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来源:3edu考试网 2010-06-18 14:27:28

  A student passed all the entrance examinations before he went to a __1__ where he put his _2____down for a course in geography, but after the first lecture ,he did not ___3_ up any more.
  The teacher noticed the student's __4__ ,and thought that he had changed to ___5_ course.However ,he was very surprised at the boy's __6__ on the list of students who intended to take _7___ examination at the end of the term.
  The teacher had prepared a __8__ examination paper,which,followed his lectures very __9__ ,and he was eagar to see 10___ this student would answer the questions .He _11__ bad answers,but it turned _12__ that he could find only one small 13___ .He went through he paper over again, but he got the _14___ result.So he sent for the student.
  When the student had come into the _15___ ,the teacher said, "I know that you attended my first lecture _16__ and after that you have been 17___ .I'd like to know you got nearly everything _18___.
  " Oh,I am very sorry about that 19___,sir," answered the student. _20___ the examination ,I realized what I _21___ have written .I would not have made the mistake if I had not been __22_ by your first lecture."
  From this _23__ we know all the student who was absent __24__ the lectures was bright,and know how to 25___ by himself.
  1.A.college       B.factory      C.company     D.school
  2.A.number       B.name       C.address      D.marks
  3.A.rise          B.stand        C.turn        D.got
  4.A.carelessness   B.pride        C.absence     D.activities
  5.A.other         B.another     C.interesting    D.modern
  6.A.grade        B.age          C.address      D.name
  7.A.middle      B.geography     C.last          D.important
  8.A.difficult      B.long         C.very good     D.simply
  9.A.nearly       B.closely       C.sharply       D.clearly
  10.A.what       B.that           C.when        D.how
  11.A.meant      B.waited for      C.expected     D.imagined
  12.A.out        B.up            C.off           D.on
  13.A.mark      B.mistake         C.number       D.shortcoming
  14.A.different   B.unexpected      C.surprising     D.same
  15.A.office      B.hotel          C.restaurant      D.lab
  16.A.only       B.once          C.attentively      D.gladly
  17.A.disappeared  B.fleeing       C.absent         D.gone
  18.A.correctly    B.right         C.wrong           D.known
  19.A.absence      B.action       C.examination      D.mistake
  20.A.Before       B.During        C.After          D.About
  21.A.had to        B.ought to      C.must           D.might
  22.A.careful       B.taught       C.puzzled          D.pointed
  23.A.talk          B.report       C.dialogue         D.story
  24.A.from         B.out of       C.toward           D.since
  25.A,do things      B.judge       C.learn            D.examine

  1-5 ABCCB 6-10 DBABD 11-15 CABDA 16-20 ACBDC 21-25 BCDAC


如何准备中考阅读题 | 2011中考完形填空选项构成

  Mr Green was driving in his car along a _1___ country road. He had __2__ to London where he had drawn $ 50 from the bank .He was now returning home with the __3___.
  It was getting dark. A man __4___ shabby clothes stopped him and asked for a _5___. Mr Green  told him to get_6__the car and continued on his way. As he talled to the man , he learned that he hed_7__ out of prison two days before. Mr Green was very worried at the _8___ of the $50. Suddenly he saw a police car and a bright___9_. He reached a small town where the_10__ limit was 30 miles an hour . He _11__the accelerator and drove as fast as it _12___. After a mile or so the police car _13__ him and a policeman ordered him to stop .The policeman got out and came to Mr Green's car.Mr Green hoped that he could tell him about the _14___ prisoner, but the man had put a __15__ to Mr Green's back. Mr Green _16__ to be taken to the _17____stantion , but the poloce said, "No, I want your name and address now .You will have to_18___ at the police  court later."
  The policeman wrote down his name and address and put the ___19__ back into his pocket and gave Mr Green a _20___ about dangerous driving . Then Mr Green __21__ up his car again and drove on . He had given up all__22__of his $50, but just as he drove about a mile , the___23_required to get out .Mr Green stopped the car. The man said, "Thanks for the ____24_ . You've been good to me . This is the least I can do in _25___."And he handed Mr Green the policeman's notebook.
  1.A.wide     B.alone         C. lonely         D.busy
  2.A.gone     B.been          C.left           D.got
  3.A.moneny   B.gun           C.friend        D.policeman
  4.A.in       B.on            C.with          D.dressing
  5.A.car      B.drive          C.lift           D.rest
  6.A.on       B.off            C.up           D.into
  7.A.broken    B.thrown        C.been         D.driven
  8.A.sight      B.thought        C.feeling      D.look
  9.A.way       B.imagination    C.design      D.idea
  10.A.time      B.speed         C.price       D.usual
  11.A.pressed down   B.pulled up   C.pushed hard  D.operated
  12.A.could      B.possible        C.drove     D.would go
  13.A.caught      B.overtook      C.rolled over  D.warned
  14.A.runaway     B.run-about     C.run-off     D.run-down
  15.A.hand        B.finger      C.gun        D.burden
  16.A.ordered      B.was      C.asked        D.agreed
  17.A.railway      B.police     C.TV        D.gas
  18.A.appear      B.arrive      C.promise    D.admit
  19.A.gun        B.bill         C.notebook   D.hands
  20.A.rule        B.notice       C.speech     D.talk
  21.A.started      B.got          C.made     D.looked
  22.A.amount     B.that          C.hope      D.those
  23.A.driver      B.policeman     C.gentleman   D.passenger
  24.A.money      B.lift           C.journey     D.car
  25.A.turn        B.return         C.all         D.my life

  1-5 CBAAC  6-10.DABDB 11-15.ADBAC 16-20.CBACD21-25.ACDBD


  One morning Mrs Smith was ____ home after she had been shopping . When she _____ near a rubbish dump, she noticed a microwave(微波炉) not far_____ the side of the road. She stopped her car and looked____the oven.
  "John is a good_____," she said to herself. "Perhaps he _____ repair this. I'll take it home and let him____.
  She_____the oven and put it in the boot(行李箱) of her car. Then she drove on_____. A few kilometers later, she heard the siren(警报器声) of a police car____her .She looked in the driving mirror and_____ a policeman waving to her to tell her to pull____to stop.
  Mrs Smith was very puzzled.She ___ down and then stopped at the side of the road. A ____ policeman got out of the police car and walked to her.
  "Can I see your licence, please?" he asked her. He ____ down her name, and the ____ of the car.
  " What's wrong,office?" Mrs Smith asked.
  The policeman did not reply .He looked in the car and then at the _____.
  "Open the boot,please,"he said to Mrs Smith. Mrs Smith was_____.She opened the boot and ____the microwave oven.
  " I found the microwave oven a few _____ ago," she said, "I'm just taking it home to see if my husband can repair it. The policeman ____ at her for a moment to see if she was telling the ____. "That's not a microwave oven," he said at last. That's our radar set. It was the start of a speed trap. Do you ____ if we have it back?"
  Mrs Smith's face turned _____." Oh," she said, " I'm sorry. I wouldn't have _____ it if I'd known what it was.
  1.A.riding    B.walking       C.driving     Dgoing
  2.A.drew     B.dragged       C.qulled      D.qushed
  3.A.away     B.to            C.of         D.from
  4.A.at        B.for           C.up         D.out
  5.A.worker    B.electrician     C.physicist    D.teacher
  6.A.may      B.must          C.can        D.should
  7.A.do        B.make         C.manage     D.try
  8.A.raised    B.lifted up        C.picked up   D.lowered
  9.A.happily   B.angrily         C.hurriedly    D.eaherly
  10.A.before   B.beside         C.behind      D.near
  11.A.watched   B.looked        C.saw        D.heard
  12.A.through    B.over          C.down      D.on
  13.A.sped      B.slowed         C.came     D.pulled
  14.A.angry     B.uniform        C.big       D.traffic
  15.A.copied    B.set            C.write      D.lay
  16.A.color     B.number         C.size       D.weight
  17.A.front      B.seats          C.sides      D.back
  18.A.just       B.not            C.still       D.then
  19.A.looked for   B.pointed to     C.found      D.turned to
  20.A.seconds     B.hours         C.kilometers  D.minutes
  21.A.stared     B.glared          C.looked     D.glanced
  22.A.truth      B.lie             C.fact        D.reality
  23.A.think    B.like             C.mind       D.care
  24.A.pale     B.red             C.angry      D.a good look
  25.A.found    B.had             C.repaired    D.touched

  1-5CADAB  6-10CDCAC  11-15CBBDA  16-20BDCBD  20-25DAACB


  In Rome there was once a poor slave (1)name was Androcles. His master was a (2)man,and so unkind to him(3)at last Androcles ran away.
  He hid himself in a wild (4)for many days;but there was no (5)to be found,and he grew so weak and sick that he thought he should (6).So one day he came into a large cave and lay down,and soon he was fast (7).
  After a while a terrible noise (8) him up.A lion had come into the cave,(9) was roaring loudly.Androcles was very much afraid, for he thought the lion was going to eat him (10).Soon, however, he saw that the lion was not (11)and that it was lame.
  Then Androcles grew very bold and he went up to the great animal to take a (12)at its lame paw. The lion stood quite still,and rubbed his head (13)the man's shoulder. It seemed to say, --"I know that you will help me ."
  Androcles (14)the lion's paw and saw a long, sharp thorn in it.No (15)the lion was roaring so loudly! He took the (16)of the thorn in his fingers and (17)it out.At once the lion felt(18). It began to jump about like a dog and with (19) licked the slave's hands and feet.
  Androcles was not at all (20) after this.He had a friend.He was not(21)any more. When night came,he lay down beside the lion in the cave,and they slept side by side. In the (22),when the lion killed an animal (23) food,it always brought some of it to Androcles.For a few months the twofriends (24)together in the cave,and Androcles was very (25) with his new life.
  1.A.whose        B.which       C.his         D.whom
  2.A.tall           B.clever       C.cruel       D.gentle
  3.A.that          B.and          C.when      D.then
  4.A.field          B.wood        C.zoo       D.cave
  5.A.water         B.fruit          C.food      D.clothes
  6.A.die           B.live          C.drink      D.walk
  7.A.sleeping       B.sleepy        C.slept      D.asleep
  8.A.got           B.woke         C.frightened   D.cried
  9.A.where         B.but         C.there       D.and
  10.A.over         B.all          C.up         D.out
  11.A.worried       B.angry       C.hungry      D.strong
  12.A.look        B.feeling        C.taste        D.breath
  13.A.over        B.on           C.against       D.towards
  14.A.weighed     B.checked       C.felt         D.lifted
  15.A.wonder      B.matter         C.reason      D.time
  16.A.needle       B.end           C.leaf        D.fibre
  17.A.struck        B.rubbed        C.pulled      D.cut
  18.A.easy        B.painful         C.bitter       D.better
  19.A.joy         B.nose           C.tongue      D.paw
  20.A.hungry      B.afraid          C.thirsty      D.nervous
  21.A.lonely       B.sad            C.hidden      D.alone
  22.A.evening      B.forest          C.daytime     D.mountain
  23.A.for         B.as           C.without        D.after
  24.A.remained    B.lived         C.lay           D.hunted
  25.A.safe        B.pleasant       C.pleasing       D.pleased

  1-5ACABC  6-10ADBDC  11-15CACDA   16-20BCDAB  21-25DCABD


  One day some soldiers who were passing through the wood found Androcles in the cave.They knew(1) he was, and so took him back to his cruel master.
  It was the law at that time (2) a slave who ran away from his master had to fight a hungry (3).So afierce lion was (4) up for a whole day without food, and a time was (5)for the fight.
  When the day came, thousands of people (6) to see the fight. The door opened and poor Androcles was brought in. His face was white with (7)for the roars of the lion could (8)be heard.He looked up, and saw that there was no (9)in the thousands of faces around him.
  Then the hungry lion came in and (10) at the poor slave .Androcles gave a great  (11), not of fear ,but of  joy .It was his old friend, the lion of the cave.
  The people, who had (12)they would see the man (13)by the lion,were filled with (14).They saw Androcles put his arms around the lion's(15), they saw the lion lie down at his feet licking them (16);they saw the great beast rub his bead against the slave's face.They could not understand what it all (17).
  After a while they asked Androcles to (18) them about it.So he stood up (19) them, and,with his arm around the lion's neck, told (20)he and the beast had lived (21) in the cave. "I am a man,"he said, "but no man has ever made me his (22).This poor lion alone has been kind to me;and we love each other (23)brothers."
  The people were very pleased with the (24) and they suggested that Androcles should be set free.
  And so Androcles got his (25) and the lion was given to him for his own..
  1.A.how          B.who          C.where           D.whom
  2.A.that           B.when         C.which           D.while
  3.A.tiger          B.animal        C.monkey          D.lion
  4.A.eaten          B.looded        C.shut             D.tied
  5.A.set            B.ordered        C.marked         D.allowed
  6.A.wanted         B.crowded      C.started          D.were
  7.A.powder        B.flour           C.color           D.fear
  8.A.hardly          B.almost        C.already         D.enough
  9.A.pity           B.smile          C.worry          D.feeling
  10A.looked        B.rushed          C.walked         D.climbed
  11,A,surprise       B.laugh          C.jump           D.cry
  12.A.thought       B.guessed         C.wish           D.idea
  13.A.wounded      B.playing         C.killed          D.won
  14.A.pleasure       B.wonder         C.anger          D.sadness
  15.A.tail          B.back            C.leg             D.neck
  16.A.lovingly      B.angrily           C.terribly        D.slightly
  17.A.said          B.expressed        C.meant         D.wanted
  18.A.explain        B.tell            C.announce        D.show
  19.A.beside        B.among          C.with           D.before
  20.A.how          B.where           C.when          D.that
  21.A.separately       B.hard            C.together        D.alone
  22.A.slave           B.friend           C.enemy         D.relative
  23.A.for            B.with             C.upon          D.as
  24.A.story          B.lie                C.news         D.happening
  25.A.place          B.money            C.freedom       D.chance

  1-5BADCA   6-10BDCAB  11-15DACBD  16-20ACBDA  21-25CBDAC.


  When Columbus returned home with the news of his (1),he was considered as the hero who had given a new world to Spain.(2)had so great respect been shown to any (3)man.
  But there were some who were jealous of (嫉妒) the (4). "Who is this Columbus?"they asked, "and (5)has he done?Isn't he a poor pilot from Italy?And could not any other seamen sail across the ocean just (6) he has done?"
  One day Columbus was at a (7) and several of these fellows were (8). They tried to make Columbus (9). "You have discovered strange lands (10) the sea,"they said. "But we don't see (11)there should be so buch said about it. Anybody can sail across the ocean;and anybody can coast along the islands on the other side,just as you have done..It is the (12)thing in the world."
  Columbus made no (13):but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the people at the table "Who(14)you, gentlemen can make the egg stand (15)?"One by one they tried the (16).When the egg had gone entirely around and everyone had (17),all said that it could not be done.Then Columbus tookthe egg and (18)its small end gently upon the table so as to (19)the shell a little. After that there was no (20)in making it stand (21), "Gentlemen,"said he , "What is easier (22)to do this which you said was (23)?It is the simplest thing in the world.(24)can do it-AFTER HE HAS BEEN SHOWN (25)."
  1.A.secret           B.discovery        C.story               D.journey
  2.A.Where           B.Never          C.Nor                D.Neither
  3.A.common         B.great            C.respectable          D.noble
  4.A.inventor          B.traveller         C.discoverer          D.bravery
  5.A.when            B.what            C.how               D.whether
  6.A.because          B.as              C.like                D.since
  7.A.palace           B.hotel            C.counter             D.dinner
  8.A.present           B.at present        C.kind-hearted         D.invited
  9.A.happy            B.satisfied         C.uncomfortable        D.disappointed
  10.A.beside          B.along            C.in                  D.beyond
  11.A.why            B.how             C.whether            D.that
  12.A.hardest          B.wonderful        C.simplest            D.strange
  13.A.choice          B.answer           C.noise               D.joke
  14.A.besides          B.among           C.including            D.except
  15.A.by              B.still             C.weight              D.on end
  16.A.experiment       B.egg              C.method             D.result
  17.A.succeeded       B.failed             C.experience          D.chance
  18.A.beat            B.felt               C.touched            D.struck
  19.A.protect          B.crush             C.break               D.damage
  20.A.trouble          B.time              C.shell               D.gravity
  21.A.downward       B.upward            C.easily              D.upright
  22.A.as to            B.if                C.than                D.compared
  23.A.possible        B.impossible        C.difficult             D.easy
  24.A.None          B.Anybody          C.Somebody          D.Nobody
  25.A.HOW          B.WHEN           C.IT                D.HIM

  1-5DBACB   6-10BDACD   11-15ACBBD   16-20ABDCA  21-25DCBBA


  Bill White's father is a lawyer. In his (1)time ,he likes to go out in the (2)and tske pictures of animals .
  For a long time,Bill had wanted to go with his father on one of his (3).But his father didn't  take Bill along with him (4)he was fifteen .
  He and Bill drove to the farm which (5)to his uncle in the afternoon. They (6)the night therek,so that they could (7)out early the next morning.Uncle Steve and his son Larry,who was sixteen,were going to go out with them.
  It was stilol dark when Bill heard the alarm(8)the next morning. He wondered why it was (9) so early.He couldn't remember (10)he was .He turned over(11) and looked at the clock..It was 5 o'clock.Then he (12)that he was at the (13)and that he was going out to tade pictures with his father.He jumped out of bed and got (14)quickly.
  He ran downstairs.The others were already in the (15). Uncle Steve was cooking bacom and eggs.There was a pot lf coffee on the stove. It(16)good.
  They ate breakfast quickly. They didn't talk(17).because they didn't want to (18)up the other people in the house. They filled a thermos bottle (19)hot coffee and took some sandwiches that Aunt Grace, Uncle Steve's wife ,had made for them.They gathered their camera (20)and started out.
  As they left the house, the sun was just beginning to(21).Bill enjoyed being (22).As they walked across the fields toward some low hills in the (23),a deer came out of the woods and stopped (24) a while. Bill raised the camera and (25) the button at once.
  1.A.work           B.spare           C.enough        D.limited
  2.A.farm            B.zoo            C.town          D.country
  3.A.trips            B.buses           C.holidays       D.engine
  4.A.after            B.when           C.until          D.unless
  5.A.led             B.stuck            C.got           D.belonged
  6.A.cost            B.spent            C.slept          D.passed
  7.A.start            B.begin            C.walk          D.step
  8.A.telephone        B.machine          C.bell          D.clock
  9.A.sounding        B.striking           C.ringing        D.running
  10.A.where          B.how             C.who           D.what
  11.A.quickly         B.sleepily          C.quietly         D.suddenly
  12.A.imagined       B.pronounced        C.forgot         D.remembered
  13.A.mountain       B.town              C.farm          D.station
  14.A.dressed         B.lost               C.washed        D.prepared
  15.A.bathroom        B.kitchen           C.living-room     D.toilet
  16.A.seemed         B.felt               C.tasted         D.smelled
  17.A.heavily          B.soundly           C.much         D.highly
  18.A.wake           B.mix               C.set            D.send
  19.A.of             B.with               C.of             D.by
  20.A.cover           B.supply             C.operator        D.equipment
  21.A.raise            B.lift               C.rise            D.set
  22.A.outdoors         B.outdoor           C.indoors         D.indoor
  23.A.direction         B.distance           C.fields          D.plain
  24.A.for              B.after              C.at             D.till
  25.A.repaired          B.fixed             C.felt            D.pressed

  1-5BDACB   6-10BADCA     11-15BDCAB    16-20DCABD    21-25CABAD


  A crow has long been part of man's history. More than any other (1),the crow has been both denounced and praised. Some have (2) it as a messenger of evil.
  To the (3),the crow is a hungry robber who swoops down to (4)his corn shoots. Most people.see the crow as a big,(5),troublesome bird.
  It is easy, therefore,to understand (6)the crow got its name into the(7).Any person who talks about himself or his (8) is said to "crow"about himself.
  This meaning of the (9)came from Old English or Frech..But there is a saying about the crow in America that is (10).A person may be too (11) of himself and say something in a (12)and boastful way .Later,he may abmit he is (13).Then he is "eating crow".
  No one knows how this saying (14)started. But one story about it (15)in a Louisiana newspaper in 1851.
  A man who owned a boarding house (16) poor food,and his cust omers complained about it .One bay, they complained so loudly (17)the owner of the house laughed at them and said, "Why,I can eat (18)and enjoy it."
  Some decided to (19)him .They killed a large crow and cooked it and made it (20)nice. Secretly,however,they(21)hot pepper and salt. They put the tasty-looking dish before the owner and (22)him to eat.
  The owner took a big (23)out of the crow.It was horrible.He(24)the dish away from him.
  So,biing too certain has its price,if later you must admit you are wrong. You may have to swallow your pride as well as your words. And that may be as (25)as eating crow.
  1.A.person             B.animal            C.bird        D.machine
  2.A.feared              B.looked            C.wondered    D.thought
  3.A.workers            B.customers          C.people       D.farmer
  4.A.eat                B.destroy             C..damage     D.protect
  5.A.black              B.boisy              C.lovely        D.pretty
  6.A.why               B.when              C.how          D.that
  7.A.use                B.dictionary          C.animal        D.language
  8.A.deeds              B.enemies            C.friends       D.habits
  9.A.sentence            B.word               C.expression    D.phrase
  10.A.similar            B.same               C.known      D.different
  11.A.worried            B.afraid              C.sure         D.careful
  12.A.loud              B.loudly              C.aloud        D.weak
  13.A.bright             B.wrong              C.healthy       D.right
  14.A.had               B.brought             C.would        D.got
  15.A.published          B.shew                C.appeared     D.printed
  16.A.served             B.ate                 C.enjoyed       D.offered
  17.A.when              B.that                 C.after         D.because
  18.A.something          B.nothing              C.food         D.anything
  19.A.check             B.examine            C.test          D.feed
  20.A.look              B.taste                C.smell        D.seem
  21.A.boiled             B.increased            C.added        D.supplied
  22.A.forced             B.caused             C.welcomed      D.invited
  23.A.bite               B.breath              C.look           D.egg
  24.A.pulled             B.pushed              C.took          D.drove
  25.A.pleased            B.interesting           C.funny          D.unpleasant

  1- 5CADAB     6-10CDABD    11-15CABDC   16-20ABDCA    21-25CDABD


  One  bright winter morning a stranger walked down a small town street (1) for a grindstone to sharpen an axe that he carried in his hand ,He met a youngster and asked, "My good boy ,does your father have a grindstone?"
  "Yes,"answered the boyl
  "You are a fine fellow,"said the man. "Will you let me sharpen my axe (2)it?"
  The boy was pleased to hear (3)called a fine fellow. "Yes ,sir ,just (4)me."
  The man asked the boy his name and how old he was. And as they (5)at the grindstone,the man said, "You are one of  the nicest lads that I have (6)seen. Now,will you just turn the stone a few (7)for me?"
  The man's voice was warm and his words of (8)made the boy happier than ever. And he was (9)to help the man to grind,and sharpen his axe.
  It was hard (10).The boy turned the stone,again and again. His hand began to (11).He got so tired that he thought he would die. Buthe (12)grinding and sharpening the axe, (13)the man cheered him on with (14)of high praise.
  At last,the job was done.The axe was sharpened (15)a fine edge that gleamed in the (16).The boy proudly handed it to the man.
   But suddenly, a (17) came over the man. He was no (18) such a friendly man. He did not even thank the boy.(19)he told him to run along now, or he might be (20) for school.
  This little story was (21)in the school books for the time and became widely (22)all over the country. It gave (23)to many unpleasant stories about people with axes to grind, (24)who try to get something ror themselves but (25)the fact under an false appearance.
  1.A.looking       B.waiting           C.expecting        D.caring
  2.A.with          B.for               C.on             D.at
  3.A.stranger       B.someone          C.father           D.himself
  4.A.promise       B.follow            C.believe          D.encourage
  5.A.reached       B.got               C.arrived          D.looked
  6.A.in            B.off                C.out            D.on
  7.A.if            B.unless              C.when          D.otherwise
  8.A.loudly        B.quickly             C.quietly         D.anxiously
  9.A.awake        B.asleep              C.reading         D.crying
  10.A.voice        B.noise               C.sound          D.tone
  11.A.with pain     B.in pain             C.with joy        D.of sorrow
  12.A.out         B.off                 C.away           D.down
  13.A.must be      B.can't be            C.would be         D.had been
  14.A.silent        B.happy              C.excited          D.disappointed
  15.A.in          B.on                   C.beside         D.below
  16.A.question       B.questions      C.a question       D.the question
  17.A.if             B.even if        C.because         D.so   that
  18.A.call            B.see          C.ask             D.send for
  19.A.interrupted      B.moved        C.bitten           D.bothered
  20.A.must           B.needn't        C.daren't         D.wanted to
  21.A.short           B.fond          C.ill              D.sick
  22.A.think           B.made it certain    C.am sure        D.took it for granted
  23.A.apologize       B.excuse          C.talk          D.discuss
  24.A.bravely         B.encouragingly     C.hopelessly     D.helpfully
  25.A.meet           B.telephone        C.receive        D.see off

  1-5ABCBA     6-10DBCAB   11-15BBABB     16-20DBACC    21-25DDABB


  Many young people dream not of (1)a car but of a motorcycle. They know that it tskes (2)money to buy and to operate .With a little oil they can (3)for hours. Boys and girls (4) a motorcycle can get to (5)they want to go very fast .They donot have to stay (6)when there is a lot of (7).They can go (8)the cars.
  Motorcycles are also easy to park if there is no (9)on the street, people sometimes (10)the bikes onto the lawn or leave them beside their houses.
  Girls and boys may (11)a motorcycle club. Thee members of these clubs (12)and ride to places (13)state parks or lakes.
  Many people have (14)motorcycles. They use one for the city streets and the other for riding (15)fields.The other one is called a dirt bike.It is (16)made for places where there are (17)roads.Because a dirt bike is not (18)in the city,a person must have a truck(19)it through the city streets.
  It is (20)to have friends who also own dirt bikes. A group often goes into the (21)to race their bikes.If they are (22)riders ,they may enter a (23) called the motorcross,and people will(24) to see them ride.Better still,they may win a (25).
  1.A.making         B.owning        C.driving           D.fixing
  2.A.many           B.lots of         C.less              D.enough
  3.A.walk            B.fly            C.rest             D.ride
  4.A.with            B.of             C.buying            D.silling
  5.A.the place         B.there           C.where           D.fields
  6.A..behind cars       B.in front of cars    C.beside buses     D.on the bikes
  7.A.people           B.motors          C.traffic           D.stones
  8.A.up to            B.near             C.straight to       D.around
  9.A.space            B.corner           C.police           D.seat
  10.A.pull             B.push            C.keep           D.carry
  11.A.wait             B.belong to         C.drop in at       D.live in
  12.A.wait             B.greet             C.stay there       D.get together
  13.A.like             B.as                C.few            D.big
  14.A.many            B.two               C.few            D.big
  15.A.towards          B.through            C.over           D.across
  16.A.easily            B.almost             C.especially       D.strangely
  17.A.wide             B.narrow             C.long            D.no
  18.A.used             B. made              C.produced       D.sold
  19.A.pulling           B.defending           C.to take         D.to drive
  20.A.pleasure          B.fun                 C.interest        D.joyful
  21.A.city              B.mountain            C.cave          D.country
  22.A.expert            B.advanced            C.the toppest     D.expericnce
  23.A.game             B.race                C.test           D.check
  24.A.get               B.expect               C.pay           D.join
  25.A.praise            B.prize                 C.place         D.respect

  1-5BCDAC  6-10ACDAB     11-15BDABB     16-20CDACB      21-25DABCB