果你不马上走的话,你就会迟到。


2  你看医生之前,什么东西都不可以吃。


3  你们不来,我们不会出发。

4  在汤姆回来前,我不会告诉你的。

5  没洗手前,别吃东西。


1  If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.

2  If you are ill, you’ll have to see the doctor.

You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor

= You mustn’t eat anything before you see the doctor.

3  We won’t start until you come.

4  I won’t tell you until Tom comes back.

5  Don’t eat until you wash your hands



 尝试一下倒过来翻译(keys included)


 live on a space station_________________    

 live in an apartment with my best friends _______________  

people in the future _________________  

do the same things as us _______________be fun to watch_______________

 There will be more robots everywhere._______________

 Look for people under buildings___________________


 Stay at home every night _________________  talk about it on the phone _________________   write a letter to him___________________      Borrow some money from sb. ____________

Has the same haircut as I do ______________    advice for sb. ___________

Plan sth. For sb. ______________  What to do __________ everyone else _________

be popular at school __________   Lots of things you could do _____________


At ten o’clock in the morning ________________     

a cat in a tree  ___________

buy sth at the train station_____________

running with another dog________________________  

events in history__________


 What was happening outside ______________     

got really mad at  ___________       get over it   ___________        students in a poor mountain village _________

teach in rural areas ___________   

2,000 meters above sea level ___________

life in the mountain____________ 

no difference between you and them _________________          

a good start in life ___________                              

doctors without borders _____________

sick people in poor countries ___________


The rules for school parties ___________   old people’s home visit _________-

children’s hospital visit ____________


A friend of my father’s  ____________    a map of the world ___________

Nothing in the world__________         what on earth__________

first of all__________



 live on a space station  在太空站生活  

 live in an apartment with my best friends 同我最好的朋友们住在公寓里 

people in the future 未来的人们 

do the same things as us 同我们做相同的事情

be fun to watch  观看起来趣味盎然

 There will be more robots everywhere.到处将会有更多的机器人

 Look for people under buildings寻找建筑物下的人们


 Stay at home every night 每晚逗留在家

 talk about it on the phone 在电话上谈论它

write a letter to him   给他写一封信 

Borrow some money from sb. 从某人那儿借一点钱

Has the same haircut as I do同我的发型一样    advice for sb. 给某人的忠告

Plan sth.for sb.为某人计划某事 

What to do 去做什么everyone else 别的每一个人

be popular at school 在学校很受人欢迎  

Lots of things you could do 你可以做的许许多多的事情


At ten o’clock in the morning 在早晨10点钟  

a cat in a tree 在树上的一只猫

buy sth at the train station在火车站卖东西

running with another dog同另外一只狗奔跑  events in history历史上的大事件


 What was happening outside 外面正在发生着什么

got really mad at 对---真正发狂     

get over it  (自己)把作业做掉      

students in a poor mountain village 在贫困山区村庄的学生们

teach in rural areas在郊区教书   

2,000 meters above sea level 海拔高于2,000米

life in the mountain山区的生活  

no difference between you and them他们和你之间没有区别         

a good start in life 生活中的良好开端

doctors without borders 无国界的医生

sick people in poor countries 穷国的病人


The rules for school parties 学校晚会的规定 

old people’s home visit  参观敬老院

children’s hospital visit 参观儿童医院

travel around the world 环球旅行

crazy enough 足够的疯狂         everybody else 别的每一个人

a friend of my father’s 我父亲的一位朋友    a map of the world 世界地图

nothing in the world  根本没有什么东西         what on earth  究竟是什么

first of all 首先(在所有当中顺序排第一)          


1. in the future
in the future
意为“将来,一段时间之后的事”;in future意为“今后”,可解释为from now on,如:
The little boy didn’t know what he would do in the future, but he did know that he wouldn’t talk with Bob in future because they had just had a big fight.

2. fall  (过去式:fell;过去分词:fallen)
fall down  跌倒, 例如:He fell down to the ground.
fall in love with  爱上某人或某物, 例如:
He fell in love with her.
fall into  掉入, 例如:
He fell into the river.
fall onto 跌倒在…之上, 例如:
He fell onto the ground from his bike.
fall off  从…跌落下来, 例如:
He fell off his bicycle.
3. talk 的用法

talk about sth. 意思是“谈论某事”, 例如:
Now let’s talk about your homework. 现在我们来谈谈你的作业。

talk with sb. 意思是“和某人交谈”, 例如:
My mother is talking with my English teacher. 我妈妈在和我的英语老师交谈。

talk to sb.意思是“对某人谈”, 例如:
The teacher is talking to the students. 老师在对学生们谈话。
talk over sth.作“讨论某事”解,宾语是代词时须位于副词over之前, 例如:
They talked over the matter at table.他们吃饭时讨论了这个问题。

give a talk意思是“作一个报告”

注意要表示 “告诉某人某事”时,须用tell sb. about sth.这样的结构。
4. argue with sbdiscuss
argue 重在就自己的看法、立场提出论证说理,以说服他人。而 discuss 重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分, 如:

I argued with him for a long timebut he refused to listen to reason.

The women were discussing hats. 女人们在谈论帽子。
argue on / about sth. 就…进行辩论
argue with sb.about sth.就某事与某人一起辩论
5. enough “足够的,充足的

be+ adj.+enough to do sth.的句型,意为“足以能……”,如:
She has drunk enough water/water enough. 她已经喝了足够的水。
I'm strong enough for this work. 我够强壮,足以能胜任这项工作。
The boy is not old enough to go to school. 这孩子不够上学的年龄。
He runs fast enough. No one can catch up with him.

    The man never has enough. 这个人永远不知足。

    I've had enough,thank you. 我吃饱了,谢谢。
6. find, find outlook for

    Jim couldn’t find his hat.吉姆找不着帽子了。

    I can't find my book.我找不到我的书。
look for意为“找,寻找”是持续性动词,强调动作,不表示结果,如:
    She is looking for her son.她正在找她的儿子。

    I’m looking for my watch. 我正在寻找我的手表。

比较:He can’t find his pen. 他找不到他的钢笔了。
 --- What are you looking for? 你在干什么?
--- I’m looking for my maths book. I can’t find it.
find out
作经过打听,询问 后搞清楚,弄明白。或指“查明”的动作,“经过调查”发现,查明真相,如:
    I can find out the truth of the fact. 我能查出事实的真相。

7. be angry with sb;be angry at sth

(1)表示“对某人生气”,可以说 be/get/become angry with sb.也可说be/get/become angry at sb.前者更普遍,后者更侧重于:“对某人的言行生气”。如:
Mother got angry at(with)me only because I had broken a precious cup.妈妈对我发火,只是因为我打破了一只贵重的杯子。
I was very(rather)angry at what he said.我对他所说的话非常生气。

(2)表示“因某事生气”,可说be/get/become angry at sth.也可说be/get/become angry about sth.如:
He was angry at(about)what I said.他对我所说的感到生气。
She was angry at being kept waiting.她因别人让她久候而生气。
8. on the tree和in the tree表示“在树上”既可以用on也可以用in,但用的词不一样,所隐含的意思也就不一样:
in the tree通常表示所提物体不是树上长出来的,而是挂在、落在或是停歇在树上,如:
    The birds are singing in the trees. 鸟在树上唱歌。

    The child is staying in the tree. 小孩呆在树上。
on the tree通常表示所提物体是树上长出来的部分,如:
 They are busy picking the apples on the trees.他们正忙着摘树上的苹果。

 There aren’t many oranges on the tree. 这棵树上桔子不多。
9. the same… as 同……一样的
    Meet me at the same time tomorrow. 明天的这个时间和我见面。

pron. 同样的事物,如:
    I would do the same again. 我愿意重做一次。
the same…as 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物很相像,但并不是同一个,如:
    Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。
the same … that = one and the same 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物完全一致,完全一样,如:
    He was wearing the same shirt (that) he'd on the day before.
    他穿的那件衬衫, 是他前一天穿过的同一件衬衫。

       I went out the same way (that) l'd got in. 我顺着进来的原路出去了。
10. help with + n. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事,如:
    He often helps me with my English.= He often helps me to study English.

11. bored boring.
bored 表示被动的含义,例如:

    I feel bored about it. 它使我感到乏味。
boring 表示主动的含义,例如:
    It is very boring to study English. 学习英语很无聊。
12. surprise 动词“使惊奇”,如:You surprise me! 你吓了我一跳!
(1)surprise 还可以作为名词“惊奇,吃惊”;“可惊的事情, 意外的事情”。作为“令人吃惊的事情,意外的事情”是可数名词,如:

What a surprise! 多么令人吃惊的事!
Don't tell him about the present — it's a surprise.

(2)surprising 形容词“令人吃惊的”,表示主动的含义,如:
They have heard the surprising news. 他们听到了那惊人的消息。
(3)surprised  形容词“感到惊讶的”,表示被动的含义,如:
I am surprised at you. 我对你的举动感到诧异。
(4)to one's surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是,如:
To my surprise,I found him sing well. 使我吃惊的是他歌唱得很好。

二. 重点结构
  There be 结构变形:在there be结构中还可把be改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变具体总结如下:
1. There used/seem/happen/appear to be,如:
    There might be snow at night. 晚上可能有雪。

    There appeared to be nobody willing to help. 看来没人愿意帮忙。

    There used to be a building here. 过去这儿有一座楼房。

    There happened to be a man walking by. 碰巧有个人在此经过。

    There doesn't seem to be much hope. 好象没有太大的希望。

2. 在there be的be前还可以加上各种情态词,如:

    There must be something wrong.     一定有问题。

    There ought not to be so many people. 不应该有这么多的人。

    There might still be hope.       可能还有点希望。

3. 特殊的表达方式:

(1)There is no sense in doing. 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的

  There is no sense in making him angry. 跟他生气是没有用的。

  There in no sense in going alone.    一个人去是没有好处的。

(2)There is no need to do.        没有必要做某事
  There is no need to worry.       没有必要担心。

  There is no need to give him so much money. 根本没有必要给他那么多的钱。

(3)There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有

There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer.

(4)There is no doing(口语)不可能
  There is no telling when he will be back. 无法知道他什么时候回来。

  There is no knowing what he is doing.   无法知道他在做什么。



 UNIT 6 How long have you been collecting shells?





Talk about how long you have been doing things 谈论你某事的时间长度


Present perfect progressive 现在完成进行时态

Simple past tense 一般过去时态

Present progressive tense现在进行时态


How long have you been skating? I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.

When did you start skating? I started skating at nine o’clock. Students are skating at the Hilltop School.


Inline skating 纵列式滑冰marathon 马拉松skate滑冰 stamp邮票 shell贝壳 collect收集 globe球体 monster怪物 particularly独特地 run out of用完  be interested in对….感兴趣


----Alison, how long have you been skating?

-----I’ve been skating for five hours.

how long是用来提问时间长短或距离长短的特殊疑问词。

How long do you read English every day?

How long is the street?



I’ve lived in China for 2 years.

I’ve know him for more than 20 years.

注意:since+表示过去某一时刻的词或词组,也常用于现在完成时,表示从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态。此外,since也可以作连词,后面跟表示时间的从句,表示“自从某个动作发生以来”,从句的时态用一般过去 时,而且动词是非延续性动词。但主句动词一定是延续性动词。

He has lived here since 2000.

She has studied English since 3 years ago.

The teacher has taught here since he left school.

have been doing


What books have you been reading these days?

I have been sitting here all afternoon.

How long have you been in class today?

been是系动词be的过去分词形式。Be有多种形式:一般现在时形式是 am ,is, are,过去式was, were现在分词形式是being.

have been in…在。。。多长时间了

I have been in the cinema for 3 hours.

辨析:have been in, have gone to与have been to

三者都是现在完成时态,“have/has been+地点”表示去过某处,现在已经回来了,不在那里了;而“have/has gone to+地点”则表示到某处去了,现在还没有回来,可能在去的途中,也可能在那里或返回的途中;“have /has been in+地点”表示某人在某处待了多长时间。试比较:

He has been to Beijing.

He has gone to Beijing.

He has been in Beijing for 2 years.

When did you get your first pair of skates?

pair n.一对,一双,一副,一把,一条

a pair of glasses. three pairs of stockings.

a pair of还可以用来表示由两部分构成的一件物品,意思是“一条”“一把”“一副”等如:

Mother bought her son a pair of trousers for the Spring Festival.

You must be careful to use this pair of scissors.

[注]a pair of短语表示上述含义时,如果在句子中作主语使用,那么句子的动词用单数形式,即与pair的数量保持一致。如果用代词,则用it来代替这一短语。

The pair of shoes is very nice. Try it on, please.

The pair of scissors is so sharp that it cuts his hands.

since I was 7 years old自从我7岁时起



Where have you been since I last saw you?

It’s just a week since we arrived here.

I haven’t seen her since I’ve been back.


He hasn’t been home since 2000.


Since I have no money, I can’t buy a new car.

I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon Here, students are skating to raise money for charity.


1.([同]lift)举起;抬起。如:raise one’s hand ;   raise a weight。

2. ([同]bring up)养育,饲养;种植。如:raise a family; raise sheep。

3.  ([同]set up)建立;竖起。如:raise a monument

4.提高,升高。如:raise price; raise one’s voice。

5.征收,招募,筹集。raise money


to raise money for charity作状语,表示目的。动词不定式作状语,在句中可用来表示目的、结果、原因等。如:

She got up early to catch the train.

I called her to give her my best wishes.

He was too excited to speak.

I’m pleased to see you again.

For every hour they skate, each student raises ten Yuan for charity.





He gave a book to each of his parents.

Every comrade was there and each did his work.


Every man and woman knows that

4.each作为形容词,修饰单数名词,接单数动词。作为代词,单独使用,接单数动词;放在复数名词和代词后作同位语,接复数动词each of them。后可接单数或复数动词。如:

Each man carries his own bag. We each have our own office.

Each carries his own bag.     Each of them are/is here.


Each carries their/his own bag.

Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole 5 hours.

  one pron. 代替(单数人或物)

  She is the first one to school today.



----Which one do you prefer? ----I prefer the red one.

2.当替代不可数名词时不用one只用 that。如:

The population of China is much larger than that of America.

3.it 替代同类事物中的同一件事情。如:

----Do you like the game? ----Yes,I like it.

4.whole adj.全部的,全体的,所有的(同义词是all, entire);整个的,不少于。。。的

the whole nation      the whole country    the whole year    the whole days

whole 与 all的区别:


all my life=my whole life; the whole school=all the school

whole一般不修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰可数名词复数时一般前面有数量词,而all能用于各种情况中。 three whole days “三整天”,all the money“所有的钱”,不说 the whole money。

Lu Ning has been skating for 4 hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.


1.      ago表示从现在算起一段时间“以前”,和动词的一般过去式连用。放在所修饰词后面。如:

I knew him many years ago.

Long long ago, there were quite a lot of trees on the hill.

2。  before则用于表示从过去某个时候算起若干时间以前,通常与完成时连用。如:

I’ve never heard of her before.

He told me he had finished his composition a day before.

注意:ago和before的前面也可以跟具体的时间,表示“多少时间之前”。如:three month ago/before“三个月之前”;a year ago/before


When did you start?



1.  begin可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词,作为及物动词,后面可跟不定式或动名词,意思相同。如:

 They will begin their meeting at 7:00. He began to eat his breakfast.

 We shall begin building a school.

2.  begin with是“以。。。。开始”的意思。如果with后无宾语,是“首先”的意思。如:You had better begin with this book.

 To begin with, he is too young. Secondly, he hasn’t finished his studies.

3. start也表示“开始”但着重表示突然开始的动作,因此常常表示“开始”“发动”的意思,作不及物动词时相当于begin to do,作及物动词时,后可跟动名词。如:

As soon as we got there, it started to rain.

He couldn’t start the car. He started to work at once.

I started at 7 and arrived at 9.

I collect shells because they are beautiful. I’d like to collect stamps because they are interesting.

because conj. 因为;因。。。而

I was angry because he was late. I didn’t go because I was afraid.

辨析:because, since, as与for

都是表示“原因”的连词:以上连词的语气由强至弱依次为because---since---as---for;其中because, since, as为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;for为并列连词,连接两个并列句。


-----Why don’t you buy it? -----because I have not enough money with me.

We stayed at home because it rained.

2. since“因为,既然”侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由,如:

Since everyone is here, let’s begin.

3. as “由于,鉴于”,主从句并重,从句说明原因,主句说明结果,为常用词。如:

As it was late, I must hurry up.

4. for“因为,由于”,表明附加或推断的理由,引导的从句前常常有逗号,for从句不放句首。如:He must be ill, for he isn’t here today.

since he was ten years old自从他十岁以来


1.since conj. “自从”,可以与完成时连用。如:

Where have you been since I last saw you?

They have seen each other often since they met.


It is just a week since we arrived here.

3.since 用作介词,常与完成时连用。如:

   I have not heard from him since last year.

   He has been happy since then.

4.表示“从那时起一直到现在”用 ever since。如:

The Shutes went to London in 1980 and have lived there ever since.



We stayed there for 3 days.

The Christmas holidays last for a month every year.

We’ll be away for the next ten days.

I have been studying in this school for 5 years.

2.  for也可以用于过去完成时的句子里,表示动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直持续到过去另一时刻。如:

John had lived in Paris for ten years when I met him.

3.since着眼于动作在过去某一时刻开始,持续到说话时,因此since后面要于时间的某个点在一起,不能和表示一段时间的短语连用,如不能说since six months,而可以说  since six months ago。如:

He’s lived here since he was born.

Mr. Hu has been teaching here since 1982.

4.当since和for与完成时连用时,两个词容易混淆。 for强调事情延续的时间。Since强调事情是什么时候开始的。如:

She has been in the U.S.A since six years ago.

She has been in the U.S.A for six years.

My mother says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them.



Is there enough room/space foe me in the car?

make room for sb./sth.

Can you make room on that shelf for more books?

run out of用完,用尽

They have run out of ink.

辨析:run out与run out of

1.run out“用完了”其主语通常为时间、事物、金钱等名词。如:

His money soon ran out.

2. run out of“用完了”,表示主动含义,主语一般是人。如:

He is always running out of money before payday.

I particularly love globes with animals.



A woman with two children was seen walking down the road.

I agree with you there.

Take an umbrella with you.

With these words, he left the room..

Things go well with us.


With a medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.

I like sleeping with windows open at night.

The women are walking along the street with babies on their backs .


Don’t be angry with that old man.


This coat is too big for me, please give me another one.

辨析:one other, one another与each other

1.      one other 相当于another,作定语,后接名词。如:

There is one other(another) thing to do.

2. one another和each other都可以作同位语和宾语,但不作主语,两者的意思是“相互,互相”,在当代英语里可以通用。

We should help each other(one another).

I’d like to start a snow globe collectors’club.




my mother’s handbag    Liu Ying’s book


the teachers’ office      passengers’ luggage

3.  不以–s结尾的复数名词,则加’s.如:

Women’s Day      men’s suits


the hand of the clock     the library of our school    a room of a hotel


two months’ time     the earth’s atmosphere     China’s light industry   a pound’s worth


Tom and Mary’s father      Tom and Mary’s book

By the way, what’s your hobby?


by the way顺便问一下

by the way, where is the hospital?


all the way; by the way; on one’s way to; on the way

show sb. the way; this way, please

 The school newspaper needs a writer.


vt. 意思是“需要”,后接名词表示“需要什么东西”“需要做某事”,有两种形式: 1,need doing; 2,need to do.两者的区别是,当主语是人时,表示“某人需要做某事”用need to do sth;当主语是物时,用need doing sth。如:

 I need a bike. Do you need your dictionary?

 I need to have a rest.  Our classroom needs cleaning every day.


 You needn’t go home for lunch. Need they come into the room?

 He needn’t answer the question.

 My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was hard to understand, but I don’t really agree.


vi. 反义词是disagree

1.agree with+某人或表示“意见”“看法”的词。如:

He agrees with me.

2.  agree to+表示“提议”“办法”“计划”的词。如:

I agree to the plan.

3.  agree on+表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动的词(这时,主语是协商一件事的人们或单位)如:

We agreed on the question.

4.  agree to do sth同意做某事

We agreed to start early.

5.  agree+(that)从句 同意,赞同。。。

She agreed that I was right.

For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.

the more…the more…越。。。,越。。。

The more we listen to the teacher, the more we understand.


1.The +比较级, the+比较级

The more, the better.   The higher, the colder

2.more and more越来越多


 More and more waste will be produced with the development of industry.


 More and more students will realize the importance of studying English.


Unit 6单元练习:

Ⅰ.Complete the following words we’ve learned in this unit.

_oll_ _t      sh_ll       s_ve_al          c_mm_n     

p_l_te      _il_age      p_ _ti_ul_ _ly

Ⅱ.Look at the following pictures and complete the dialogue.

  1.A: Hi, there. When did you start _____________?

  B: At nine o’clock.

  A: So you’ve _____________ skating for …

  B: I’ve been skating for five hours.

  A: Your fee will _____________ ten yuan.

  2.A. When _____________ you start studying English?

  B: In 1997.

  A: So you have been _____________English since 1997.

  B: Yes. I have been studying _____________ for seven years.

  3.A: What do you _____________ ?

  B: I collect _____________.

  A: How long have you been _____________ stamps?

  B: I have been collecting stamps _____________ I was a child.

  A: You are great.

  B: Thank you.

Ⅲ.Match the words with the pictures. 将词与图画搭配起来。

  1.pair______________  2.polite________________


  4.collector___________  5.inline_________________



Ⅳ.Complete the sentence with the correct verb or time phrase. 选词填空。

  will he be/have you been/since he was three/did you/have you/three years ago

  1.Lukas started collecting_____________.

  2.How long _____________collected records?

  3.How long _____________buying early Elvis albums?

  4.Mark’s been collecting _____________.

  5.By the way, _____________start guitar lessons?


Ⅴ.Match the responses with the questions.把问题和答语连接起来。

Responses      Match

  1.She collects sea shells.

  2.Because she loves the pretty colors.

  3.She’s been collecting for three years.

  4.Yes, she would.

  5.She’d like to collect rare stamps.


  (a) Would she like to collect anything else?

  (b) Does Gabriella have a hobby now?

  (c) What else would she like to collect?

  (d) Why does she do it?

  (e) How long has she been collecting?


Ⅵ.Look at the pictures and complete the article. 看图完成下列短文。


  Meals are more important than just eating food. They are social occasions and are sometimes business occasions as w________. It is d _________to know how to deal w___________ every food but a good tip is to f___________ your host. In a formal western meal, it might be uncommon to have a variety of forks and spoons beside the plate. If you are not sure, simple wait until someone else starts and follow their e__________. H________, sometimes this is not the best a________. Once, the King of England had a dinner party for twenty g__________. After the meal, c__________ was served at the table. The King took his coffee cup off the saucer and his twenty guests followed his example. He then poured some cream into the saucer and his guests did the same. However, he then put the saucer on the floor…he was merely giving a treat for his d_____________.      



Ⅱ.1.skating, been, reach

  2.did, studying, English

  3.collect, stamps, collecting, since

Ⅲ.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.E

Ⅳ.1.three years ago

  2.have you

  3.have you been

  4.since he was three

  5.did you

Ⅴ.1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(e) 4.(a) 5.(b)

Ⅵ.well, difficult, with, follow, example, However, advice, guests, coffee, dog



 UNIT 7 Would you mind turning down the music?





Make requests提出请求 Apologize道歉


Would you mind+ gerund(formulaic) Would you mind+动名词

will for intentions will表意愿的用法

could for polite requests  could用于有礼貌的请求


Would you mind moving your bike?

Not at all. I’ll do it right away.

Could you please take out the trash?

Sorry, I’ll do it right away.


Mind 介意yard院子 dish碟 poster海报 take 拿走order定购 annoy使生气 cut in line插队 right away立刻 in a minute一会


----Would you mind turning down the music?

----No, not at all.



Do you mind my smoking?

I don’t mind what he said and did.

Would you mind closing the window?


She is minding her baby.

Don’t mind me.


Jack changed his mind at last.

I told him my mind. Speak your mind freely.

not at all“一点也不”,用在否定句中,加强语气,表示程度。

I don’t like fish. I don’t like fish at all(加强语气)

Would you mind …?你介意做。。。吗?


其结构是Would you mind+动名词+其他?

I’m sorry, I’ll do it right away. OK, I’ll do them in a minute.

right away

“马上,立即”,意义相近的短语还有:at once, right off ,right now等。

The boy ran into the room right away

We will clean and tidy our classroom right now.

辨析:just, just now与 right now



  I have just bought a new dictionary. The train has just left.

2. just now“刚才”,意同a moment ago, a short time/while ago,用于过去时。

Mr. Li went into his office just now.

I met my good friend Jim in the street just now.

3. right now“立刻,立即”,多用于将来时。

 Mr. Hu will tell us the result right now.

 in a minute

“一会儿”。类似的表达还有soon, in a few minutes, in a few seconds等,多用于将来时,表示即将去做某事。

 Hold on for a moment. I will clean the room in a minute.

 Please wait for me for a few minutes



After two hours, they got to the top of the hill.

I found my lost pen after a long time.I will go to see my uncle in a week.

 If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight.

 辨析:work, job与task

1. work泛指工作,是不可数名词。由此组合而成的homework, housework等也是不可数名词。

It is interesting/hard work. I have a lot of homework to do.

If you…we can go.这是一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。



If I am free tomorrow, I will see my uncle.

If it doesn’t rain, we will go swimming.

与这种规则类似的还有:当 when, as, as soon as等引导时间状语从句时,若主句为将来时,从句也需要用一般现在时。

When Tom comes, I will call you.

I will write to you as soon as I get to Beijing.

Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.


give sb. a haircut=cut one’s hair

 The barber gave Tom a haircut=The barber cut Tom’s hair.

have one’s hair cut

意为“去理发”,主语为“被理发的人”。其中cut 为过去分词,这种“have sth+过去分词”的结构,表示自己不能独立完成,而要求别人代劳。

I will go to the barber’s to have mu hair cut.

John had his watch repaired yesterday.

sth. doesn’t /didn’t work 某物出故障了(坏了)

如:Tom 的自行车坏了,可译为:

Tom’s bike is broken. Tom’s bike doesn’t work.

There is sth wrong with Tom’s bike

This shirt is too big, Would you mind giving me a small one?

辨析:very, too, so, quite与 rather



Tom is very careful. Li Qiang got to school very early.

2.  too“太。。。”一般表示“相对某人而言”,如果换了对象,可能就不“太。。。”了。

It is too hard for me to answer the question.

That coat is too small(for Mary).

3.  so“如此。。。那么。。”往往表明某一事物的程度会引起另一种后果。换言之,so所修饰的人或物表示原因,后面会有表示结果的句子。

The man was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.

He ran so fast. I couldn’t keep up with him.

4.表示“一个相当。。。的某物”quite a nice book=rather a nice book=a rather nice book=a very nice book。

“那是一辆相当漂亮的小汽车”根据以上提示可以用多种表达:That is a very beautiful car. That is rather a beautiful car. That is quite a beautiful car.但要注意That is a quite beautiful car的表达方式是不正确的,这也恰是我们常犯的错误之一。

I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading.

get, become或turn作系动词


若主语为“某物”系动词可用get, become或turn.

It’s getting warmer and warmer. His face turned red.


His father got angry when he heard the news.

Li Lei became a doctor last year.


vt使人恼火.  annoyed adj 恼火的 annoying adj 令人恼火的

annoy people      annoying things     I get annoyed

Please forget that annoying thing.

If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the term“etiquette”.

spend  花费,度过(时间)

I spent two weeks at the country.

Jenny likes spending her weekends with her parents.

辨析:pay, spend, cost与take


sb +pays(paid)+金钱数+for+sth           .(pay…for)

sb+spends(spent)+金钱数+(in)buying+sth   (spend …(in) doing)

sb+spends(spent)+金钱数+on+sth         (spend…on)

sth+costs(cost)+sb+金钱数               (cost)


  sb+spends(spent)+时间段+(in)doing+sth      (spend….in doing..)

  sb+spends(spent)+时间段+on sth.              (spend…on)

  It takes(took)+sb.+时间段+to do sth.


It is possible to get there on time.

It is impossible for me to catch up with Wang Qiang.

You should speak English as much as possible every day.

Bill got up as early as possible today.

I will help you with your homework if possible.

以上几句中的as possible, if possible可以替换为as sb. can或if sb. can.

Maria is studying Chinese as hard as possible.

=Maria is studying Chinese as hard as she can.

Peter ran to the big tree as quickly as he could.

We will visit our English teacher if possible = We will visit our English teacher if we can.


Unit 7单元练习(1)

Complete these sentences into English:(两种做法)


Would you                           the TV?

Could you                         the TV?


            you                   the window?

            you                   the window?


Would you                           here?

Could you                        here?


             you                       so lazy?

             you                     so lazy?


Would you                          in line?

Could you                          in line?


Would you                                    ?

Could you                                    ?


Would you                 a little           ?

Could you                 a little           ?

你介意不烦我吗? (你别烦我好吗?)

Would you                                 ?

Could you                                 ?


            you                                    to me?

    Could you                                              ?


                                                for her?

                                                for her?

Unit 7 单元练习(2)


I. 判断下列每组单词划线部分有几种读音。(5分)

A. 一种读音 B. 两种读音 C. 三种读音 D. 四种读音

16. such until computer ruler

17. parrot advice radio grade

18. fold body robot moment

19. food school zoo moon

20. dress lesson begin depend


21. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.

22. There is a tall _________ (build) in front of the post office.

23. I can do my homework by _________ (I).

24. Today is Sunday. Let's go ________ (skate).

25. Please buy some _________ (toothbrush) for them.

Part Two. 同步语法: (10分)

A. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)

26. They _________ ( not have ) any classes next week.

27. Betty _________ ( write ) to her parents tomorrow.

28. Look at those clouds. It _________ (rain ).

29. He _________ ( read ) an English book now.

30. Look! Many girls _________ (dance) over there.

B. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(5分)

31. They clean the classroom every day.(用tomorrow代替every day)

They _________ _________ the classroom tomorrow.

32. Will the flowers come out soon? (作肯定回答)

_________, _________ _________.

33. We'll go out for a walk with you. (改为否定句)

We _________ _________ out for a walk with you.

34. Tonghua will have a fine day. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ Tonghua _________ a fine day?

35. The students will work in the supermarket.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ the students _________?

Part Three. 课本要点: (20分)

A. 单项选择。(10分)

36. —Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________.

A. No, they aren't B. No, they won't C. No, they don't D. No, they can't

37. There will be _________ pollution this year than last year.

A. fewer B. much C. less D. many

38. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _________ me?

A. with B. to C. on D. from

39. —Where is Miss Wang? —She went to Hainan Island last week and will return _________ six days. A. ago B. later C. behind D. in

40. —_________ will they play? —They will play football.

A. What subject B. What sport C. What food D. What language

41. I will see you again _________.

A. a day B. every day C. one day D. everyday

42. I hope your dream will _________.

A. come true B. come out C. come in D. come on

43. Everyone wants to _________ to the moon for vacations.

A. walk B. run C. swim D. fly

44. This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has _________ a huge body and the coat is _________ small.

A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so

45. —How many birds can you see in the trees?

—I can see _________ birds in them.

A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred of D. five hundreds of

B. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)

46. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

No one knows what will happen _________ _________ _________.

47. 电脑如今被人们广泛地使用。

The computers _________ widely _________ _________ people today.


Which _________ _________ _________ is the nicest picture?

49. 他的叔叔是一名宇航员。他去年在太空站工作。

His uncle is an _________. He worked on a _________ _________ last year.

50. 我到通化后,我就爱上了这座城市。

I _________ _________ _________ _________ this city after I got to Tonghua.

Part Four. 综合能力训练: (40分)

A. 完形填空。(20分)

We live in computer age (时代). People    51    scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago,    52    couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very    53    people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and    54    . But they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people    55    have them at home.

Computers become very important because they can work    56    than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can    57    people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to    58    . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to    59    . Computers can also remember what you    60    them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?

51. A. like B. as C. and D. with

52. A. students B. scientists C. teachers D. computers

53. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

54. A. cheap B. cheaper C. more expensive D. expensive

55. A. even B. still C. already D. yet

56. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower

57. A. help B. make C. stop D. use

58. A. write B. play C. study D. learn

59. A. sing B. study C. dance D. watch

60. A. put in B. put on C. put into D. put up




B. I. 16—20 DCBAB

II. 21. scientist 22. building 23. myself 24. skating 25. toothbrushes

Part Two. A. 26. 1. won't have 27. will write 28. will / is going to rain 29. is reading 30. are dancing

B. 31. will clean 32. Yes, they will 33. won't go 34. Will, have 35. Where will, work

Part Three.

A. 36. B 37. C。本句是一个含有比较级的句子。fewer 用来修饰可数名词,less 用来修饰不可数名词, 而句中的pollution是不可数名词,故选C项。 38. A。“同意某人(与某人意见一致)”要用agree with sb. 结构。39. D 40. B 41. C。one day意为 “将来有一天或过去曾经有一天”,可用于将来或过去时态句中。 42. A。该句意为“我希望你梦想成真。”四个选项中只有A项符合句意。 43. D 44. D。such主要修饰名词,so主要修饰形容词或副词。 45. A

B. 46. in the future 47. are, used by 48. do you think 49. astronaut, space station 50. fell in love with

Part Four. A. 51—55 ADABA 56—60 BAABC

B. 书面表达参考范文:


I like English. I want to be an English teacher in ten years. I'll teach my students as well as possible. I'll give my lessons in as much English as I can. I'll try my best to make my lessons lively and interesting. Besides, we all like listening to stories. So I'll try often to tell my students stories in English, so that they'll be interested in English and can improve their listening. I believe that I can become a good teacher

 UNIT 8 Why don't you get her a scarf?


Gift giving 送礼物


compare qualities比较质量


modal should 情态动词should 的用法 how about(formulaic) how about 惯用语的用法present perfect tense现在完成时态


What should I get Lisa?

How about a CD?

No, that’s too cheap.

What’s the best present you have ever received? A bike.


Album集子 comment评论 soon很快 suggestion建议 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 hamster仓鼠 spider蜘蛛 pig猪 perfect完美的 rabbit兔子 trendy流行 turtle海龟


Why don’t you get her a scarf?

Why don’t you do sth.?为什么不做某事呢?

表示商量和给对方的建议,否定式疑问句显得更委婉,更容易为对方所接受。通常也可以用Why not do sth.?来表达。如:

I can’t answer it, either. Why don’t you ask Mr. Liu?

I can’t answer it, either. Why not ask Mr. Liu?

Why don’t we go shopping together?

Why not go shopping together?



Where did you get the book?  Please get your coat clean.

I got him to call Jim. It gets worse and worse.

When did you get home last night?

We got more than ten English words last class.


get sb.sth=get sth. to sb 给某人买某物

这是动词后跟双宾语的用法,其中sb(某人)为间接宾语,sth(某物)为直接宾语。能跟双宾语的动词还有buy, give, show, pass, choose等

Lucy’s mother bought her a new scarf.

=Lucy’s mother bought a new scarf for her.

I gave Michael a diary as present

=I gave a diary to Michael as a present.

not friendly enough 不够友好


  adj.友好的,和善的。  be friendly to…对。。。友好

Our teacher is very friendly.

The girl is friendly to everyone.

You should be friendly to the people around.


1.英语中有adj. + ly =adv的规则。如careful----carefully, quick----quickly, happy----happily等。提醒大家,friendly尽管有后缀ly,但不是副词而是形容词。再如early既是形容词“早的”,又是副词“早早地”;lively为形容词“热闹的”“充满生机的”.

另外month---monthly, week---weekly, day---daily等,既是形容词“每月/周/日一次的”又是名词“月刊,周刊,日报”等。如English Weekly《英语周报》China Daily《中国日报》,切莫望文生义,看到后缀就将其误认为副词。

2.friend n朋友。.make friends with。。。和。。。交朋友; make friends again重归于好

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Danny is my best friend.

Would you like to make friends with me?

3.friendship  n. “友谊”。这是一个抽象名词,没有复数形式。

The friendship between us will be for ever.

I will never forget your friendship.

I think a dog is a good pet for 6-year-old child.

a 6-year-old child.

Li Bo is a 10-year-old boy.(=Li Bo is a boy of 10 years old.)


观察以上两句年龄作定语的不同。前句为“数词-year-old”三词合一,中间分别用连词符号连接,year用单数形式。后句为介词短语作后置定语,其中“数词,years, old”之间不再有连词符号,成为复数形式。

用a 6-year-old boy这种表达法完成句子时,若数词为8,11,18,80等,不定冠词需要用“an”,原因是这些数词在用英语表达时,第一个音素为原因音素。可能直接观察很容易疏忽,这也恰是检测的重点之一。如:Lily is an 8-year-old girl.



肯定陈述句:I think Wang Hai will come after school.

否定句:I don’t think Wang Hai will come after school.

一般疑问句:Do you think Wang Hai will come after school?

特殊疑问句:When do you think Wang Hai will come?

反意疑问句:I think Wang Hai will come after school, won’t he?


I believe they can reach there before five.

I suppose Betty is in her room.

Dogs are too difficult to take care of

take care of=look after照顾,照料,看管

Lily has to look after her mother. You must take care of yourself.

Mum told me to look after my own things.

sth. is/are+adj.+to do/It is+adj.+to do sth.

这种sth. is/are+adj.+to do通常用It is+adj.+to do sth.表示。其中it为形式主语,而真正的主语则是动词不定式短语,如上句可以改为It is difficult to take care of dogs.

That question is very hard for me to answer.

=It is very hard for me to answer the question.

Those apples are easy to reach. =It is easy to reach those apples.


用sth. is/are+adj.+to do句式表达时,动词不定式后务必不能加名词或代词作宾语,因为该句式的主语既是“某物”,从意义上说,“某物”不能把“某物”如何。这是我们在练习时很容易出现的失误。

[正]The box is hard to carry [误]The box is hard to carry it

Now she’s too big to sleep in the house

辨析:too..to与enough to…

1.    too…to…太。。。而不能。。。

 当“某人”作主语时,理解为“太。。。而不能。。。”若“某物”作主语时,则变为too…(for sb.)to…(某物)对某人来说太。。。而不能。。。。

 I am too tired to walk on. John got up too late to catch up with the bus.

 That question is too difficult for Jim to answer.

 The box is too heavy for me to carry.

2.    enough to…“足够。。。能够。。。”。因此句子的主语,同样是“某人/物”

Ben is old enough to go to school.

David is strong enough to lift the big stone.

That book is interesting enough for them to read.

The room isn’t big enough for us to live in.

Peter didn’t leave early enough to get there on time.


1.  too…to与enough to… 构成简单句式,只有一个主语。

2.  当“某物”作主语时,to do前加for sb., to do后不加宾语

3.  too, enough均为副词,所修饰的形容词或副词一定用原级

It is enough to make her very happy.

It指代上文提到的give his mother a leaf这件事,在句中作主语。

   Tom was late again. It made his teacher angry.

   It rained heavily yesterday. It stopped us from going out.


1.make sb.+adj.使某人如何

What he said made us excited.Tom’s answer made his teacher surprised.

2.make sb.+n.推荐某人当。。。

All of us made Liu Peng our monitor.They made me the group leader.

3.make sb.+v.使某人干某事。此时make为使役动词,当宾语(某人)后面加动词不定式作宾语补足语时,需要省略动词不定式符号to.

Jack’s father made him go there by himself.

The boss makes the workers work for 12 hours.

Gift giving is different in different countries.





The two pictures are different. The two pictures are not the same.

There are some differences between the two pictures.

But they are not opened. Later, the same gift may be given away to someone else.

give away送出去,赠送,分配

  Aunt Wang gave away the candies to the kids

  John gave away his notebook to me.

help sb. (to) do


Tom often helps me to study English.=Tom often helps me study English.

We help the farmers to pick apples last week

=We help the farmers pick apples last week.

In Sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift.

doing something动名词作主语。

Walking on the moon is very interesting.Having exercise is good for our health.

这种句式还可以用It is+ adj.+ to do sth.替换,其中it为形式主语,而to do sth.则是动词不定式短语作真正的主语。以上句子可以改写为:

It is very interesting to walk on the moon.

It is good for our health to have exercise.

In Sweden, it is the best gift to do something for someone.

…twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.

 by singing“以。。。的方式”,by为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。


 Peter is good at playing football.

 Many young people are interested in singing English songs.

 Thank you for asking me to your birthday party.

 Han Mei went to school without having breakfast.

 Peng Bo was tired after running.

Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.

 as well as像。。。一样好

as…as…  一样。。。


 Jack runs as fast as Bob.

 Wang Fang does her homework as carefully as Li Tian.

 This book is as interesting as that one.


 其否定结构是not as (so)…意为“与。。。不一样”“不如。。。”.

 I didn’t get up as early as my mother.

This coat isn’t so cheap as that one.

当表示两种程度相同时,只能用as…as…若两者程度不同,用否定式表达时,可以用not as…as..或not so…as…

….singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.

made her more interested in…使她对。。。。更感兴趣

此结构为make sb.+ adj.形式。

make sb.+ adj.

What he said made me happy.

That news made every one here surprised.

Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks English program?



现在完成时其中一种意义为“过去的动作对现在造成的影响和结果”。其陈述结构为“主语+助动词have (has)+过去分词+其他”。可用already(已经),ever(曾经)never(未曾)just(刚刚)recently(最近)before(以往,从前)等副词修饰动作,但不能与last year, yesterday, just now, two years ago等这样的时间状语连用。

I have already had breakfast.

He has never seen such beautiful pictures before.

Have you sent your letter yet?

It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.

suggest  v. 建议,提议

suggest doing sth.建议做某事(动名词作宾语)

suggest that+宾语从句

Ann suggested going to the Summer Palace next Sunday.

Mr. Huang suggested that we should wash our teeth every day.


Unit 8单元练习


1.相册 ______________________

2.个人电脑            ______________________

3.做饭                ______________________

4.在毕业典礼上        ______________________

5.宠物狗              ______________________

6.最好的礼物           _____________________

7.最好的礼物           ______________________

8.足够特殊的            ____________________


10.没有足够的创造性    ______________________

11.收到……的来信       _____________________

12.在他六岁生日那天     _____________________

13.最受欢迎的宠物      ______________________

14.一位八十岁的老奶奶  ______________________

15.分配                ______________________

16.主办……            ______________________

17.激励某人做某事     _______________________

18.代替……           _______________________


1.He is my_________ (特殊的)friend.

2.Thanks for your_________(建议).

3.What are you going to do after________(毕业)?

4.His plan is _________(完美).

5.He is _______(睡着的)when I left the room.


1.What’s the best gift your sister has ever r_______?

2.Her voice ____very sweet. The scarf is too____.

3.Have you got anything cheaper?

4.-_______should I get my mom for her birthday?

-Why _______get her a camera?

5.What do you _______by this word?

6.His pet watches TV_______the sofa every night.

7.He thought flowers were not creative______.

8.I think dogs are the_____popular pets.

9.Do you know the_______idea of his lecture?

10.Den became a lawyer after he ______.

11. There was no cola,so we have to drink water____.

12.I can take good care___myself.

13.Do you think the world’s population will_____?

14.He runs____than walk to school.

15.People like hamsters_______they are quiet and clean.

16.I want to buy a photo____and put all my photos in it.

17.Don’t s_______ too much time on computer games.

18.Many people like to keep small animals as their p___.

19.I’m going to i_______myself this year.

20.China will be the h_______for the 2008 Olympic Games.


1.Gift_______(give) is different in different countries.

2.He was reading an_______(interest)book.

3.This is a _______(person)letter.

4.We should be _______(friend)to others.

5.On my_______(ten) birthday ,I got a scarf.

6.It’s only a _______(usually)pet.

7.Hamsters are sometimes _______(noise)at night.

8.He’ll play soccer instead of_______(fly)kites.

9.A girl_______(name)Lily called you.

10.The boy was too tired.He fell_______(sleep)after a while.

11.How about_______(look)after the pet?

12. There are a lot of _______(hair) animals.

13.It’s a good chance for Chinese______(show)their talents.

14.The________(trendy)kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig.

15.How about ______(buy) a birthday cake for him?


1.It’s her birthday next week. What should I get her ?

 A. They are too expensive B. What about a bicycle? C. That’s a good idea.

2. A: I don’t like cats . Cats aren’t friendly enough. B: __ do I. A. So B. Neither C. too

3.-Have you ever been to Water World, Tom?

-No. I’ve __been there. A. ever  B. already   C. never

4.-Why don’t you get him some fast food ?-Oh no. __.

 A. That’s not healthy enough. B. That’s too healthy.

C. That’s delicious enough.

(  )5.-___ has Joe been playing baseball ?-Since he was ten years old.  

A. How often  B. When C. How long

(  )6.-Would you mind doing the dishes ?-________.

 A. Thank you B.OK. I’ll do them right away. C. You’re welcome

(  )7.-__pictures have you been drawing since you started to draw pictures ? -About 5 hundred.

 A. What    B. How much      C. How many

8.If it _ tomorrow, we __ go to the park.   

A. rains, won’t B. will rain, won’t C. rains, don’t

9.I first met Lisa three years ago. She____ at a radio shop at the time. 

A. has worked B. was working   C. worked

10.-Is this dog yours? -No, mine _there behind the door. 

A. is sleeping B. slept C. sleeps

11.You don’t need to describe her. I___ her several times. 

A. meet B. have met C. met



How long ______ you ______ ______ _____ ?


I’ve _______ ______ English ______ I was six years old.


How long______ Zhang Shan______ studying Japanese ?


She______ _______ ______ Japanese _______ six years .


How long ______ Teacher Zhang been ______ there ?


He has _____ ______ there ______ 1989.


She____ been_____ the piano___ three and ____half years.


I _____ ______ because they _______ beautiful.

6.他从十岁起就收集风筝。He _____been ______ ______ since he ______ ten years old.


It’s my___birthday___.What____I ___her ?


What’s_____ ____ gift you_____ ever ______ ?


______ are the _____ _______ pets.


In________,______something______someone_______ the best gift.


Dogs are too _________to _______ _______ ________.



What are the______ and _______of ________such a pet?

 UNIT 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?



Fun places好玩的地方


talk about past experiences谈论过去的经历


present perfect tense现在完成时态

simple past tense一般过去时态

present progressive as future现在进行时表将来时


Have you ever been to an amusement park?

No, I’ve never been to an amusement park.

Yes, I have. I went there last year.


Space museum天文馆 attraction有吸引力的人 board 甲板character 人物amusement park 游乐场water park 水上乐园Disneyland 迪斯尼 Donald duck唐老鸭 Mickey mouse米老鼠 roller coaster过山车


Have you ever been to an amusement park?你曾去过游乐园么?

ever adv曾经


Have you ever seen a dolphin?

My brother studied hard than ever.

This is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.


I studied as hard as ever

辨析:already, ever, yet与still

1.already adv“已经”。通常用于肯定句中,与现在完成时连用。Already一般不用于否定句中,但可用于疑问句中,表示期望对方做一个明确答复或表示一种惊讶,此时already常用于句末.

I have already seen the film.

Have you read the book already?

2.ever adv.“曾经”。用于现在完成时,多用于疑问句或表示最高级的从句。在否定句中一般用never(从来没有…..,从来不……)来代替not ever.

Have you ever visited the Great Wall? 你游览过长城么?

This is the best sweater that I have ever seen.

3.yet adv.“已经”。与现在完成时连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,通常用于句末。也可与not连用,用于简略回答中,意为“还没有”。

Has the train started yet?

I haven’t finished my homework yet.

4. still adv.至今还,现在仍然。常用于肯定句中。  

Tom is still here.

*** have been to +地点,去过某地

I have been to Beijng.

辨析:have been to +sp. ,have gone to +sp. 与have been in +sp

have been to +sp.表示去过某处,现在已经回来了,不在那里了。

We have been to Qingdao.

have gone to +sp.表示到某处去了,现在还没有回来,可能在那里或在去的途中

They have gone to Sydney.

have been in +sp. 表示在某处呆过多长时间。

How long have you been in China?

Me neither.我也没去过


adj. 后接单数名词,意为“两者都不”。

Neither of answers is right.

Pron.后面接介词of, 在加人称代词宾格或名次复数,但后面的谓语动词要用复数。 Neither answer is right.


She can’t reach the book on the shelf, and neither can I.

conj. 常于nor构成并列连词 neither….nor…(即不…也不…),在连接两个主语时谓语动词要和邻近的主语一致。

Neither I not he knows the man. Neither he nor I know the man.



关于常用于倒装句的连词由neither, nor 和so, 其中neither, nor用法相同,又用于否定的倒装,意为“也不”。So用于肯定的倒装,意为“也”。倒装句的句式具体如下:

1.否定句+neither/nor+ be(have,主动词或情态动词)+另一主语,表示“也不”。

If you won’t go, neither will I .

He isn’t a teacher, neither am I.

2,肯定句+so+ be(have,主动词或情态动词) +另一主语,表示“也”

She likes apples, so does her brother.

He is from the USA, so is his wife.

辨析 :neither, either 与both 的用法比较:

neither A nor B

Neither she nor I am right.

either A or B.

Either she nor I am right.

Both A and B.

Both she and I are right.

They are going to take the subway.他们打算乘地铁

take vt.  乘,搭(车,船等)

take the train乘火车  take a bus to work乘公共汽车上班

辨析:on, take与by

1.    on prep. “乘,骑”。表示状态,作表语、状语等,常构成短语:

on the bike (骑自行车),on the bus(乘公共汽车)

The boy on the black bike is my brother.

2.    take vt. 作“乘”讲,强调动作,作谓语。

We will take a taxi there.

3.    by  prep. “骑,乘”。后接交通工具,不加冠词,表示方式,作状语。

I go to school by bus.

Linda went to the zoo three times last year.


1.time  n..次,回

several times几次 the first time第一次


waste time浪费时间   Beijing time北京时间


What time is it?

It’s time for lunch.


The times are different.

In modern times


at that time在那时,  at times有时,   by the time…到什么时候,   every time每次,  in time 及时          on time 按时

most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney characters.大概我们大多数人都听说过米老鼠、唐老鸭和许多其它的迪斯尼著名的人物

辨析:hear, hear of 与hear from

1.hear v. 有“听见(强调结果)”和“听说(后可跟从句)”之意。

We listened but could hear nothing.

I heard that he was ill.

2.  hear of “听说,听到”,后跟名词或代词。

I’ve never heard of that village.

Tom disappeared and we never heard of him .

3.  hear from… “ 收到..来信,需要注意hear 后不跟a letter 等词,因其本身就有“收到…来信”之意

I heard from my sister last week.

Perhaps we have even seen them in movies .也许我们在电影中见过他们

perhaps adv. 或许,也许,有可能

Perhaps it will rain


perhaps 在句中的位置不同,其意思和语气也不相同,请看一下例句:

Perhaps he will leave for home. 也许他要离开这里回家去

He will perhaps leave for home. 他恐怕要离开这里回家去。

He will leave, perhaps for home. 他要离开这里,恐怕是回家去。

He will leave for home, perhaps. 也许他要离开这里回家去吧。

辨析:perhaps , probably 与 maybe

三者都是表“也许、大概的副词”。Perhaps“也许”,是“也许如此,也许不如此”的意思。Probably“大概”,肯定的成分比较大。Maybe 或许,比perhaps 普通,但不够庄重。

Perhaps Lucy will be there--- but perhaps she won’t.

The train has probably left.

Maybe he is a doctor.

For example , you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland , the roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.例如,在大多数游乐场中你会看见一个过山车,但在迪斯尼乐园里,过山车也以迪斯尼知名人物为主题。

辨析: For example 与 such as

For example 表示举例说明, 往往用“逗号”隔开; such as 表示列举。

For example ,Tom has the same opinion.

Do you often eat fruit such as oranges?


1.find vt “ 找到,发现”, 其后可以接名词,也可接宾语在加宾补。其宾补可由现在分词,过去分词,形容词,副词或名词担当。

I find Lin Tao clever

Don’t worry, I’ll find a way.

2.find 后可加从句。

I found that she was not clever.

3.Find +it (形式宾语)+adj. +to do sth 。 发现做某事……

I find it easy to drive a truck.

This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.这就意味着你会在过山车上发现迪斯尼知名人物。


1.mean vt “意味着”,表示一个人的言论或行为、某一标志或词语的意思所指。其后常接名词或宾语从句。

What do you mean? You mean that you can’t come tomorrow.

Missing the train means waiting another hour.


I mean to go next Monday.

*What do/does…mean by…?= What does …mean?  ……..是什么意思?其中by后跟名词、代词或v.-ing形式

And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time!


see sb.doing/do/done

see “看见”, 属于感官动词,后面通常接宾语,再接宾语补足语,有以下三种情况:

1.      see sb. doing sth. “ 看见某人在做某事” 表示补足语的动作正在进行,用现在分词。

When I came into the room, I saw Lily drawing a picture.

2.      see sb. do sth.“看见某人做过某事”,补足语的动作已经完成,动词用省略to的不定式形式。

I saw Lin Tao enter the office

3.see sb./sth.done “看见某人/物被…”过去分词表示动作与英语之间由被动关系。

I saw that woman taken to the hospital by the man .

You can take a ride on the boat for seberal days , and you sleep and eat to board.你可以在船上游览几天,你可以在船上睡觉、吃饭。


1.ride n. 骑,乘车,乘坐,骑马或乘车旅行(尤指为娱乐而进行的。。。)

We had a ride on a horse for an hour. I enjoyed my first train ride 。

2. * vt。 骑(马等),乘(车等)

ride a horse 骑马   ride a bicycle 骑自行车

3. vi。 骑马(或自行车等),骑(on),乘(on,in)

They rode across the fields. We like riding on /in a train for traveling

I‘d like to go to a Disney Cruise。  我想到迪尼斯游艇上去(游玩)。

would like“想,想要”。

有would like sth.; would like to do sth.和would like sb. to do sth.三种句型。其中would like相当于want但比want语气委婉.

I would like some apples. They would like to go to Sanya.

Would you like sth? 和 Would you like to do sth.?句型可以用来向对方礼貌的提出建议、邀请或询问。

Would you like to have a coat like this? Would you like to be with us?

Have you ever argued with your parents? 你曾和你的父母辩论过么?


1. vi. “争论,辩论” .其同义词是quarrel.  Argue with(或against) sb. about(或on) sth .与某人辩论某事。

I don’t want to argue with my mother.

We argued with our teachers about what our headmaster said.

2.vt 辩论,争论 

argue a matter out.把事情辩个水落石出


You won’t move that stone, however strong you are.

Leave my bedroom window open, however cold it is.



In one’s own home, one can act however one wishes.


 v. take是个多义词,在不同的语言环境中产生不同的意思,请理解并学会使用以下例句中的take。

Walk along the road, Take the second turning on the left.

It’s good for you to take a walk after supper.

Please take some notes when you’re listening.

Let’s start to take lessons! May I take a day off, Mr. Green?

You must take back what you said.

Maybe when I leave school I’ll think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide!


think about“考虑,想起”,可用于征求别人的意见,意为“认为”,相当于think of。

I’m thinking about when to see my grandmother in the country.

think about, think of与think over

1.think about意为“考虑,想起”。,后接名词、代词宾格、动名词或有疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句结构。

She doesn’t care what other people think about her.

I was thinking about what would happen next.

2.  think of意为“考虑,记起,想起”,表示“考虑”含义时可与think about互相替换,当表示“记起,想起”时,相当于remember,暗含不涉及具体内容。

   I’m thinking of buying a football for my son.

   I couldn’t think of her name at the moment when I saw her in the street.

3.  think over意为“(仔细、反复)地思考,考虑”

   Let’s think over the problem to see who can work it out first.

   You must think over what may happen before you begin with it.

rather  adv.相当,有点,稍微

I felt rather tired. He speaks English rather well.

rather than“宁愿…而不…,与其…不如…”,常用于平行结构中。

   I’d prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.

   I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.

On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese. 


more than=over多过,。。。。。。以上

   I lived in Shanghai for more than/over five years.

   More than/Over a hundred people lost their lives in that accident.

   more than 还表示“更多的,不止”。

   More than one person has made the suggestion.


three quarters 3/4,  英语中分数的表达法为分子为基数词,分母是序数词,分子如是1以上,分母用复数。注意四分之几的字母可用quarter,1/2用half。当分数作主语时,谓语的单复数视其后面的名词而定,如名词是复数,谓语动词用复数形式、名词是单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。

One third of the water is dirty.

Two thirds of the workers in our factory are young people.

…You won’t have any problem finding rice, noodles, or dumplings.


have problems(in) doing sth.


We had some problems getting to the top of the mountain.


该句型的否定句还可改成do something without any problems / difficulty / trouble

I didn’t have any problem finding the park=I found the park without any problems.




(    )1. Do you enjoy _________ at the party last Saturday ?

A. oneself       B. themselves       C. ourselves        D. yourselves

(    )2. We _________ in this school for about two years .

A. study       B. studied        C. will study     D. have studied

(    )3. Mr. Smith ________ an hour on this work .

A. spent      B. took      C. used      D. paid

(    )4. Mr. Li wants me ________ some water for him.

    A. get     B. to get    C. getting    D. gets

(    )5. We can’t call John Henry Brown_______.

    A. John    B. Mr. John   C. John Brown    D. Mr. Brown

(    )6.. In English, the last name is the ______.

    A. given name    B. family name   C. middle name    D. full name

(    )7.I'm hungry. I want ____ to eat.

A. something delicious  B. anything delicious                                               

C. delicious something    D. delicious anything

(    )8.It takes more than one hour ___the train from Beijing to Tianjin.

        A. take   B. takes  C. to take  D. taking

(     )9.The father wished the twins to be doctors, but _________of them

liked to study medicine.
A. both
  B. neither   C. either  D. none
()10.-Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.—I am sorry, Jean. But I think I will have a______________ holiday soon.
    A. four-days  B. four-day   C. four days  D. four day
(    )11.It's getting dark. Please ________________ the light.
    A. turn off  B. turn on   C. turn down  D. turn up

(    )12.—May I speak to John?
     —Sorry, he __________Japan. But he__________in two days.
A. has been to, will come back    B. has gone to, will be back
C. has been in, would come back   D. has gone to, won't come hack
(    )13.I won’t go to the cinema. Please ask Mary to go _____.

    A. instead of B. instead     C. also      D. for

(    )14.She ________ to Shanghai. She isn’t here.

A. goes    B. went   C. is going      D. has gone

(    )15.Who sits behind you? No one ________ .

       A.sits    B.do    C.is    D.does


1.We like both English and math . (改为否定句)

  We like _______ English _______ math.

2.Where are you from? (改为同义句)
Where ___ you ____ from?

3.Why not get up early? (改为同义句)Why ___ ___ get up early?

4.I like spring best. (改为同义句)I like spring____ than ____ other season.

5.He goes home at ten thirty. (改为同义句)
He goes home at _____ ______ _____.

6.They have studied English for two years. (否、疑、答 )



___________________ ______________________

7.I have already been to the Great Wall. (改为否定句)

I _________ been to the Great Wall______.

8.She has been to Disneyland,So have I. (改为否定句)

She has ______ been to Disneyland,______ ________.

9.Mr Wang began to teach in our school ten years ago. (改为现在完成时)

  Mr Wang ______ ________ in our school ________ten years ago.

1.The pen is new.     ___ ____ the pen is!
2.It is a new pen.    ___ ___ ___ ___ it is!
3.They are good students.   ____ ____ _____ they are!
4.My cake is very delicious.   ____ _____ my cake is !
5.It's an interesting book.    ___ ___ ____ ____ it is!
6.My bag is too heavy.         ____ ____ my bag is!
1.There ______(not be )any bread at home yesterday.
2.Tom ______(have) no time last Sunday.He _____ (visit)his friends next Sunday.
3.Flease tell him ______(wash)his hands before supper.
4.The bus ______(stop)already.Let's get off.
5.Doing morning exercises _______(be)good for you


1. I don’t want to watch TV this evening, I’ll listen to music i      .

2.Do you know what h      in the USA on Sept. 11, 2001?

3.The boy is strong e      to lift the heavy box.

4.F       is the shortest month in a year.

5.Taiwan is the largest i      in china.

6.Thursday is the f       day of the week.

7.Winter follows a       . =Winter comes after a       .

8.There are some d           between American English and British English.



 UNIT 10 It's a nice day, isn't it?



Small talk闲谈


make small talk聊天


tag questions 附加疑问句


It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

Yes, it is. I really love hot weather.

You’re Jenny’s friend, aren’t you?

Yes, I am.


Umbrella 雨伞bookstore书店 elevator电梯 low 低的price价格 slow慢的 come along来吧 get along相处 at least至少 be careful小心


He sure is!他的确很好!


sure adv.“的确,当然”,其同义词是certainly.

Tom sure is tall.

-----Are you going? -----Sure.

sure adj.确信的,有把握的

I’m not sure whether to go. He is sure of winning the game.

辨析:be sure of与be sure to do

be sure of主语是人,主语感到“有把握,确信”.be sure to do主语可以是人也可以是物,表示说话人推测“一定,必然会”。

I’m sure of my success. He is sure to succeed.

It is sure to rain.

And I forgot my umbrella.


vt. “忘记”其反义词是 remember。forget有forget sth(忘记某物), forget to do sth (忘记做某事)和forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)3个句型。

I forgot my bag.

He forgot to close the window. I forgot meeting him in Beijing.

辨析:forget与 leave


He left his pen on the desk.

Do you think it’ll stop by noon?


stop  vt  使停止

Stop a bus. Rain stopped the game.

n. 停止,停车处

The train goes through without a stop. Where is the bus stop?

辨析:stop doing与stop to do

stop doing停止做某事(doing作宾语),stop to do停下来去做某事(to do表示停下来的目的,作状语)

We stopped talking. We stopped to talk.

by  prep.不迟于,到,靠,用,相差,在。。。旁边

By this time tomorrow I’ll have finished the work.

I go to work by bus every day. We missed the train by ten minutes.

The old woman lived by a small river.


by and by     (all)by oneself       by the way       by and large



They live by the sea. They live near the sea.

Two people looking through books in a bookstore.

look  vi.看,瞧

Look! He is playing football. Look at the blackboard


look after   look back    look through    look up   look for  look down upon


through  prep. 通过,穿过

pass through the forest

We couldn’t see through the fog.

adv.  从头到尾,自始至终

read a book through; sleep the night through

Two people alone in an elevator.


alone  adj. “单独的,独一无二的”只作表语

Tom was alone at home.

adv.  单独的,独自

He came alone



I live alone, but I don’t feel lonely.

2. lonely指人孤独寂寞,指地方荒芜,人烟稀少,有浓厚的感情色彩,可作定语或表语

a lonely village; The tigers in cages feel lonely.

 Their price are really low, aren’t they?

 price  n.价钱,价格

 I won’t buy it at that price. What’s the price of the book?

How much did that shirt cost?

how much 用来询问价格

How much is the meat? How much are the apples?

how much可用来表示数量的“多少”,接不可数名词。How many接可数名词

How much rice is there in the bag? How much money do you have?

How many days are there in a week?

cost  vt.价值为,花费

This coat costs me $5

…but they were rally friendly to me,…


 adj.“友好的”,be friendly to sb.对某人友好,be friendly with sb.和某人关系好。前者指态度,后者指关系。

He’s not very friendly to newcomers.

The classmates in our class are friendly with each other.

I feel like part of the group now.

feel like

=want/would like“想,愿意”,后接名词或动名词

I don’t feel like drinking beer.She doesn’t feel like eating anything.

He is really good at math, isn’t it?

be good at “擅长,善于”。后接名词,代词或动名词。

He is good at drawing. I’m good at English.

辨析:be good at与 be good for

1.be good at“擅长,善于”。后接名词、代词或动名词

  He is good at singing.

2. be good for“对。。。有益”,后接表示人或事物的名词。

  Practice is good for health

I’m going to ask my cousin, Tommy, to go with me.

ask vt.问,询问

ask the way       ask a question

要求,请求,邀请。有ask sb. to do sth.句型(叫/请某人做某事)

Tom ask to join the army. He often asks his friends to dinner.


ask after问候   ask for请求  ask for trouble 自讨苦吃

Be careful to look both ways before you cross the street.


cross  vt.“越过,穿过”与go across的意思相同。

cross the river     cross the bridge

cross  n.交叉,十字型

make with a cross; the Red Cross Society  红十字会

Yes, at least it isn’t raining.


least adj.   最少的,最小的

the least money  the least number


Least talk, most work


Buy the coat that costs the least


least of all; not least; at least; not in the least=not at all


Unit 10单元练习:

I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。(10分)

1. We use the e_________ to go up and down the building.

2. look! It’s raining outside, you’d better put on your raincoat or take an u______.

3. If you want to know the answer to the problem, you should look t______ books in the library.

4. Would you like to come and meet my parents and have a f_________ dinner with us?

5. When the t_________ lights are red, you must stop and wait.

6. There is one child a_________ in the room.

7. There are m________ of reasons for me to stay.

8. We were filled with g ________ when we heard of his death.

9. Yesterday Tom had a birthday party and I had many wines with a delicate f_______.

10. The old men should be spoken to p______.

II. 将下列句子改为反意疑问句。(15分)

  1. She is a school girl, __________?

  2. It looks like rain, ____________?

  3. They go there by bus, __________?

  4. His mother goes to work at 8:00, __________?

5. The girl can sing an English song, __________?

  6. The students had a class meeting yesterday, __________?

  7. He forgot his umbrella, _____________?

  8. There was a telephone for you, ___________?

  9. Let’s clean our bedroom, ______________?

  10. I think he is a teacher, ___________?

III. 单项选择:(15分)

  1. The foreign visitors have been in Nartony for _________ three weeks.

    A. more than     B. than       C. more       D. more and more

  2. I can _________ swim _______ skate. Will you please teach me?

    A. either …or       B. not only…but also

    C. both …and    D. neither …nor

  3. -Can I try it on?

    -I’m ____________ you can.

    A. sure       B. be sure    C. make sure      D. surely

  4. -We are free this afternoon. Let’s go to play computer games.

    -Well, I think I’d better watch an English program ________.

    A. too    B. either     C. then       D. instead

  5. -How are you getting on with your work?

    -I can’t do it _________ any longer, I’ll have to get help.

    A. singly     B. quietly    C. alone      D. hard

  6. I learned _________ Russian at middle school.

    A. a bit  B. bit of  C. a bit of   D. little of the

  7. Children are standing ________ and getting on the bus.

    A. on line       B. in a line      C. on a line      D. in line

  8. You shouldn’t wait here, ____________ you can go and ask Jim why.

    A. at the beginning  B. in the end C. at first D. at least

  9. The book is __________. Most of the teachers are _________ in it.

    A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interesting

    C. interested, interesting D. interested, interested

  10. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night , __________.

    A. don’t they   B. didn’t they C. did they        D. do they

IV. 补全对话:(10分)

A. You’ve been to more places than I have.

B. Well, you’ll have a lot of chances if you like.

C. I’ve never seen such a place in China.

D. Where’s that? E. What places have you been to in China?

A: Hi, Kate!     1   

B: Oh, I’ve been to many places, such as Xi’an, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin and Tibet.

A:       2         .

B: Really? What places have you been to?

A: Very few. I’ve only been to Pingyao.

B:      3        .

A: It’s in Shanxi. It’s a small place, but it has a long history. It’s one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a well-kept city wall.

B:       4          I’ve just seen a lot of natural beauties, but not much old Chinese culture (文化)yet.

A:       5          .

V. 完成句子:(10分)

  1. 看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。

    It ______ that he _________ that match.

  2. 他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的一些事。

    He _______ me something ________ Tom yesterday.

  3. 做班里拔尖学生不容易。

    It isn’t ___________ the top students in the class.

  4. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。

    ___________ me _________ your party.

  5. 中国人对外国朋友很友好。

    Chinese ___________ always _________ foreign guests.

  6. 你能帮我搬这个大盒子吗?

    _______ you _____ me __________ the heavy box?

  7. 我们学校至少有1500名同学。

    _______ are _______ 1500 students in our school.

  8. 你和你的朋友们相处的如何?

    ________ are you _________ your friends?

  9. 昨天我们举办了家宴。

    Yesterday we __________

  10. 我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。

    I ________ until I ___________ all my homework.

VI. 完形填空:(15分)

    Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house   1  , give light and cook food. But fire can burn things   2   . Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people.

Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are   3   interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is  

 a man. The man   5   a very long time ago. He went up the sun and   6   fire down.

    Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes   7   to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and   8   it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you   9   be careful with matches.

    Be careful with fire, and it will   10   you. But if you aren’t careful with fire. and it may hurt you.

  1. A. warm         B. warmer     C. cool       D. cooler

  2. A. also         B. too        C. either     D. neither

  3. A. many         B. much           C. little     D. no

  4. A. over         B. about          C. a little       D. no

  5. A. worked       B. studied        C. learned D. lived

  6. A. bring        B. take           C. brought D. took

  7. A. enjoy        B. like           C. don’t like           D. become

  8. A. after        B. late           C. yet            D. then

  9. A. can          B. man        C. will              D. must

  10. A. help        B. do         C. tell              D. hope

VII. 阅读短文,然后回答下面的问题。(10分)

    Jim Green has been in China for more than two years. He has been to many interesting places in Beijing, but he has not yet been to many other parts of China. Last week he went to Mount Emei in Sichuan Province with his family.

    Many people like to travel by air, but Jim’s family think that travelling by train is the best. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air. They had a wonderful train ride to Chengdu before they went on to Mount Emei by bus.

    Early one morning, they took a taxi to Beijing West Railway Station. The station was very lively. There were bookshops, food shops and stores selling all kinds of things. Mrs. Green bought some fruit, food and bottles of water to take on the train. She said that it was better to get some food before they got on the train because food on the train was usually too expensive.

    The train was quite comfortable, and there weren’t too many people in their sleeping car. The Greens could stand up and walk around. It was a long journey, but none of them felt tired. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window. They walked, laughed and played cards. The conductor kept coming to offer them hot water and selling them magazines. People nearby talked with each other. A young man practiced speaking English with Mr. Green. Jim thought the train was like a big moving party. He went to sleep quite late. He listened to the click of the rails and then fell fast asleep.

    When Jim woke up the next morning, the train was already near Chengdu. His train ride seemed really short, but his memory of the pleasant trip will last long.

  1. How long has Jim been in China?

  2. Where did Jim go to travel with his family?

  3. Why does Jim’s family like to travel by train?

  4. What did Mrs. Green buy before getting on the train?

  5. Did the Greens feel tired on the train? Why or why not?

  6. What did the Greens do on the trains?


I. 1. elevator 2. umbrella  3. through    4. family

  5. traffic  6. alone 7. millions 8. grief 9. flavor 10. politely

II. 1. isn’t she 2. doesn’t it 3. don’t they  4. doesn’t she

  5. can’t she   6. didn’t they   7. didn’t he     8. wasn’t there

  9. shall we     10. isn’t he

III. 1. A     2. D       3. A       4. D       5. C

  6. C     7. D       8. C       9. A       10.C

IV. 1. E      2. C       3. D       4. A       5. B

V. 1. looks like; sure won      2. told; about

  3. easy being      4. Thanks for inventing; to

  5. are; friendly to       6. Could; help; with

  7. There; at least     8. How; getting along with

  9. had a family dinner 10. didn’t watch TV; finished

VI. 1. C      2. C       3. D       4. C       5. A

  6. B     7. D       8. A       9. B       10. D

VII. 1. He has been in China for more than two years.

2. He went to Mount Emei in Sichuan Province with his family.

3. Because it is much cheaper and far more enjoyable.

4. She bought some fruit, food and bottles of water before getting on the train.

5. No, they didn’t. Because they kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.

6. They walked, laughed and played cards.

Because it is much cheaper and far more enjoyable.


1.一般现在时      2、一般过去时 
3.一般将来时      4、过去将来时

5.现在进行时      6、过去进行时
7.现在完成时      8、现在完成进行时
9.过去完成时      10、被动语态

(一) 重要句型
1Want to do sth ;    want sb to do sth ;
would like to do sth ,  would like sb to do sth.
What’s wrong with …?
   What’s the matter with…?
   What’s the trouble? What’s the problem?
3. It’s time for sth.
  It’s time to do sth.
  It’s time for sb to do sth.
4. find it adj (for sb) to do sth.
  It’s adj (for sb) to do sth.

1.few, a few; little , a little. 2. many , much, a lot of , lots of
3.more, fewer, less. 4. can, be able to
5.help with sth, help sb do sth. 6.can, may must, could ,should ,might.
7.pay, spend, take, cost. 8.except, besides.
9.stop to do sth,   stop doing sth.  Start to do sth,  start doing sth.
forget to do sth,  forget doing sth. try to do sth, try doing sth.
10.enough+n, adj +enough, enough to do sth.
11. the same as, be different from
12.think about doing sth, complain about doing.
13. not …until, not … anymore.
14.something important, nothing to eat. something nice to drink.
15. take part in, join, enter, 16. in front of, in the front of.
17.take care of, look after. 18. surprise, be surprised to do sth
19.one… the other, another, other, others.
20. bring, take; borrow, lend.
21. be good at sth/ doing sth… be better at sth/ doing sth
22.have a good time, have a great time, have a wonderful time. have fun
23.either,either…or,  neither, neither…nor, both …and
24. how, how long, how long, how often, how far, how soon, how old.
25. how many, how much.
26.Would you like some…? Yes, please, No, thanks.
27. like, be like, look like, look the same
28.Thanks for sth/ doing sth.
29.like to do sth, like doing sth, enjoy doing sth.
30.interesting, be interested in sth/ doing sth. take an interest in.
31.would you mind (not) doing sth. 32. what about..? how about…?
33. too… to   so… that. 34. have been to, have gone to.

1.do the dishes   2.sweep the floor   3. make your bed
4.fold your clothes  5.at the end of   6.write sb a letter
7.call sb up   8. fall in love with. 9.argue with
10.talk on the phone 11. get on    12.as soon as
13. get out of   14. go into     15.walk down
16.walk along   17. walk around    18.take off, land
19.be mad at   20. be angry with   21. be supposed to do sth.
22.be in good health 23.send… to     24.get over
25.get mad at    26.pass on    27. agree with
28.need to do sth.  29 need to do sth   30.between …and
31. open up   32. let sb in     33.take … away
34. go to college  35. make money   36. get an education.
37.be free, be busy, be happy, be famous.   38.maka a living   
39.at the doctor’s,  40.out of style, in style. 41.be from, come from
42.be born in/ on  43. as for.    44. hung out   
45.take out    46.hate to do sth.   47.learn to do sth.
48.travel around the world/ travel all over the world
49.in a minute/ right away/ at once       50.happento    
51.all the time   52.in the future.   53.turn down   
54.pick up    55. get sb sth.   56.be friendly to sb 
57.decide to do sth 58.for the first time  59.study for…   
60. more than= over  61. at least    62. make friends with 
63.take a ride   64.end up    65. take a holiday  
66.all the year around  


1.      机器人


3.      使用,利用

4.      较少,较小

5.      较少的

6.      污染

7.      树,树木

8.      建筑物,房屋

9.      宇航员,航天员

10.  火箭

11.  空间,太空

12.  太空站

13.  飞行

14.  月亮;月球

15.  落下,跌落

16.  单独地,孤独地

17.  宠物

18.  轻拍

19.  鹦鹉

20.  大概,或许

21.  去滑冰

22.  一套衣服

23.  能够,有能力的

24.  能够…得以

25.  穿衣

26.  非正式地,随意地

27.  哪个,哪几个

28.  甚至

29.  世界杯

30.  我自己,我本人

31.  面试,面谈

32.  预言,预测

33.  实现,达到

34.  公司

35.  小说

36.  使人不愉快的

37.  科学家

38.  未来,将来

39.  可是,然而

40.  一百

41.  好几百,许许多多

42.  早已,先前

43.  工厂

44.  简单的,简易的

45.  这样的,这种

46.  厌烦的,厌倦的

47.  各地,到处

48.  人,人类

49.  外形,形状


51.  地震

52.  可能的

53.  电的,导电得的

54.  牙刷

55.  像是,似乎

56.  不可能的,不会发生的

57.  家务,家务事

58.  级别,等级

59.  萨利

60.  亚历克斯


62.  不让…进入

63.  播放

64.  高声的,大声的

65.  争论,争吵

66.  错误的,有毛病的

67.  怎么了?

68.  风格

69.  不时髦的,过时的

70.  应该

71.  打电话给…

72.  票,入场卷

73.  使惊奇,使以外

74.  用电话交谈,在通话

75.  怎么了?

76.  付款

77.  兼职工作

78.  好的

79.  任一的,每一方的

80.  烤,烘

81.  青少年论坛

82.  家庭教师

83.  新颖的

84.  与…同样的

85.  时髦的,流行的

86.  更好的

87.  理发,发型

88.  除,把…除外

89.  心烦的,沮丧的

90.  失败

91.  相处,进展

92.  足球

93.  到…为止

94.  适合,适应

95.  尽可能多

96.  压力

97.  抱怨,控诉

98.  包括,包含

99.  固执己见,一意孤行

100.            发送,寄

101.            各种,许多

102.            比较

103.            疯狂的,狂热的

104.            他们自己

105.            成年人

106.            (在)一方面…

107.            有组织的

108.            …另一方面…

109.            伊芙

110.            安娜

111.            丹尼斯

112.            玛莉亚

113.            叶尔伦

114.            尼科尔

115.            艾米利奥

116.            艾丽丝,格林

117.            凯西,泰勒

118.            不明飞行物,飞碟

119.            理发店


121.            浴室,

122.            卧室,寝室

123.            厨房

124.            理发师

125.            出去,离开

126.            剪,切,割

127.            外星人

128.            着陆

129.            衬衫

130.            起飞

131.            当…的时候

132.            经历,体验

133.            大约

134.            奇怪,陌生的

135.            跟随,追随

136.            欺骗,戏弄

137.            恐惧的

138.            攀登,爬

139.            跳跃

140.            呼喊,呼叫


142.            火车站

143.            逃跑,跑掉

144.            任何地方

145.            进来

146.            发生

147.            事故

148.            北京国际机场

149.            飞机

150.            现代的,现代化的

151.            杀死,致死

152.            孟菲斯

153.            谋杀,凶杀

154.            听说

155.            明亮的,发亮的

156.            运动场,操场

157.            钟,铃,门铃

158.            关闭

159.            寂静,沉默

160.            发生

161.            最近的。近来的

162.            世界贸易中心

163.            破坏,毁坏

164.            恐怖分子

165.            意思,含义

166.            像…(一样)

167.            航班,班机

168.            地球

169.            英雄

170.            悲剧

171.            特德

172.            戴维

173.            马丁。路德。金

174.            罗伯特。艾伦

175.            曾经,永远

176.            疯狂的,狂热的

177.            再,还,今后

178.            小吃

179.            直接引语

180.            间接引语

181.            首先

182.            消息,信息

183.            传递

184.            假定,认为,期望

185.            被期望或被要求

186.            勤勉的,努力工作的

187.            在…方面做得更好

188.            爷爷,外祖父

189.            身体健康

190.            成绩单

191.            神经紧张的,不安的

192.            信封

193.            幸运地

194.            学期

195.            真实的

196.            使人失望的

197.            幸运的

198.            复制,抄袭

199.            她的

200.            自己的

201.            克服,恢复,原谅

202.            乡村

203.            北京大学

204.            毕业生

205.            志愿者

206.            教育部

207.            中国少年先峰队

208.            乡下的,乡村的

209.            地区,地域

210.            米,公尺

211.            海平面

212.            稀薄的

213.            幸运地

214.            决定,决心

215.            丈夫

216.            宿舍

217.            高中

218.            学院,大学

219.            打开

220.            开始,开端

221.            影响

222.            家乡,故乡

223.            和平

224.            照顾,照料

225.            边界,边境

226.            联合国儿童基金

227.            世界野生动物基金

228.            危险

229.            拉娜

230.            玛西娅


232.            斯科特

233.            艾伦

234.            牛仔裤

235.            组织

236.            拿走

237.            清除,打扫


239.            代理人,代理商

240.            专业的,职业的

241.            谋生

242.            反对

243.            慈善团体,慈善事业

244.            机会,机遇

245.            一直

246.            受伤的,受损害的

247.            真诚的

248.            律师

249.            今晚,今夜

250.            移动电话

251.            窗,窗户

252.            餐厅,食堂

253.            结果

254.            解释,说明

255.            策略,谋略

256.            为了…

257.            提高,改进

258.            下列的,下述的

259.            安德里亚

260.            哈里

261.            胖的,肥的

262.            迅速的,快的

263.            收集,搜集

264.            贝壳,壳

265.            马拉松

266.            滑冰

267.            一对,一双

268.            溜冰鞋

269.            自从,自…以来

270.            山顶学校

271.            筹集

272.            几个的,数个的

273.            溜冰者

274.            邮票

275.            风筝

276.            怪物,妖怪

277.            球状物,球体

278.            任何人

279.            用完,用尽

280.            储存

281.            蛋糕,糕

282.            独特地,显著地

283.            收藏家

284.            顺便,附带说说

285.            共同的,公共的

286.            额外的

287.            钱币,硬币

288.            话题,主题

289.            对…感兴趣

290.            作家,作者

291.            省会,首都

292.            欧洲的,欧洲人(的)

293.            俄罗斯的。俄罗斯人的

294.            犹太人的,犹太族的

295.            犹太人

296.            比…多

297.            一千

298.            皇帝

299.            外国人

300.            相当,十分

301.            确实的,无疑的

302.            奥林匹克运动会

303.            思念,想念

304.            艾丽森

305.            西莉亚

306.            萨姆

307.            维克托

308.            利亚姆

309.            埃伦

310.            利奥

311.            介意

312.            一点也不

313.            调节(收音机等)使音量变小

314.            院子

315.            立刻,马上

316.            盘,碟

317.            任务,作用

318.            海报

319.            女服务生

320.            衣服

321.            解答,解决办法

322.            排队等候

323.            使恼怒,使生气

324.            恼怒的,生气的

325.            有礼貌的,客气的

326.            或许,大概


328.            排,队,列

329.            归还,返回

330.            插队

331.            控制

332.            声音

333.            术语

334.            礼节

335.            正常的,正规的

336.            行为,举止,表现

337.            首先

338.            亚洲的,亚洲人的

339.            欧洲

340.            不舒服的

341.            无礼的,粗鲁的

342.            允许,承认

343.            公众

344.            咳嗽

345.            打喷嚏

346.            不服从,不遵守

347.            客气地,斯文地

348.            抽烟,吸烟

349.            熄灭

350.            香烟,卷烟

351.            批判

352.            扔,丢

353.            垃圾

354.            捡起

355.            表现

356.            詹妮

357.            南希

358.            尼克

359.            萨拉

360.            拉里

361.            哈里斯

362.            建议,提议

363.            评论,意见

364.            集子

365.            私人的,个人的

366.            特别的,特殊的,专门的

367.            收到,接收

368.            家伙,人

369.            蜘蛛

370.            老鼠

371.            仓鼠

372.            海龟

373.            孩子,儿女

374.            大腹便便的,大肚子的


376.            有利条件,优点

377.            不利条件,缺点

378.            流行的

379.            完美的,理想的

380.            兔,野兔

381.            清洁的,干净的

382.            伙伴

383.            睡着的

384.            入睡

385.            选择

386.            礼物

387.            开,打开

388.            赠送

389.            长凳,长椅

390.            胜于

391.            瑞典

392.            代替,而不是

393.            奥林匹克运动会

394.            参加,进入

395.            几乎

396.            明朗地,明显地

397.            舞台

398.            本地的,本国的

399.            胜利者

400.            谦虚的,谦让的

401.            早的,初期的

402.            感兴趣的

403.            鼓励

404.            发言人,代言人

405.            进步,前进

406.            奥委会

407.            提议,建议

408.            对…感兴趣

409.            而且,除…之外

410.            与…交友

411.            声明,陈述

412.            开车,驾驶

413.            维拉

414.            娱乐,消遣

415.            (二者)都不

416.            玩的愉快

417.            迪斯尼乐园

418.            米老鼠

419.            唐老鸭

420.            人物,角色

421.            主题

422.            有吸引力的事物(或人)

423.            过山车

424.            巡游,巡航

425.            小船

426.            兜风

427.            甲板

428.            路线

429.            结束

430.            岛,岛屿

431.            特别,尤其

432.            旅行

433.            交换生

434.            出席者,参加者

435.            发觉,发现

436.            要求,必要条件

437.            导游

438.            外国的,外来的

439.            电影

440.            东南

441.            极好的

442.            休假,度假

443.            人口

444.            四分之一,一刻钟

445.            四分之三

446.            害怕,担心

447.            面条

448.            饺子,汤团

449.            勇敢的,无畏的

450.            卓越的,极好的

451.            印度的,印度人的

452.            旅行,狩猎远征

453.            黄昏,黑暗

454.            狐狸

455.            夜间野生动物园

456.            一年到头,终年

457.            环境

458.            自然的,自然界的

459.            温度

460.            赤道

461.            无论如何

462.            春天

463.            季节

464.            秋天

465.            类型

466.            醒着的

467.            克劳迪亚

468.            哈维

469.            蒂娜

470.            里昂纳多

471.            雨伞,伞

472.            富兰克林湖

473.            中午

474.            沙的

475.            再见

476.            浏览

477.            书店

478.            穿过,越过,

479.            电梯

480.            低的

481.            慢的,缓慢的

482.            价值,花

483.            短信,笔记

484.            相处

485.            婴儿,小孩

486.            至少

487.            假日,节日,假日

488.            小心,当心

489.            交通

490.            复习,回顾

491.            二胡

492.            某处,在某处

493.            安迪

494.            安娜

495.            比尔

496.            丽塔

497.            艾伦


499.            托尼

500.            珍妮特

501.            杰伊


1.      robot

2.      won’t

3.      they’ll

4.      paper

5.      use

6.      less

7.      fewer

8.      pollution

9.      tree

10.  she’ll

11.  building

12.  astronaut

13.  rocket

14.  space

15.  space station

16.  fly

17.  took

18.  moon

19.  I’ll

20.  fall

21.  fell

22.  alone

23.  pet

24.  pat

25.  parrot

26.  probably

27.  go skating

28.  suit

29.  able

30.  be able to

31.  dress

32.  casually

33.  which

34.  which

35.  even

36.  the World Cup

37.  myself

38.  interview

39.  predict

40.  future

41.  prediction

42.  came

43.  come true

44.  company

45.  thought

46.  fiction

47.  unpleasant

48.  scientist

49.  in the future

50.  however

51.  hundred

52.  hundreds of

53.  already

54.  factory

55.  simpe

56.  such

57.  bored

58.  everywhere

59.  human

60.  shape

61.  snake

62.  earthquake

63.  possible

64.  electric

65.  toothbrush

66.  seem

67.  impossible

68.  housework

69.  rating

70.  ally

71.  Alexis

72.  Joe

73.  keep out

74.  play

75.  loud

76.  argue

77.  wrong

78.  What’s wrong?

79.  style

80.  out of style

81.  could

82.  should

83.  call sb. Up

84.  ticket

85.  surprise

86.  on the phone

87.  What’s the matter?

88.  pay for

89.  part-time job

90.  okay

91.  either

92.  bake

93.  Teen talk

94.  trtor

95.  original

96.  the same as

97.  in style

98.  nicer

99.  haircut

100.            except

101.            upset

102.            fail

103.            get on

104.            didn’t

105.            couldn’t

106.            football

107.            until

108.            fit

109.            as much as possible

110.            pressure

111.            complain

112.            include

113.            pushy

114.            send

115.            all kinds of

116.            compare

117.            crazy

118.            themselves

119.            adult

120.            on the one hand

121.            organized

122.            on the other hand

123.            Eve

124.            Anna

125.            Dennis

126.            Maria

127.            Julia

128.            Erin

129.            Nicole

130.            Emilio

131.            Alice

132.            Green

133.            Cathy Green

134.            Cathy Taylor

135.             Linda Miller

136.            UFO

137.            barber

138.            well

139.            bathroom

140.            bedroom

141.            kitchen

142.            barber

143.            get out

144.            cut

145.            alien

146.            bought

147.            land

148.            got

149.            shirt

150.            take off

151.            while

152.            experience

153.            around

154.            strange

155.            follow

156.            kid

157.            scared

158.            climb

159.            jump

160.            shout

161.            rode

162.            cat

163.            train station

164.            ran

165.            run away

166.            anywhere

167.            met

168.            come in

169.            happen

170.            accident

171.            Beijing International Airport

172.            plane

173.            heard

174.            modern

175.            kill

176.            Memphis

177.            murder

178.            hear about

179.            bright

180.            playground

181.            bell

182.            rang

183.            told

184.            close

185.            silence

186.            take place

187.            recent

188.            World Trade Center

189.            destroy

190.            terrorist

191.            meaning

192.            as…as…

193.            became

194.            flight

195.            earth

196.            hero flwe

197.            tragedy

198.            Ted

199.            Davy

200.            Martin Luther King

201.            Robert Allen

202.            ever

203.            mad

204.            anymore

205.            snack

206.            direct speech

207.            reported speech

208.            first of all

209.            message

210.            pass on

211.            suppose

212.            be supposed to

213.            hard-working

214.            do detter in

215.            grandpa

216.            be in good health

217.            report card

218.            nervous

219.            envelo9pe

220.            luckily

221.            semester

222.            worst

223.            true

224.            disappointing

225.            lucky

226.            copy

227.            hers

228.            own

229.            get over

230.            village

231.            Peking University

232.            graduate

233.            volunteer

234.            theMinistryof ducation

235.            ChineseYoung Pioneer

236.            rural

237.            area

238.            meter

239.            sea level

240.            thin

241.            ate4

242.            fortunately

243.            decision

244.            husband

245.            dormitory

246.            senior

247.            college

248.            open up

249.            start

250.            influence

251.            hometown

252.            peace

253.            care for

254.            border

255.            UNICEF

256.            WWF

257.            danger

258.            Lana

259.            Marcia

260.            Ben

261.            Scott

262.            Alan

263.            jeans

264.            orgnize

265.            take away

266.            clean-up

267.            flower

268.            agent

269.            professional

270.            make a living

271.            against

272.            charity

273.            chance

274.            all the time

275.            injured

276.            Sincerely

277.            lawyer

278.            tonight

279.            mobile phone

280.            dining room

281.            consequence

282.            explain

283.            strategy

284.            in order to

285.            improve

286.            following

287.            Andrea

288.            Harry

289.            fat

290.            fast

291.            collec

292.            shell

293.            marathon

294.            skate

295.            pair

296.            skate

297.            since

298.            Hilltop School

299.            raise

300.            several

301.            skater

302.            stamp

303.            kite

304.            monster

305.            globe

306.            anyone

307.            run out of

308.            store

309.            cake

310.            particularly

311.            collector

312.            by the way

313.            common

314.            extra

315.            coin

316.            topic

317.            been

318.            be interested in

319.            writer

320.            capital

321.            European

322.            Russian

323.            Jewish

324.            Jew

325.            more than

326.            thousand

327.            emperor

328.            foreigner

329.            quite

330.            certain

331.            the Olympic Games

332.            miss

333.            Alison

334.            Celia

335.            Sam

336.            Victor

337.            Liam

338.            Ellen

339.            Leon

340.            mind

341.            not at all

342.            turn down

343.            yard

344.            right away

345.            dish

346.            task

347.            poster

348.            waitress

349.            brought

350.            clothing

351.            solution

352.            wait in line

353.            annoy

354.            annoryed

355.            polite

356.            perhaps

357.            door

358.            line

359.            return

360.            cut in line

361.            hasn’t

362.            keep down

363.            voice

364.            term

365.            etiquette

366.            normal

367.            behavior

368.            at first

369.            Asian

370.            Europ

371.            uncomfortable

372.            impolite

373.            allow

374.            public

375.            cough

376.            sneeze

377.            break the rule

378.            politely

379.            smoke

380.            put out

381.            cigarette

382.            criticize

383.            drop

384.            litter

385.            pick up

386.            behave

387.            Jenny

388.            Nancy

389.            Nick

390.            Sarah

391.            Larry

392.            Harris

393.            suggestion

394.            comment

395.            album

396.            personal

397.            special

398.            receive

399.            gave

400.            guy

401.            spider

402.            mouse

403.            hamster

404.            turtle

405.            child

406.            pot-bellied

407.            pig

408.            advantage

409.            disadvantage

410.            trendy

411.            perfect

412.            rabbit

413.            clean

414.            company

415.            aleep

416.            fall asleep

417.            choose

418.            present

419.            open

420.            given

421.            give away

422.            bench

423.            rather

424.            Sweden

425.            instead

426.            the Olympics

427.            enter

428.            nearly

429.            sang

430.            clearly

431.            stage

432.            native

433.            winner

434.            modest

435.            earlier

436.            interested

437.            encourage

438.            spokesperson

439.            progress

440.            theOlympicCommittee

441.            hear of

442.            suggest

443.            take an interest in

444.            besides

445.            make friends with

446.            statement

447.            drive

448.            Vera

449.            amusement

450.            neither

451.            have a great time

452.            Disneyland

453.            Mickey

454.            Donald Duck

455.            character

456.            seen

457.            theme

458.            attraction

459.            roller coaster

460.            cruise

461.            boat

462.            take a ride

463.            board

464.            route

465.            end up

466.            island

467.            especially

468.            travel

469.            exchange student

470.            attendant

471.            discover

472.            requirement

473.            guide

474.            foreign

475.            film

476.            southeast

477.            wonderful

478.            take a holiday

479.            population

480.            quarter

481.            three quarters

482.            fear

483.            noodle

484.            dumpling

485.            brave

486.            excellent

487.            Indian

488.            safari

489.            dark

490.            fox

491.            Night Safari

492.            all year round

493.            environment

494.            natural

495.            temperature

496.            equator

497.            whenever

498.            spring

499.            autumn

500.            season

501.            type

502.            awake

503.            Claudia

504.            Harvey

505.            Tina

506.            Leonardo

507.            umbrella

508.            Franklin

509.            noon

510.            sandy

511.            goodbye

512.            look through

513.            bookstore

514.            cross

515.            elevator

516.            low

517.            slow

518.            cost

519.            yeah

520.            note

521.            get along

522.            baby

523.            at least

524.            holiday

525.            be careful

526.            traffic

527.            review

528.            Erhu

529.            somewhere

530.            andy

531.            Anna

532.            Bill

533.             Rita

534.            Allen

535.            Kim

536.            Tony

537.            Janet

538.            Jay



1.What would you like?  2.Would you like to have dinner with me?
3.Would you like some butter with your bread.
4.Help yourself to some soup.  5.Do you like fast food?
6.Chocolate is good for our health.——No. I don’t really agree.
7.With sugar or milk?  8.Chinese tea without anything in it.
9.Come and take a seat.10、
Today we are going to have something English
This is take away food! This isn’t home cooking.
12、It must be more delicious. 13、
A table for two?
Can we sit at the table by the window?
15、May I take your order now?  16、
Could we have the bill?
Have chicken with potatoes.
China is very famous for its food in the world.
Go along Zhongshan road, and turn right at the second crossing.
Go across the bridge. You’ll find the bridge on the left. It’s between the post office and the hospital.
21、You can’t miss it. 22、
Go up this road to the end
Go on until you reach the end.
An old woman is standing at a street corner.
25、She seems worried. 26、
He is sick in hospital.
27、is it in one of your pockets? 28、
What about your inside pocket?
Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.
30、At the end of the street. 31、
It’ll take you about half an hour
32、That is quite a long way! 33、
We had better catch a bus.
Twenty minutes later in hospital, the woman finds her husband. He is still quite weak. They look around but LiuMei did not wait for their thanks.
35、The key to my bike 36、
You can keep them for two weeks.
Help my uncle fix the machine.
You must be more careful. That car nearly hit you.
It’s dangerous! The car may hit you.
If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. You must not cross in front of the traffic. If the light is yellow, you should wait. It is better to wait and be safe.
If you drive too fast, you may have an accident. If you make a lot of noise, you may disturb others. If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait. If you are not careful, a car may hit you. If the traffic light is red, you must stop.
When many passengers are waiting for a bus, you must stand in line and wait for your turn. When you get on the bus, you must buy ticket. If you get off the bus, you mustn’t push others. When you are in Uk, you must drive on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look left and right.
Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for school. If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.
You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor.
After you use plastic bag, you mustn’t throw them about.
People in USA can’t drink beer or wine before they reach 21.
It necessary for us to learn to wait.
I don’t feel very well=I am not feeling very well
What’s the trouble?=what’s wrong?=what’s the matter
50、What a terrible cough 51、
I had a pain in my head
52、How are you felling now 53、
Let me take your temperature
54、Nothing serious 55、
She didn’t feel like eating anything
Take the medicine three times/twice/once a day
I had to sit down and rest every five minutes
There is nothing much wrong.
I am afraid you have a problem: you are eating too much
I mean you eat too much rich food and you don’t take enough exercise
What do I have to do if I want to be thinner?
You have to eat less food and take more exercise
63、Instead of them. 64、
Are you coming with us?
65、I’d love to, but I am afraid…… 66、
Let’s go to the first island.
67、We’d better not go there 68、
We’ve never been there.
Let’s pull it out of the water
The children pulled the boat up from the water.
71、Bring the picnic basket up 72、
the food won’t get too hot
73、Keep it cool 74、
I can hear sth.
Perhaps there are some dangerous animals.
76、Let’s go for a walk 77、
Time for our lunch
78、get sth to eat. 79、
solve this problem
80、drop the basket and run away 81、
be happy to get their basket back
They eat up all the food very soon.
83、I didn’t join them. 84、
She looks worried.
I can’t leave her by herself.
He look at me and cry harder and harder.
I make faces and jump like a monkey
I did all kinds of funny things
Dad is going to take me to our hometown in JIangXi
My parents will take Victor and me to a few cities in the south
They are all very interesting places.
92、Fly to the moon 93、Can you stand on your head?

His right hand is badly hurt, he had to draw a picture with his left hand
He make one of the smaller animals bring him sth. To eat
He tell me not to bring anything to you.
97、Look into the river 98、
With these words
He heard someone playing his sonata in F
From the small house came a girl’s voice:“I can’t play any more“
How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!
We can not afford to buy tickets to the concert
I just say it for fun.
In a dim candle light a girl was sitting before a piano
A young man was making shoes at a table near her
Pardon me
I heard the woman next door playing this music
I listened to her out of the window for a long time
The moon shine brightly in through the window
They listened to him silently, they both lost themselves
He is too young to dress himself
Why not take you brother out with you
I think it’s time for us to leave
Don’t leave anything behind
Which sport are you in=Which sport do you take part in
Do you take an active part in?
117、LiLei pass the stick on to Jim 118、
They were neck and neck
119、At the end of the second lap, they both pass their sticks at the same time  120、
He dropped his stick on the ground
Head teacher is going to tell us the results right now
It’s written by Bill Gates
123、It tell us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways 124、
It was the best-sellers on the New York times list
He was named William Henry after his grandfather
He and some of his friends doing unusual things
He go to Harvard University
He developed the Basic language for the first microcomputer
They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computer
Do you plan to get a present
I am not sure if that’s a good idea.
Bill decided to buy some medicine for them
Bill think that it is right for rich people to help poor people.
Mar Twain was a great American writer.
He like to tell funny stories to make people laugh, he also like playing jokes on his friends
He was travelling with a friend of his
137He was rather angry with the man upstairs
You drop your boots on the floor, it happens every night.
He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door
Please drop the other boot! I was waiting the sound of the other boot, I can’t get to sleep
He decided to refuse them politely.
I went to bed too late. I was doing my homework and forgot the time
My wallet dropped on the ground.
A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.
The truck was coming round the corner
It was carrying some large bags rice
He didn’t see the bag of rice until it was too late
Luckily he was not badly hurt
Don’t mention it. Don’t crowd round him
The girl let the traffic go again
As quickly she could= As soon as possible
152、With the medicine box under her arm ,Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man 153、
Mrs. Beet a 38-year-old woman
156、While she was trying to pass a truck before her, she saw 157、another car coming. 158、
She quickly turned her steering wheel.
She couldn’t stop her own car, it ran into the river.
He jumped into the water at once
He pulled her out of the window and then out of the window
162、He gave Mrs. Beet mouth-to-mouth breathing 163、
She came herself
164、A new ship set off (set out) from England to America 165、on its first trip 166、
There were over 2000 people
The trip was pleasant and people were enjoying themselves
He could the iceberg here and there
A man on watch shouted: “Iceberg in front
Ship hit the iceberg and came to a stop
Water begin to come inside and start to sink
172、Children and woman were the first to get into the 173、
174、Please make room for me 175、
There is no more room here
Take my place. I am not married and I have no children
She got out and the thankful woman joined her children
Soon after that, the ship sank
179、More than 1500 people lost their lives. Among those 180、was the young woman 181、
It has the colours of sky
182、I jump up and stand on my toes 183、
I hold my head high in the air
We rub our necks together

1.so + 助动词+人称代词主格
2.pass sb. Sth=pass sth. to sb.
3.either……or 4.neither……nor 5.It seems that
6.find sb. doing sth. 7.make sb. doing sth. 8.stop doing sth.
9.It will take sb. some times to do sth.
10.had better do sth. 11.be happy to do sth.
12.remember+宾语从句 13.So + 主语 + 助动词

14.Seem +形容词 15、
It necessary for sb. to do sth.
16、not until. 17、
invite sb. to do sth.
18、invite sb. to …… 19、
stop doing sth.
20、Take sb. To the hospital 21、
He has to stay in bed when he is sick
Do I have to stop eating ice cream
No I don’t have to, but you must eat less of it
24、Feel like doing 25、
Stop from doing sth.
26、Dream about that 27、
Be busy doing
28、all by oneself 29、
take care of sb.
30、After a while 31、Run away 32、Eat up 33、Turn off/on

34、Make faces 35、Any more 36、Afford to do sth. 37、Knock at/on
38、To one’s surprise 39、Look up 40、Leave behind 41、
100-meter race
42、take an active part in 43、pass on 44、
catch up with sb.
45、Fall behind sb. 46、Neck and neck 47、
A moment later
48、Well done 49、
Congratulations to sb. On sth
50、Not as/so……as 51、Take turns 52、
Do one’s best
53、Best seller 54、Be interested in 55、
In the future
56、Work out 57、Play a joke on 58、
Get on well with
59、Fed up with 60、Take off 61、Be angry with 62、Play with 63、
As usual
64、Mouth-to-mouth 65、Come to oneself 66、
67、At moment 68、Set off 69、Here and there 70、
On watch
71、Look out 72、Make room for 73、Take one’s place 74、
Lay eggs

a few\\a bit\\few\\little\\a little
a few修饰可数名词,表肯定,few表示否定,反义词是many。A little修是不可数名词,表肯定,little表否定,反义词是much。A bit不能直接修是不可名词,用a bit of +不可数名词=a little。 Not a bit =not……at all。 Not a little=very much。

both后面谓语动词用复数,neither. either后面谓语动词用单数

both and\\either or\\neither nor
both and连接两个主语时,谓语动词采用复数形式。Either or 和 neither no连接句子两个主语时,谓语动词和nor或or 后的主语在数上和人称上保持一致。

 4、agree with 和
agree to
agree with表示同意某人的意见,with后常接表示人的名词或代词。Agree to表示同意(或赞成)意见,to后多杰表示计划、建议、安排等的名词。

 5、ask sb. for sth.和
ask for sb./ sth.
ask for 后接某人时,意为找某人,接某物时,意为要某物。ask sb. for sth.意为向某人要某物

6、kinds of 各种各样的。 7、take a seat 请坐

8、be famous for 因…而有名
across是介词,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体表面上或沿着某一条线的方向进行的动作,放在动词后。cross 是动词,后接名词。

Through 是介词,表示的动作是在内部空间进行的,只船过沙漠、森林等。

 10.arrive\\get to\\reach
arrive是不及物动词,接介词in/at + 地点名词。到小地方用at 到达地方用in。reach 是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。Get 是不及物动词后面接介词to,再和表示地点的名词连用。

 11、at the end of 和
to the end
at the end of表示在……末,可表示时间也可以表示地点。To the end表示到(某一终点)为止。可指时间,地点

be worried\\worry\\worry about
be worried是系表结构的短语.worry可用作及物动词和不及物动词。做及物动词,意为使烦恼,后接宾语,表示人的代词或名词。做不及物动词,常与about连用。
Worry about sth.
borrow 表示借进,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用。Borrow sth. from sb.或Borrow sth. from somewhere。Lend表示借出,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用。Lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth。keep 与一段时间连用。

14、wait for 等待 15、in time 及时 16、make one’s way to 往……走去
17、get/be lost 迷失(道路) 18、just then 正在那时

19、first of all 首先;第一

20be ready\\be/get ready to\\be/get ready for
be ready 意思是做好准备,表示一切准备就绪的状态。Be ready to和get ready to意为准备,都接动词原形。Be ready for和get ready for意思是“为……做好准备。”后接名词或代词。



 22、stop to do sth. 和
stop doing sth.
stop to do sth。是表示“停止做(原来做的)某事,去做另外的某事,stop doing表示是停止正在做的某事。

Tell sb. (not) to do sth.

much too\\too much\\too many
much too常用在副词或形容词前,too much修饰不可数名词。Too many修是可数名词复数。

look着重于由视觉得出的印象。Seem暗示有一定根据,这种判断往往接近现实。两者后面都接形容词、名词。后面接动词不定式时,用于It seems (to do) that 结构时,只能用
look\\ see\\ watch\\ read

listen\\listen to\\hear
listen表示有意识的听,强调听的动作。常单独使用,引起对方注意。Listen用作不及物动词,listen to强调听的动作。Hear用作及物动词也可以是不及物动词,强调听的结果

maybe\\may be
maybe是副词,意思是也许、可能,常用在句首=perhaps。May be中may是情态动词,be是动词原形,用在句中。

just\\just now\\just then
just做刚刚的意思时,常和现在完成时连用,位于助动词后,行为动词前。Just then意思时就在那时

job是可数名词,work是不可数名词,一般表示抽象意义的工作,可用a piece of work修饰。

in hospital\\ in the hospital
in hospital指住院。In the hospital则是指在医院里。

put on\\wear
put on 强调动作,wear 强调状态


hundred\\hundreds of
hundred当他和具体数词连用时,hundred不能用复数形式,hundreds of意思是数以百计的,表示一个不具体的量或夸张的说法。

how long\\ how soon\\how often
how long主要是对一段时间进行提问,答句通常是for three days. how soon 是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,答句通常是in+一段时间。How often用来提问某一特定时间进行某个动作的次数,答句通常是
always. usually. often. sometimes. once.
help sb. do sth.\\help sb. to do sth.\\help sb. with sth.
help sb. do sth.和help sb. to do sth.可以互相使用。help sb. with sth.后接代词或名词。

 38、hear/see sb. doing sth. 和
hear/see sb. do sth.
hear/see sb. doing sth.意思是“听见,看见某人正在做某事,表示动作正在进行。hear/see sb. do sth.意思是听见,看见某人做了某事,即动作全过程结束。

39、forget/remember to do sth和
forget / remember doing sth.
forget/remember to do sth意思是忘记,记得要做某事,表示动作还没有发生。forget / remember doing sth.意思是忘记,记得曾经做过某事,表示曾经做了,而记住/忘了,这里的动名词所表示的动作已经发生过了。

40、make a noise 吵闹 41、stand in line 站在队里
42、at the head of 在……最前头 43、throw about 乱丢;抛散

44、have a good time 过的快乐 45、in fact 实际上

46、quarrel with (和某人)争吵 47、enjoy oneself 玩得快乐

48、half-way 在途中;半路上 49、feel like 和
would like.
Feel like后接名词或动词ing形式。Would like的用法是
would like to do/would like sb. To do/would like sth.
Awake是形容词,与be连用,表系表结构,wake是不及物动词,与up连用,wake up是自然的醒来; wake him up是被叫醒。

51、Sleep/fall asleep/get to sleep/go to bed。

Sleep强调睡觉的动作,是延续性动词,与时间状语连用;be asleep 表状态,是系表结构,fall sleep是动作的过程,侧重于自然入睡。Get to sleep 多用于否定句。Go to bed着重于商船准备睡觉的动作。

 52、Before 和

 53、Among 和
Among 是三者或三者以上;between用于两者之间

Cost /spent/pay/take  
Cost只能用物或事作主语sth cost sb. Money。It takes sb. Some times to do sth。Spend的主语必须是人,spend on sth./spend doing sth。Pay 的主语必须是人,
sb. Pay some money for sth./pay sb/pay for sth.
Fell off/fell down  
Fell off是从某个地方摔下来。Fell off her bike. Fell down 是摔倒的意思


1.It’s not safe to play football on the road.
It’s ______ to play football on the road.
2.I saw the film last week. Emily saw it, too.
 I saw the film last week. _____ _____ Emily.
3.It’ll be only ten minutes’ to walk there.
It’ll _____ only ten minutes to walk there.
4.In England, people eat a lot of beef.
_____ people _____ eat beef.
5.His parents are both doctors.
_____ his father _____ mother are doctors.
6.Why don’t you come back early?
Why _____ _____ back early?
7.You seems to be ill today.
_____ _____ that you are ill today.
8.The girl is very young . She can’t lift the basket.
The girl is _____ young _____ lift the basket.
9.After thirty minutes she woke up.
_____ an _____ _____ she woke up.
10.The little boy does sports before supper every day.
The little boy ______ _____ before supper every day.
11.Miss Lin had to wash clothes on Sunday.
Miss Lin had to _____ _____ _____ on Sunday.
12.The snow was very heavy last night.
It _____ _____ last night.
13.It’s very rainy today.
There is _____ _____ _____ today.
14.How can I go to the hospital ? Can you tell me?
Can you _____ me _____ _____ _____ the hospital?
15.I worked harder than any other student in my class.
I worked harder than _____ _____ in my class.
16.The blue coat is more expensive than the green one.
The green coat is _____ _____ than the blue one.
17.He learned Chinese by himself last year.
He _____ _____ _____ last year.
18.You can’t sing well. I can’t sing well, either.
_____ you _____ I can sing well.
19.They were alone on the hill last Sunday.
They were on the hill _____ _____ _____ last Sunday.
20.I’m not hungry at all.
I _____ _____ _____ eating anything.
21.My sister is so young that she can’t dress herself yet.
My sister _____ _____ enough _____ dress herself yet.
22.Could you swim when you were 4 years old?
Could you swim _____ the _____ _____ four?
23.He’ll have good time.
He’ll _____ _____ .
24.They went home at five yesterday.
They _____ _____ home _____ five yesterday.
25.Let’s go to the park on Sunday, OK?
_____ _____ going to the park?
26.Mike stopped doing his homework.
Mike _____ _____ his homework _____ _____.
27.I like Chinese tea with nothing in it.
I like Chinese tea _____ _____ in it.
28.What’s wrong with your watch?
What’s _____ _____ with your watch?
29.I don’t want this book. I want that one.
I want that book _____ _____ this one.
30.Lucy no longer studies here.
Lucy _____ study here _____ _____.
31.Mr. Ling may be our English teacher.
_____ Mr. Ling is our English Teacher.
32.She was alone in the house.She was _____ _____ in the house.
33.I didn’t hear anything.I hear _____.
34.Tom went to bed after he finished his homework.
Tom _____ go to bed _____ he finished his homework.
35.I missed the early bus this morning.
I _____ _____ the early bus this morning.
36.They got to the town at last.They got to the town _____ _____ _____.
37.What food do you like best? What’s your _____ food?
38.I knew the news after he told me.
I _____ know the news _____ he told me.
39.The animals in cage don’t have anything to do every day.
The animals in cage _____ _____ to do every day.
40.Be quick, or you will miss the train.
_____ you _____ be quick, you will miss the train.
41.Someone called you just now.
_____ _____ a call _____ you just now.
42.He went to work by car yesterday.
He _____ _____ _____ to work yesterday.
43.You can go home. But you must finish your homework.
You can go home _____ you _____ your homework.
44.Don’t shout. The baby is sleeping.
_____ _____. The baby is sleeping.
45.I don’t think you are right.I don’t _____ _____ you.
46.My father is a doctor. My mother is a doctor, too.
_____ of my _____ are doctors.
47.The boy was a queue jumper.
The boy _____ _____ _____.
48.Our teacher is wearing a blue coat today.
Our teacher is _____ _____ today.
49.It’s half an hour’s walk from here to my home.
It _____ _____ half an hour _____ _____ from here to my home.
50.Can you help me , please?
Can you _____ _____ _____ _____ , please?
51.Ann didn’t go to the park. She looked after her little sister.
Ann looked after her little sister_____ _____ _____ to the park.
52.He played basketball yesterday. I played basketball yesterday, too.
He played basketball yesterday. _____ _____ I.
53.It was late , so he went away in a hurry.
He _____ _____ because it was late.
54.Do you know the lady? She has a baby under his arms.
Do you know the lady _____ a baby _____ her arms?
55.Turn right at the third crossing.
_____ the third _____ _____ the right.
56.Can you tell me the way to the library?
_____ _____ _____ _____ to the library?
57.I did my homework without any help.
I did my homework _____ _____ _____>
58.We must look after the trees and flowers.
We must _____ _____ _____ the trees and flowers.
59.Lin Ying is visiting England these days.
Lin Ying is _____ _____ _____ _____ England these days.
60.You must eat less food.
_____ eat _____ _____ food.
61.There was a lot of wind last night.
It _____ _____ last night.
62.You are very kind to help me.
It’s very ______ _____ you to help me.
63.My mother doesn’t want me to swim in the river.
My mother _____ me _____ swimming in the river.
64.Mr. Smile had a new job. Mr. Smile _____ his _____.
65.The told us that we can’t be late again.
The told us _____ _____ _____ late again.
66.When she finished her homework. I finished mine, too.
I finished my homework _____ _____ _____ she finished hers.
67.Chinese names are not the same as English ones.
Chinese names are _____ _____ English ones.
68.There is something wrong with my TV set.
My TV set _____ _____.
69.Last year they reached China.Last year they _____ _____ China.
70.He goes to school from Monday to Friday.
He goes to school _____ _____ _____ _____.
71.Not all people in the USA are rich.
Not _____ in the USA _____ rich.
72.My father isn’t at home. He’ll be back in an hour.
My father isn’t _____. He’ll _____ in an hour.
73.How is the weather today? _____ the weather _____ today?
74.It’s an easy question.I can _____ the question _____.
75.He isn’t in at the moment.He isn’t in _____ _____.
76.Ann is good at Chinese.
Ann _____ _____ _____ Chinese.
77.Whaat do you think of the seafood?_____ do you _____ the seafood?
78.She hurried to the station.She _____ to station _____ _____ _____.
79.If you are free, phone me, please.
Please _____ me _____ if you are free.
80.Do’t open the door.
Please _____ the door _____.
81.Could you help me do the cooking this evening.
Could you help me _____ the cooking this evening.
82.My mother is busy with her housework.
My mother is _____ _____ her housework.
83.You will feel well if you have a rest at noon.
_____ is _____ for you _____ _____ a rest at noon.
84.Tom went to London by air yesterday.
Tom _____ _____ London yesterday.
85.I don’t feel well today.I feel _____ today.
86.The girl with the name Kate is Jim’s sister.
The girl _____ _____ is Jim’s sister.
87.She doesn’t know much about English.
She knows _____ _____ English.
88.The child can look after himself well.
The child can _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
89.His parents often leave him alone.
His parents often leave him _____ _____.
90.Did you have a nice weekend.
Did you _____ _____ at the weekend.
91.The question is very difficult. I can’t answer it.
The question is _____ difficult for me _____ answer.
92.He must help his father in the garden.
He _____ _____ help his father in the garden.
93.Let’s discuss how we are going to get there.
Let’s discuss how _____ _____ there.
94.Every day she had to sing the same song many times.
Every day she had to sing the same song _____ _____ _____.
95.Don’t make any noise in the reading room/
_____ _____ in the reading room.
96.I have to look for it everywhere.
I have to look for it _____ _____ _____.
97.Last night I didn’t fall asleep at all.
Last night I _____ _____ the whole night.
98.Our teacher worked the whole night.
Our teacher worked _____ _____ _____.
99.They played football after class.
They played football after _____ _____ _____.
100.Do you dream so much?
Do you often _____ _____?
101.These are dumplings with meat in them.
The dumplings _____ _____ in them.
102.What do you buy potatoes for?
_____ _____ _____ buy potatoes?
103.They didn’t have many friends there.
They had _____ friends there.
104.Soon the children finished eating all the food on the table.
Soon the children _____ _____ all the food on the table.


现在我们来轻松一下欣赏一首歌。这是由Richard Marx演唱的一首比较经典的英文情歌Right Here Waiting(中译名《此情可待》)。你可以点击下面的地址链接下载这首歌,或者在www.sogua.com中输入Right Here Waiting搜索这首歌。




  Right Here Waiting

       Richard Marx


Oceans apart day after day

And I slowly go insane

I hear your voice on the line

But it doesn't stop the pain


If I see you next to never

How can we say forever


Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you


I took for granted all the times

That I thought would last somehow

I hear the laughter

I taste the tears

But I can't get near you now


Oh, can't you see it baby

You've got me going crazy


Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you


I wonder how we can survive

This romance

But in the end if I'm with you

I'll take the chance


Oh, can't you see it baby

You've got me going crazy


Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you