
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 16:28:07


  In recent months, Paris has been dominated by the Chinese, who have begun to travel abroad in large numbers, and who come here less to eat than to shop. According to Atout France, the French tourism development agency, individual visas are still expensive and restricted for Chinese visitors. So they come mostly on bus tours organized back home, usually for trips of 10 to 15 days that often start in Germany, with stops in Switzerland, Italy or the Netherlands. They almost always end in Paris, and it is in Paris that most do their shopping.

  在最近几个月,巴黎已经被大量出国旅游的中国人占领了。他们把大多数时间都花在了购物上,甚至都无暇顾及美食了。 据法国资产报导,目前对于中国公民的签证依然处于较为昂贵,而且限制条件也较多。所以他们往往都是通过10至15天的巴士往返旅游来到巴黎,路线一般都是从德国出发,途经瑞士、意大利和荷兰,最后到达巴黎。而他们所有的物品几乎都是在巴黎购买。

  In 2010, Chinese visitors spent about $890 million in France, 60 percent more than in 2009, according to Atout France.


  More Americans than Chinese come to Paris, of course, but they spend less. An American’s shopping expenditures run to 40 percent of a Chinese visitor’s. Only the Russian tourist spends more than the Chinese one, and only slightly.


  The Chinese come, for the most part, to the large department stores, the “grands magasins” like Galeries Lafayette and Au Printemps, which sit side by side on the Boulevard Haussmann, each with its own glorious, stained-glass domes, two churches of capitalism.

  中国游客们大多都直奔像老佛爷(Galeries Lafayette)和春天( Au Printemps)这样的大型百货商店。这些商店坐落于奥斯曼大道两旁,拥有着华丽的建筑风格,不啻为资本主义的天堂。

  Pang Hao and his wife, Wang Wenting, both 34, came from Nanjing on a tour with their young daughter, on a bus with 30 others. They had already been to Italy, Germany and Austria; Paris was their last stop. “We do all the shopping here,” Ms. Wang said, waiting in line at the Chanel boutique at Galeries Lafayette. “We’re going to spend a lot here.”


  Mr. Pang said that he preferred the “outlet stores” in the United States, “where everything is cheaper.” But “Galeries Lafayette is very famous in China,” Ms. Wang said.


  The Chinese market has become very important to both stores. Both advertise heavily in China, both work assiduously with tour operators and travel agents there and both have good relations with the Chinese Embassy and business organizations to get the V.I.P. shopper as well. They have staff members who speak Chinese, store maps in Chinese and help for patrons to complete a “détaxe” form, which refunds most of the value-added tax. They take Chinese credit cards — the CUP card (China UnionPay) — and provide immediate cash refunds on the tax, so customers can spend more on easily transportable items, like perfumes and watches.


  Printemps has a special entrance for Chinese groups, and it provides a short Chinese-language briefing about the store, said Laurent Schenten, the director of the international customer department. There are Chinese-speaking personal shoppers and Chinese public-address announcements. The store offers a digital card, so that a customer — with only a set amount of time to spend before the bus leaves — does not have to wait at each boutique for purchases, which are collected for them for a single payment.

  国际客户部的总监 Laurent Schenten则称,春天百货给中国消费群体提供了一个特殊入口,里面提供了中文的商店简介和中国广播通知等一条龙服务。店里还给顾客们派发一张智能卡,为其省去一些零散的排队时间,并提示巴士离站时间来方便顾客。

  International customers now represent some 40 percent of Printemps sales, and about one-third of that business is Chinese, Mr. Schenten said. Chinese customers spend an average of $1,660 each at Printemps. “We work to get them to spend here and not on Avenue Montaigne or Galeries Lafayette,” he said.


  Galeries Lafayette, which gets some 10 million foreign visitors a year, has been cultivating the Asian market for decades, said Thierry Vannier, its director of international promotion, “to ensure we have the right people, the right services and the right merchandise,” while working with travel agents and tourism groups in China “to push our store as the main store to be seen.” “We’re more visited than the Eiffel Tower,” Mr. Vannier said proudly. Galeries Lafayette is planning to open a store next year in Beijing, where the name is a brand.

  老佛爷百货在对亚洲市场进行开发后,一年的外籍游客访问量更是达到了1000万人次。国际开发部总监Thierry Vannier则表示:”为了能够更好夺取中国的客户资源,我们要将服务和商品的规划及客服做到最好,来让我们公司看起来像个主要的百货大楼。“ Vannier还骄傲的说道:“我们比埃菲尔铁塔更有吸引力。” 因为在北京盛极的名气,老佛爷百货还计划明年在北京开设一家分店。

  On a tour from Hong Kong, Dr. John Wu and his wife, Christine Au, were waiting to buy a Louis Vuitton wallet “for Auntie.” “The newest arrivals are here,” he said. “The hottest things.” Asked what struck them on their first trip to Paris, he said, “I was surprised by all the Chinese people here!”


  A couple of young government employees from Shanghai, on their honeymoon, waited in a line to enter the Louis Vuitton boutique. Paris is a kind of dream, they said; they were going to buy “something for friends and colleagues.” And the boss? They laughed. “And maybe something for ourselves,” said the woman, who gave her name only as Xiao.


  Chinese tourism in France is rising by more than 15 percent a year; according to Atout France, in 2010 about 550,000 Chinese visited. The average Chinese tourist is male, about 45, lives in a large city and visits the most obvious places — the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and, of course, the shops. They spend about $1,800 each on shopping, 60 percent of their travel budget, according to Global Blue, an international company that handles refunds of taxes for international shoppers.


  In general, Chinese tour groups stay in large, cheaper hotels outside Paris and eat preplanned meals in Chinese restaurants. But they buy luxury brands for themselves and their friends — especially items that have logos and that they know are not fakes. In China, such goods can cost 20 to 30 percent more.


  “France is distant but we know her well,” said Nong Kang, who works for Atout France in China. “Our greatest writers spent years in France, and everyone here has read a book of Balzac or seen a movie starring French actor Alain Delon.”


  Mr. Kang cited a well-known Chinese author, Lin Yutang, who wrote that France and China understood each other because they shared the same precision about language and gastronomy. The Chinese say that they also feel political affinity, conscious of France’s revolutionary past, and that “The Internationale” — the anthem of revolutionary zeal — is French.


  For Paul Roll, the director of the Paris Tourism Office, the Chinese visitor is “a peculiar kind of customer.” “Chinese tourists do a European tour, as the Japanese did 25 years ago, with very modest local integration,” he said.

  巴黎旅游局主管Paul Roll 则认为中国游客是非常慷慨大方的。他还说道:“中国游客的欧洲行,就像25前的日本人一样,都是很自然地入乡随俗。”

  Over time, he said, that is likely to change. “We want to attract those who came here once and wish to come back and travel in a more subtle way,” he said.


  Jackie Ho came to Galeries Lafayette from Hong Kong with his family, including his daughter Yuki, 14. “The prices are expensive, but the brands are better here,” he said.


  “And we’re sure of the products here,” Yuki said. Mr. Ho laughed. “A lot of products in Hong Kong are copied,” he said. “The Taiwanese are good at making fake things.”


  Only the Taiwanese? He laughed again, a bit embarrassed. “What’s good is to buy a brand here you cannot buy in Hong Kong,” he said.


  Was Paris what they imagined? “Well, the city is not as clean as we thought,” he said. But they plan to buy souvenirs and a watch — “and cosmetics,” Yuki said, giving her father one of those disgusted adolescent looks.
