
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 16:41:31
一、        动词的分类
He studiesEnglish well.
He studieshard.
Father often readsnewspapers after supper.
When I came in ,he was reading .
连系动词本 身具有一定意义,表示某人或某事物的状态或特征。连系动词不能单独做谓语,其后可接名词、形容词、副词和介词短语作表语。
She lookedtired,but she soon felt better.
He always seemsvery quiet,but sometimes he makes trouble.
She lookslike her sister.
Keep quiet.
助动词本身没有次词义,不能单独做谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定、疑问、时态、语态等语法形式,或用来加强语气。常用的助动词有be(am/is/are/,was,were),  do/does/did , have/has/had ,shall / will,
情态动词表示说话人的某种感情或语气,对某一动作或状态的某种态度,认为可能、应当、必要等。情态动词有自己的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须加动词原形构成合成谓语,没有人称和数的变化。常见的情态动词有:can/could,may/might, must ,need,should ,used to,had better等。
Can you drive a car ?No,I can’t .
She can speak English and French.
He could swim when he was five.
Can I help you ?
Could you lend me your bike?
(1)表示许可或请求许可,may=can, might=could
May/Can I come in ?Yes,you may/can.No,youmustn’t.
(2)may be和maybe
He may be at home.=Maybe he is at home.
(1)       表示“必须”“应该”
否定式“must not/mustn’t”表示“不应该”“不准”等。在回答带有must的问句时,否定式常用needn’t或don’t have to ,而不用mustn’t。
The work must be finished as soon aspossible.
You mustn’t speak like that.
Must I be home before eight o’clock?
Yes,you must.No,you needn’t./No,you don’thave to.
(2) must和 have to
must和haveto都可以表示必须,但must表示说话人的主观看法,have to表示客观需要。must只有现在时,要表示过去时和将来时需要用had to和will have to .
I must go now.
I have to go now.
The room is dirty.I have to clean it now.
You don’t have to worry about that.
The students will have to know how to use thecomputer.
You needn’t hurry.There’s a little time to go.
Need I come on Sunday ?Yes,I’m afraid youmust. No,you needn’t
We need some help.
I don’t need things like that.
You need to buy a computer.
Your shoes need cleaning.=Your shoes need tobe cleaned.
Our classroom needs repairing.=Our classroomneeds to be repaired
5.can, may表推测“可能”,must表推测“一定”“肯定”
Can it be true?    It can’t be true.
You may be right.   He may be ill.
The door is open.He must be at home.
It must be true.
It must still be there,isn’t it?
He must have gone home,hasn’t he ?
We should help others when theyare in trouble.
You shouldn’t eat too much richfood.
7.Usedto和be/get used to
(1)used to过去常常(现在已不如此),to是不定式符号,后接动词原形,构成否定式和疑问式时可借助助动词did或直接用used作助动词。
He used to smoke.
He usedn’t/didn’tuse to come
You used to go there,usedn’t /didn’tyou ?
Did you use to be a teacher.?
(2)be used to“习惯于……”其中to是介词,其后要接名词或动名词,不能接动词原形。有时为强调从不习惯到习惯的过程,可用get used to
She is used to getting up early .
You’ll soon get used to the foodhere.
had better“最好”后只接动词原形。其否定式应在之后加not。
You had better have a rest.
You had better not talk in class.
短 语 形 式
释     义
enjoy doing sth.
finish doing sth.
keep(sb.)doing sth.
stop doing sth.
go on
go on doing sth.
be busy
be busy doing sth.
like doing sth.
hear sb. doing sth.
see sb. doing sth.
find sb. doing sth
watch sb. doing sth.
spend time/money (in) doing sth.
go doing sth.
例   句
说   明
choose,wish,would like
+ to do sth.
Would you like to have some tea,please?
+ to do sth.
(+doing sth.)
I like singing,but now I don’t like to sing.
go on
+ to do sth.
(+doing sth.)
Please remember to lock the door.
+ to do sth.
(+do sth.)
Kate usually helps (to) do some housework at home on Sunday
+ to do sth.
(+doing sth.
You need to go home quickly.
Your shoes need mending
tell,understand,find out
疑问词+ to do sth.
I don’t know how to answer this question.
例   句
说   明
want,wish,would like
+ sb. to do sth.
I’d like your parents to come over to my home.
Do you want me to help you?
+ sb. to be
I believe the story to be true.
动词不定式to be可以省略
类  别
单 词
短 语 形 式
释 义
hear sb. do sth.
see sb. do sth.
watch sb. do sth.
find sb. do sth.
feel sb. do sth.
make sb. do sth.
let sb. do sth.
其    他
help sb. do sth.
例     句
be at/in
I came here two days ago.
I have been here for two days.
He arrived here yesterday.
He has been here for two days.
be on
The film began five minutes ago.
The film has been on for five minutes.
He borrowed the book last Sunday.
He has kept the book since last Sunday.
My brother bought his book two days ago.
My brother has had his book for two days.
be closed
The shop closed three days ago.
The shop has been closed for three days.
be dead
His grandpa died two years ago.
His grandpa has been dead for two years.
get up
be up
He got up two hours ago.
He has been up for two hours.
His brother joined the army in 1998.
His brother has been in the army since1998.
be away from
His father left home last month.
His father has been away from home for two months
not have
I lost my pen three days ago.
I haven’t had my pen for three days.
be open
The shop opened last month.
The shop has been open for two months.
put on
I put on my glasses in 1991.
I have worn my glasses for 22 years.
go out
catch a cold
fall asleep
get to know
go to sleep
be out
have a cold
be asleep

概 述
结 构
说 明
1.当直接宾语为人称代词时,用结构 2
类   别
特   点
用  法
示   例
put on ,try on ,turn on,write down,take off,turn off,turn up,turn down,send up, wake up
look up,go on,get in,get up
fall off,get off,get on,call on,go over, operate on
go on with,keep up with
take care of,catch hold of
1)beback/in/out   回来/在家/外出
2)be at home/work 在家/上班
3)be good at  善于,擅长于
4)be careful of  当心,注意,仔细
5)be covered with  被……复盖
6)be ready for  为……作好准备
7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶
8)be interested in   对……感到举
9)be born  出生
10)be on 在进行,在上演(灯)亮着
11)be able to do sth.  能够做…
12)beafraid of (to do sth. that…)  害怕…(不敢做…,恐怕…)
13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气
14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)
15)be famous for  以……而著名
16)be strict in (with)  (对工作、对人)严格要求
17)be from  来自……,什么地方人
18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿/渴了/累了
19)be worried 担忧
20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做
21)becovered with 被……所覆盖…
22)be in (great) need of  (很)需要
23)be in trouble  处于困境中
24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……
25)be late for ……迟到
26)be made of (from) 由……制成
27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意
28)be free  空闲的,有空
29)be (ill) in bed  卧病在床
30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做…(忙于…)
1)come back  回来
2)come down 下来
3)come in 进入,进来
4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来
5)come out出来
6)come out of 从……出来
7)come up  上来
8)come from 来自……
9)do one's lessons/homework  做功课/回家作业
10)do more speaking/reading  多做口头练习/朗读
11)do one's best 尽力
12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)
13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)
14)do morning exercises  做早操
15)do eye exercises  做眼保健操
16)do well in 在……某方面干得好
17)get up 起身
18)get everything ready  把一切都准备好
19)get ready for (=be ready for)  为……作好准备
20)get on (well) with  与…相处(融洽)
21)get back  返回
22)get rid of 除掉,去除
23)get in 进入,收集
24)get on/off  上/下车
25)getto  到达
26)getthere  到达那里
27)givesb. a call  给……打电话
28)give atalk  作报告
29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座
30)give back 归还,送回
31)give…some advice on 给…一些忠告
32)give lessons to  给……上课
33)give in  屈服
34)give up  放弃
35)give sb. a chance  给……一次机会
36)give a message to…  给…一个口信
37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧
38)go to the cinema  看电影
39)go go bed  睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)
40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)
41)go to (the) hospital  去医院看病
42)go over  过一遍,复习/ goover to  朝…走去
43)go fishing/ skating / swimming / shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东
44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)
45)go round  顺便去,绕道走
46)go up 上去
47)go out for a walk  外出散步
48)go on (doing)  继续(做……)
49)go on with one's work  继续某人的工作
50)go upstairs/downstairs  上/下楼
51)(the lights) go out  (灯)熄了
52)have a lesson (lessons) / a meeting 上课/开会
53)have afootball match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛
54)have dictation  听见
55)have a try  试一试
56)have a good/wonderful time  玩得很高兴
57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)
58)have a report (talk) on   听一个关于…的报告
59)have aglass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)
60)havebreakfast/lunch/supper  吃早饭/午饭/晚饭
61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)
62)have a dinner 吃正餐
63)have bread and milk for breakfast  早饭吃面包和牛奶
64)have (have got) a headache 头痛
65)have a fever  发烧
66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)
67)have a look (at) 看一看……
68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)
69)have a talk 谈话
70)have a swim/walk  游泳/散步
71)have sports  进行体育锻炼
72)have a sports meet (meeting)开运动会
73)have something done 让人(请人)做…
74)have atest/an exam  测验/考试
75)have an idea  有了个主意
76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做…(最好不要做……)
77)have a word with 与…谈几句话
78)help sb. with sth. / help sb. do sth. 在…方面帮助…  帮助…做
79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat  请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉
80)help each other  互相帮助
81)keep up with  跟上…,不落后于…
82)keep silent/quiet  保持沉默/安静
83)keep sb. doing sth.  使…一直做…
84)keep one's diary  记日记
85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)
86)makea living  谋生
87)makesb. do sth.  迫使某人做…
88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸
89)make friends (with)与……交朋友
90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误
91)make room/space for  给…腾出地方
92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用…造句
93)make a fire  生火
94)be made from/of 由……制成
95)be made in 在……地方制造
96)look out of (outside)  往外看(看外面)
97)look up a word (in thedictionary)  查字典
98)look up 往上看,仰望
99)look after 照管,照看,照顾
100)look for  寻找
101)look like  看上去像
102)look fine/well/tired/worried  看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑
103)look out  当心,小心
104)look on …as…  把…当作…看待
105)look around  朝四周看
106)look at  看着……
107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)
108)put up  建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖
109)put into  使进入,输入
110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于
111)put…down…  把……放下
112)put…into…   把……译成
113)set up  竖起,建起
114)set off  出发,动身
115)set out  出发
116)set an example for  为…树立榜样
117)send for  派人去请(叫)
118)send out  放出,发出
119)send up  把…往上送,发射
120)take one's advice  听从某人劝告
121)take out  拿出,取出
122)take down  拿下
123)take place  发生
124)take one's place  坐……的座位,代替某人职务
125)take the place of  代替……
126)take a walk/rest  散步/休息
127)take it easy  别紧张
128)take sth.with sb.  随身带着
129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays  带某人去公园/伦敦度假
130)take care of  关心,照顾,保管
131)take a look (a last look) at  看一看(最后看一眼)
132)take an exam  参加考试
133)take away  拿走
134)take back  收回,带回
135)take hold of  抓住……
136)take off  脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉
137)take (an active) part in  (积极)参加(活动
138)take photos  拍照
139)take some medicine  服药
140)take a bus/train, boat/  乘公共汽车,火车/船
141)turn on  开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)
142)turn off  关上(电灯,收音机等)
143)turn in 交出,上交
144)turn…into…  变成
145)turn to   翻到,转向
146)turn down  (把音量)调低
147)turn…over  把……翻过来
148)play basketball/football/volleyball
打篮球, 踢足球, 打排球
149)play games  做游戏
150)play the piano (the violin)  弹钢琴(拉小提琴)
151)play with snow  玩雪
152)play a joke (on)  对……开玩笑
153)think over  仔细考虑
154)arrive at/in a place  到达某处
155)eat up  吃完,吃光
156)do well in   在……干得好
157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事
158)find out  发现,查出(真相等)
159)finish off  吃完,喝完
160)stop doing sth.  停止做某事
161)stop to do sth.  停下来去做某事
162)hold a meting  举行会议
163)hold up   举起
164)hurry up  赶快,快点
165)enter for  报名参加
166) laugh at  嘲笑
167)be used to  习惯于
168)used to  过去常常
169)wake…up  唤醒
170)work out  算出
1)ask for  向……要……,请求
2)ask for leave  请假
3)send for  派人去请(叫)
4)pay for  付……的款
5)wait for   等候
6)thank for  为……感谢
7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉
8)look for 寻找
9)leave…for   离开……去……
10)fall off  跌落
11)catch cold  着凉,伤风
12)catch up with  赶上
13)agree with sb.赞成,同意某人的意见
14)filled……with  把……装满
15)tellsb. about sth.  告诉某人某事
16)talk about  谈论……
17)think about   考虑……
18)worry about   担忧……
19)look after  照料
20)run after  追赶,跟在后面跑
21)read after  跟……读
22)smile at  对……微笑
23)knock at  敲(门、窗)
24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)
25)throw away  扔掉
26)work hard at  努力做……
27)wait in line  排队等候
28)change…into…  变成
29)hurry into…  匆忙进入
30)run into…  跑进
31)hear of  听说
32)think of  认为,考虑
33)catch hold of  抓住
34)instead of  代替……
35)hand in  交上来
36)stay in bed  卧病在床
37)hear from  收到……来信
38)at once  立刻
39)at last  最后
40)at first  起先,首先
41)at the age of…  在……岁时
42)atthe end of…  在……之末
43)at the beginning of…  在……之初
44)at the foot of…   在……脚下
45)atthe same time  同时
46)at night/noon  在夜里/中午
47)with one's help  在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助
48)with the help of …  在……的帮助下
49)with a smile  面带笑容
50)with one's own eyes  亲眼看见
51)after a while  过了一会儿
52)from now on   从现在起
53)from then on  从那时起
54)far example  例如
55)far away from  远离
56)from morning till night  从早到晚
57)by and by  不久
58)by air mail  寄航空邮件
59)by ordinary mail  寄平信
60)by the way 顺便说
61)by the window  在窗边
62)by the end of…  到……底为止
63)little by little  逐渐地
64)in all  总共
65)in fact  事实上
66)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时
67)in a hurry  匆忙
68)in the middle of  在……中间
69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快
70)in time (on time)   及时
71)in public  公众,公开地
72)in order to  为了……
73)in front of  在……前面
74)in the sun  在阳光下
75)in the end  最后,终于
76)in surprise  惊奇地
77)in turn  依次
78)of course  当然
79)a bit (of)   有一点儿
80)a lot of  许多
81)on one's way to  某人在去…的路上
on one’sway home 在某人回家的路上
82)on foot  步行,走路
83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告
84)on the other hand  另一方面
85)at/on the weekend  在周末
86)on the left (right)  在左(右)边
87)on the other side of  在……另一边
88)on the radio  通过收音机(无线电广播)
89)to one's joy  使…高兴的是
90)to one's surprise   使……惊讶的是
1)a bit  一点儿
2)a few (of)  一些(可数),几个…
3)a little   一些(不可数)
4)a lot of (lots of)   许多
5)a piece of  一张(一片,块)
6)a cup of   一茶怀
7)a glass of   一玻璃杯
8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)
9)a box of   一盒
10)a copy of   一份,一本
11)a bowl of   一碗
12)a basket of  一篮
13)a plate of   一盘
14)a bottle of   一瓶
15)a basin of  一脸盆
16)a set of  一套
17)a kind of  一种
18)a type of  一种类型的
19)a great deal of  非常多,大量的(不可数名词)
20)a large (great) number of   非常多,大量的(可数名词)
21)a great many  大量,许多(可数名词)
22)a different type of  一种不同型号的
23)a group of   一队,一组,一群
1)all kinds of    各种各样的
2)all over the world/the country  全世界/全国
3)all over  遍及每一部分,浑身
4)all one's life  一生
5)one after another   顺次
6)the Children's Palace  少年宫
7)day after day  日复一日
8)up and down  上上下下
9)the day after tomorrow  后天
10)the day before yesterday  前天
11)the last/past two years (or so) 最近两年(左右)
12)thewhole country / the whole world 全国/全世界
13)amoment ago  刚才
14)just now/then  刚才/那时
15)half an hour's walk  步行半小时的路程
16)late on  过后,后来
1.allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式)
My father allowedme to go out for a walk after finishing my homework.
allow doing sth.
They don’t allowsmoking here.
be allowed to dosth.
Students areallowed to choose their own clothes.
should be allowedto do sth.
Students should beallowed to choose their own clothes.
2.asked sb (not) to do sth  叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)
My father asked meto study hard.
He asked me not toswim alone.
beasked to do sth       被叫去做某事/被邀请去做某事
I wasasked to have a dinner with them yesterday.
3.      beafraid to do sth     害怕做某事
She is afraid toask me questions.
be afaid of doing sth   害怕做某事
I am afraid ofgoing out at night.
be afaid of sth  害怕某物
He is afraid ofsnakes.
4.be amazed to do sth    对做某事感到惊讶
He was amazed tomeet the girl there.
be amazed at sth       对某事感到惊讶
They were amazed at the news.
5be busy doing/with sth  忙于做某事(常考)
e.g: I was busywashing my car at that time. 那时候我正忙于清洗我的车子。
I am busy with my work.
the bus iscoming/the dog is dying.
7.be excited to do sth  对做……感到兴奋
Jacky was excited to travel there by plane.
beexcited at sth
Lilywas excited at his words.
beexcited about doing sth
he wasexcited about passing the exam without going overing books.
8.be frightened to do sth   害怕去做某事
Sam is frightenedto ride a horse.
9.be glad/happy to do sth   高兴去做某事
she is happy to clean the blackboard with me.
be pleased to do sth高兴做某事
shewas pleased to help the old man yesterday.
bepleased with sth       对某事感到高兴/满意
theteacher was pleased with my answer.
10.be interested in sth/doingsth   对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣
she is interestedin swimming in the river.
My btother isinterested in Chinese.
11.be/get ready for/to do sth
be ready for sth   为某事做好了准备
We are ready for the exam.
be ready to dosth   为做某事做好了准备
Weare ready to have a birthday party for her.
get ready for sth为某事在做准备
We are gettingready for the exam.
getready for sth  为做某事而做准备
12.be sorry to do sth   对做某事感到抱歉
13.be surprised to do sth    对做某事感到惊奇
besurprised at sth       对某事感到惊奇
14.be worth doing sth      值得做某事(worth 后接动词-ing形式,常考)
15begin todo sth
begin/start to do/doing sth
16.can/be able to afford (to buy)sth   有能力购买(供)……
17.can/may/must do sthcould/would/should/might do sth
18.can’t wait to do sth    迫不急待地去做某事
19.decide to do sth    决定去做某事
decide on doing sth.
make up one’s mind to do sth   下决心去做某事(常考)
make a decision to do sth    对做某事作出决定
20.deserve to do sth    值得/应该做……
21.encourage sb to do sth    鼓励某人去做某事
22.enjoy doing sth     乐意去做某事
23.expect (sb) to do sth   期望去做某事
24.fail to do sth        做某事失败
succeed doing sth   成功做了某事
25.finish doing sth    做完某事(后接动词-ing形式)(常考)
26.follow sb to do sth  跟随某人去做某事
27.get sbto do sth
make sb do sth
let sbdo sth
28.get/have a chance to dosth   得到一个做某事的机会
29.give/pass/show/lend/sell sbsth/sth to sb
buy/get/bring sb sth/sth for sb
30.go on to do sth  继续做事(常考)
go on doing sth  继续做事(常考)
31.hate to do/doing sth  讨厌/不喜欢做某事
32.have fun doing sth
33.have problems doing sth   做某事遇到困难
34.have sbdo sth
have sth done
have sth to do    工有事要做
35.hear sb do sth     听到某人做某事(后接动词原形,常考)
hear sb doing sth   听到某人正在做某事(常见)
36..help to do sth           帮忙做某事
helpsb (to) do sth        帮助某人做某事
37.hope/wish to do sth      希望做某事
wish sb to do sth         希望某人做某事
38.I t seems that          这像是……(后接从句)
seem to do sth
seem +adj
39.It’s + adj+(for sb) to do sth .
It’s+adj+(of sb) to do sth
e.g: It’s glad for him to hear the news.
40.It takes sb some time/money todo sth . 花费某人多长时间做某事(常考)
41.pay …for…    cost    spend…on…..      it take …to dosth
42.It’s best for sb to dosth.  对某人来说做某事是最好的
had better do sth  最好做某事(注意had没有时态和人称的变化,better后接动词原形)
43.It’s time for sb to do sth   是某人做某事的时候了
44.keep (on)doing sth   坚持做某事(常考)
keepsb doing sth    让某人做某事(常考)
keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事(常考)
keepsb/sth +adj
keep the book for 2 days 借这本书两天(不要用borrow或lend)
45.learn to do sth    学做某事
learn sth from sb   向某人学习
46.like to do/doing sth 喜欢做某事
like sb to do sth    喜欢某人做某事
47.need to do sth
need doingsth/to be done
need sth     needn’t do sth
48.prefer to do sth rather than dosth   宁愿……而不愿……(常考)
prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢做……胜过做……
e.g: I prefer reading books to goingshopping. 比起购物来,我更爱读书。
prefer to do sth    喜欢(爱)做某事
49.refuse to do sth   拒绝做……
50.remember/forget to do sth   记得/忘记做某事
remember/forget doing sth   记得/忘记做过某事
51.see sb do sth       看见某人做某事(结果)
see sb doing sth     看见某人正在做某事(正在进行中)
beseen to do sth   做某事被看见
52.something to eat/drink  一些吃/喝的东西(词不定式放在something等后修饰这些词)
e.g: I needsomething to eat. 我要一些吃的东西。
53.spend some time (in)doing sth/on sth   花费时间做某事(注意动词要用ing形式)(常考)
spend some money on sth/doing sth     买……花了多少钱
54.Sth is hard/difficult/easy todo .      做好某事很难/容易
55.stop to do sth      停下来去某事(两件事)(常考)
stop doing sth      停止做某事 (一件事)(常考)
stop/keep/prevent sb (from) doing sth    阻止某人做某事(常考)
56.take turns to do sth     轮流做……
57.tell sb (not) to do sth    叫某人去(不要)做某事
betold to do sth      被告知不要做某事
58.There is no need (for sb) to dosth     对某人来说没必要做某事
59.There is no time (for sb ) todo sth
haveno time to do sth    没时间做某事
60.too…(for sb) to …太……以致不能……   so… that…  not… enough to do
e.g: The boy is too young to go to school. 那男孩太小了以致不能上学。
61.try/do one’s best to dosth    尽力去做某事
try todo sth    试着(图)做某事
62.used to do sth  过去常做某事( used to be + adj/a +n)
e.g: Mr wang usedto be a teacher worker.  王先生过去是一位工人。
I used to live in the country.   过去我住在农村。
63.want/would like to do sth      想做……
want/would like sb to do sth    想某人做……
feellike doing sth  喜爱做某事(注意like后接动词ing形式)
64.warn sb (not) to do sth  警告某人做某事(或不要做某事)
65.Why don’t you do sth ?
Why not do sth ?
表示建议的句型还有:What How about……?(如果是动词,要用ing形式)
Shall we……?
66.Would you like (sb) to do sth?Yes, I’d love to .
67.Would you mind doing sth ? 你介意做某事吗?
Never mind/Not at all/of course not/certainlynot . (从不介意/一点也不介意/当然不会了)
68.Would you please (not) dosth     你可不可以不做……?
69.finish doing sth     enjoy doing sth      practise doing sth      be good at doing sth   be good at doing sth      thank you for doing sth     stop doing sth    be good at doing sth   give up doing sth      mind doing sth     stopsb from doing sth     go on doingsth   be busy doing sth     see/hear/watch sb doing sth    feel like doing sth   hate doing sth    like doing sth    do well in doing sth    be afraid of doing sth    be interested in doing sth    make a contribution to sth/doing sth
1.buy---have(has)had          2.borrow---have(has)kept
3.leave---have(has)been away   4.go ---have(has)been away/in…
5.come ---have(has)here/in…   6.die ---have(has)been dead       7.join---have(has)been a member of/in…  8.begin---have(has)on       9.stop---have(has)been over
example: 他的狗死了3天了.:  His dog has been dead for three days.   It is three days since his dog died.    His dog died three days ago.
71.感官动词:(主动语态不带to)1.hear/see/watch sb do sth 或 2. hear/see/watch sb doing sth
1.      Weoften hear him sing the song.
2.      Isaw him swimming in the river just now.
1.      Heis often heard to sing the song.
役使动词:(主动语态不带to) make/let sb do sth.
His father often makes him do this and that.
He is often made to do this and that by hisfather.