
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 00:52:42


0l. —I am sorry to have __ too much of your time.  —That's OK, and I am glad to help you.

A. taken up      B. taken on     C. taken off        D. taken in

02. My son John asked me to ___ him off at school on my way to work because it was raining.

A. take      B. drop          C. put     D. cut

03. The young woman walking on the street looked nice, so Vince ___ her a lift.

A. shared     B. took           C. gave                D. put

04. Whether his experiment will be successful ___ to be seen.

A. seems          B. looks             C. keeps               D. remains

05. We need to ____ our active vocabulary step by step.

A. grow           B. add          C. develop              D. raise

06. The best selling MBA book ____ economics.

A. covers         B. contains        C. includes            D. consists

07. In the past ten years, Government has ____ the price of certain drugs for some 11 times.

A. dropped         B. reduced             C. lowed              D. decreased

08. Some companies provided special benefits when employees agree to ____ a ride to work.

A. share           B. take             C. carry                D. get

09. Every day we ____ more than 40 000 passengers to over 100 destinations around the world.

A. carry          B. fly         C. pick up             D. bring

10. Don't forget to ____ the ice cream on the way home.

A. hold up        B. come up        C. turn up           D. pick up

11. Could you please ____ one of your sandwiches for the hungry boy?

A. save           B. share         C. give           D. spare

12. How many candidates (候选人). is the Liberty Party ____ in the General Elections?

A. taking part in       B. running          C. joining            D. attending

13. The teacher should answer all the questions the students ____ as possible as they can.

A. provide            B. give          C. raise               D. rise

14. To everyone's surprise, the fashionable girl ____ to be a thief.

A. comes out        B. finds out         C. figures out       D. turns out

15. Children under five are not ____to this primary school except those of extraordinary intelligence.

A. accepted           B. received         C. admitted           D. permitted

16. Which of the following phrases is NOT right?

A. reach an agreement B. come to an agreement C. draw an agreement   D. arrive at an agreement

17. Anyone who attended the meeting should have raised some useful suggestions to solve the problems. The underlined word can be replaced by____.

A. put up           B. come up with           C. provided          D. given

18. Mr. Johnson is a man of good temper, and his good temper never ____ him.

A. fails        B. disappoints      C. controls      D. worries

19. In our school the women teachers ____ 56 percent of the staff.

A. turn up       B. stand for         C. make up          D. send up

20. If you work hard like this, you will ____ sooner or later.

A. give out       B. break up      C. break down     D. fall down

21. The mail was ___ for two days because of the heavy snows.

A. held out           B. held up         C. held back          D. held off

22. The plans put forward in the meeting shall be ____ at once.

A. carried on          B. carried out        C. proved        D. practised

23. —How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city?

—I____ her in the railway station when I was just going back home.

A. came about       B. came out         C. came up           D. came across

24. After a successful operation, Ronaldo has begun to do some exercise to ____ strength.

A. improve           B. decrease          C. increase           D. raise

25. If you are working even harder, you ____ to be promoted to be a manager soon.

A. promise           B. wish          C. turn out           D. prove

26. I have visited a lot of countries and stayed in many different five-star hotels, but none of

them ____ this one.     A. matches    B. beats    C. compares    D. contrast

27. —-How much is your sweater ____?   —$25.

A. cost                B. paid             C. worth             D. worthy

28. Keep the windows closed to ____ the fire.

A. keep out           B. keep off           C. keep on            D. keep to

29. —Did you enjoy his speech?     —Sure, what he said really ____.

A. makes sense       B. makes a difference         C. makes sure        D. makes it

30. The town is ____ with water from a reservoir(水库) in the hills.

A. support            B. offered        C. supplied            D. given

31. The food in England doesn't ____ me.

A. agree to           B. agree on        C. agree with         D. agree upon

32. He tried to join the Army but was ____ because of poor health.

A. turned down       B. turned back       C. turned over        D. turned against

33. —Oh, my God, the room is in such a mess.

—It must be caused by the cat, I'll ____ all the things _____.

A. put/ out          B. put/ away            C. put/off            D. put/ through

34. The short play put on last night did ____ large audiences.

A. take               B. allow          C. draw      D. admit

35. He ____ to help me with my math, but I refused his help, for I decided to do it on my own.

A. prepared           B. ready        C. insisted            D. offered

36. The boy's bad behavior ____ his mother lots of sleepless nights.

A. cost               B. took            C. spent              D. paid

37. We need to wear sunglasses to ____ our eyes from the sun.

A. stop            B. prevent            C. save               D. protect

38. Actually, Miss Zhang is not at all serious as she _____.

A. shows          B. performs          C. appears            D. behaves

39. If the children are badly ____ they behave badly.

A. brought in        B. brought up        C. brought about     D. brought back

40. Never ____my secret!   A. give up  B. give in C. give away D. give off

01-05 ABCDC 06-10 ABABD 11-15 DBCDC 16-20 CBACC 21-25 BBDCA 26-30 ACBAC

31-35 CABCD 36-40 ADCBC


01. My grandfather often told me what he had ___ during the Culture Revolutionary.

A. gone against  B. gone into   C. gone through     D. gone over

02. The company ___ three factories and a coal mine.

Which of the foll6wing answer can NOT be filled in the blank?

A. runs     B. operates    C. manages    D. organizes

03. You can't ___ English poetry unless you understand the rhythm.

A. like     B. take     C. appreciate   D. study

04.I don't remember how many strangers my mother ___food with during the Depression days.

A. offered      B. provided    C. shared    D. gave

05 I called the airline to ___ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.

A. expand     B. attach      C. confirm   D. strengthen

06. In order to write a report on stars, we decided to ___ the stars in the sky every night.

A. design      B. seize        C. quote              D. observe

07. Julie wants to buy a ___ computer so that she can carry it around when she travels.

A. memorable      B. portable    C. predictable      D. readable

08. My grandmother likes to surprise people. She never calls ___ to inform us of her visits.

A. beforehand      B. anyhow    C. originally         D. consequently

09. As the tallest building in the world, Taipei 101 has become a new ___ of Taipei City.

A. incident     B. geography     C. skylight    D. landmark

10. Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invited to attend this yearly ___ on drug control.   A. reference          B. intention          C. conference        D. interaction

11. John had failed to pay his phone bills for months, so his telephone was ___ last week.

A. interrupted      B. disconnected          C. excluded         D. discriminated

12. The organic food products are made of natural ingredients, with no ___ flavors added.

A. accurate    B. regular       C. superficial         D. artificial

13. Jessica is a very religious girl; she believes that she is always ___ supported by her god.

A. spiritually         B. typically      C. historically        D. officially

14. Jane usually buys things on ___. Her purchases seem to be driven by some sudden force or desire.

A. accident     B. compliment      C. justification            D. impulse

15. The week-long rainfall has ___ landslides and flooding in the mountain areas.

A. set about   B. brought about          C. come about               D. put about

16. In the cross-lake swimming race, a boat will be ___ in case of an emergency.

A. standing by        B. turning on      C. getting on          D. running down

17. The ground is slippery. Hold onto the rope and don’t ____.

A. put off      B. turn up     C. let go                D. take apart

18. ____ the weather, the athletic meetings will be held on time.

A. Instead of B. In relation to     C. On behalf of     D. Regardless of

19. If people keep polluting the rivers, no fish there will survive ___.

A. at all cost   B. for a long while        C. in the long run   D. by no means

20. The gentleman does not ____the argument but watches the other guests.

A. drop in     B. fill in     C. put in     D. join in

21. Do you mind if I ____with my work while you are getting tea ready?

A. carry out                  B. come on       C. carry on                  D. go over

22. Old memories are often ____ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.

A. called in                   B. called on       C. called out                 D. called up

23. — That’s a lovely dress.

  — Do you think so? My aunt gave it to me for my birthday, but I don’t ____the color.

A. interest in                 B. care for       C. please with                D. fond of

24. The folk song concert was so well ____that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.

A. accepted                  B. recognized      C. received                   D. promised

25. The college is planning to offer more English courses to ____the needs of beginners of English.

A. meet with    B. meet    C. supply    D. satisfy with

26. He looked through as many daily newspapers as he could to ____ what they said about his latest book. A. hear of    B. see to    C. look up    D. find out

27. Nowadays too many people are__their eyes __trade.

A. turning/ on        B. fixing/ o      C. turning/ to           D. fixed/ on

28. We had a good many anxious worries but everything __all right in the end.

A. turned down                    B. turned on             C. turned out             D. turned to

29. Twenty people were expected, but only ten ____.

A. turned round                    B. turned up           C. turned out               D. turned to

30. Some eighty years ago three-quarters of American production ____family farms or from business employing fewer than six people.   A. made from       B. kept from  C. got from    D. came from

31. The period ____dance classes increases gradually from two or three hours a day to five or six.

A. referred to     B. kept to     C. got to     D. given to

32. — What did she ____so much money?   — Nothing but a necklace made of glass.

A. spend on     B. pay for     C. buy for     D. sell to

33. If we ____, we can realize the progress we have made.

A. turn back                 B. look back         C. answer back         D. move back

34. After the meeting, I ____to write a report on our next term’s work.

A. set about           B. made off  with      C. set out                   D. set off

35. If you do not feel well, you should not ____going to see the doctor. ?

A. pick out     B. give off     C. put off    D. make out

36. We must ____that our customs and habits are different from theirs.

A. keep in mind    B. keep up with      C. keep in touch           D. keep to ourselves

37. I think the car will ____ till we get to the village.

A. extend out         B. go in for              C. hold out                  D. hold up

38. The museum is ____in a park surrounded by a number of impressive buildings.

A. blocked     B. based     C. occupied     D. located

39. A good writer must __what he writes with what has happened around him.

A. connect      B. think      C. join      D. know

40. The gentleman does not ____the argument but watches the other guests.

A. drop in     B. fill in     C. put in     D. join in

01-05 CDCCC 06-10 DBADC 11-15 BDADB 16-20 ACDCD 21-25 CDBCB 26-30 DCCBD

31-35 DCBCC 36-40 ACDAD


01. Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can    a teacher with many challenging problems.   A. provide   B. produce    C. present    D. offer

02. We want our children to know that hard work   .

A. comes off  B. gives off             C. pays off                          D. sees off

03. We can’t wait. We have to     the direction and the distance before we take action.

A. make out           B. figure out           C. think out         D. turn out

04. It   to look after these naughty grandchildren of mine for a whole day.

A. put me down            B. drives me out         C. wears me out        D. pulls me through

05. We’ d better try to    with the experiment, I think. Now let’ s    with it.

A. go through/ go on     B. go on/ go over  C. go over/ go through  D. go on/ go through

06. The host stood at the door and    every guest a welcome.

A. nodded     B. dropped off     C. shook     D. moved

07. No one knows when XO was first discovered, or how it    to be such a popular drink.

A. went        B. came        C. got        D. became

08. The Party Central Committee    the Chinese people to work hard for the economic development.

A. calls on    B. calls up    C. calls out    D. calls for

09. We always    we have said. A. lead to what B. see to what       C. get to what D. hold to what

10. Don’ t forget to    your things after you have finished your homework.

A. set aside            B. put away      C. take away          D. put into

11. The actor was so interesting that he   us laughing all the time when we were chatting.

A. made      B. keep      C. had      D. let

12. I can’t find my watch. I must have   it in the hotel. A. lost  B. missed  C. left  D. forgot

13. All of us still remember the terrible earthquake that   Tangshan twenty years ago.

A. attacked    B. struck    C. knocked    D. exploded

14. Being much too fat, the lady was advised to reduce her food for each meal, yet she would   that.

A. have none of                    B. accept          C. take care of                  D. listen to

15. As director of the company, I can’ t   three weeks away from work.

A. carry     B. cost     C. afford     D. pay

16. When I entered his room, I found him   an armchair, deep in thought.

A. sitting on    B. sit in    C. seated on    D. seated in

17. The good service at the hotel   the poor food to some degree.

A. made up for              B. saved up for      C. took the place of          D. turn out

18. His strength had almost   when they found him in the desert.

A. given out           B. given in          C. given up                     D. given off

19. — Your tie looks smart. It   with your shirt perfectly. — Thanks. I’m glad you like it.

A. matches     B. meets     C. agrees     D. goes

20. Anything that is dropped   towards the center of the earth.

A. fall      B. falls      C. has fallen      D. is falling

21. Tom was a black slave and he at last   the cotton farm to join the North Army.

A. left     B. escaped     C. ran away     D. fled

22. She had a nature that quickly   the friendship of her classmates.

A. made      B. won      C. caught      D. seized

23. It takes a long time to   a good fame, but this name is quickly lost but just one crime or piece of bad behavior. A. build up    B. put up    C. turn up    D. set up

24. — I’m   too much weight, doctor?   — I think you ought to go on a diet.

A. putting on                 B. getting on            C. carrying on      D. living on

25. —Will another fifty be enough?      —Just twenty will   .

A. work      B. do      C. suit      D. fit

26. His pale face   a reluctant smile when he heard the news.

A. came on            B. was taken on        C. took on        D. turned into

27. Although the working mother is very busy, she still   a lot of time to children.

A. devotes      B. spends      C. offers      D. provides

28. The thing that   is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try it or not.

A. matters      B. cares      C. considers      D. minds

29. Your football team   ours on Sunday, but we   the game yesterday afternoon.

A. beat/ beat          B. beat/ won       C. won/ won              D. won/ beat

30. —Can I help you?     —I’d like a room with a bath. How much do you   ?

A. offer      B. afford      C. charge      D. spare

31. The temple stages performances of Taiwanese opera every year as an expression of   to the Goddess of Mercy.  A. caution  B. gratitude  C. approval  D. dignity

32. All the students are required to attend the two-day   program so that they can have a complete understanding of the university they are admitted to.

A. orientation  B. accomplishment  C. enthusiasm  D. independence

33. The   of his new album has brought the pop singer a huge fortune as well as worldwide fame.

A. salary  B. release     C. bargain      D. harvest

34. One important purpose of the course is for the students to learn to make sound judgments so that they can   between fact and opinion without difficulty.

A. inform            B. undertake   C. manipulate        D. differentiate

35. In Taiwan, using electronic devices is prohibited on domestic flights because it   with the communication between the pilots and the control tower.

A. occupies    B. activates    C. interferes   D. eliminates

36. The famous actress decided to sue the magazine for purposely   what she actually said and did at the party.  A. assigning B. contributing C. foreseeing D. distorting

37. The little boy is very   : he is interested in a lot of different things and always wants to find out more about them.  A. accurate B. inquisitive C. manageable D. contemporary

38. The tourists enjoyed wholeheartedly the   scenery along the coast highway between Hualien and Ilan.   A. airtight B. breathtaking C. sentimental D. eccentric

39. The major theme in the   issue of the best-selling monthly magazine will be "Love and Peace."

A. forthcoming      B. expensive   C. brilliant      D. ambitious

40. Our English teacher always emphasizes the importance of learning new words in context rather than learning each of them   .

A. individually       B. exclusively        C. approximately          D. supposedly


Suggested Answers: 01-05 CCBCA 06-10 ABADB 11-15 CCBAC 16-20 DAADB 21-25 DBAAB  26-30 CAABC 31-35 BABDC 36-40 DBBAA



01.   The old woman at the street corner must be lost. She is looking around   for someone to help

her.   A. socially B. accidentally       C. tremendously    D. desperately

02. John is an experienced salesman. Just observe closely how he interacts with customers and do  

Then you will become an expert yourself.  A. edgewise B. likewise C. otherwise D. clockwise

03. A variety of preventive measures are now   in order to minimize the potential damage caused by the deadly disease.  A. by birth        B. at will        C. in place     D. on call

04. With over fifty teams competing in the tournament, all the games will be played   .

A. eye to eye B. head to toe        C. hand to mouth   D. back to back

05. Did I say "a lot of dime"? Oh, I'm really sorry. I meant to say "a lot of time." It was a   .

A. slip of the tongue B. thorn in my side C. penny for your thoughts D. leap in the dark

06.My grandmother takes a walk at six every morning. It is one of her   activities.
A. likely B. routine       C. extreme     D. urgent
07. The heroic story that he had saved a boy’s life hit the   in the local newspapers.
A. headlines   B. efforts       C. results       D. awards
08. A good education should help children to   a positive attitude toward life.
A. interact      B. cultivate     C. interfere    D. entertain
09. The young soldier was   on the battleground in an attempt to save the life of his commander.
A. annoyed    B. destroyed   C. damaged   D. wounded
10 Those who speed are a   to other drivers who observe the speed limit.
A. menace     B. sponsor     C. blessing     D. reward
11. The girl cried because she could not bear her teacher’s   remark on her performance.
A. swift B. prompt      C. harsh               D. dense
12. My father enjoys living by the golf course, but my mother hates   the broken windows!
A. replacing   B. enlarging    C. producing         D. absorbing
13. To everyone’s surprise, the boy   escaped injury in the serious car accident.
A. exaggeratedly    B. inevitably   C. conservatively   D. miraculously
14. Left-handed people find that most instruments are made for the   of right-handed people.
A. promotion B. improvement     C. convenience      D. perspective
15. My grandfather said that the study was   for his personal use, and no others were allowed to get in there.     A. exclusively        B. intimately   C. unselfishly        D. adequately
16. Encouraged by the coach, the basketball players went   to win the game.
A. above all     B. all out      C. at best       D. inside out
17. Thousands of workers will be   if the automobile factory shuts down.
A. turned down            B. put back    C. laid off              D. locked away
18.    how much they pay, I am not interested in this kind of job.
A. In spite of B. No matter C. No sooner        D. Even though
19. The man   a brave face and accepted the challenge. A. took out B. pulled up C. shut in D. put on
20. Julie can stay with us   until she finds a place of her own to settle down.
A. at the same time       B. ahead of time    C. for the time being     D. in good time

21. In the keen competition of this international tennis tournament, she   won the championship.

A. privately           B. distantly            C. locally              D. narrowly

22. This company, with its serious financial problems, is no longer   .

A. achievable B. stretchable               C. repeatable         D. manageable

23. Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things. You have to   some of them.

A. remain       B. resist C. remove      D. renew

24. Most businessmen are more interested in the   success of their products than their educational 

values.  A. cultural      B. commercial       C. classical    D. criminal

25. The postal special   service is very efficient. A package sent can be received in a couple of hours.

A. delivery     B. directory    C. discovery         D. dormitory

26. Children don’t learn their native languages   , but they become fluent in them within a few years.

A. previously B. variously    C. consciously      D. enviously

27.    to what you think, our TV program has been enjoyed by a large audience.

A. Intensive   B. Contrary           C. Fortunate          D. Objective

28. There is a   to one’s capacity; one should not make oneself overtired.

A. relaxation   B. contribution             C. hesitation   D. limitation

29. It is necessary for you to   this point. We simply cannot understand it.

A. clarify              B. falsify        C. purify               D. notify

30. Our team will certainly win this baseball game, because all the players are highly   .

A. illustrated          B. estimated          C. motivated         D. dominated

31. This story,   , is very fascinating: there are many interesting characters in it.

A. on the whole     B. under no circumstances   C. in no time D. out of the question

32. Most of our classmates are   taking a trip to Kenting National Park.

A. in honor of       B. in favor of        C. in search of      D. in place of

33. We haven’t seen John for a long time. As a matter of fact, we have   him.

A. made up for      B. run out of C. come to pass    D. lost track of

34. Recently in Taiwan, the manufacturing industry has   the information industry.

A. found a way of        B. changed the way of C. given way to     D. had a way of

35. His behavior at the party last night seemed rather   . Many of us were quite surprised.

A. out of practice B. out of place       C. out of politeness       D. out of pity

36. You will find this map of great   in helping you to get around the city.  

A. source       B. sense         C. favor                D. value

37. Do you have any   of what life would be like if we lived on other planets?

A. plan          B. idea           C. impression        D. imagination

38. That his only son was killed in the air crash was a   blow to the old man.

A. heavy        B. broad               C. plain                 D. main

39. Beginners are expected to be familiar with the   of the reading material before they come to the

class.    A. condition           B. concept            C. contest             D. content

40. I don't care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n)    post.

A. creating     B. awarding   C. challenging       D. competing



Suggested Answers: 01-05 DBCDA 06-10 BABDA 11-15 CADCA 16-20 BCBDC 21-25 DDCBA 26-30 CBDAC 31-35 ABDCB 36-40 DBA DC