
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/08 19:09:09
一.总结考试,激励提升总结本次考试的目的及考察内容,介绍试卷特点,分析学生答题情况,公布全卷和单项得分情况,表扬成绩优异和进步大的学生。同时指出答题中存在的突出问题。二.分析反思,自主改错, 学生自行浏览试卷,对错题进行认真分析,查找失分原因,并自己尝试改正试卷中的错题。三.合作研讨,组内互助   在自主改错的基础上,学生仍然解决不了的问题可以在小组内互动,共同研讨,采取好帮差的方式,把能解决的问题解决掉。四.小组质疑,全班解疑   各小组汇总难以解决的疑难问题,在全班中展示,师生合作解决问题。教师要通过适当的启发引导,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。五.巩固练习,拓展延伸   对基础生进行典型试题的巩固性练习,使学生对错题能够熟练掌握。对尖子生,应该在同类试题的基础上,进行适当的拓展拔高。附件:讲评课教案 讲评课教案 I.成绩公布:      80分以上          5人75-79 分           9人 70-74 分           10人 65-69 分           8人 60-64分            5人 60分以下           4人 II.答案公布:讨论得出为给出的正确答案1-5      A 2 B C B              6-10     C 7 /8 /9 /1011-15    B D13 /14 /15     16-20    16/CB/19/2021-25    21C/A A D        26-30    26 B C 29 B III.学生讨论,找出问题并解决问题2. ---You seemed angry just now? ---Yes, I didn’t like the way ____he spoke to me.A. which   B. how   D. that 7. In my opinion, life in the twenty- first century is much easier than _____.
  1. that used to be    D. it used to be
 13. The book was written in 1946, ___the education system has witnessed great changesA.   when                B. during which   C.    since then           D. since when  21.To her delight, the professor _______ at last.A. referring to coming      B. referring to came   C. who referred to came   D. referred to came 16.---What happened to Zhou Kai? ---He broke his arm ________________.      B. when playing football        D. playing the football 25.___with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. Compare   B. When comparing   C. Comparing   D. When compared26. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ___, he gladly accepted it.A. finished    C. having finished  IV变式练习:1. *It was in the village _____he was born _____ he spent the rest of his life.A. where; that         B. which; whenC. that; where         D. where; where 2. _____next year, the building will be used as a lab.
  1. Completing          B. When completed
  1. To complete         D. Being completed
 3. He spends more time reading books than ______.
  1. that I do          B. I do        C. me do it       D. me
4. The way ___ he suggested to me sounds good. The way ___he solved the problem is quite good.
  1. Which       B. in which     C. in that
 5. *Do it as you are __________.
  1. told to do       B. told        C. told to
*---Did you attend the lecture yesterday?   ---No, but _________.
  1. I planned to      B. I planned to have
* China is not the country that it _______
  1. used       B. used to     C. used to be
6. With his key ________, he couldn’t open the door.
  1. lost    B. having lost     C. losing      D. being lost
 7.*I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ______ in two days?   *I still need _______10 dollars to pay for the book.
  1. the rest    B. the other    C. another   D. other
 8. He hidden himself behind the door, _____ he could observe the thief without being noticed.A. from which               B. from where 作文: Excellent sentences:1. As many as 45% of Chinese people are addicted to smoking. 2. Smoking does harm to our health and results in illness.3. Smoking not only wastes much money, but also has a bad influence on people’s health.4. Most smokers are young people, even students included.5. There are 45% Chinese people smoking, most of whom are young people, students included.6. Smokers make up 45% of Chinese people.7. This is one of the reasons why most people smoke.8. Some people smoke just for fun; others smoke to refresh themselves.9. What’s worse, the end of a cigarette may lead to a big fire.10. Smoking is a bad habit, and therefore smokers had better give it up.  Problems in the composition:  1.分段2.语言表达苍白,简单的单句排列3.语病太多4.抄袭阅读理解,脱离要求 IV. 整理反思