
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:12:28

1. Easy come, easy go.

通常指不经努力而轻易得到的钱财或友谊等会很快失去,意为:来得容易去得快; 易得易失。如:

After Jack won five hundred dollars on the firstrace and lost it all on the second, he justlaughed and said, "Easy come, easy go. " 杰克在第一轮赛马中赢了500美元,但在第二轮中全部输掉了,然后他笑着说钱来得容易去得快嘛

ASpent up again? Where’s the 50 pounds you won? 钱又花完了? 你赢的那50英镑呢?

BThat 50 pounds? Well, I blew it the second day atthe club. You know I’m now the one who knowswell the saying "Easy come, easy go!" 50英镑?


AI hear your girl jilted you. Too bad. 听说你女朋友把你甩了,太不幸了。

BWell, easy come, easy go. 没什么,来得容易去得快嘛。


2. Easy does it.

主要用于劝告或警告某人在拿放或搬运易啐或笨重物品时要多加注意或谨慎从事,意为:小心点; 多加小心; 动作要轻一点。如:

"Easy does it, " said Mrs Smith as they moved thepiano through the narrow doorway. 当他们搬钢琴通过那狭窄的门口时,史密斯先生说道小心点

Easy does it. Don’t bump the door with the edge ofthe table. 小心点,不要让桌子边撞到门上。


Easy does it with this box. 搬运这个箱子要小心点。

有时可用于除拿放或搬运物品的其它场合。如:(from www.nmet168.com)

Easy does it. The roads are slick with ice. 开车小心点,路上全是冰。


3. I’m easy.

表示不在意或无所谓,意为:随便; 我无所谓。如:

AWould you like to go to the theatre or thecinema? 你是想去看戏呢还是去看电影?

BI’m easy. 随便。

ADo you want to go out tonight? 你今晚出去吗?

BI’m easy. It’s up to you. 我无所谓,随你便。