黄渤唱歌怎么 #65533;:(八年级下Units 1-4重点解析

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:04:08

(八年级下Units 1-4)




robot, use, less, fewer, fly, get, find,alone, able, dress, however, everywhere, possible, seem play, argue, wrong,surprise, either, except, fail, until, land, while, follow, shout, happen,earth, ever, suppose, nervous, own, thin, decision,



call up, take off


There will be more people /fewer trees/less pollution.

No one will want to see actors talk.

For example, it’s easy for a child to wakeup and know whey they are.

I don’t want to surprise him.



1. argue

 argue v. 意为“争论,争吵”,它常用于句型argue with sb. (about/over sth.)意思是“与某人……争论(某事)”。 eg:

  Ioften argued with him over the matter.   我常常和他在那件事上争论。

2. get

  (1)get v. 意为“接到,收到”,相当于“receive”。  eg:

I got a letter from my sister thismorning.   今天早晨我接到了妹妹的来信。

另外,句型get sb. to do sth. 意为“使/让/叫某人做某事”,其中to不可以省略。   eg:

The teacher got the students to finishtheir homework at once.


(2) get 还可作连系动词,意为“变得,成为”。    eg:

  Our country is getting stronger and stronger.   我们的国家变得越来越强大。

3. land

  (1)land v. 意为“降落”,“着陆”。     eg:

He plane landed safely.   飞机安全地降落了。

  (2)它还可用作名词,意为“陆地,土地,田地”。    eg:

He owns 100 acres of land.    他拥有一百英亩土地。

4. compare

 compare v. 比较,对照。    eg:

 Compare the style of the two poems. 将这两首诗的风格加以比较。

  Ifyou compare her work with his, you’ll find hers is much better. 


5. find

 find 后可接名词、代词、作宾语,还可以接复合宾语,用形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、副词、不定式作宾语补足语。    eg:

  Ifound the book on the bed.   我发现书在床上。

  Ifound the key lost.   我发现钥匙丢了。

  Shehurried there, but found them all out.    她赶到那里,但发现大家都出去了。


1. call (sb.) up

 call (sb.) up意为“给(某人)打电话”,相当于give sb. a call, ring sb. up, give sb. a ring, phone/telephone sb.eg:

  Iwill call you up tomorrow.   我明天给你们打电话。

2. take off

  (1)take off 意为“起飞”,其反义词为land.     eg:

    The plane takes off at 3 pm every day. 那班飞机每天下午3点起飞。

  (2)它还可以表示脱去(衣服、鞋等)。其反义词为put on。 


    He took off his shoes and put it behind the door.   他脱下鞋子,并把它放在门后。


    take away  拿走,取走     take back 收回,取消     take care of   照顾

 take it easy   不要急,别紧张   take medicine  服药   take part in 参加    

take place  发生   take photos 拍照     take a rest   休息一下   take a walk 散步

3. run away

  runaway 意为“跑开,迅速离开,逃走”。    eg:

  Thegirl ran away at once.   那个女孩立即跑走了。


right away 立即,马上    go away 走开     be far away from 离……远

put away 把……收起来,放好    take away  拿走


1. be able to & can

  beable to 和can 都表示“能”,但两者有以下区别:

  (1)表示现在或一般能力时,be able to与can可以互换使用。  eg:

Nobody can/is able to solve the problem. 没人能理解这个问题。

  (2)can只有现在式和过去式,而be able to 有较多的时态变化。  eg:

He has not been able to come.  他来不了了。   

They will be able to do it well.  他们能把这件事情办好。

  (3)be able to的过去时表示“经过努力能做成某事”,而could没有这种意思。 eg:

He worked hard at his lessons and was ableto pass the exam.


  (4)在表示猜测时,用can而不用be able to. eg:

That can’t be his book. Myname is on it.  那不可能是他的书。上面有我的名字。

That man can’t be your headmaster. He hasgone to Australia.


  (5)be able to 可以与不定式以及shall, will, would连用,用在现在完成时态中,而can则不能。  eg:

    I hope to be able to pass the exam.   我希望能通过这次考试。

    You will pass the exam if you work hard. 如果你学习努力,你就会通过这次考试。

    We have been able to read English novels.  我们已经能够读英文小说了。

2. in & after

  in 和 after 是介词,都表示“在……之后”,但两者用法不同。in指以现在为起点,句子多用将来时。after 指以过去某一时间为起点,句子多用过去时。after 如后接钟点时,指以现在为起点,句子用将来时。 eg:

  Hewill come back in an hour. 一个小时后他将回来。

 After half a year, they built another factory.   半年后,他们建了另一家工厂。

  Hewill finish the work after two o’clock.   两点后他将完成这件工作。

3. find, look for & find out

 find意思是“发现,找到”,强调找的结果;而look for 意思是“寻找”,强调找的过程;find out意思是“查出;查明”,指经过努力查出了事情的真相。  eg:

  Thewoman looked for her son everywhere, but she couldn’t find him. She was verysad.


  Canyou find out when the plane will take off? 你能查一下飞机什么时候起飞吗?

4. when & while

  (1)when 与 while 都可以做从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意思是“当……时候”。当从句的谓语动词是延续性动词时,二者可以互换;若从句的谓语动词是终止性动词时,只能用when.     eg:

   When/While we were talking, the teacher came in.   当我们正说话时,老师走了进来。

   He was listening to English when the telephone rang.


The light went out suddenly while we werewatching TV. 我们正在看电视,灯突然熄灭了。

While Mary was writing a letter, thechildren were playing outside.


  (2) when 和 while 两词还可以作并列连词,但意思不同。when 相当于at that time或just then, 意为“在那时”;而while则相当于but,意为“而;但是”,表示对比关系。eg:

   He was just falling asleep when there was a knock at the door.


My mother was sweeping the floor while myfather was reading a report.


5. in front of & in/at the front of

  infront of指在某一范围外的前面,其反义词为behind。

  inthe front of指在某一范围内的前面,其反义词为in /at the back of。   eg:

 There is a tree in front of my house.  我家房子前面有棵树。

  Thedriver sits in the front of the car.   司机坐在汽车的前部。

6. alone, lonely &all by oneself

 alone 作形容词意为“单独的”,只能作表语;作副词意为“单独地”、“独自”。lonely 作形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”。all by oneself 独立,单独,有“全靠自己”的意思,有时可与alone互换。   eg:

  Heis alone/all by himself, but he doesn’t feel lonely.  他独自一人,但他并不孤独。

  Hefinished the work alone/all by himself.  他独自完成了那件工作。

 [注]Hefinished the work himself.  他亲自完成了那件工作。

I have to learn to use the computer all bymyself.   我不得不靠自己学会使用电脑。

=I have to teach myself to use thecomputer.   我不得不自学使用电脑。


1.       There will be more people /fewer trees/less pollution.


(1)  此句属于There be句型的一般将来时,表示“将来存在……”。

该句型的否定式为:There will not be….

疑问式为:Will there be…?

肯定回答用Yes, there will.  否定回答用 No,there won’t.   eg:

There won’t be any fish in theriver.   将来河里就不会有鱼了。

—Will there be less pollution?  将会有更少的污染吗?

—Yes, there will./No, there won’t. There will be more pollution.


  (2)more, fewer, less都是比较级。more 是many/much 的比较级,故more既可以修饰可数名词的复数也可以修饰不可数名词。fewer是few的比较级,所以fewer只能修饰可数名词的复数,而less是little的比较级,只能修饰不可数名词。  eg:

    There will be fewer animals in China.  在中国将会用更少的动物。

    There will be less money.   将会有更少的钱。

2. Predicting the future can bedifficult.  预测未来可能很困难。



主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。 eg:

 Getting up early is good for your health.   早起对身体有好处。

  Tobe late for school isn’t a good thing.   上学迟到不是件好事。

 When to start is still a problem. 何时出发仍然是个问题。

3. No one will want to see actorstalk.  没有人想看演员们谈话。

  (1)no one 想当于nobody, 只能用来指人,不能指物,并且后面不能接of;常用来回答who开头的问句。  eg:

     —Who is inthe classroom now?   现在谁在教室里?

     —No one. 没有人。

  (2)none 意为“(三者或三者以上中)一个也没有”,它既不可以指人,也不可以指物;后面可以接of短语;谓语动词用单数、复数均可;常用来回答how many 或how much 引导的疑问句。 eg:

    None of them has/have come back get. 他们谁也没回来。

     —How manybooks are there on the desk?    桌子上有几本书?

     —None.  一本也没有。

4. For example, it’s easy for a child towake up and know where they are.


  在句型It’s+形容词+of/forsb. to do sth. 中,当形容词描述不定式行为者的性格、品质时,


用介词for。   eg:

It’s very clever of youto answer the difficult question.  能答出这个难题,你真聪明。

It isn’t good for animalsto stay in cages.  动物总待在笼子里不好。

5. That may not seem possible now, butcomputers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible ahundred years ago.


 seem v.  好像,似乎。用法如下:

  (1)seem+形容词     eg:

    My grandmother seems ill.  我奶奶好像病了。

  (2)seem +to be+形容词   eg:

    The story seems to be very interesting.  这个故事好像很有趣。

  (3)seem +to do sth.    eg:

    He seems to study well.  他似乎学习很好。

  (4)It seems +that从句     eg:

    It seems that she has read this book.  好像她已经看过这本书了。

6. I don’t want to surprisehim.   我不想让他感到吃惊。

  (1)surprise v.  使(人)惊讶,常用被动结构besurprised.   eg:

    When I heard the news, I was very surprised.  听到这个消息时,我很吃惊。

  (2)surprise n. 惊奇,诧异   to one’s surprise 使某人感到惊奇的是  eg:

    To my surprise, the plan succeeded.  我感到惊奇的是那计划竟然成功了。

    in surprise 惊奇,惊讶,在句中作表语或状语。  eg:

    She looked up in surprise when I shouted.    我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来看。

  (3)surprising adj. 惊人的。     eg:

    It’s surprising they lost.   他们竟然失败了。

7. Parents see other children doing a lotof things, and they feel their own children should do the same. 父母看到其他的孩子在做许多事情,他们觉得自己的孩子也应该这样做。

  seesb. doing sth. 意为“看到某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在发生。

  seesb do sth. 意为“看到某人做了某事”,强调动作的全过程。  eg:

  Isaw her entering the classroom.   我看见她正在进入教室。

  Isaw her enter the classroom.  我看见她进了教室。

 [注]hear,listen to, watch, look at, find, feel, notice 与see 的用法相同。

8. I hope you are in good health.  希望你身体健康。


  (1)hope+从句    eg:

    I hope he will come.   我希望他会来。

  (2)hope to do sth.   eg:

    I hope to pass the exam.  我希望能够通过考试。

  (3)hope for+ n. 希望得到什么……  eg:

    I hope for his letter.  我希望能接到他的来信。