黄轩的人品怎么样:考研英语词汇复习(72) : decay、rot、spoil、decompose、currupt

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 22:32:52












decay   “腐烂”、“腐败”、“衰退”,指原来完美、完好的有机物体发生破坏性的变化。用于抽象事物时表示由旺盛或良好状态转向衰败、衰弱。decay可用作动词或名词。


1) Vegetables and fruits are liable to decay in the long-distant transport.


2) As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically.


3) The power of Roman Empire was decaying at the time of Nero.


4) Many people blame these changes on the decay of traditiona mores.



rot   “腐烂”、“腐败”、“堕落”,指自然而然或由于外部因素影响而腐烂、腐败,多用于动植物之类。rot可用作及物动词表示“使腐烂”“使腐败”。


1) Edible fruits are so plentiful on this island that some of them rot in the trees or on the vine.


2) The house fell in disrepair for too many years and some of its beams and floors began to rot / decay.


3) The continual rain rotted the crop in the field.



spoil    “腐烂”、“变坏”,多指食物的腐败,也可有引申意义表示“破坏”、“弄坏”,用于孩子则表示“惯坏”、“宠坏”。


1) The meat spoiled when we left it out overnight.


2) Her husband’s sudden losing temper spoiled what was suuposed to be a pleasurable evening party.


3) Commercial bribe spoils social atmosphere and encourage corruption behavior and economical crime.  (商业贿赂破坏社会风气,催生腐败行为和经济犯罪。)

4) Nowadays, since most of our children are the only child of the family, many parents spoil their children by providing the best possible conditions in material life.



decompose   “分解”、“腐烂”、“腐败”,本意是“分解”,引申出“腐烂”、“腐败”,相当于decay和 rot。


1) Plastic bags harm the environment because they take a long time to decompose。

             (塑料袋会给环境带来危害, 因为它们要花漫长的时间才分解腐烂。)

2) Dead bodies will immediately start to decompose and spread disease.


3) In the natural carbon cycle, plants absorb CO2 as they grow. When they die and decomplose, this returns to the atmosphere.



corrupt   “腐烂”、“堕落”,“腐败”,也可以表示物的“腐烂”,更多用于指道德、伦理、经济方面的堕落腐败。名词为corruption。


1) A great number of bodies corrupted on the battle field.


2) He is sent to a prison by trying to corrupt the policeman with money.


3) The government pledge that they will resolutely fight against the corruption of officials.
